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A player fighting Skotizo.

Skotizo is a level 321 demon located underneath the Catacombs of Kourend. His arena requires sacrificing a Dark totem to the Altar in the center of the catacombs to enter. He is commonly killed for his high valued drops, Ancient shards, Hard and Elite clues, and the Skotos pet.


Suggested skills

Getting there

The Altar is located in the center of the Catacombs of Kourend. The quickest way to reach the entrance is to enter the Catacombs through the Statue of King Rada I located in the Kourend Castle courtyard. This can be reached by using a Xeric's talisman via the 'Xeric's heart' option. After completion of Client of Kourend, the Kourend Castle Teleport can be used.


Like all demons, Skotizo is vulnerable to the powers of demonbane weapons. He counts as a black or greater demon for the purposes of a Slayer task.

For most players, the best method available to fight Skotizo is to use Emberlight and wear armour with high Magic Defence (e.g. black dragonhide armour) while using Protect from Melee so the only source of damage is from his Magic attacks. If the player can afford one, a twisted bow is the most effective weapon to use, while using Protect from Magic to take no damage. A dragon warhammer or elder maul can also be helpful for the fight for their special attacks, although the Arclight's can also be used for similar results.

At any time during the fight, Skotizo will randomly activate one of the four Awakened Altars on each side of the room. For each activated altar, the player will deal less damage to him - 15% less with Arclight and 25% less with other weapons (up to a maximum of 60% and 100% damage reduction, respectively). When travelling to disable the Awakened Altars, the player should temporarily switch to Protect from Magic, as Skotizo does not approach to use melee attacks.

Arclight and Emberlight (but not Silverlight or Darklight) will disable an altar in one hit regardless of the player's stats and gear; this effect does not extend to the demonbane spells in the Arceuus spellbook or the scorching bow. If using the amulet of blood fury, its passive effect can occur while disabling the altars, healing the player for 30 hitpoints if also using Arclight. It is advised to bring stamina potions to save on energy when running to disable the altars. The toxic blowpipe is an effective weapon against the altars in case the player chooses not to use Arclight.

After two-thirds of Skotizo's health is depleted, he will summon three reanimated demon spawns to his aid, and may randomly summon a dark ankou at any point while an altar is active: neither of these will pose a threat if using Protect from Melee. If the minions are slain, Skotizo may summon them again. Fighting the minions provides no benefit, so the player should instead focus on Skotizo and the altars.



File:Stamina potion(4).png

Ranging is recommended over melee with a twisted bow if the player does not own Emberlight. Other ranged weapons are less effective than Arclight/Emberlight, but may alternatively be used by pures or to take no damage from Skotizo's melee attacks.


File:Stamina potion(4).png