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Released24 March 2021 (Update)
RaceSea spirit
LocationTempoross Cove
League regionDesert Desert
ExamineA mass of angry wet.
<mapframe align="center" frameless="" plane="0" width="300" y="2980" x="3035" height="300" zoom="2" mapID="0">


Advanced data
NPC ID10572

Tempoross is a minigame-style boss that is fought using skills rather than combat. Also known as the Spirit of the Sea, it is an ancient entity believed to be as old as Gielinor itself. It is able to create intense storms that make sailing difficult, and has recently awoken after having laid dormant for centuries, wreaking havoc upon sailors who were unfortunate enough to cross its path in the seas.

The Spirit Anglers, a group of fishermen from Al Kharid, have established a port at the Ruins of Unkah in the southern desert to investigate the reason behind its sudden resurgence and to create safe passage through the seas by keeping it subdued. In order to help them subdue Tempoross, players must have at least level 35 in Fishing.

Tempoross is considered a boss and not a minigame. Therefore, while players take no damage directly from Tempoross or the surrounding environment, the normal rules relating to the loss of items still apply, and Hardcore Ironmen will lose their Hardcore status if they die while fighting Tempoross (e.g. from poison).[1]

Ironmen are eligible for rewards from Tempoross when defeating it alongside other players.

Followers and pets are allowed to be brought in the Tempoross fight, and the fished harpoonfish can be fed to kittens when hungry.

Required items

To participate in Tempoross you require the following items:

Getting there

There are several ways of reaching Tempoross. You will need to board the boat at the sea spirit dock west of the Ruins of Unkah. Beware of desert heat while travelling there.

These options, ordered from fastest to slowest, are:

  • Taking Ferryman Sathwoods ferry south of the Al Kharid bank will take you straight to the destination

Official worlds

The following official worlds are assigned to Tempoross:

World Location Members Activity
341 United Kingdom 1
422 United States (west) 1
463 Germany 1


  • Fishing 35 Fishing is the only requirement to take on Tempoross.

Fighting Tempoross

Four cannons fire harpoonfish at Tempoross.

Players can begin the encounter by boarding the ship located at the end of the dock in the Ruins of Unkah. Tempoross can be fought either alone via the 'Solo-start' option on the rope ladder, or by waiting for others on the boat before Captain Dudi reaches the end of his countdown. However, the boat will leave immediately if the maximum number of players reaches the maximum capacity (of 40 players) on the boat.

Multiple instances of the encounter can run simultaneously, so players will not have to wait for an in-progress encounter to return before a new encounter can begin. The boss fight scales based on the amount of players taking part. This means players attempting to start this boss alone will not be at a disadvantage. However, fires will be harder to put out alone as this mechanic does not depend on the amount of players in the game.

After the ship departs, players will arrive at Tempoross Cove on board one of two ships, both of which are identical in function and role in defeating Tempoross. A selection of equipment, including ropes, buckets, hammers, and harpoons are available from the crates on deck should the player have lost or forgotten any items.

Players must help the anglers subdue Tempoross by draining its essence to zero. To do this, players must first deplete its energy by firing cannons found on the decks of both ships, using harpoonfish as ammunition. The fish are gathered via harpoon spots found in the waters around the island and can optionally be cooked to deal more damage. Occasionally, a fishing spot will have jumping harpoonfish. Fishing at these spots allows for the chance of catching two harpoonfish at a time. Raw harpoonfish drain 10 energy per fish, while cooked fish drain 15 energy per fish. In a solo encounter, Tempoross has ~266 Energy at 100%.

Double harpoonfish!

Once its energy is depleted to zero, Tempoross will submerge and the second phase of the fight will begin. During this phase, players must catch the energised fish from Tempoross by fishing at the whirlpool at the end of each dock. Doing so will reduce its essence. If the essence depletes to zero before Tempoross has fully restored its energy, it will retreat and the encounter will be successful. However, if Tempoross fully regains its energy before its essence is fully depleted, it will emerge and the first phase of the fight will repeat again. Any essence depleted from Tempoross in the second phase will remain depleted. This cycle can be repeated up to three times, after which Tempoross will gain too much energy, becoming "enraged", and the encounter will end unsuccessfully.

The starting energy of Tempoross depends on the amount of players in the encounter, with each player contributing a certain amount of energy to its health pool that scales based on player count: around 260 energy is added by a player in a solo setting, scaling linearly up to ~180 energy per player when 40 players embark.[2] Likewise, the amount of essence available to Tempoross varies with player count: around 250 essence is added to the total if a single player is present, scaling up to ~170 essence per player with a party size of 40.[2]

While harpooning energised fish at this stage, the player's run energy will be restored by 3% each time the message The glowing fish scatter, shedding their magical scales. appears in the chatbox, that is to say about every four ticks.[3] It should also be noted that regardless of fishing level, the max hit any player can deal is 12. Therefore dragon harpoon specials should be saved for harpooning the harpoonfish pools rather than the spirit pools.

If the encounter is successful, the player will be automatically sent back to the Ruins of Unkah after approximately 20 seconds. Players can skip the wait by using the right-click leave option on any of the NPCs around the Cove.

Tempoross' attacks

Dispersing the magical fish forming Tempoross's essence.

During the fight, Tempoross will attempt to disrupt the player's efforts by unleashing an array of attacks. These attacks do not deal any damage; rather, they hinder the player's movements and can cause players to lose some of the fish and tools gathered during the encounter. The only items that can be lost during these encounters are the Hammer, Rope, Bucket, Bucket of water, Raw harpoonfish, and Harpoonfish. All other equipped and inventory items are safe from Tempoross's attacks.

A colossal wave closes in...
  • Wave attack - A huge wave covers the entire cove, pushing players a few tiles away. Players can avoid being swept away by using rope to tether themselves to masts or totem poles found on the ships and islands respectively. Tethered players will be unaffected by the wave attack but will be unable to move for the duration of the wave (though players can freely tether/untether themselves). The wave can also break masts and totem poles, which will need to be repaired with a hammer before they can be used to tether again. The chance of a tether site breaking is between 15% and 25%, scaling with the intensity of the storm.[4] The wave will also extinguish any fires started by the lightning attack. The wave attack will not start if Tempoross' energy is 10% or lower.
A strong wind blows as clouds roll in...
  • Lightning attack - Large grey clouds move over the island and ships, expand, and then emit lightning bolts. Players can put out the fires with buckets of water, but if not done quickly, fires will spread to more tiles. As with the wave attack, the lightning attack will not start if Tempoross' energy is 10% or lower. However, fires will continue to spread.
A zapped cannon
A charged torrent of water surges towards a nearby cannon...
  • Torrent attack - A swirling pillar of water is launched towards a cannon, which temporarily disables it and stuns any player currently loading the cannon. This can be avoided by quickly stepping away or switching to another cannon onboard. The Torrent Attack will not start if Tempoross' energy is 10% or lower.


  • Fishing harpoonfish (5 points/fish) - Collect raw harpoonfish by fishing at the designated fishing spots.
  • Cooking harpoonfish (10 points/fish) - Cook harpoonfish to increase their damage output when used as ammunition.
  • Depositing harpoonfish (raw/cooked/crystallised) (20/65/20 points/fish) - Deposit harpoonfish into the crates next to the cannons on the ships. Depositing cooked harpoonfish yields significantly more points.
  • Repairing totems/masts (40 points/repair) - Over time, the totem poles and masts players tether themselves to will get damaged and need to be repaired with an Imcando or normal hammer. Doing so provides experience equal to 4 times the player's construction level.
  • Dousing fires (40 points/fire) - Douse the fires created by Tempoross' lightning attack.
  • Surviving the wave (10 points/wave) - Tether to either a totem pole or mast to survive the colossal wave.
  • Harpooning spirit pool (55 points/scatter) - Fish in the whirlpools to drain Tempoross' essence.

Experience per action

Levels 35–69

  • Catching harpoonfish:
  • Filling the ammunition crate:
  • Attacking the spirit pool:

Levels 70–99

  • Catching harpoonfish:
  • Filling the ammunition crate:
  • Attacking the spirit pool:

Template:Calculator:Tempoross experience calculator

Experience rates

Not cooking

Not cooking the harpoonfish means getting lower amounts of points/loot but significantly more experience. With the Crystal harpoon and a fishing level near 99, this is the fastest experience in the game if not using tick manipulation methods. Without the crystal harpoon or if not near level 99 fishing, drift net fishing will yield higher experience rates.

Fishing Level XP/h
Regular[n 1] Dragon Infernal Crystal
35 30,000 N/A N/A N/A
70 62,000 66,000 N/A 77,000
80 65,000 69,000 71,000 85,000
90 68,000 72,000 74,000 92,000
99 74,000 74,000 76,000 95,000[n 2]
  1. ^ The standard harpoon, the barb-tail harpoon, and Barbarian Fishing all have the same experience rates.
  2. ^ As of 7th August 2024, a "Solo Start" option has been added. Up to 102,000 experience per hour is possible without using another account.


Cooking the harpoonfish means lower experience rate but significantly more points and, therefore, loot. It is recommended for iron players and pet hunters to use the infernal harpoon when they reach the level requirements.

Fishing Level XP/h
Regular[n 1] Dragon Infernal Crystal
35 22,000 N/A N/A N/A
70 52,000 54,000 N/A 58,000
80 56,000 58,000 60,000 62,000
90 60,000 62,000 64,000 66,000
99 66,000 66,000 68,000 70,000
  1. ^ The standard harpoon, the barb-tail harpoon, and Barbarian Fishing all have the same experience rates.


During the fight with Tempoross, players primarily gain Fishing experience, with additional opportunities to gain experience in Cooking, Construction, and Strength. Unlike Wintertodt, no experience is awarded upon Tempoross' defeat. Players also receive one reward permit for the first 2,000 points scored and additional permits for every 700 points beyond 2,000. Any remaining points award a linearly scaling chance for a final permit. Up to 8,000 reward permits can be stored in the reward pool at the Ruins of Unkah. The final reward can be collected by fishing from the reward pool with a small or big fishing net. Rewards are determined by the player's Fishing level at the time they are fished from the reward pool.

This drop table has a calculator: Tempoross reward pool

Guaranteed permits
Points Permits
2,000 1
2,700 2
3,400 3
4,100 4
4,800 5
5,500 6
6,200 7
6,900 8
7,600 9
8,300 10
9,000 11
9,700 12
10,400 13
11,100 14
11,800 15
12,500 16
13,200 17
13,900 18

Unique rewards

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Spirit flakes.png: Tempoross drops Spirit flakes with rarity 40/160 in quantity 32-64Spirit flakes32–6440/160Not soldN/A
Casket (Reward pool).png: Tempoross drops Casket (Reward pool) with rarity 8/160 in quantity 1Casket (Reward pool)18/160Not soldN/A
Soaked page.png: Tempoross drops Soaked page with rarity 149/8,000 in quantity 5-25Soaked page5–25149/8,00015,870–79,350510–2,550
Fish barrel.png: Tempoross drops Fish barrel with rarity 1/400 in quantity 1Fish barrel11/400[d 1] [d 2]Not soldN/A
Tackle box.png: Tempoross drops Tackle box with rarity 1/400 in quantity 1Tackle box11/400[d 1] [d 2]Not soldN/A
Big harpoonfish.png: Tempoross drops Big harpoonfish with rarity 1/1,600 in quantity 1Big harpoonfish11/1,600[d 2]Not soldN/A
Tome of water (empty).png: Tempoross drops Tome of water (empty) with rarity 1/1,600 in quantity 1Tome of water (empty)11/1,600[d 2]605,92711,700
Dragon harpoon.png: Tempoross drops Dragon harpoon with rarity 1/8,000 in quantity 1Dragon harpoon11/8,0002,052,63333,000
Tiny tempor.png: Tempoross drops Tiny tempor with rarity 1/8,000 in quantity 1Tiny tempor11/8,000[5]Not soldN/A
  1. ^ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Replaced with 25 Soaked Pages if already owned.
  2. ^ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Can be traded in to the Retired sailor for 25 Soaked Pages.

The debris can contain some unique rewards:

Combat Achievements

There are 0 Combat Achievement tasks (totalling 0 points) available for Tempoross.



Track Details
File:Tempor of the Storm.ogg Tempor of the Storm. Plays upon arriving at Tempoross Cove.
File:Tempoross subdued.ogg Plays upon successfully subduing Tempoross.
File:Tempoross enraged.ogg Plays when failing to subdue Tempoross.



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:14 August 2024| |0}} {{#explode:14 August 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 August 2024| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

A "Big-Search" option has been added to the reward pool to allow players to receive five rewards per search.

[[{{#explode:7 August 2024| |0}} {{#explode:7 August 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 August 2024| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

A "Quick-Start" option has been added to ladder entrance of the waiting boat to allow solo players to begin another round without needing to wait for additional downtime.

[[{{#explode:18 May 2022| |0}} {{#explode:18 May 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:18 May 2022| |2}}]]

Tempoross Fishing Spots no longer have holes in their clickbox.

[[{{#explode:1 December 2021| |0}} {{#explode:1 December 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:1 December 2021| |2}}]]

You'll now receive a Big Harpoonfish (if you've previously received one) rather than 25 Soaked Pages to showcase how many you've got in the Collection Log. The Retired Sailor will still trade you pages for your fish.

[[{{#explode:17 November 2021| |0}} {{#explode:17 November 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:17 November 2021| |2}}]]

Players can no longer attack the Tempoross Fishing spots.

[[{{#explode:6 May 2021| |0}} {{#explode:6 May 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:6 May 2021| |2}}]]

The aforementioned change to Tempoross' behaviour below 10% energy has been reverted.

[[{{#explode:5 May 2021| |0}} {{#explode:5 May 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 May 2021| |2}}]]
  • Reducing Tempoross' energy to 10% or lower will now prevent it from attacking for 15 seconds rather than indefinitely. If players don't continue to shoot fish within that time, it will begin to attack again.
  • Fire hitboxes are now slightly bigger, covering more of the 2x2 space they occupy. In addition, the height of the fire will no longer change mid-animation.
  • Fires now remove resources every two ticks (1.2 seconds) rather than one (0.6 seconds).
  • The wave attack won't disrupt as many actions when it's incoming, such as when cooking at the shrine.
[[{{#explode:28 April 2021| |0}} {{#explode:28 April 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:28 April 2021| |2}}]]
  • A new overlay has been added to the lobby and the surrounding area. This will show how many players are waiting in the lobby, and indicate how long until the ship takes players to Tempoross Cove.
  • Player's Personal Bests and Time Taken stats are now displayed after successfully defeating the boss. They've also been added to the Spirit Angler stats board in the Ruins of Unkah.
  • A quick-climb option has been added to the Tempoross lobby ladder, as well as a water pump aboard the ship.
  • UI on both mobile and PC has been moved to create more space on the screen.
[[{{#explode:14 April 2021| |0}} {{#explode:14 April 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 April 2021| |2}}]]
  • Items that require setting up (e.g. dwarf multicannons, mithril seeds, box traps, etc) can no longer be used on the ship taking players to Tempoross Cove, nor can players light fires on it.
  • Players can no longer stall to run through fires.
  • Points from dousing fires and fixing totem poles have been increased from 20 to 40.
  • Fishing XP may now be gained in Tempoross encounters on world 345.
[[{{#explode:7 April 2021| |0}} {{#explode:7 April 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 April 2021| |2}}]]

The ship taking players to Tempoross Cove will now sail there after 30 seconds instead of 60.

[[{{#explode:29 March 2021| |0}} {{#explode:29 March 2021| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:29 March 2021| |2}}]]

Players without a house will no longer gain Construction experience when repairing the mast or totem pole.


A player transformed into a Tempy snowman.
  • Dying at Tempoross is considered an unsafe death, however since the boss doesn't do damage to the player, this can only be managed through self inflicted damage, poison, or venom.
  • Players can transform into a Tempy snowman by using a snowman ring, which resembles Tempoross.
  • Cats can be brought to the fight, and can be fed raw harpoonfish.
  • Even though the game message states "The surge of lightning arcs from the cannon into you..." the torrent attack actually hits players around the ammunition crate.
  • It's possible to miss out on the trip to Tempoross if the player is busy with another interaction (e.g. preaching with a prayer book.)
    • If this happens, the player will receive a message: "You were busy and you missed the boat. You'll have to wait for another departure." This occurs despite the player already being on the boat.


  1. ^
  2. ^ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^