Land of the Goblins

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Land of the Goblins (#151)
Released 9 February 2022 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series Dorgeshuun, #4
Lead developer(s) John A (original), Mod Ed (Old School)

Land of the Goblins is the fourth quest in the Dorgeshuun quest series, where you and Zanik, at Grubfoot's request, attempt to find Yu'biusk - the homeland of the goblin race. It is the first quest to be backported into Old School RuneScape.


Start pointMap icon Speak to Grubfoot in the Dorgesh-Kaan mine. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="9618" x="3319" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3319.5,9616.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3319,9616

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyExperienced
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionThe most ancient goblin legends speak of Yu'biusk, the far-off land that saw the origin of the goblin race. Now, one goblin has had a vision of this land and believes it is Zanik's destiny to lead all goblins to live there in peace and safety - but Zanik will not be able to realise her destiny without your help.
Items required
Enemies to defeat
Ironman concerns
  • The player needs to unequip all items in addition to carrying the required items.
League notes

Asgarnia Asgarnia — location requirement
Fremennik Fremennik — location requirement
Kandarin Kandarin — location requirement


Grubfoot's Dream

Items recommended: Light source

Start out by making your way to the main entrance to Dorgesh-Kaan at the Dorgeshuun Mines. Here, you will find Grubfoot, who tells you that he wants to enter Dorgesh-Kaan to speak to Zanik, who he refers to as the Chosen Commander, as he had a dream about her that he needs to discuss with her.

Grubfoot's vision of Yu'biusk, the Land of the Goblins.

However, Mistag says that though the Dorgeshuun Council agreed to allow humans into the city, their laws currently don't allow surface goblins entry. Though the Council wishes to establish relations with them, they have heard the surface goblins are a very warlike people, and most believe letting them into the city is too much of a risk. You will tell Mistag that you will take responsibility for Grubfoot, and enter the city.

Take Grubfoot to Zanik, who can be found in Oldak's workshop in the north-west corner of the city. He will tell you and Zanik about his dream of Yu'biusk, the Land of the Goblins, where goblins of all tribes live together in peace in a lush land. He believes that Zanik, the Chosen Commander, is the one who is prophesied to save the goblins by leading them back to Yu'biusk.

Grubfoot will then tell you of a hidden temple of the Big High War God, where the priests within may know the means to reach Yu'biusk. After promising to keep the location of the temple a secret, he'll tell you the entrance is found in a muddy cave near a "place where many humans catch fish". Oldak will recognise that he is referring to the Goblin Cave, and will use a teleportation sphere to take you and Zanik there.

Impostor Among Goblins

Upon arrival, head north-west until you reach the entrance to the temple, guarded by two goblin guards. If you haven't obtained black dye already, pick the black mushrooms nearby for later use.

The entrance to the Goblin Temple, guarded by two goblins.

Speak to the goblin guards, who will allow Zanik to enter the Goblin Temple. However, as you are a human, they will deny you entry. Return to Oldak in Dorgesh-Kaan and tell him about your predicament, and he will refer you to the Makeover Mage, who may be able to help you. (Talking to Oldak is not required to progress.)

Make your way to the Makeover Mage, who can be found north of the Crafting Guild (easily reached via skills necklace), and ask them about turning yourself into a goblin. Though they don't want to perform the procedure for you, wanting to avoid being responsible should something go wrong, they will tell you the recipe to create the goblin potion, which are toadflax and pharmakos berries, found on bushes just outside the building. They'll also tell you that the potion has several restrictions that if not adhered to will result in the transmogrification being reversed, which include standing in direct sunlight, entering combat, and wearing any items that is not a goblin mail. (It can be beneficial if doing Hopespear's Will to make two potions, allowing for you to kill the weaker priests and then re-gear for the last.)

The Temple of Tribes

Items needed: Toadflax potion (unf), pharmakos berries, goblin mail, black dye, don't bring any armour for this part because you will need to unequip it

If you picked a black mushroom earlier, use it on a pestle and mortar whilst having an empty vial in your inventory to create black dye, as you'll need it for this part of the quest. Otherwise, bring the vial and pestle and mortar with you when you return to the Goblin Cave. In addition, if you have a pet following you, deposit it at a bank or store it in your POH menagerie as you will not be able to enter the temple otherwise.

The player transforms into a goblin.

Once you create the goblin potion, make your way back to the Goblin Cave. You can use the Fishing Guild teleport on the skills necklace to reach the cave entrance.

Drink the goblin potion, and you will be prompted to choose how you'll appear as a goblin. Speak to the goblin guards again, who will try guessing your goblin name; if you like the name they've guessed, tell them they've guessed correctly, otherwise keep telling them to guess again. Afterwards you'll be granted entry to the Goblin Temple. Once inside, if you haven't obtained a goblin mail already, search the crates by the exit for one.

Note: if you at any point need to teleport out while in goblin form, make sure to not be wearing your dyed goblin mail with a full inventory or the armour will be permanently destroyed.

Inside the temple, speak to High Priest Bighead in the north of the temple, who will tell you that Zanik has been imprisoned for her antitheist views by the Huzamogaarb tribe. Use your black dye on a goblin mail to create a black goblin mail, then wear it and enter the Huzamogaarb tribal room, found in the north-eastern part of the temple. Speak to Zanik, who will tell you that her Dorgesh-kaan sphere was confiscated and placed in a crate across the room. Search the crate to receive the sphere and return it to Zanik, who will use it and escape. If you speak to Zanik with a Dorgesh-Kaan sphere already in your inventory, she will take it; you can still search the crate to retrieve a spare.

Return to High Priest Bighead, and ask him about Yu'biusk. He will tell you that knowledge is not for ordinary goblins, and only those who understand the ways of the Big High War God may learn of it. The High Priest will test your knowledge about the Big High War God, and you must answer four questions with the correct replies to proceed, as seen below:

  • True or false: those who do not believe in Big High War God, whether they goblins or other races, must die.
    • True.
    • Big High War God commands it.
  • True or false: Big High War God chose goblins to be his race because goblins mighty warriors.
    • False.
    • Goblins not mighty warriors before he chose us.
  • True or false: goblin leaders should be good at planning in order to win battles.
    • False.
    • That one of the commandments.
  • Prophecy say some day Big High War God send Chosen Commander. What Chosen Commander do?
    • Lead goblins to victory over whole world.

Keys to the Crypt

Items needed: Fishing rod, raw slimy eel, 5 coins, blue dye, orange dye, purple dye, yellow dye, black goblin mail, goblin potion, combat equipment for the next section
Items recommended: Two teleports to Draynor Village

After passing the test, the High Priest will answer your questions. Ask him about Yu'biusk, and ask of its whereabouts. He will say he does not know, but his predecessor Snothead might. However, he is buried in the temple crypt, which only the High Priest can enter with the six keys of the six tribal priests. You can also ask other questions, such as the Big High War God's true name, and the reason why there are only six tribes in the temple when there were originally twelve. If the pickpocket option doesn't show up on the six Priests, talk to the High Priest again until he mentions the six keys. The option to pickpocket becomes available when you select "can i talk to old high priests"

The Goblin Temple, dedicated to the Big High War God.

To access the temple crypt, you'll need to steal the keys from each of the tribal priests. As you're already wearing the black goblin mail, enter the Huzamogaarb tribal room and pickpocket the priest for the Huzamogaarb key. You will then need to dye your goblin mail to match each of the remaining tribes in order to gain access to their rooms. You will now need to leave the cave to bleach your armour white, and collect the other dyes if you don't already have them.

Make your way to Aggie in Draynor Village and ask if she can make dyes for you, and then about the black and white dyes. She says that she will need 5 coins and a whitefish, which are caught only at Hemenster with raw slimy eel as bait. Go to the Fishing Contest area west of the Ranging Guild. Upon arrival, click on the gate and tell Morris that you need to catch a whitefish. Once you've caught one, return to Aggie and she'll give you a white goblin mail. Note that you cannot do this before speaking to Aggie.

Take the dyes, the white goblin mail, the Huzamogaarb key, and some combat gear to the cavern. Unequip everything, and take another sip of your goblin potion to enter the temple. Pass the guard in the doorway of Saragorgak tribe in the west side of the temple, pickpocket the tribe's priest, and then pass the guard again to leave.

Dye your goblin mail and pickpocket the remaining keys correspondingly:

Tribe Corner Colour Key
Saragorgak West White Saragorgak key
Yurkolgokh North-west Yellow Yurkolgokh key
Huzamogaarb North-east Black Huzamogaarb key
Ekeleshuun East Blue Ekeleshuun key
Narogoshuun South-east Orange Narogoshuun key
Horogothgar South-west Purple Horogothgar key

High Priests of Ages Past

Now you can enter the crypt - the big door in the north. Once inside, prepare for battle by equipping weapons and armour; you will change from goblin to human when you do this. Go to the first grave to the left, and say the name of the high priest, Snothead. He will rise from the ground and proceed to attack.

After defeating Snothead, ask about Yu'biusk's whereabouts. Though he does not know, he believes his ancestor knows. Ask for his name, and he'll tell you it is Snailfeet. Continue with this pattern until you have beaten the remaining high priests. The further back in time you go, you'll realise that the older high priests have a more expansive knowledge of Yu'biusk, speak more eloquently than their successors, and are also more adept at fighting.

After defeating the last priest, Strongbones, he will tell you that Yu'biusk is another plane of existence, not a place on Gielinor.

Note: Redeyes and Strongbones can deal high amounts of damage, players should be prepared. If needed, players can leave the crypt between fights to bank, but doing so requires turning into a goblin to gain access to the temple and therefore crypt again.

All of the high priests that attack with Ranged/Magic can be somewhat safe-spotted. As long as you stay a few tiles away, they will default to their Ranged/Magic attack and you can use protection prayers. Redeyes and Mosschin both attack with magic, even though their attack animation is with a bow. You might want to attack Strongbones with strong armour praying against Magic so that you're fairly protected against both the reanimated skeletons and the boss's melee and Ranged attacks.

If the player dies during the fight, their gravestone will appear in the cave outside the temple entrance - obtaining a new goblin potion and goblin mail is not required to retrieve their items.

The player fights Strongbones, the strongest high priest in the crypt.
Image Priest Name Level Grave location Attack Style
Snothead 32 South-west Melee
Snailfeet 56 South-east Melee and Ranged
Mosschin 88 North-west Melee, and Magic
Redeyes 121 North-east Melee, and Magic (Lowers Attack, Strength and Defence)
Strongbones 184 North Melee, Magic, and Ranged. Summons level 29 skoblins, and lowers Attack, Strength and Defence

Path to Yu'biusk

Items needed: Light source
Items recommended: Dorgesh-kaan sphere, Dramen or lunar staff if players have access to the fairy rings

Return to Oldak's workshop in Dorgesh-Kaan, and tell them what you've learned from the high priests. Oldak will tell you that they've found a fungus ring in the southern caves with similar properties to law runes, and believes that with enough power and Zanik's presence, it should be able to open a portal to Yu'biusk.

If players have access to the fairy rings, use the code AJQ to teleport there. Otherwise, to get there, travel south on the same floor level as Oldak's workshop, go up the stairs at the end and then up again to reach the agility course. Climb down the ladder at the west side of the agility course platform, walk a bit south and take the first corridor to the east. At the end of the corridor, head south and look west for the icon at the southern entrance of the 2nd floor[UK]3rd floor[US].

Meet up with Zanik and Oldak, who will ask you to adjust the machine by allocating power to each ring proportional to the area within the ring. The rings, from outer to inner, have a radius of 3, 2 and 1. Because a circle's area is proportional to the square of its radius, this means the power given to each of the circles should be 9, 4, and 1.

The interface used to allocate power to each of the circles in the fairy ring.

Enter the values 9-4-1 and activate the machine to start a cutscene where the three of you will be teleported to Yu'biusk. Upon arriving, you see that it is a barren wasteland, torn asunder by Bandos after the God Wars in a fit of rage. Walk north-west until you get to some short walls surrounding a strange box. Oldak will warn you that you need to return fast, but keep walking. Zanik will notice the box and ask you to help her open it.

Open the strange box, and Zanik will be sucked into it. As this happens, Oldak tells you that you and him have to leave, as the portal is closing. Upon returning to Gielinor, Oldak will tell you that he hasn't been able to get the fairy ring-hacking machine working again, and suggests that there may be a way to reach Yu'biusk after breaching the planar barriers between it and Gielinor.


Required for completing

Completion of Land of the Goblins is required for the following:


This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.

Music unlocked

Name Unlock details Music track
Zanik's Theme Unlocked during the cutscene showing Grubfoot's dream File:Zanik's Theme.ogg
Temple of Tribes Unlocked upon entering the Goblin Temple File:Temple of Tribes.ogg
Catacombs and Tombs Unlocked upon entering the Goblin Temple crypt File:Catacombs and Tombs.ogg
Dusk in Yu'biusk Unlocked upon arriving in Yu'biusk File:Dusk in Yu'biusk.ogg
Don't Panic Zanik Unlocked after Zanik disappears into the strange box File:Don't Panic Zanik.ogg


Land of the Goblins was originally released in RuneScape on 12 November 2007, three months after the August 2007 Archive of RuneScape that Old School was built off of. Like other content from the immediate post-backup era (such as God Wars Dungeon and the Ourania Altar), it was present in the Archive's files but had not yet been added to the live game.

In December 2021, a Developer's Blog was written which revealed that the majority of the work for the quest was already completed and offered players the opportunity to introduce it to the game via a poll.

Differences from original version

Although largely identical to the original Land of the Goblins, there are a few differences in the Old School edition:

  • As is the case with almost all Old School-exclusive quests, the player is prompted on whether they want to begin the quest with a chatbox option when speaking to Grubfoot and Mistag. The original quest automatically started after the player agreed to vouch for Grubfoot.
  • The original quest awarded 3,000 Agility, Herblore, Thieving, Fishing, and Strength XP along with 2,000 Prayer XP. In Old School RuneScape, the quest instead awards 8,000 Agility, Herblore, Fishing, and Thieving XP.
  • The quest completion icon is an image of the Goblin potion; Zanik's face is displayed on the original reward scroll.
  • The original only awarded one quest point; two are awarded in Old School.
  • There are minor changes to dialogue throughout, including the removal of dialogue choices at several points throughout the quest.
  • In the original, Pharmarkos berries were just given to you by the Makeover Mage, instead of being harvested from bushes. The item also originally had a unique model, instead of being a recoloured version of dwellberries.
  • High Priest Bighead was known as simply "High Priest" in the original version, and was seated on a small pew between some candles. Old School RuneScape has him standing up and walking around instead, and also renamed the NPC to use his name as revealed in the 37th Postbag from the Hedge.
  • Aggie was graphically updated with the release of the original quest, Old School RuneScape left her unchanged.
  • The character of Dipflip is unique to Old School RuneScape.
  • The goblin high priests are significantly stronger than their original counterparts.
  • The dialogue in the final segment on Yu'biusk was almost entirely rewritten from the original, and plays no music track as part of an artistic choice by the developers. The track Dusk in Yu'biusk is still unlocked upon arriving in Yu'biusk.
  • The quest originally ended after a short conversation with Oldak back in Dorgesh-Kaan, instead of immediately after leaving Yu'biusk.
  • Don't Panic Zanik did not play at all in the original version, as it was not released until the quest's sequel, The Chosen Commander.

Gallery (historical)



  • Developer: Mod John A
  • Graphics: Mod Damo
  • Quality Assurance: Nick C
  • QuestHelp: Mod Mog
  • Audio: Mod Bond, Mod Dan A

Old School RuneScape

  • Developer(s): Mod Ed


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:16 February 2022| |0}} {{#explode:16 February 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:16 February 2022| |2}}]]
  • The recommended combat level to complete the quest has been increased from 60 to 65.
  • Various spelling errors have been corrected in dialogue seen during the quest.
  • Dusk in Yu'biusk will now unlock upon arriving there during the quest, though it won't be played (as part of an artistic choice by the developers).
  • Oldak's dialogue now changes if players visit Yu'biusk properly by way of fairy ring.


Promotional art for the quest featuring Zanik.
Promotional art for the quest featuring Zanik in Yu'biusk.
  • Land of the Goblins is the first quest released in Old School RuneScape that is ported from the original game in largely unaltered form. Other questline continuations have been unique quests developed exclusively for Old School (e.g. A Taste of Hope and Song of the Elves). This is because the quest was already nearly complete in the archives that the Old School team had access to.
  • The goblin high priests become more articulate and well-spoken as the player progresses through them, with Redeyes and Strongbones speaking in the same dialect as a human. This implies that surface goblins were once more educated and civilized than they are today.
  • In the Goblin Temple, the Narogoshuun priest says, "I tell you truth! There some goblins here who not die before they see Chosen Commander coming with glory of Big High War God!" It's very likely that this is a reference to Matthew 16:28 in the Bible, with the King James Version quoting Christ as saying to his disciples, "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."
  • The Horogothgar priest tells a story about Hopespear cursing a number of goblin children who came to make fun of him in his old age, whereupon monsters came and tore the children to pieces. This is likely also a reference to the Bible, namely 2 Kings 23-24, in the King James Version: "And he (Elisha) went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them."