The Leviathan/Strategies

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A player fighting the Leviathan, a sea creature dwelling in the Scar.

After the completion of Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire, players can fight a stronger variant of the Leviathan. An even stronger awakened variant can be fought by climbing the handholds with an awakener's orb in the player's inventory and selecting "Yes" when prompted.

If the player dies while fighting the Leviathan, their grave will appear in the Scar by the rowboat. Players will have their reclamation fee reduced by 75% until they have five kills, after which the standard death cost will apply.


Suggested skills

  • Ranged 75+
  • Defence 70+
  • Hitpoints 80+

Getting there

The quickest methods of reaching the Scar, where the Leviathan resides, are:

Fight overview

The Leviathan uses a volley of rapid-firing attacks which deal damage upon impact; protection prayers will fully block these attacks.

Orb Colour Pray
width=90x90 Blue  Protect from Magic
width=90x90 Green  Protect from Missiles
width=90x90 Orange  Protect from Melee
width=90x90 Rocks None; run away from shadows

Alongside the orb attacks, the Leviathan also utilizes a biting attack when in melee range, which Protect from Melee will fully block (though it has no warning animation). This attack is only used when directly next to the pool and one tile diagonally across from the corners. It may be beneficial to highlight these tiles so they can be avoided when necessary. File:The Leviathan - tick flick.mp4 At the end of each volley, the boss will roar and cause debris to fall around the arena, with one falling down on the player's location as a permanent spawn for the remainder of the fight. Players will take unavoidable, minor chip damage from the roar but can avoid the debris by moving at least 1 tile away. Every subsequent volley of attacks will increase in intensity, which can make it difficult to switch prayers at later volleys. The sequence of attacks are as follows:

  • 3 tick attacks with magic and ranged
  • 2 tick attacks with magic and ranged
  • 2 tick attacks with all three styles
  • 1 tick attacks with magic and ranged
  • 1 tick attacks with all three styles
  • All three styles with faster projectile time (2 ticks to react)
  • All three styles with even faster projectile time (1 tick to react)

At any point during the volley of attacks, players can cast any type of shadow spell to stun the Leviathan (which will always succeed), where it will stay still for 15 ticks (9 seconds). Damage against it is capped at 10 when stunned, but the player can run around to attack its backside to deal a large amount of damage, which will cause it to retaliate with a special attack.

The Leviathan's attack speed will decrease upon being stunned and having lost 25% of its health, so make note of this when a stun is needed.

Special attacks

  • Lightning Barrage - The Leviathan unleashes a barrage of lightning towards the player while also launching orbs around it. Run in a tight circle to stay ahead of the electric stroke (it can also be dodged with precise movement whilst also attacking it; see the demonstrations below). Once the attack ends, step away from melee range to prevent it from using its bite attack.
  • Smoke Blast - The Leviathan begins to spit out debris that falls onto the player's location every tick. The debris take two ticks to land, so players can stand still for one tick on each tile if they want to attack. After throwing ten debris, it will discharge a blast of smoke that can be avoided by standing behind the debris left behind. Beginning the enrage phase during this special attack will NOT interrupt the smoke blast.

Damage dealt to the Leviathan is reduced by 33% for the duration of each special attack.

Players can determine which special attack will be used first in the fight after the first roar by observing where the debris remains, assuming that the Leviathan was not stunned before a volley ended. If the debris appears to the east and west, then the Lightning Barrage attack is used first. If the debris appears to the north and south, then the Smoke Blast attack is used instead. The boss will alternate between the two special attacks.

Enrage phase

The player has buffed their accuracy and damage by being within the abyssal pathfinder's area-of-effect.

Upon reaching 180 hitpoints (20% of its health), the Leviathan will begin to focus on the player intensely, beginning the enrage phase. It will roar, causing one set of debris to drop on the arena, while an abyssal pathfinder will spawn, usually to the north-west, but can appear elsewhere if the spot is restricted. The Leviathan will also change its attack speed to 2, (i.e. 1.2 seconds) between attacks regardless of the state it was in before the phase started. It will only use magic and ranged orbs in this state, though it can still bite players if they are next to it.

The abyssal pathfinder has a 5x5 Area-of-Effect that the player must stand in; if the player is not in its AoE, the Leviathan's attacks will pierce through protection prayers and the player's attacks will deal less damage. The player will glow when they are within the pathfinder's AoE, and will be granted perfect accuracy and an increased minimum hit[1], so switching to a toxic blowpipe can be beneficial. The best strategy to finish off the Leviathan is to use the webweaver bow special attack twice, as it will often defeat the boss or knock it down to very low health afterwards. A lightbearer is essential for this - even with one you cannot spec twice every kill.

Until the phase ends, debris will continually spawn from above, so it is important to defeat the boss before too many boulders appear and restrict movement. Once the Leviathan is slain, all debris on the field will be removed.

Awakened mode

In Awakened mode, the Leviathan has the following changes:

  • The boss' health increases from 900 to 2,700.
  • The boss is immune to stat drains.
  • Upon reaching 50% of its health, a tornado will spawn in the arena and move towards the player. This will deal 40+ damage if it makes contact with them.
  • More debris will drop down, with a "+" shaped formation dropped on the player's location.
  • Stuns are 50% shorter in length.
  • Its enraged attack speed is doubled to one tick (0.6s)
  • The range of the abyssal pathfinder is increased to 7x7 tiles

Rather than letting the Leviathan finishing an attack sequence, it is recommended to stun it before it ends so boulders will not fall from above, as the boulders will drop in a +-shaped formation on the player which will severely impede movement if allowed to appear, which will likely result in death in the enrage phase. This also ensures minimal damage is taken until the enrage phase, as the player is expected to take no damage from the lightning current or shockwave attacks. As the boss' magic level is significantly increased from 160 to 280, using a twisted bow is encouraged over any other weapon.

Once the tornado appears at 50% health (1350 health), players must utilise two additional tiles to perfectly run the lightning current rather than running back and forth to avoid getting hit by it. The player will still retain the ability to attack despite these additional tiles. During the debris attack, each quadrant can allow for two instances of each attack before being unusable; during the first instance for each quadrant, run two tiles to leave a gap between it and the next thrown debris, so that the player can simply walk between them for the second instance of the attack.

When rushing in to stun the Leviathan, make sure to swap to Protect from Melee to avoid any potential bite attacks. To avoid any unnecessary chip damage from incoming attacks as the enrage phase starts, leave the boss as close as possible to 20% of its health, then stun and hit from behind. Before starting the enrage phase, make sure to have max health and prayer. It is also encouraged to leave the north-west clear of debris to ensure the pathfinder spawns there and luring the tornado as south as possible to get a head-start once starting the phase, as it is important not to let it trail close to the player.

During the enrage phase (540 health), dump two webweaver specials upon being lit by the pathfinder, which should reduce the boss' health to ~360 and return to a twisted bow and continue attacking the boss while moving and reacting to incoming attacks. While a toxic blowpipe can be used for higher DPS with its attack speed, the boss' even faster attack speed and the tornado, along with having to flick the attacks, dodging the tornado and being in sync with the pathfinder makes this highly unfeasible. Make sure to stay away from the boss' melee distance to ensure that it will not chomp for massive damage, as it and an unprotected attack will usually result in death. The player should have enough time to defeat the boss before the pathfinder completes a full cycle, though this also depends on how much the boss will swap between combat styles.


  • With Masori armour, the Zaryte crossbow is best in slot against Leviathan until it reaches 450 HP (380 without a Venator ring), at which point the Toxic blowpipe surpasses it.
  • If you can't get Masori armour, a Bow of faerdhinen is acceptable here. However, Fortified Masori provides little benefit over the unfortified variant here, and the unfortified variant with a Twisted buckler is currently cheaper than a bowfa and full crystal.
  • When inside the abyssal pathfinder a blowpipe cannot hit less than 20% of its maximum hit, killing leviathan in 10 shots on average. The Zaryte crossbow is the strongest spec weapon at Leviathan, and using it at the beginning of the fight as well as using the Toxic blowpipe during the enrage phase, leads to faster kills overall. However, if the player is uncomfortable or unable to kill Leviathan during the enrage phase, two Webweaver bow special attacks may be used after the abyssal pathfinder activates. This requires 100% spec energy, and even with a lightbearer it may not regenerate before the next enrage phase.
  1. ^ Only while on a Slayer task.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 If using a 1-handed weapon
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Required if using Webweaver bow during enrage phase
  4. ^ used during enrage phase if player is struggling
  5. ^ Only while on a Slayer task.
  6. ^ bowfa doesn't benefit that much from the Tonalztics of Ralos because it's already very accurate

Inventory recommendations

File:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).png
File:Stamina potion(4).png
  • Stamina potions are recommended if Agility level is low or are inexperienced with the boss.
  • Prayer potions or super restores (can replace food with more potions if experienced)
  • Ring of shadows for teleporting back, or amulet of the eye if scarred tablet has not been acquired yet
  • Anglerfish are for boosting health before starting a kill to lessen interruptions during the volley of attacks, as well as chip damage from the roar attack.
    • Players can also bring summer pies instead of sharks, which restores 22 hitpoints and 20% run energy per pie.
  • Shadow Rush is just as effective as Shadow Barrage in stunning the boss, while costing three times less.
  • A 1-handed magic staff can be used to auto-cast Shadow spells. Thamarons Scepter is a lighter weight option.


  1. ^