Fairytale I - Growing Pains

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Fairytale I - Growing Pains (#99)
Released 27 February 2006 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series Fairytale, #1
Lead developer(s) Greg V

Fairytale I - Growing Pains is a quest following Lost City set in Zanaris, the fairies' world and Gielinor's moon. The quest is focused on the Fairy Queen's encounter with a dangerous tanglefoot and her replacement, the Fairy Godfather.


Start pointMap icon Speak to Martin the Master Gardener by the pig pen in Draynor Village. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3260" x="3077" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3077.5,3258.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3077,3258

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyIntermediate
Official lengthMedium
DescriptionRecently, farmers around RuneScape have been noticing some trouble with their farming patches. They just don't seem to have the same yields as before. What could be the source of this malady?
Items required
Enemies to defeat Tanglefoot (level 111)
Ironman concerns
League notes

Unlocking Misthalin Misthalin will auto-complete the quest


Beginning the quest

<mapframe align="right" text="The start point." plane="0" width="220" y="3258" x="3078" height="220" zoom="2" mapID="0">


X/Y: 3078,3258



Note: Do not pickpocket Martin the Master Gardener during the quest, or you won't be able to talk to him for 10 minutes of consecutive in-game time.

Talk to Martin the Master Gardener, near the marketplace in Draynor Village, to commence the quest. The fastest teleport to the village is with the amulet of glory. Martin will mention that his roses haven't been doing as well as they used to, and he suspects something's wrong. He wants you to ask several other members of G.A.G. (Group of Advanced Gardeners) if they're having the same problems as him.

Gathering information

Items recommended: Fast travel methods to farm patches around Asgarnia and Misthalin.

<mapframe group="pins" align="right" text="The locations of the Advanced Gardeners." plane="0" width="220" y="3405" x="3083" height="220" zoom="-1" mapID="0">


X/Y: 3060,3256


X/Y: 3053,3308


X/Y: 3001,3373


X/Y: 3181,3359


X/Y: 3227,3314


X/Y: 3193,3233


X/Y: 3229,3459


X/Y: 2937,3439


X/Y: 2941,3222


</mapframe> You will have to speak with any five members of the Group of Advanced Gardeners. These are the gardeners that tend farming patches around Gielinor. Some of the easiest to reach are:

  1. Frizzy Skernip, near the fence between Port Sarim and Draynor Village
  2. Elstan, one screen north of Frizzy (if you have no secateurs yet, you can buy them for 5 coins from Sarah nearby)
  3. Heskel, at the tree patch in Falador Park
  4. Dreven, at the bush patch near the Champions' Guild
  5. Vasquen, South-east of Champions' Guild.
  6. Fayeth, just west of Lumbridge Castle
  7. Treznor, inside the Varrock Palace grounds
  8. Alain, at the tree patch in Taverley, east of the house portal
  9. Taria, just west of the house portal in Rimmington
  10. Torrell, by the Kandarin Monastery
Note: Ayesha in Al Kharid, Lammy Langle north-east of the Woodcutting Guild, Imiago in Tai Bwo Wannai, and Marisi in Hosidius do not count for this quest.

All of them will say that since recently they have troubles with their crops. They all suspect a different reason (lack of rain, swarms of insects, adventurers digging up the patches, the seasons being off their usual times) for it, though. However, the last gardener you ask will have more interesting explanation, suggesting the fairies might have something to do with it. Speak to Martin again, to whom you suggest the last gardener might have the most accurate reasoning.

Travel to the fairy city of Zanaris. You'll have to enter the city via the shack in the middle of the Lumbridge Swamp, while having a Dramen staff equipped, similar to how you entered the city during the Lost City quest.

Trouble in Zanaris

Items needed: Dramen staff.
Fairy Nuff's room just north of the bank.

Head to the Fairy Queen's throne room, just south of where you enter the city. However, you will find that the "Fairy Godfather" has replaced the queen. He'll tell you that the queen has fallen to some sort of illness, and that she's under the care of Fairy Nuff. Speak with this fairy in the north-west of the city. She'll give you details about the queen's illness and give you a symptoms list to take to a wizard named Zandar Horfyre, in the Dark Wizards' Tower.

Investigating the illness

Items needed: Spade and the symptoms list
Items recommended: Falador teleport and a skills necklace

Travel to Falador and head west to reach the Dark Wizards' Tower. Climb up to the top floor and talk to Zandar, who will take the symptom list and then suggest talking to Malignius Mortifer about killing the Tanglefoot. This necromancer can be found on the crossroads south of Falador. You can fast travel to him with a skills necklace (to the Crafting Guild).

He'll tell you he could probably help, but wants something from you first. He wants a skull from a grave in the Draynor Manor backyard. Head to the back of the manor and dig up the grave there. In case you have no spade, there is one inside the manor. If you have dug up the skull previously, you will not find it, and your character will mention that they think they stored it in the bank.

<mapframe align="center" text="Zandar's location." plane="0" width="220" y="3335" x="2907" height="220" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[2902,3330],[2902,3340],[2912,3340],[2912,3330]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2907,3335



<mapframe align="center" text="Malignius' location." plane="0" width="220" y="3268" x="2990" height="220" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[2981,3259],[2981,3277],[2999,3277],[2999,3259]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2990,3268



<mapframe align="center" text="Draynor Skull's location." plane="0" width="220" y="3384" x="3106" height="220" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[[[3106,3382],[3106,3386],[3107,3386],[3107,3382]]],"type":"Polygon"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"plane":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3106,3384



The grave where you will find the skull

Blessed secateurs

Items needed: Three assigned items from the list below, secateurs, and the amulet of ghostspeak
Items recommended: Mort'ton teleport

Once you have the skull, go back to Malignius and give it to him. He'll tell you that the queen's illness has to do with an evil creature called the Tanglefoot. You'll have to kill it with a pair of enchanted secateurs, as nothing else can damage it. To obtain these, Malignius will tell you to take a pair of secateurs and three randomised items to the Nature Grotto. These three items are chosen from the list below, and may be obtained via any method. Check your quest log to see what items you need to bring.

Note that these items follow a certain pattern. You'll always need to collect three items that follow each other in the list below (e.g. 4-5-6, 12-13-14). For example, the Mort myre pear (#2) will only be combined with the White berries (#1) and the Mort myre stem (#3) (1-2-3), or the Mort myre stem (#3) and the Mort myre fungus (#4) (2-3-4).

Warning: Food items (Jangerberries, King worm and Lime more specifically) can be rotten by ghasts. Either bring a filled druid pouch, or bring multiple of the required item if travelling through the swamp.

If you are out of prayer points, you can restore them by using the Altar of nature inside the Nature Grotto.

# Item GE Price Ways to obtain
1 962 Grown from whiteberry seeds (with Farming 59 ); or dropped by a variety of monsters; or obtained from various dangerous spawns. Two spawn at the Lava Dragon Isle in the Wilderness.
2 3,325 Use the bloom option of a silver sickle (b) in Mort Myre. Take care not to accidentally add these to a druid pouch.
3 1,053
4 308
5 328 Dropped by a variety of monsters, most commonly from monsters in the Abyss. Can also be bought for 50 Abyssal pearls from Apprentice Felix in Guardians of the Rift. (players must have completed the Temple of the Eye quest and have at least level 27 Runecraft)
6 3,368 The grimy herb is dropped by a variety of monsters, or grown from an avantoe seed (with Farming 50 Farming). It can be cleaned with Herblore 48 Herblore, or by paying Zahur in Nardah 200 coins per herb. Cleaned avantoe can also be gained from Sorceress's Garden.
7 1,568 The grimy herb is dropped by a variety of monsters, or grown from an irit seed (with Farming 44 Farming). It can be cleaned with Herblore 40 Herblore, or by paying Zahur in Nardah 200 coins per herb. Cleaned irit leaves can also be gained from Sorceress's Garden.
8 16 Spawns in Taverley Dungeon, Corsair Cove Dungeon, and Isle of Souls Dungeon (use antifire protection for the nearby blue dragons).
9 File:Proboscis.png 304 Dropped by mosquitoes encountered during Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup. Completion of the Jungle Potion quest is required to access this minigame.
10 496 Spawns on an ogre island near Yanille. May be grown from jangerberry seeds (with Farming 48 Farming). Note that ghasts can rot this food when travelling through Mort Myre, so bring a filled druid pouch. Can also be stolen from fruit stalls in Hosidius (with Thieving 25 Thieving).
11 34 Grown from potato cactus seeds (with Farming 64 Farming), or found in the Kalphite Lair (be aware of the monsters within, bring a form of antipoison, and one rope to get through the entrance).
12 Not on GE Fail to cut an opal, jade, or red topaz. These gems can be obtained from a variety of sources.
13 8,404 The grimy herb is dropped by a variety of monsters, or grown from a snapdragon seed (with Farming 62 Farming). It can be cleaned with Herblore 59 Herblore, or by paying Zahur in Nardah 200 coins per herb. Can also be obtained at the Brimhaven Agility Arena for 10 Brimhaven vouchers.
14 58 Made from compost bins or obtained from various monsters.
15 Untradeable The grimy herb can be gathered from rocks at Karamja Jungle Mine, then cleaned with only Herblore 3 Herblore. Requires partial completion of Jungle Potion to obtain.
16 936 Dropped by baby dragons.
17 2,142 Randomly obtained whilst mining, particularly from gem rocks. May also be obtained from a variety of other sources.
18 160 Caught in the Lumbridge Swamp Caves (with Fishing 38 Fishing). Bring a light source for the caves.
19 31 Spawns on Fossil Island and Mos Le'Harmless. Can also be dropped by a variety of monsters. Note that ghasts can rot this food when travelling through Mort Myre, so bring a filled druid pouch.
20 64 Dropped by a variety of monsters, caught using a big fishing net, obtained from panning at the Digsite, or as a reward for completing the Fishing Trawler minigame. Make sure not to open the oyster.
21 176 From various general stores, notably Jiminua's Jungle Store. for 67.
22 Untradeable Dug up in McGrubor's Wood with a spade. Watch out for the aggressive guard dogs.
23 1,877 Dropped by bruise blamish snails and blood blamish snails.
24 406 Spawn in several locations.
25 238 Caught in Mort Myre and Lumbridge Swamp Caves (with Fishing 28 Fishing). Bring a light source if fishing in the swamp caves.
26 19 Grown from the vinery in Hosidius (with Farming 36 Farming), or found in the Cooks' Guild (requires Cooking 32 Cooking). Can also be stolen from wine stall (with Thieving 22 Thieving.)
27 988 Randomly obtained whilst mining, particularly from gem rocks. May also be obtained from a variety of other sources.
28 834 Dropped by jogres.
29 409 Spawns in the north-west of the Gnome Stronghold, in the south of Taverley, and on Molch Island. Note that ghasts can rot this food when travelling through Mort Myre, so bring a filled druid pouch.
30 560 Grown from snape grass seeds (with Farming 61 Farming), or collected from various spawns.
31 118 Bought from Funch's Fine Groceries or Grand Tree Groceries for 2. Can also be stolen from fruit stalls in Hosidius (with Thieving 25 Thieving).
The Nature Spirit enchants the secateurs using the spell Phasma Phasmatis Natura.

When you finally have the items you need, grab your amulet of ghostspeak and secateurs and travel to the Nature Spirit in the Mort Myre Swamp. He'll bless your secateurs, which will then glow green and turn into the magic secateurs.

Killing the Tanglefoot

Attacking the Tanglefoot.
Items needed: Dramen staff and the magic secateurs

Head back to Zanaris with your magic secateurs. From the entrance to the city, travel south-west, past the agility shortcuts, to the mysterious ruins of the Cosmic Altar. There is a gap on the west side of the room that you can climb through. The Gatekeeper there will let you pass. Inside the tunnel are a few baby tanglefeet (level 45). Proceed to the end of the tunnel to stumble upon the level 111 Tanglefoot.

This creature is unique in that it can only be damaged with the magic secateurs. Furthermore, the maximum damage you can do on the Tanglefoot depends on both your Strength and Farming levels. Protect from Melee is highly recommended for the fight. The Tanglefoot can be flinched.

Once you have defeated the Tanglefoot, make sure to grab the Queen's secateurs when it drops, before leaving the tunnel. Head back to the Fairy Godfather, and speak with him to finish the quest.

Congratulations! Quest completed!



Required for completing

Completion of Fairytale I - Growing Pains is required for the following:


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:26 November 2015| |0}} {{#explode:26 November 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:26 November 2015| |2}}]]

Typo correction: A double space in the Fairytale I quest.

[[{{#explode:31 May 2006| |0}} {{#explode:31 May 2006| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:31 May 2006| |2}}]]

The quest was renamed from "A Fairy Tale Pt. 1" to "Fairytale I - Growing Pains".


  • If completing this quest at level 1 Farming, the experience reward is enough to get you to level 17.
  • Fairy Nuff put the Queen in the "Tempus fugit" state, which will make the time slow down for the Queen. "Tempus fugit" is Latin, and can be translated to "Time flies".
  • Before handing the Symptoms List to Zandar Horfyre, he gets mad at the player for attacking his fellow Dark Wizards, even while having never done so or set foot into his tower beforehand.
  • Martin the Master Gardener will also recognise the player as a pickpocket, even if the player has never picked his (or anyone else's) pocket.
  • Martin the Master Gardener will not let the player start Fairytale II - Cure a Queen directly after completion, upon speaking with him he says that he needs to plant some crops and wait for them to grow before he rewards the player, and will then scold the player for impatience in the dialogue following, instructing the player to come back later.
  • Fairytale I - Growing Pains was released exactly 4 years after Lost City.
  • When talking to Martin about the first theory, he dismisses the lack of rain as the problem. He states that it never rains on the allotments and that's why people have to keep watering them.
  • Upon hearing the fifth theory, which pertains to fairies, the player character becomes incredulous to the idea that fairies are not only causing the problem, but also that they even exist, despite the fact that completing Lost City is a prerequisite to even begin this quest.
    • It is possible to ask a Tool Leprechaun about finding a fairy. However, they will direct you to Draynor Village to find Shamus instead. This can be done even before talking to the fifth gardener.
  • The third master gardener that is spoken to during the investigation will theorise that the reason for the bad crops is due to all the adventurers repeatedly digging up and replanting the crops, thereby ruining the soil.
    • When they ask the player about having a "secret guild" they use to annoy the gardeners, the player brings up the Heroes' Guild. The gardener takes this as a confession and tells the player to be ashamed of themselves.
  • Attempting to talk to other gardeners after the fifth theory will have them reply with "I don't think the crops ARE failing, now leave me alone, I have work to do."