Mos Le'Harmless Cave

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Mos Le'Harmless Cave
Released4 July 2006 (Update)
LocationMos Le'Harmless
League regionMorytania Morytania
MusicLittle Cave of Horrors

The Mos Le'Harmless Cave, also called the "Cave of Horrors", is found on Mos Le'Harmless, which players can reach only after completing the Cabin Fever quest. The cave is the only place where Cave horrors and Albino bats are found. The entrance is found on the beach on south side of the island (<maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="2976" x="3748" zoom="2" mapID="0">


X/Y: 3748,2974



A light source is required in the cave unless the player has lit a Fire of Eternal Light near the entrance. In the north-east, two staircases ascend to small islands with teak and mahogany trees and seaweed spawns.

The Dwarf multicannon can be used in the cave.

The entrance is found just east of the town by a small beach.


  • Level 80 Cave horrors (Level 58 Slayer and a Witchwood icon needed to fight). They are scattered around the cave and are aggressive.
  • Level 52 Albino bats. These are rarely fought because they have no drops, and mainly serve as an annoyance to players who wish to fight the horrors because they are aggressive.


  • Cavey Davey guards the entrance to the cave. He warns players to be prepared before entering.
The two islands on the north-east coast of Mos Le'Harmless, accessible through the cave. Each island features both a single teak and mahogany tree.



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:24 March 2016| |0}} {{#explode:24 March 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 March 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Increased the density of cave horror spawns.

[[{{#explode:24 July 2014| |0}} {{#explode:24 July 2014| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:24 July 2014| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The Cave horror cave entrance now has a right click option to permanently disable the warning.


Tiles with pictures resembling black masks on them.
  • The music track Little Cave of Horrors is a reference to the film Little Shop of Horrors.
  • The black masks appear to be made of stone, with pieces carved away when compared to the markings littered on the floor around the dungeon.
  • If a player wishes to enter the Mos Le'Harmless Cave without a Witchwood icon, they may proceed by saying "Yes, I am not afraid to be killed in nasty ways", a reference to the song "Brave Sir Robin" from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
  • The swamp bubbles in the cave can be used to fill Ogre bellows.