Runner hat

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Runner hat
Released4 January 2007 (Update)
Quest itemNo
League regionKandarin Kandarin
OptionsWear, Drop
ExamineA Penance Runner hat.
Value65,002 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight1 kg
Advanced data
Item ID10549

The runner hat is a piece of members-only armour that requires 45 Defence and is rewarded from the Barbarian Assault minigame. Players with 275 Honour points in all four roles and who have killed the Penance Queen can purchase the hat from Commander Connad, located on the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US] of the Barbarian Outpost.

Compared to other helmets requiring 45 Defence, the Runner hat lacks attack bonuses. The stats for the hat are closely similar to equipment requiring 40 Defence. The Runner hat provides a slightly higher magic defence bonus (+1) compared to the that of the rune full helm (-1), and lacks a negative attack bonus for ranged and magic. The runner hat has a weight of only 1 kg, whilst most other helmets weigh at least 2 kg if not more. It is mostly used by players who want to show their prestige in Barbarian Assault.

If the player dies below level 20 Wilderness, it will remain in the player's inventory. However, the item will be unusable and must be repaired with 40,005 coins by using the item on Perdu.

This item can be stored in the armour case of a costume room.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerHead slot table


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:6 July 2022| |0}} {{#explode:6 July 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:6 July 2022| |2}}]]

The locked variant's value was decreased from 65,002 to 65,001.

[[{{#explode:12 March 2020| |0}} {{#explode:12 March 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:12 March 2020| |2}}]]

The runner hat now breaks upon death in PvP and can be locked via trouver parchments just like other penance hats.

21 August –
4 September 2014

The "Destroy" option was replaced with a "Drop" option.

[[{{#explode:8 August 2013| |0}} {{#explode:8 August 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:8 August 2013| |2}}]]

The item's value was decreased from 201,000 to 65,002.

[[{{#explode:2 August 2013| |0}} {{#explode:2 August 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 August 2013| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The item's value was increased from 5000 to 201,000 so it is protected over rune armour and dragon battleaxes upon death.

[[{{#explode:22 February 2013| |0}} {{#explode:22 February 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 February 2013| |2}}]]

This content was included when the Old School RuneScape servers officially launched.