SMW Subobject for NormalMagic defence bonus: 30Examine: A soldier of Queen Vespula.Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: -8Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 40Uses infobox: MonsterNPC ID: 7538, 7539Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 5 January 2017Version anchor: NormalRanged level: 1Attack level: 150Poisonous: Yes (15)Is variant of: Vespine soldierMagic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: CrushMonster attribute: xericianLight range defence bonus: 0Immune to poison: ImmuneSlash defence bonus: 0Hitpoints: 100Image: File:Vespine soldier.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 14Range attack bonus: 0Attack speed: 4Magic level: 40Name: Vespine soldierStrength bonus: -8Size: 3Strength level: 150Heavy range defence bonus: 0Is members only: true
SMW Subobject for Challenge ModeMagic defence bonus: 30Examine: A soldier of Queen Vespula.Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: -8Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 60Uses infobox: MonsterNPC ID: 7538, 7539Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 17 May 2018Version anchor: Challenge ModeRanged level: 1Attack level: 225Poisonous: Yes (15)Is variant of: Vespine soldierMagic attack bonus: 0Range defence bonus: 0Attack style: CrushMonster attribute: xericianLight range defence bonus: 0Immune to poison: ImmuneSlash defence bonus: 0Hitpoints: 150Image: File:Vespine soldier.pngStandard range defence bonus: 0Experience bonus: 0Max hit: 20Range attack bonus: 0Attack speed: 4Magic level: 60Name: Vespine soldierStrength bonus: -8Size: 3Strength level: 225Heavy range defence bonus: 0Is members only: true
Vespine soldiers are offspring of Vespula. They will only appear if the team allows a lux grub's growth meter to reach zero, at which point it will transform into a vespine soldier, while also healing Vespula and the abyssal portal. Players will need to deal with the vespine soldiers while also working against Vespula if this occurs.
Vespine soldiers have relatively low health, and when it is nearly depleted, they stop flying and become immune from range damage, but can be killed easily with melee. After a while, they explode, and another grub appears where it hatched.
- ^ DISCLAIMER: The stats displayed on this page can vary based on the player with the highest combat level. The stats shown are scaled for a player with maxed combat stats.