Slayer Tower

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Slayer Tower
Released26 January 2005 (Update)
League regionMorytania Morytania
InhabitantsDemons, Humans, Ghosts
MusicThe Terrible Tower
Advanced data

The Slayer Tower, also known as Viggora's Folly, is a tall granite tower that was built by Viggora, a follower of Zaros, during the Second Age.

The tower is located north-west of Canifis. There are three levels, each with increasingly dangerous Slayer monsters. All monsters within the building require a certain Slayer level to kill, the lowest being crawling hands at level 5, and the highest being abyssal demons at level 85 Slayer.

Players may also earn bonus Slayer experience depending on their progress on the Morytania Diary. The amount of bonus experience gained starts at 2.5% with the easy tasks completed, increasing by 2.5% for each set complete, up to 10% with the elite tasks completed.

Note: Dwarf multicannons cannot be used here. If attempted, players will receive the message, "A strange magical force won't let you set up a cannon here."


During the Second Age, the tower's construction was overseen by General Viggora, who had switched sides to Zamorak following his usurping of Zaros. Viggora oversaw construction of the tower, though its actual purpose remained unknown. It was constructed with Zamorakian magic, and the tower itself was very large, full of large rooms, winding passageways decorated with assorted items. The most important of these were the gargoyles, which also included two unique gargoyle statues (who a Dorgeshuun assistant would call Dusk and Dawn due to how they were placed) at the rooftop with a Cloister Bell, intended to be rung during times of conflict. However, an unknown incident soon caused the tower to be renamed as Viggora's Folly, and it was eventually abandoned.

During the Third Age, at the time of the God Wars, Bandos sent the ourg general Snaarldor along with a group of Bandosians to the tower, desiring stronger soldiers after having been disappointed by the frailness of his goblins. Snaarldor took along Bandosian metal along with a tourmaline core and made his way to the tower's rooftop, performing a ritual at high noon with the core and metal, causing all of the gargoyle statues to reanimate. The two gargoyle statues at the top of the tower looked at Snaarldor, and Snaarldor believed he had won their loyalty and issued commands to attack Bandos's enemies, including Zamorak.

As the tower was built with Zamorakian magic, the gargoyles attacked Snaarldor instead, with Dusk battling the ourg general mid-air. Snaarldor chopped off one of Dusk's wings before the gargoyle dropped him into the swamp below, and upon recovering, Snaarldor immediately ordered his remaining forces to retreat. The two gargoyle guardians then returned to their positions on their plinths, and the rooftop entrance would soon be locked, either by the Bandosians or future inhabitants.

A group of infernal magi are based in the tower, along with various other inhabitants, though their relationship to the tower is unknown.

Getting there

The basement of the tower.



The basement can be accessed through a ladder on the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US], near the entrance. Monsters here can only be killed on a Slayer task. Raulyn will stop players who attempt to attack monsters that are not on their Slayer task.

The basement is dimly lit, although a light source is not required to enter.

Monster Image Combat level Slayer level Slayer XP Quantity
Bloodveld 76 50 120 12
Gargoyle 111 75 105 12
Nechryael 115 80 105 12
Abyssal demon 124 85 150 14

Ground floor1st floor

The ground floor[UK]1st floor[US] is inhabited by only crawling hands in the west wing and part of the east wing. Banshees are found in the east part of the wing.

Near a group of crawling hands is a spiked chain requiring 61 Agility (can be boosted) to use. Using this spike will take the player to the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US], where the aberrant spectres are located. Do not climb up if you do not have a nose peg or Slayer helmet, or your stats will be drained by the aberrant spectres.

Monster Image Combat level Slayer level Slayer XP Quantity
Crawling Hand 8, 12 5 16, 19 16
Banshee 23 15 22 7

1st floor2nd floor

The 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] is inhabited by infernal mages in the north-eastern part of the wing, bloodvelds in the north-western part of the wing, and aberrant spectres in the south part of the wing. A large door separates the bloodveld and aberrant spectre room.

Another spiked chain can be found in the infernal mage room. This chain requires 71 Agility (can be boosted) to take players to the 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US], where the nechryael are located. The spiked chain in the aberrant spectre room can be used to climb back down to the ground floor[UK]1st floor[US], requiring 61 Agility (can be boosted).

Monster Image Combat level Slayer level Slayer XP Quantity
Infernal Mage 66 45 60 8
Bloodveld 76 50 120 9
Aberrant spectre 96 60 90 14

2nd floor3rd floor

The 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US] is where the strongest monsters in the tower reside. Gargoyles inhabit the south-eastern wing, nechryael in the north-eastern and abyssal demons in the north-western wings.

Near the staircases of this floor lies a rooftop entrance and a magical chest. The rooftop entrance is locked, requiring a brittle key which permanently unlocks the entrance. This also unlocks the Grotesque Guardians boss fight. The magical chest nearby collects items lost on death during the fight, requiring 50,000 coins to reclaim them.

A spiked chain can be found at the nechryael room which takes players down to the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US], where the infernal mages reside. This requires 71 Agility (can be boosted).

Monster Image Combat level Slayer level Slayer XP Quantity
Gargoyle 111 75 105 8
Nechryael 115 80 105 8
Abyssal demon 124 85 150 7



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:10 July 2024| |0}} {{#explode:10 July 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 July 2024| |2}}]]

Statues of Turael and Duradel were added in front of the entrance.

[[{{#explode:20 March 2024| |0}} {{#explode:20 March 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:20 March 2024| |2}}]]

Players can now cast Telekinetic Grab on the spade in the basement.

[[{{#explode:4 May 2017| |0}} {{#explode:4 May 2017| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:4 May 2017| |2}}]]

Abyssal demons in the Slayer Tower Basement will now count towards the Morytania Achievement Diary.

[[{{#explode:28 April 2016| |0}} {{#explode:28 April 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:28 April 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

More gargoyle, bloodveld, aberrant spectre, abyssal demon, and nechryeal spawns have been added to the Slayer Tower.

[[{{#explode:24 March 2016| |0}} {{#explode:24 March 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 March 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

A nechryael spawn has been moved to prevent them wandering out of the nechryael room.

[[{{#explode:18 February 2016| |0}} {{#explode:18 February 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:18 February 2016| |2}}]]

The most southern Abyssal Demons in the Slayer Tower have been moved north marginally to prevent them from leaving their room.

[[{{#explode:5 March 2015| |0}} {{#explode:5 March 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 March 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

You will now receive 2.5% more Slayer experience when killing a creature on task in the Slayer Tower if you have completed the Morytania Easy Diary, increasing with additional 2.5% for each tier to a maximum of 10%.

[[{{#explode:26 January 2005| |0}} {{#explode:26 January 2005| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:26 January 2005| |2}}]]

The area was made accessible to players.

[[{{#explode:17 November 2004| |0}} {{#explode:17 November 2004| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:17 November 2004| |2}}]]

The area was first added ingame but was inaccessible. It was labelled as (due Jan-2005) on the world map.


  • Prior to the addition of superior Turoths and Kurasks, the Slayer Tower was the only slayer area in Old School RuneScape that had superior variants for all of its inhabitants.
  • Prior to the Client of Kourend update, players could only earn bonus experience if they have completed all the tasks of the Morytania Diary, but after the update was then scaled depending on the difficulty of the diary.
  • Occasionally searching a chest in the Slayer Tower Basement will result in the message, "For a moment you think you've found Zamorak's teddy bear, but the chest is empty." This is a reference to the list Pontak gives you during The Fremennik Trials.
  • Bringing a light source to the basement will remove the dim lighting effect.