Quests/Skill requirements
(Redirected from Quest requirements skill)
This page lists the skill requirements for each quest. An asterisk (*) denotes that a boost may be used to reach the requirement.
- 10 - The Dig Site*
- 13 - The Lost Tribe*
- 15 - Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
- 15 - Troll Stronghold*
- 18 - The Depths of Despair
- 20 - Mountain Daughter*
- 23 - Death to the Dorgeshuun*
- 25 - Ghosts Ahoy*
- 25 - The Grand Tree*
- 25 - In Search of the Myreque*
- 25 - Watchtower*
- 26 - Darkness of Hallowvale*
- 28 - Troll Romance
- 30 - Cold War
- 32 - Shilo Village*
- 32 - Death on the Isle
- 35 - Horror from the Deep*
- 36 - One Small Favour*
- 38 - Land of the Goblins
- 40 - Royal Trouble*
- 42 - Cabin Fever
- 45 - A Taste of Hope
- 45 - The Path of Glouphrie
- 46 - The Heart of Darkness
- 48 - Recipe for Disaster - Freeing King Awowogei
- 50 - Legends' Quest*
- 52 - Sins of the Father
- 54 - A Kingdom Divided
- 55 - Monkey Madness II
- 56 - Regicide*
- 59 - Grim Tales*
- 60 - Dragon Slayer II
- 62 - Beneath Cursed Sands
- 66 - While Guthix Sleeps
- 68 - Making Friends with My Arm*
- 69 - Secrets of the North
- 70 - Song of the Elves
- 15 - Another Slice of H.A.M.
- 20 - Holy Grail
- 40 - A Taste of Hope
- 50 - Sins of the Father
Combat level
- 85 - Dream Mentor
- 5 - Darkness of Hallowvale
- 5 - The Eyes of Glouphrie
- 10 - Tower of Life
- 20 - The Fremennik Isles*
- 26 - Getting Ahead
- 30 - The Great Brain Robbery
- 34 - Cold War*
- 35 - Making Friends with My Arm*
- 50 - Dragon Slayer II
- 60 - Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
- 70 - Song of the Elves
- 10 - Recipe for Disaster - Another Cook's Quest
- 20 - Ghosts Ahoy*
- 22 - Forgettable Tale...*
- 25 - Recipe for Disaster - Freeing Evil Dave
- 30 - Big Chompy Bird Hunting*
- 30 - Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
- 31 - Recipe for Disaster - Freeing Pirate Pete
- 40 - Recipe for Disaster - Freeing the Lumbridge Guide*
- 41 - Recipe for Disaster - Freeing Skrach Uglogwee*
- 53 - Heroes' Quest*
- 62 - Swan Song*
- 70 - Recipe for Disaster - Freeing King Awowogei*
- 12 - The Giant Dwarf
- 16 - The Great Brain Robbery
- 19 - Animal Magnetism
- 20 - Creature of Fenkenstrain*
- 20 - Elemental Workshop I
- 20 - The Golem
- 20 - Shades of Mort'ton
- 20 - Shilo Village
- 20 - Tears of Guthix
- 25 - In Aid of the Myreque
- 25 - One Small Favour*
- 30 - Cold War
- 30 - Getting Ahead
- 30 - Shadow of the Storm*
- 30 - The Slug Menace
- 31 - Lost City*
- 32 - Darkness of Hallowvale
- 35 - Haunted Mine
- 36 - Enlightened Journey
- 38 - A Kingdom Divided
- 40 - Family Crest*
- 40 - Swan Song*
- 42 - Rum Deal*
- 45 - Cabin Fever
- 48 - A Taste of Hope
- 49 - The Hand in the Sand
- 50 - Enakhra's Lament
- 50 - Legends' Quest*
- 55 - Beneath Cursed Sands
- 56 - Sins of the Father
- 61 - Lunar Diplomacy
- 62 - Dragon Slayer II
- 65 - The Fremennik Exiles
- 70 - Monkey Madness II
- 20 - Rag and Bone Man II
- 30 - Between a Rock...*
- 40 - Lunar Diplomacy
- 40 - While Guthix Sleeps
- 65 - King's Ransom
- 17 - Forgettable Tale...*
- 20 - The Garden of Death
- 25 - Garden of Tranquillity
- 29 - My Arm's Big Adventure*
- 30 - Enlightened Journey*
- 40 - Rum Deal*
- 45 - Grim Tales*
- 49 - Fairytale II - Cure a Queen*
- 65 - While Guthix Sleeps
- 70 - Song of the Elves
- 5 - Shades of Mort'ton
- 16 - The Giant Dwarf
- 20 - Enlightened Journey
- 20 - Recipe for Disaster - Freeing Skrach Uglogwee
- 30 - Sea Slug*
- 40 - Olaf's Quest*
- 42 - Swan Song
- 45 - Enakhra's Lament*
- 49 - Lunar Diplomacy
- 49 - Tears of Guthix*
- 50 - Desert Treasure I*
- 55 - Beneath Cursed Sands
- 60 - Monkey Madness II
- 66 - Making Friends with My Arm
- 75 - Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
- 5 - Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
- 10 - Fishing Contest
- 40 - Land of the Goblins
- 50 - Rum Deal*
- 53 - Heroes' Quest*
- 60 - The Fremennik Exiles
- 62 - Swan Song*
- 5 - Big Chompy Bird Hunting*
- 10 - The Tourist Trap*
- 50 - Devious Minds*
- 60 - Sins of the Father
- 3 - Jungle Potion
- 5 - Lunar Diplomacy
- 8 - Zogre Flesh Eaters
- 10 - The Dig Site*
- 14 - Watchtower*
- 15 - Shades of Mort'ton*
- 18 - One Small Favour*
- 25 - Heroes' Quest*
- 31 - Eadgar's Ruse*
- 40 - A Taste of Hope*
- 45 - Legends' Quest*
- 48 - Land of the Goblins
- 50 - A Kingdom Divided
- 52 - Grim Tales*
- 57 - Fairytale II - Cure a Queen*
- 62 - Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
- 65 - While Guthix Sleeps
- 70 - Song of the Elves
- 50 - Dragon Slayer II
- 10 - Cold War*
- 12 - The Ascent of Arceuus
- 20 - Perilous Moons
- 27 - Eagles' Peak*
- 46 - At First Light
- 52 - Defender of Varrock
- 56 - Secrets of the North
- 60 - Monkey Madness II
- 62 - While Guthix Sleeps
- 70 - Song of the Elves
- 7 - In Aid of the Myreque
- 14 - Watchtower*
- 20 - Elemental Workshop II*
- 33 - Darkness of Hallowvale
- 33 - The Giant Dwarf*
- 33 - Spirits of the Elid*
- 35 - A Kingdom Divided
- 39 - Enakhra's Lament
- 45 - King's Ransom
- 46 - The Eyes of Glouphrie
- 49 - Sins of the Father
- 50 - Desert Treasure I
- 56 - Legends' Quest*
- 59 - Family Crest*
- 65 - Lunar Diplomacy
- 66 - Swan Song*
- 67 - While Guthix Sleeps
- 75 - Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
- 75 - Dragon Slayer II
- 10 - The Knight's Sword*
- 10 - Tale of the Righteous
- 15 - In Aid of the Myreque
- 17 - The Lost Tribe*
- 20 - Darkness of Hallowvale
- 20 - Elemental Workshop I
- 20 - Tears of Guthix
- 37 - Spirits of the Elid*
- 40 - Between a Rock...*
- 40 - Family Crest*
- 40 - Watchtower*
- 42 - A Kingdom Divided
- 50 - Heroes' Quest*
- 52 - Legends' Quest*
- 55 - The Heart of Darkness
- 60 - Lunar Diplomacy
- 68 - Dragon Slayer II
- 70 - Song of the Elves
- 72 - Making Friends with My Arm*
- 25 - Another Slice of H.A.M.
- 31 - Scorpion Catcher
- 42 - Legends' Quest*
- 43 - Enakhra's Lament
- 47 - Rum Deal*
- 50 - The Great Brain Robbery
Quest points
- 12 - Black Knights' Fortress
- 16 - Below Ice Mountain
- 20 - Enlightened Journey
- 32 - Wanted!
- 32 - Dragon Slayer I
- 43 - Tears of Guthix
- 55 - Heroes' Quest
- 100 - Swan Song
- 107 - Legends' Quest
- 107 - Recipe for Disaster - Freeing Sir Amik Varze
- 175 - Recipe for Disaster - Defeating the Culinaromancer
- 180 - While Guthix Sleeps
- 200 - Dragon Slayer II
- 25 - Underground Pass
- 30 - Animal Magnetism
- 30 - Big Chompy Bird Hunting
- 30 - Zogre Flesh Eaters
- 37 - Spirits of the Elid*
- 40 - Cabin Fever
- 40 - Temple of Ikov
- 47 - The Path of Glouphrie
- 60 - Mourning's End Part I
- 10 - Temple of the Eye
- 30 - The Slug Menace
- 35 - What Lies Below
- 50 - Devious Minds
- 55 - The Fremennik Exiles
- 60 - Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
- 10 - Desert Treasure I
- 18 - Animal Magnetism
- 30 - The Slug Menace
- 38 - A Taste of Hope
- 40 - Rag and Bone Man II
- 40 - Royal Trouble
- 42 - Rum Deal
- 48 - Perilous Moons
- 48 - The Heart of Darkness
- 50 - Sins of the Father
- 56 - The Path of Glouphrie
- 60 - The Fremennik Exiles
- 69 - Monkey Madness II
- 4 - Zogre Flesh Eaters
- 15 - Sleeping Giants
- 20 - Elemental Workshop I
- 20 - The Tourist Trap
- 30 - Elemental Workshop II*
- 30 - One Small Favour*
- 40 - Family Crest*
- 45 - Swan Song*
- 50 - Between a Rock...*
- 50 - Cabin Fever
- 50 - Legends' Quest*
- 55 - Defender of Varrock
- 60 - The Fremennik Exiles
- 65 - Devious Minds*
- 70 - Dragon Slayer II
- 70 - Song of the Elves
- 16 - Tale of the Righteous
- 40 - Darkness of Hallowvale*
- 50 - Legends' Quest*
- 60 - The Path of Glouphrie
- 13 - The Lost Tribe*
- 14 - The Giant Dwarf*
- 15 - Cold War
- 15 - Watchtower
- 17 - The Hand in the Sand
- 21 - Tribal Totem*
- 22 - Darkness of Hallowvale
- 23 - Death to the Dorgeshuun
- 25 - Creature of Fenkenstrain*
- 25 - The Dig Site
- 25 - The Golem*
- 25 - Ethically Acquired Antiquities
- 30 - The Feud
- 30 - The Slug Menace
- 34 - Death on the Isle
- 37 - Spirits of the Elid*
- 40 - Fairytale II - Cure a Queen
- 42 - Temple of Ikov*
- 45 - Land of the Goblins
- 48 - The Heart of Darkness
- 50 - Legends' Quest*
- 50 - Mourning's End Part I*
- 52 - A Kingdom Divided
- 53 - Desert Treasure I
- 55 - Monkey Madness II
- 56 - The Path of Glouphrie
- 58 - Grim Tales*
- 60 - Dragon Slayer II
- 64 - Secrets of the North
- 70 - Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
- 72 - While Guthix Sleeps
- 10 - My Arm's Big Adventure
- 35 - Animal Magnetism
- 36 - Lost City*
- 50 - Legends' Quest*
- 50 - Olaf's Quest*
- 52 - A Kingdom Divided
- 55 - Lunar Diplomacy
- 62 - Sins of the Father
- 70 - Song of the Elves
- 71 - Grim Tales*
- The lowest possible combat level one can achieve the quest point cape at is level 85.
- Meeting the minimum combat skill requirements for all quests, but not the level 85 combat requirement for Dream Mentor, would put you at level 72. However, given that most conventional methods of combat training also give Hitpoints experience, reaching the other combat skill requirements would put the player at level 69 Hitpoints instead of the minimum level 50, bringing the player's combat level up to 77.
See also
- Quest experience rewards, skill experience earned for the completion of quests
- Quest requirements, overview of minimum skill requirements and more per individual quest
- Achievement Diary / All Requirements, overview of minimum skill requirements and more per tier of Achievement Diary