Kasonde Shaw is a botanist involved in The Garden of Death and Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire. Diagnosed with Koreps Syndrome, a deadly disease with no cure, he seeks to uncover the secrets of the Old Ones, a long extinct race who discovered a method of soul transference long before the Citizens of Arceuus did, in order to overcome his illness.
During Desert Treasure II, the player encounters Kasonde in person while exploring the Stranglewood, who enlists their help in creating a serum to gain immunity to the Strangler infection. However, by the time the player acquires the ingredients, he became infected by the Strangler and asks the player to visit the ritual site to see whether they can uncover anything.
After the player defeats Vardorvis at the ritual site, they return to Kasonde with a temple key, and discovers something beyond the doors to the temple, and asks that they to return to Kourend for the medical equipment to treat his condition. However, already infected by The Strangler, the player deems it too high a risk to spread the Strangler infection, leaving Kasonde no choice but to fight his way out. After Kasonde's defeat, he reveals that he already had found Vardorvis' medallion before the adventurer had arrived, and that he kept it hidden fearing they wouldn't help him if he gave it to them. He will tell them it is in a chest back in his hideout, and seemingly dies.
Towards the end of the quest, it is revealed that Kasonde is Sliske in disguise, with the real Kasonde having died at some point and turned into one of his wights as Kasonde the Craven.
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