The bone mace is a weapon requiring level 50 Attack to wield. It is made by combining a rune mace with Scurrius' spine at an anvil, requiring a hammer and level 35 Smithing to do so; players without the required level can alternatively pay Historian Aldo 50,000 coins to create it on their behalf. The mace has almost identical stats to the dragon mace, missing only the 5 prayer bonus.
As a rat bone weapon, it is effective against all types of rats by adding 10 damage to the player's maximum hit.[1] The mace cannot be used against any other type of monster; doing so will yield the game message You can only use this weapon against rats. Additionally, this weapon has no attack cooldown when attacking the giant rats that Scurrius summons.
The weapon seems to resemble a flail, rather than a mace. The former being a weapon that has a striking head connected to a stick via a chain or rope, while the latter consists of just a stick with a striking head attached directly on top.
The weapon shares attack animations with the two-handed Verac's flail despite the Bone mace being one-handed.
The rat bone weapons were based on a suggestion by a user named N1nja_P1g, and was credited by Mod Jerv for the suggestion that inspired the in-game designs.[2]
^Jagex. Mod Ash's Twitter account. 5 February 2024. Archived from the original on 5 February 2024. Mod Ash: "Looks like a static +10 in the code, from what I can see."
^Jagex. Mod Jerv's Twitter account. 24 January 2024. Archived from the original on 2 February 2023. Mod Jerv: "I would like to shout out @N1nja_P1g for the awesome player suggestions that helped inspire the final designs. Especially the addition of stinky cheese and the mace!"