All players begin the league with level 5 Runecraft. The training methods are mostly the same as the main game, depending on which altars are available. Daeyalt essence provides a 50% bonus to Runecraft experience when used to craft runes, requires completion of the Sins of the Father quest
. Necklace of binding grants a 100% success rate to make combination runes and should always be used while crafting them.
Runecraft is modified by two tier 1 relics.
- Endless harvest greatly increases the speed at which players can obtain Pure essence, however Zulrah provides a similar amount per hour and Daeyalt essence mining reduces the time burden of mining essence to a negligible amount.
- Production master is not directly beneficial to Runecraft training.
- Skilling prodigy allows players to bypass low-level and low XP content.
Tier 2 relics choice have significant impact on Runecraft training.
- Last Recall makes is possible to teleport back to the altar removing the need for most of the running in the training cycle.
- Eternal Jeweler may make the training somewhat more convenient if you are using teleportation jewellery in the process (for example when using Abyss).
- Fairy's Flight is not very useful for Runecraft training.
The Equilibrium relic affects every inventory of essence only once, which makes it beneficial to craft an inventory of runes in separate steps. This can be achieved in several ways. The simplest way is to bring all pouches, and then craft runes in between every time you empty a pouch. Although this does increase the experience per inventory, players using the crystal of memories from the Last Recall relic might want to simply teleport back and forth instead. Another way to do this is to bring both pure essence and daeyalt essence in a single inventory, which get crafted individually. This causes Equilibrium to provide one extra experience drop per inventory. Finally, players without easy access to altars might want to consider dropping all essence, and then crafting them one-by-one to ensure more bonus experience from Equilibrium.
Runecraft altar locations
Creating tiaras
Crafting tiaras can be a fast method to gain quick level starting at level 1. Tiaras can be crafted by using a talisman on the corresponding altar with a tiara in your inventory. It is possible to craft up to 13 tiaras in one trip, and can result in up to 50,000 base experience per hour.
Other equipment
- ^ Mod Husky stated on stream that the lunar spell contact npc would respect region restrictions.
Temporary boosts
Item |
Region |
Master |
Runecraft Cape |
Misthalin✓ |
Aubury |
While equipped allows access to all runic altars and prevents essence pouches from degrading. This is the only way to use essence pouches to train without unlocking the Wilderness or using NPC contact from the Lunar Spellbook.
XP rewards with skill choice
Areas |
Tasks |
Skill guides |
Other guides |
Relics | Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 3 |
Tier 4 |
Tier 5 |
Tier 6 |
Gameplay items | |
Rewards | Trophies |
Trailblazer Relic Hunter Outfits | |
Ornament kits | |
| Dragon tools |
Infernal tools |
Other |