The Mimic/Strategies

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A player faces The Mimic.

Upon completion of an elite or master clue scroll, the casket received has a chance of turning out to be a mimic chest. Mimic caskets can only be obtained from an elite or master reward casket after asking the strange casket to enable the chance to obtain a mimic casket (which is disabled by default).


The Mimic uses several attacks throughout the duration of the fight.

  • Melee attack: The Mimic can hit you with a normal melee attack if you are standing beside it.
  • Candy attack: The Mimic throws six candies at you. If you fail to step out of the way, you will receive about 10 damage. Three candies are purple, and there is one red, one blue and one green candy. The red, blue and green candies spawn the Third Age Warrior, Third Age Mage, and Third Age Ranger respectively. There is no benefit to killing them as they drop nothing and, when killed, they instantly respawn when another candy attack occurs.
  • Stomp Attack: Sometimes, The Mimic will step one tile forward onto you. Alternatively, this attack is activated when you walk under The Mimic. For every tick (0.6 seconds) that you stand under The Mimic, you will receive damage. The damage scales as follows: 1-1-1-2-2-2-3-... and so on, capping out at 6 damage. Simply step away from The Mimic to stop and reset the damage counter.

Suggested skills

  • Magic 90+ (Magic method)
  • Ranged 90+ (Ranged method)
  • Attack 90+ (Special attack)
  • Strength 90+ (Special attack)
  • Defence 75+
  • Prayer 77+ (74+ with Ranged)


Using magic alongside the dragon claws will allow the player to kill the Mimic relatively quickly. High-levelled players should have little difficulty defeating the mimic with high-end gear. The player should always use Protect from Melee and move around the room when the Mimic throws sweets, and the player should ignore the spawned Third Age minions. Protect from Melee should be activated before the player enters the instance. The player should use stat-boosting potions and the invigorate option of the Imbued heart before entering the instance. The player should enter the fight in full melee gear and use both the dragon claws special attacks (can be substituted with a dragon dagger if the player does not have dragon claws).


File:Super restore(4).png
File:Infernal cape.png

As the fight is relatively short, a full inventory of food and potions is not necessary. For lower-levelled players, increase the number of prayer-restoring potions and food.

Though the Mimic is weak to magic, using ranged alongside the dragon claws will still allow the player to kill the Mimic relatively quickly. High-levelled players should have little difficulty defeating the mimic with high-end gear. The player should always use Protect from Melee and move around the room when the Mimic throws sweets, and the player should ignore the spawned Third Age minions. Protect from Melee should be activated before the player enters the instance. The player should use stat-boosting potions before entering the instance. The player should enter the fight in full melee gear and use both the dragon claws special attacks (can be substituted with a dragon dagger if the player does not have dragon claws).

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Use with Bow of faerdhinen
  2. ^ Surpasses Bow of faerdhinen only with at least 2 Masori armour pieces
  3. ^ Only if using full Crystal armour


File:Infernal cape.pngFile:Super restore(4).png

As the fight is relatively short, a full inventory of food and potions is not necessary. For lower-levelled players, increase the number of prayer-restoring potions and food. Lower-levelled players should also consider bringing a stamina potion, as running around the room will drain run energy.