Deadman: Armageddon

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Deadman: Armageddon
Type Deadman
Open date 19 July 2024
End date 3 August 2024
Update blog Deadman: Armageddon & While Guthix Sleeps Updates
Removal update Unknown (edit)

Deadman: Armageddon is an updated variant of Deadman Mode released on 19 July 2024 that lasted until 3 August 2024. This variant of Deadman was announced during the 2024 Winter Summit. During the summit, it was stated that this variant will have larger breach events, the return of sigils with improvements, keys and other additional content.

Official worlds

World Location Members Activity
581 United States (east) Deadman Mode 3-50 Deadman
557 Germany Deadman Mode 3-50 Deadman
543 United States (west) Deadman Mode 3-50 Deadman
542 United States (west) Deadman Mode 3-50 Deadman
562 United Kingdom Deadman Mode 3-50 Deadman
595 Australia Deadman Mode 3-50 Deadman
471 United States (east) Deadman Mode 51-70 Deadman
461 Germany Deadman Mode 51-70 Deadman
440 United States (west) Deadman Mode 51-70 Deadman
592 Australia Deadman Mode 51-70 Deadman
403 United States (east) Deadman Mode 71-90 Deadman
457 Germany Deadman Mode 71-90 Deadman
411 United States (west) Deadman Mode 71-90 Deadman
590 Australia Deadman Mode 71-90 Deadman
402 United States (east) Deadman Mode 91-110 Deadman
406 Germany Deadman Mode 91-110 Deadman
410 United States (west) Deadman Mode 91-110 Deadman
536 Australia Deadman Mode 91-110 Deadman
401 United States (east) Deadman Mode 111-126 Deadman
405 Germany Deadman Mode 111-126 Deadman
409 United States (west) Deadman Mode 111-126 Deadman
412 Australia Deadman Mode 111-126 Deadman


Sigils are useful power-ups similar to the relics of Trailblazer Reloaded. They provide XP boosts, speed increases, combat boosts, and other benefits.

To use a sigil, a player must attune to it while in a safe zone. This causes it to become untradeable (although the player may still lose it on death). Players can unattune to a sigil while in a safe zone, causing it to become tradeable again. Up to three sigils can be active at any one time. Unlike Deadman: Reborn, players are not restricted to having only two combat sigils at a time.[1]

Sigils come in three tiers. When a player starts Deadman: Armageddon for the first time, they will be presented with a selection of Tier 2 sigils. The selection is the same each time for all players, but this allows the player to attempt different strategies as Deadman progresses. The three starting sigils cannot be traded on the Grand Exchange until players can access the 71-90 bracket world.[2]

Sigils can be obtained as drops from NPCs and monsters as part of the Deadman-only drop table, training gathering skills, and can be traded via the Grand Exchange. However, they cannot be traded directly from player to player. A random sigil can also be claimed every 24 hours as part of a starter pack.


Trinkets are items that have special abilities. They obtained through either killing monsters, through other players in the Grand Exchange, or through breaches.

There are four trinkets available in Deadman: Armageddon:

Trinket Effect Notes
Trinket of advanced weaponry Opening it will give players a random corrupted weapon This trinket can only obtained as a drop from monsters spawned in a breach
Trinket of fairies Allows players to remotely access fairy rings and spirit trees
Trinket of undead Summons a random thrall This trinket has a 10 second cool down
Trinket of vengeance Casts the Vengeance spell This trinket has a 30 second cool down


Time and location

At predetermined moments of the day, two breaches would open in random locations and begin spawning a stream of boss monsters. One breach will open in a single-way combat location, while the other will appear in a multicombat area. Breaches can appear in any dangerous area of the world, that is to say, anywhere outside of safe zones. Players will be notified of the locations once the breaches spawn. Players can speak to Perdu to find the location of any active breaches. Breach NPCs that aren't killed by the time a breach finishes will stick around for 30 minutes before despawning. After a player earns 42,000 points from breaches, they will no longer be able to earn points there.

A set of breaches will tear open at three fixed points in time every day, and a fourth random time.

  • 02:00 UTC
  • 10:00 UTC
  • 19:00 UTC
  • Random time each day

More monsters will travel through the breach in higher level bracket worlds. Multiple players can attack the same boss that spawned through a breach in a single-way combat zone; players can also be attacked by another player in a single area if they are not being attacked by the boss.[3]

Breach boss rewards

Breaches are the only way to obtain blighted items and Ancient Warriors' weapons in the Deadman Armageddon tournament. Bosses that spawn through a single-way breach and those that spawn through the multi-way breach both share the same loot mechanics.[4] All bosses share the same loot table.[5]

Loot from the Breach monsters will be as follows:

  • The MvP (player with the most damage to the boss) will have a chance to get a unique drop.
  • The non-MvPs (top 15 players that have dealt damage to the boss) will receive regular breach loot and chitin.
  • Players who did damage to the breach monsters but did not do enough damage to be in the top 15 damage dealers will not receive loot or points for that kill.

Monsters slain at breaches have a chance of dropping corrupted weaponry, which are variants of existing weapons with lower equipment requirements, as well as approximately 20% lower offensive bonuses compared to their regular counterparts. There are seven pieces of corrupted weaponry in total:

Lua error in Module:Infotable_Bonuses at line 224: Of the 8 pages requested, there is 8 missing.(Corrupted twisted bow Corrupted armadyl godsword Corrupted volatile nightmare staff Corrupted scythe of vitur#Charged Corrupted tumeken's shadow#Charged Corrupted dark bow Corrupted voidwaker Corrupted dragon claws ).

  1. ^ Can be charged using only blood runes, with no vials of blood required.
  2. ^ The passive effect that multiplies the Magic Accuracy and Magic Damage bonuses received from equipped items is reduced from 3x to 2x, and from 4x to 3x inside the Tombs of Amascut.

Bracket worlds

Starting out

As players gain additional combat levels on their Deadman: Armageddon profile, they will progress through five distinct combat brackets, with each combat bracket having access to a separate world. Upon entering a new combat bracket, including the starting one, players will be given one hour of PvP protection, meaning they cannot attack nor be attacked by other players. Certain bosses cannot be fought while the protection period is in effect.[6]

On first entering a Deadman: Armageddon world, players will find a starter pack in their inventory containing some basic untradeable weaponry for all three combat classes, coupled with twelve tunas.[7] These packs are again given out after dying at the hands of another player, and can also be reclaimed from one of the combat tutors if lost. Starter weapons cannot be used to attack other players.[8]

Players can also receive a free teleport to certain destinations once a day by speaking to Nigel.[9] Count Check will not teleport the player to the Stronghold of Security however.[10]


As players move up the combat brackets, they will gain the benefits of increasingly higher experience multipliers, in addition to an ever greater drop rate multiplier for a specific list of unique items. Nigel cannot help players lose experience they have gained, and as no experience is lost on death, it is not possible to move back down a combat bracket in Deadman: Armageddon.[11] Players can ask Nigel to lock their experience, preventing any further experience gain for all combat skills.

The experience multipliers are also applied to experience rewards obtained through lamps.[12] Prayer is counted as a combat skill for the purpose of these multipliers.[13]

Level bracket Combat XP Skilling XP Drop rate
3 50 10x 10x 2x
51 70 10x 10x 3x
71 90 15x 10x 3x
91 110 15x 10x 3x
111 126 15x 10x 4x

Automatic quest unlocks

Finally, players will automatically unlock certain quests as they move through the combat brackets, which are listed below. Starting with the second bracket, players will also be given the choice between two smaller lists of quests upon entering a new bracket, of which they can unlock one. It is not required to have picked the partial set of quests from a storyline in order to choose the complete storyline later on.[14] On entering a new bracket, players can pick which storyline they would like to unlock at a time of their own choosing.[15]

No experience is received in the form of a quest reward for automatically completed quests. Likewise, experience rewards that can normally be claimed after a quest's completion (such as Daero's training) cannot be claimed if the quest has been unlocked automatically.[16]

Items normally received as quest rewards will not be awarded, although re-obtainable quest rewards can be reclaimed as though they had been lost, and a small number of special items can be claimed from the combat tutors in Lumbridge upon automatically unlocking certain quests.

3 – 50 51 – 70 71 – 90 91 – 110 111 – 126
Option 1 Option 1 Option 1 Option 1
Fremennik storyline #1 – #4 (complete) Gnome storyline #1 – #4 (complete) Desert storyline #1 – #4 (partial) Dragonkin storyline #1 – #3 (complete)
Option 2 Option 2 Option 2 Option 2
Elf storyline #1 – #5 (partial) Mahjarrat storyline #1 – #6 (partial) Myreque storyline #1 – #5 (partial) Mahjarrat storyline #7 – #11 (partial)
  1. ^ Only the subquests that together compose Recipe for Disaster are automatically unlocked on reaching the final bracket, but none of the other prerequisite quests are.

Deaths, skulls, and safezones


The consequences of dying in Deadman: Armageddon largely resemble those of dying in permanent Deadman Mode in terms of bank raiding, meaning:

  • When dying at the hands of another player, the ten most valuable items or item stacks in the victim's bank are given to the killer in the form of a bank key.
    • In the case of item stacks, 80% of the stack is handed to the killer, while 20% is kept by the victim.
    • Items stored in a safe deposit box, accessed by speaking to a Financial Wizard, are protected from any bank robbery.
  • Trade offers that are listed on the Grand Exchange at the time of death are irrevocably lost.

In other areas however, key differences exist:

  • No experience is lost on death, under any scenario.
  • Whether someone is skulled or not has no influence on how death plays out outside of a safezone. All equipped items are lost on death to a monster or player, whether skulled or not.
  • In the event a skulled player dies inside a safezone, the fate of their untradeable items depends on whether they have been hit by another player:
    • If no player has hit them, untradeable items will be lost entirely.
    • If they have been hit by another player, untradeable items will either break or be given to the opponent depending on the item.
  • Attuned sigils are always kept, and any sigils in the bank (including unattuned ones) are always kept.
  • When dying at the hands of another player, a starter pack is handed out upon respawning in Lumbridge.


Although skulling plays no meaningful role in death behaviour, some limitations still result from sporting a skull:

  • Skulled players cannot attune or unattune sigils;
  • Safezones cannot be accessed while skulled;
  • Certain unsafe areas are inaccessible to skulled players as well.[17]


The areas designated as a safezone are largely the same as they were during the Deadman: Reborn game mode, which are marked on the following map of Deadman Reborn safezones. In addition to those areas, the Warriors' Guild is a safezone as well in Deadman: Armageddon.


Points can be earned through a variety of activities during Deadman: Armageddon, such as completing Combat Achievements, Achievement Diaries, Treasure Trails, killing bosses, or gaining levels. These points allow players to climb the dedicated leaderboard, in addition to earning a chance of partaking in the prize money, which is distributed to randomly selected players among those who earned the highest number of points. Players will not be able to gain points during the finale. Point accumulation ends when the servers close on 3 August.

Points only determine one's position on the leaderboard and influence the distribution of prize money, but serve no gameplay purpose besides that.

For an overview of all the various activities that award points, see the main article.



  • Swapping gold between a main game profile and a Deadman Armageddon profile is allowed, but as it necessarily involves trust trades, doing so is at each player's own risk.[18]


The following actions are not permitted during the Deadman Armageddon tournament.[19]

  • The use of illegal third-party clients or plugins, that is to say clients that are not on the list of approved third-party clients.
  • Muling, the practice of safely storing items on a secondary account.
  • Boxing, or engaging in fights with allied players or monsters to avoid combat with other players.
  • X-logging, a technique used to avoid other players by closing the client while attacking a monster in a single-way combat area.
  • Ragging, or the practice of targeting specific players while carrying little to no risk, often with disruptive intent.[20]
  • Account sharing, that is have multiple people take turns playing one account in order to accrue points, gear, and levels as intensively as possible in a limited-time tourney.[21]

Finale and prizes

The last player left alive in each of the finale worlds will walk away with a nice chunk of change, with other prizes doled out via raffle. A player's chances improve depending on how many points they have accumulated.

  • Each of the five finale winners will receive $3,000, for a total of $15,000.
    • This is increased from last year, where finale winners took home $1,000.
  • One of the top five players, based on points, will win $1,000.
  • Two of the top 25 players, based on points, will win $1,000 each.
  • Three of the top 1% of players, based on points, will win $1,000 each.
  • Two of the top 5% of players, based on points, will win $1,000 each.
  • Two of the top 20% of players, based on points, will win $1,000 each.
  • In addition, no contestant can win twice. If player is the last survivor and win $3,000, they will not be eligible for any of the points-based prizes.

If a player's points total puts them higher up the leaderboard, then they will still be eligible for all of the lower draws - assuming they have not won a prize already. This means that a player in the top five would be eligible for all five of the raffle draws unless they have already won a prize.


On 28 August 2024 the winners were announced in an update blog:

Bracket winners - $3,000 each:

  • 45 – 50 bracket: Taatuh DMM
  • 51 – 70 bracket: Antibone
  • 71 – 90 bracket: solo timbo
  • 91 – 110 bracket: KalculatorV4
  • 111 – 126 bracket: N/A - Pending further checks

Points-based winners - $1,000 each:

  • Gl Im Tom
  • KoruKoru
  • Deadmen RS
  • Yberi
  • ufj
  • Osetek
  • Pro Invasion
  • Pile ofDeath
  • ahka TOA
  • Mooonaltray


Reward Deadman points Description
12,000 Take this to Nigel to give the Armadyl Godsword, Volatile Nightmare Staff, Dark Bow and Voidwaker a cosmetic theme from Deadman: Armageddon.
6,000 Take this to Nigel to give the imbued Saradomin, Guthix or Zamorak Cape a cosmetic theme from Deadman: Armageddon.
9,000 A scroll which unlocks the Deadman: Armageddon home teleport animation.
3,000 A fearsome yet stylish souvenir from Deadman: Armageddon.

W345 Transfer

After the event a players character, pets, stats and untradeable items will transfer to world 345. However all tradeable items will be lost including those in the safety deposit box. In world 345 transferred players will get 12 hours protection and spawn in Lumbridge. [22]


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:31 July 2024| |0}} {{#explode:31 July 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:31 July 2024| |2}}]]
[[{{#explode:24 July 2024| |0}} {{#explode:24 July 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 July 2024| |2}}]]
  • The infernal chef now gives cooked karambwan as opposed to poisoned.
  • The number of cyclops in the cyclops room of the Warriors' Guild now scales with the number of players in the room.
  • Players can no longer roll the skilling supply loot table while mining rune essence, and can no longer chop undead trees.
  • The doors in the Grand Tree no longer change locations on Deadman worlds.
  • Players will no longer receive skilling supply Loot when in an instance.
  • The rate of the bleed effect on Morrigan’s javelin has been increased and the damage per hit has been increased to 10.
  • The UI now correctly reflects the remaining time before this year's Deadman ends.
  • The warning messages that played when players attuned to Sigil of the Fortune Farmer and interacted with impling jars has been removed.
  • The quantity of breach NPCs at region breaches has been increased.
  • The number of Slayer points required to choose a task when using the Sigil of Slaughter has been increased from 30 to 60.
  • Players with less than 90 Slayer points will be warned that they won’t have enough points to cancel a selected task.
  • When attempting to log in to a Deadman world with W45 data, players will now be informed that they must reset their permanent Deadman account with Nigel in Lumbridge.
  • Deadman tournament accounts, specifically one Defence pures, can now progress through Heroes' Quest. Normal Deadman and other normal accounts remain unchanged.
  • Multiple 3-50 and 51-70 Deadman worlds were removed.



Post Date
Deadman: Armageddon & While Guthix Sleeps Updates 17 July 2024
Deadman: Armageddon - First Look 21 May 2024


  1. ^ "Everything You Need to Know for Deadman: Apocalypse". RuneScape News. Jagex. 16 August 2023. Archived from the original. "As a reminder, you won't be limited to only 2 Combat Sigils this time around, instead you're free to mix and match however you'd like, whether that entails going all-in on 3 Combat Sigils or taking a more mixed approach!"
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^ Jagex. "PvP Feedback - Old School Runescape" Discord server. 22 August 2023. Archived from the original on 24 August 2023. Mod Manked: "(...) Drops are the same for all breach monsters, although the loot will obviously differ based on rng."
  6. ^
  7. ^ Jagex. "PvP Feedback - Old School Runescape" Discord server. 21 August 2023. Archived from the original on 24 August 2023. Mod Manked: "[Is food provided in the starter kit?] Same as Reborn, just without the regular combat potion I believe."
  8. ^
  9. ^
  10. ^
  11. ^
  12. ^
  13. ^
  14. ^
  15. ^
  16. ^
  17. ^
  18. ^ "Deadman: Apocalypse - Initial Feedback". RuneScape News. Jagex. 7 July 2023. Archived from the original. "As for our stance: we won't be banning anybody from swapping. (...) With that being said, swapping is performed entirely via trust trades with other players, meaning swapping GP is performed entirely at your own risk."
  19. ^ "Everything You Need to Know for Deadman: Apocalypse". RuneScape News. Jagex. 16 August 2023. Archived from the original. "Players are reminded to report anybody you encounter using illegal third-party clients/plugins. Alternatively, you can send any suspected cheater's RSNs along with corroborating evidence to via email. This same email can be used to send in evidence of muling, boxing and 'X-logging' where you believe it has occurred."
  20. ^
  21. ^ Jagex. Mod Manked in the "PvP Feedback - Old School Runescape" Discord server. 10 August 2023. Archived from the original on 24 August 2023. Mod Manked: " Account sharing has always been against the rules in DMM tournaments."
  22. ^ "Deadman: Armageddon - First Look". RuneScape News. Jagex. 10 July 2024. Archived from the original. "Last time around, our changes for the World 45 transfer had an adverse effect on the Permanent Deadman's economy. While we'd still like to consider ways we can help players get their Deadman fix between tournaments, we don't want to harm World 45 for the time being. As such, tradeable items will not transfer to World 45. Your character, pets and untradeables will transfer over if you'd like to play on World 45. You can transfer your stats over and enjoy 12 hours of protection if you'd like."