Gnome quest series
The Gnome quest series is a series of quests centring around the race of gnomes. The main theme of the quest series is traitors and enemies of the gnomes attempting to destroy them. The player fights to stop this. The storyline of the series varies greatly by quest, and two quest series can be distinguished. One is the Glough quest series, of which The Grand Tree and Monkey Madness I are a part of. The other is the Glouphrie quest The Eyes of Glouphrie. Tree Gnome Village doesn't belong to either storyline but is still a gnome quest.
Tree Gnome Village
This is the first gnome quest ever released. General Khazard's troops terrorise the tree gnomes. They are fighting with the tree gnomes and pose a threat to the village. King Bolren of the gnomes asks the player to help the gnomes fend off the warriors and to retrieve the orb of protection, without which the village would be vulnerable to attacks and furthermore, destruction. The player must use the gnome ballista to break into the enemy stronghold and retrieve the orb. When the player returns the orb to Tree Gnome Village, they learn from the King that the two other orbs of protection have also been stolen by the Khazard warlord. The player finds and defeats the warlord and retrieves the two remaining orbs, which they return to the village, restoring the safety and peace of the gnomes. The war outside wages on, with neither side being able to strike a finishing blow...
The Grand Tree
This is the first quest of the Glough quest series. The Grand Tree, a giant living tree which shelters most of the gnomish population of Runescape, is dying. King Narnode Shareen of the Gnomes asks the player to talk to the wise gnome Hazelmere in hopes of finding the cause of this, and if possible, the solution to the problem. Hazelmere tells the player that a "man" came to him with the King's seal, and demanded to be given Daconia rocks, powerful stones that were created to kill the tree in case it went out of control. Because the cause is now apparent, but the perpetrator still unknown, the gnomes fear a human invasion, and thus war against the human kingdoms, is highly probable. As the tension grows, Glough, The Head Tree Guardian, captures a human held for bringing the Daconia rocks to the tree. The man tells the player he was only following the orders Glough gave him. Apparently Glough is planning something, and the player is out to find what. Evidence leads to the Ship Yard, a place where ships are built on eastern Karamja. The player finds out that Glough intends to kill the Grand Tree in order to turn the wood into hundreds of ships filled with Gnome troops in an attempt to destroy humankind, taking advantage of the gnomes thinking humans are invading. Even with all the evidence of the world, the King can't believe the Head Tree Guardian could do such a thing. In order to prove yourself, the player chases Glough to his basement and finds loads of blue Daconia rocks. Confronting him, he unleashes his "pet", a Black demon. After the demon is slain, Glough runs away. The player tells the King and he orders the dismission of Glough and the removal of all Daconia rocks. Happily, the player has saved the gnome civilisation of an uncertain fate.
Monkey Madness I
This is the second quest of the Glough quest series. After saving the tree from the traitor's treacherous plans, The King orders the 10th squad, which is an important group of cunning and warring gnomes, to oversee the decommission of the Ship Yard and all the operations taking place in it. It has been a while since the squad left and no report has reached the King, either from the mission or their whereabouts. Luckily, the heroic player is paying a visit back at the tree, and Narnode resourcefully takes advantage of this. The player visits the Ship Yard again and finds out that the 10th Squad was unfortunately blown off course by the wind. Finding themselves on an island far away from any form of non-hostile civilisation, filled with deadly scorpions, poisonous snakes and unfriendly monkeys, the player disguises themself as a monkey in order to influence the monkey king Awowogei, and gain his trust as a way to help the gnomes escape alive. But apparently there's more to it than expected. Glough had sent his agents, Waydar and G.L.O. Caranock, to make a pact with Awowogei in which he would help them get rid of the squad and thus keep the Ship Yard active in preparations for the war, in exchange for a part of the earnings they would gain from destroying humanity to go to the monkeys. Becoming aware of this plot, the squad prepares to engage the mortal trap the plotters had set for them, and invite the player to take part in it. The trap turned out to be another one of Glough's "pets", this time a Jungle demon. The player and the squad defeat the demon, thus saving themselves and foiling Glough's plans once more. But this isn't the end to Glough's evil schemes...
The Eyes of Glouphrie
This is the first quest of the Glouphrie quest series. The gnome wizard Brimstail asks the player to help him rebuild a machine built by Oaknock, the famous gnome engineer. The player needs to visit Hazelmere to get the information needed to repair the machine. After repairing the machine, located in Brimstail's cave, the player activates it. This causes various Cute creatures, scattered across the gnome lands, to turn into Evil creatures. These creatures are spies for the evil gnome mage Glouphrie, who was exiled after he was convicted of treason. After the player kills these creatures King Narnode gives them a crystal saw seed, which can be enchanted with a fountain in Brimstail's cave to turn into a crystal saw.
The Path of Glouphrie
This is the second quest of the Glouphrie quest series. King Bolren has a new pet. Using Yewnock's machine, player discovers that the pet is another watcher, like the ones unmasked in the Tree Gnome Stronghold during The Eyes of Glouphrie. In doing so, the player learns about the history of King Bolrie, Golrie's grandfather, and how his advisor turned out to be Glouphrie hiding as an illusion. Upon telling King Bolren this news, he tasks the player with finding Longramble who has been searching for the city of Arposandra, where Glouphrie resides. The player finds Longramble just east of the Poison Waste as well as a Spirit tree named Incomitatus, indicating that Arposandra must be close. The player investigates the dungeon nearby that was poisoning the spirit tree. Upon exploration, the player will notice two intelligent terrorbirds, Terrorbird Guard 21 and 72, talking to each other, until they notice the player and panic, pressing an alarm button that releases tar from the grills. The player will try to run, but become stuck in the tar, and toxic gases begin seeping into the room, causing the player to become hazy. As the player is about to blackout, Hazelmere will appear in nick of time, managing to save them using a special seed pod that teleports the both of you out. Arriving at Hazelmere's island, he will impart upon the player his vision of the future that heavily involves them.
Monkey Madness II
The sequel to the original Monkey Madness I released on 6 May 2016.
Main Locations
The quests mostly take place in these areas, most of which are populated by gnomes:
Current rewards for series
- 18 quest points
29,850 Attack experience
27,900 Agility experience
25,000 Slayer experience
15,000 Hunter experience
20,000 Thieving experience
19,150 Magic experience
6,000 Runecraft experience
20,000 Slayer experience
30,000 Strength experience
2,500 Woodcutting experience
250 Construction experience
- Non-optional choice of either, 35,000 experience in
Attack and
Defence and 20,000 experience in
Strength and
Hitpoints OR 35,000 experience in
Strength and
Hitpoints and 20,000 experience in
Attack and
- Optional 2x 50,000 experience rewards in the player's choice of
Strength or
- 10,000 coins.
- 3 diamonds.
- A crystal saw seed.
- A royal seed pod, which provides unlimited teleports to the Grand Tree (up to level 30 Wilderness).
- A wearable Monkey. It is purely cosmetic and can be equipped in the cape slot.
- The Gnome amulet.
- A crystal chime.
New locations and transportation
- Ability to use the Gnome glider transportation system.
- Ability to use the Spirit tree transportation system.
- Access to Ape Atoll.
- Access to Crash Island.
- Access to the Crash Site Cavern containing Demonic Gorillas.
- Access to the Grand Tree mine.
- Access to the maniacal monkey hunting area in Kruk's Dungeon.
- Access to the Ship Yard.
- Access to the Poison Waste Dungeon.
- Access to the Poison Waste spirit tree destination.
- Ability to buy from and wield the Dragon scimitar.
- Ability to create monkey greegrees and use monkey greegrees turn into a monkey in Ape Atoll and Ardougne Zoo.
- Ability to create a crystal saw from the crystal saw seed.
- Ability to communicate with monkeys without the monkeyspeak amulet.
- Ability to reclaim lost greegrees from Zooknock in his Gnome Stronghold house (no supplies required).
- Ability to re-fight Glough by gazing into the Burning brazier in Zooknock's house.
- Ability to use the Agility shortcut from the Grand Tree to the Barbarian Outpost (with 37 Agility).
- Ability to wield the Heavy ballista.
- All NPCs on the surface of Ape Atoll will be non-aggressive without requiring the use of monkey greegrees.
- Bobawu will track the player's laps of the Ape Atoll Agility Course, with the player being able to transform their Monkey into other variants upon completing a number of laps.
- Various dragons will now drop dragon javelin heads.
- 5 Kudos that can be claimed by talking to Historian Minas in the Varrock Museum.
- Ability to unlock warped creatures as a Slayer task