SMW Subobject for NormalMagic defence bonus: 60Examine: A portal has opened into the Abyss!Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 176Uses infobox: MonsterNPC ID: 7533Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 5 January 2017Version anchor: NormalRanged level: 1Attack level: 1Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Abyssal portalMagic attack bonus: 0Immune to poison: ImmuneElemental weakness: FireRange defence bonus: 140Attack style: NoneMonster attribute: xericianLight range defence bonus: 140Slash defence bonus: 0Hitpoints: 250Image: File:Abyssal portal.pngHeavy range defence bonus: 110Standard range defence bonus: 140Range attack bonus: 0Is members only: trueAttack speed: 2Experience bonus: 0Magic level: 176Name: Abyssal portalStrength bonus: 0Size: 4Strength level: 1Max hit: 0Elemental weakness percent: 50
SMW Subobject for Challenge ModeMagic defence bonus: 60Examine: A portal has opened into the Abyss!Immune to venom: ImmuneAttack bonus: 0Magic Damage bonus: 0Ranged Strength bonus: 0Stab defence bonus: 0Defence level: 264Uses infobox: MonsterNPC ID: 7533Crush defence bonus: 0Release date: 17 May 2018Version anchor: Challenge ModeRanged level: 1Attack level: 1Poisonous: NoIs variant of: Abyssal portalMagic attack bonus: 0Immune to poison: ImmuneElemental weakness: FireRange defence bonus: 140Attack style: NoneMonster attribute: xericianLight range defence bonus: 140Slash defence bonus: 0Hitpoints: 370Image: File:Abyssal portal.pngHeavy range defence bonus: 110Standard range defence bonus: 140Range attack bonus: 0Is members only: trueAttack speed: 2Experience bonus: 0Magic level: 264Name: Abyssal portalStrength bonus: 0Size: 4Strength level: 1Max hit: 0Elemental weakness percent: 50
The abyssal portal is a portal that leads deep into the Abyss, and was created by Xeric. While admiring the other world, Vespula flew through the portal and attacked Xeric's crew, who fled the scene. Vespula now controls the area and tends to her offspring while protecting the portal.
The portal must be destroyed in order to dispel Vespula and her offspring to proceed further into the caves. However, attacking the portal when Vespula is flying will cause her to enrage, attacking nearby players; she will stop flying once she reaches 23% of her Hitpoints, making it safer to attack the portal. If any of her lux grubs grow into vespine soldiers, Vespula and the abyssal portal will both regain hitpoints while they are alive. If under attack the abyssal portal will drain the prayer points of players standing in range by three points every two ticks; if prayer points are already depleted, then three damage will be applied instead. This is indicated with a faint green projectile, though players using the Redemption method should not be hit by this attack.
The portal is at least eight tiles away from the accessible area, therefore some weapons require long-range attack options. Armadyl crossbow, Zaryte crossbow, and Twisted bow may be used on rapid attack style due to their longer range. The portal is weaker to Magic despite its high Magic level, making it ideal to use Tumeken's shadow or a Harmonised nightmare staff; otherwise, ranged is preferable.
[[{{#explode:29 May 2024| |0}} {{#explode:29 May 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:29 May 2024| |2}}]] (update)
- The Abyssal portal now has 50% elemental weakness to fire spells.
- The Abyssal portal's heavy Ranged defence has been lowered from 140 to 110.
[[{{#explode:7 April 2017| |0}} {{#explode:7 April 2017| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 April 2017| |2}}]] (update)
The Abyssal portal now gives more reward points per unit damage dealt to it. It also spawns some potions on the ground when it is destroyed.
- ^ DISCLAIMER: The stats displayed on this page can vary based on the player with the highest combat level. The stats shown are scaled for a player with maxed combat stats.