Dragon spear

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UnpoisonedPoisonPoison+Poison++Karambwan poison
Dragon spear
Released29 March 2004 (Update)
Quest itemNo
League regionMisthalinKaramjaAsgarniaDesertFremennikKandarinMorytaniaTirannwnWildernessKourend
OptionsWield, Drop
ExamineA dragon tipped spear.
Value62,400 coins
High alch37,440 coins
Low alch24,960 coins
Weight2.267 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange38,854 coins (info)
Buy limit70
Daily volume1,659
Advanced data
Item ID1249

The dragon spear is a two-handed melee weapon that requires level 60 Attack to wield. It does not require the completion of a quest to equip.

The spear is a rare drop from both the rare and gem drop tables. On the gem drop table, the spear will only drop if the Legends' Quest has been completed, otherwise a talisman will be dropped in its place. However, the rare drop table does not require the quest's completion in order to be able to receive it as a drop. Wearing a ring of wealth will increase the chances of receiving one from both tables.

Goraks fought in the Gorak Plane while wearing a ring of wealth are more likely to drop the dragon spear than any other monster, with a drop rate of 1 in 325. Brutal black dragons are also frequent droppers of dragon spears, dropping it directly with a drop rate of 1 in 512 (while also having access to the rare drop table so they drop it slightly more common than this overall).

Dragon spears can be poisoned with either weapon poison or karambwan paste. The poison can be removed by using a cleaning cloth on the poisoned spear.

As with most dragon equipment, the dragon spear cannot be made from raw materials using the Smithing skill.

Combat stats

UnpoisonedPoisonPoison+Poison++Karambwan poison
 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayer2h slot table
Combat styleAttack typeWeapon styleAttack speedRangeExperienceLevel boost
LungeStabControlled4 ticks (2.4s)1 tileAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints+1 Attack, Strength, Defence
SwipeSlashControlledAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints+1 Attack, Strength, Defence
PoundCrushControlledAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints+1 Attack, Strength, Defence
BlockStabDefensiveDefence Hitpoints+3 Defence

Special attack

A player performs the dragon spear's special attack, Shove.

The dragon spear has a special attack, Shove, which it shares with the Zamorakian spear and hasta. It pushes an opponent back and stuns them for three seconds, consuming 25% of the player's special attack energy.

The effects of this special are non-stackable, meaning that players cannot use the spear's special attack on a target who is already stunned. Stunned players are also given a one tick (0.6 seconds) period of immunity after a stun wears off in which they cannot be stunned again. In addition to this, as soon as the stun wears off, the stunned player is also granted a 5 tick (3.0 seconds) period of immunity against being bound in place by binding spells like Entangle or Ice Barrage. Despite this, the special attack is popular in player killing as the brief stun causes all incoming damage to be ignored until it dissipates, after which all damage taken is applied at once.

In addition, it cannot be used against large monsters, such as giants, because they are too big to push back. If a player tries this, the special attack does not occur and no special attack energy is consumed. A message appears in the chat box, reading, "That creature is too large to knock back!" A general way to tell if the spear can use the "Shove" special attack is to determine how much space the target monster takes up. If it takes up more than one space, it cannot be shoved. For example, a player can shove an ice warrior, which takes up one space, but not an ice giant, which takes up four.


PoisonPoison+Poison++Karambwan poison
Ticks0 (0s)
Dragon spear138,854
Weapon poison1287
Total cost39,141
Dragon spear(p)143,102
Ticks0 (0s)
Dragon spear138,854
Weapon poison(+)1756
Total cost39,610
Dragon spear(p+)149,013
Ticks0 (0s)
Dragon spear138,854
Weapon poison(++)13,680
Total cost42,534
Dragon spear(p++)146,833
Ticks0 (0s)
Dragon spear138,854
Karambwan paste1N/A
Total cost38,854
Dragon spear(kp)1N/A

Item sources

No drop sources found. To force an update, click here.

In addition to the sources in the above table, a Dragon spear can be obtained as a drop from the Rare drop table, accessible by most Slayer monsters. Goraks also drop Dragon spears at a rate of 1/325 with a ring of wealth equipped.


Failed to find products with those materials - ensure they are spelled correctly. (ERR: no results from SMW)

Treasure Trails

Tier Emotes STASH location Items Cost
Elite Panic Trollweiss flowers after sledding down Trollweiss Mountain 78,400
Elite Spin Inside West Ardougne's church 41,518

A poisoned dragon spear of any tier will NOT work for these steps.

Used in recommended equipment

Lua error in Module:Used_in_recommended_equipment at line 69: SMW query failed.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:21 April 2021| |0}} {{#explode:21 April 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:21 April 2021| |2}}]]

The spear's attack speed has been decreased from 5 (every 3.0 seconds) to 4 (every 2.4 seconds).

[[{{#explode:22 August 2006| |0}} {{#explode:22 August 2006| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:22 August 2006| |2}}]]
  • The extra strong poisoned variant was renamed from "Dragon spear(+)" to "Dragon spear(p+)".
  • The super strong poisoned variant was renamed from "Dragon spear(s)" to "Dragon spear(p++)".
[[{{#explode:14 June 2004| |0}} {{#explode:14 June 2004| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 June 2004| |2}}]]

The item was given a special attack, Shove.

20 July –
7 September 2004

The poisoned version's examine was changed from "A dragon tipped spear." to "A poisoned dragon tipped spear."

[[{{#explode:29 March 2004| |0}} {{#explode:29 March 2004| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:29 March 2004| |2}}]]

The item became permanently available with the launch of RuneScape 2.

Date unknown

The item was added to the RuneScape 2 Beta.


  • The dragon spear's special attack was changed on 28 July 2016, due to many player complaints on how it was considered overpowered. Prior to the fix, large Wilderness clans could use the spear's special to "stunlock" the victim. The victim would be attacked by a group of players using Smite, while another group would continually spam the special attack on the victim. The victim would be unable to perform any action, since they were being stunned and the game did not register the damage. Once the stuns stopped, the player would take all the damage they received while being stunned in one game tick, which would also drain them of all of their prayer. The only way for players to escape this was by x-logging, as the game would take them out of the server after a minute passed.
  • Tim's spear is strikingly similar to a dragon spear.