Ring of visibility

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Ring of visibility
Released18 April 2005 (Update)
Quest itemDesert Treasure I
OptionsWear, Destroy
DestroyYou can get another from Rasolo.
ExamineA ring that allows you to see things that are normally invisible...
Value350 coins
High alch210 coins
Low alch140 coins
Weight0.004 kg
Advanced data
Item ID4657

The ring of visibility is a special ring that can be obtained from Rasolo the merchant, after the player retrieves his gilded cross for him during the quest Desert Treasure I. Wearing the ring lets the player see mysterious ghosts and other objects that are normally invisible. The ring of visibility cannot be made using the Crafting skill. It cannot be equipped in the Lassar Undercity.

If the player dies with the ring equipped or in their inventory, they will always lose it even if they had less than 3 items (or four with Protect Item). The two exceptions are if the player dies while fighting Damis during Desert Treasure I, in which case they will keep the ring like normal, or if the player dies in the Shadow Realm during Desert Treasure II, in which case it will be kept or appear in your gravestone loot. If lost, the ring can be reclaimed from Rasolo, west of the Fishing Guild and south of the Baxtorian Falls. It may be possible for the ring to not remain in the player's inventory upon death, in this event the player can only retrieve their items from Death's Office as they will not be able to use the ghostly ladder without the ring.

After completion of Desert Treasure II, the ring of shadows can be used as a replacement to the ring of visibility.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerRing slot table



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:26 July 2023| |0}} {{#explode:26 July 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:26 July 2023| |2}}]]

The item's "Drop" option has been replaced with "Destroy".
