SMW Subobject for NormalMagic defence bonus: 140Examine: Sounds like some kind of hybrid clothing, actually.Immune to venom: Not immuneAttack bonus: 85Magic Damage bonus: 38Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 155Uses skill: SlayerDefence level: 187Heavy range defence bonus: 75NPC ID: 7604, 7605, 7606Crush defence bonus: 75Release date: 5 January 2017Version anchor: NormalRanged level: 1Image: File:Skeletal mystic (1).pngAttack level: 140Immune to poison: Not immunePoisonous: NoExperience bonus: 20Is variant of: Skeletal MysticLight range defence bonus: 115Magic attack bonus: 40Hitpoints: 160Elemental weakness: NoRange defence bonus: 115Attack style: Magic, MeleeMonster attribute: undead, xericianSize: 2Slash defence bonus: 155Range attack bonus: 0Attack speed: 4Slayer category: SkeletonsStandard range defence bonus: 115Assigned by: turael, spria, mazchnaIs members only: trueUses infobox: MonsterLeague Region: KourendMagic level: 140Name: Skeletal MysticStrength bonus: 50Max hit: VariesStrength level: 140Slayer experience: 160Elemental weakness percent: 0
SMW Subobject for Challenge ModeMagic defence bonus: 140Examine: Sounds like some kind of hybrid clothing, actually.Immune to venom: Not immuneAttack bonus: 85Magic Damage bonus: 38Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 155Uses skill: SlayerDefence level: 280Heavy range defence bonus: 75NPC ID: 7604, 7605, 7606Crush defence bonus: 75Release date: 17 May 2018Version anchor: Challenge ModeRanged level: 1Image: File:Skeletal mystic (1).pngAttack level: 210Immune to poison: Not immunePoisonous: NoExperience bonus: 30Is variant of: Skeletal MysticLight range defence bonus: 115Magic attack bonus: 40Hitpoints: 240Elemental weakness: NoRange defence bonus: 115Attack style: Magic, MeleeMonster attribute: undead, xericianSize: 2Slash defence bonus: 155Range attack bonus: 0Attack speed: 4Slayer category: SkeletonsStandard range defence bonus: 115Assigned by: turael, spria, mazchnaIs members only: trueUses infobox: MonsterLeague Region: KourendMagic level: 210Name: Skeletal MysticStrength bonus: 50Max hit: VariesStrength level: 210Slayer experience: 240Elemental weakness percent: 0
Skeletal Mystics are skeleton mages found within the Chambers of Xeric.
Despite their robes appearing in line with the combat triangle, all of the mystics share the same combat styles and stats.
The mystics attack with two forms of Magic; a standard magic attack, and a damaging form of Vulnerability, along with melee. The mystics will react to their target's overhead prayers, though this is also dependent on the mystic and the player's position. If the mystic cannot reach its target using Protect from Magic, they would continue using magic, whereas if a mystic can reach its target who is praying against magic, it would attempt to melee them. The mystics have an attack range of 10 and cannot be safespotted.
Upon death, they drop various amounts of golpar, buchu, and noxifer seeds.
[[{{#explode:12 December 2023| |0}} {{#explode:12 December 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:12 December 2023| |2}}]] (update)
Skeletal Mystics now scale correctly when manually scaling upon raid creation.
- ^ DISCLAIMER: The stats displayed on this page can vary based on the player with the highest combat level. The stats shown are scaled for a player with maxed combat stats.