Ultimate Ironman Guide/Crafting

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UIM Guide

Crafting is typically trained with glassblowing. The skill is most notable as a source for high-level enchanted jewellery, for use in combat and as a way to teleport around the game. It is also useful for making crystal equipment and dragonhide armour for combat, as well as for making high-level bird houses for passive Hunter training.

Early training: Quests

Early levels can be skipped by completing quests that give Crafting experience. Due to the sheer number of quests that give Crafting experience as a reward, they will not be listed here. It is instead suggested to look at the table provided on the Quest experience rewards page. Even ignoring quests with significant skill requirements, it is quite easy to quest up to level 40, after which a number of efficient training methods for Crafting become available.

Levels 1–99: Glassblowing

Glassblowing is one of the best training methods for Ultimate Ironmen. This requires having a fairly empty inventory, so it is recommended to store items at an Item Retrieval Service for more inventory space if needed.

Levels 1–61: Port Phasmatys (Charter)


The Port Phasmatys glassblowing method is one of the best training methods before Superglass Make becomes available. For this method, players must have completed Priest in Peril to gain access to Port Phasmatys. Players can easily get there by using a charter ship.

It is strongly recommended to store the items at an Item Retrieval Service beforehand as the more inventory space the player has, the higher the experience rate. Having 26 inventory spaces for 13 buckets of sand and 13 soda ashes is optimal, but this method is viable even with less inventory space available.

With the optimal inventory setup, this method goes as follows:

  1. Buy 13 buckets of sand and 13 soda ashes from a Trader Crewmember directly north-east of the furnace. Hop worlds for more stock.
  2. Run to the furnace in town, and make them into 13 pieces of molten glass.
  3. Walk back to the Trader Crewmembers. While walking, blow the molten glass into the highest-tier glass item you are able to.
  4. Sell the glass items to the Trader Crewmember, and repeat the process.

Players can craft up to 600 glass items per hour, which equates to 38,000 Crafting experience per hour with empty fishbowls, 43,000 Crafting experience per hour with unpowered orbs, and 45,000 Crafting experience per hour with lantern lenses.

Levels 1–61: Port Phasmatys (Noted sand and giant seaweed)


Players who have noted buckets of sand and giant seaweed can use them up in Port Phasmatys before the Superglass Make spell is available. This involves manually using giant seaweed on a fire or a range for soda ash, and using the soda ash with sand on a furnace.

To start off, unnote 12 buckets of sand and 2 giant seaweed. Run to the range in the house next to the bank, and cook the seaweed into 12 soda ash.

After that, this method goes as follows:

  1. Run to the furnace, and make 12 pieces of molten glass.
  2. Walk back to the bank. On the way, blow 2–5 glass items.
  3. Drop 2 glass items, and unnote 2 giant seaweed.
  4. Drop the empty buckets, and unnote 12 new buckets of sand.
  5. Walk to the range. On the way, blow the rest of the molten glass into glass items and drop them.
  6. Cook 2 giant seaweed into 12 soda ash. Repeat the process.

Players can craft about 700 glass items an hour, which equates to around 52,000 Crafting experience when creating lantern lenses (not accounting for time spent gathering resources).

An alternative account can be used to light a fire between the furnace and the bank. This would increase experience rates slightly as the player could use the fire rather than the range, as well as be even more friendly to run energy.

Levels 61–99: Charter ship method


The charter ship method offers the fastest experience without any stored supplies needed. For this method, players will need to have completed Lunar Diplomacy and have level 77 Magic to be able to cast Superglass Make. Players will also need to have at least 23 inventory spaces, so it is recommended to store items at an Item Retrieval Service beforehand for more inventory space.

The method is fairly straightforward and goes as follows:

  1. Buy 10 buckets of sand and 10 seaweeds (or soda ashes) from a Trader Crewmember.
  2. Cast Superglass Make, and craft a full inventory of the best glass item available.
  3. If crafting lantern lenses, sell them to the charter shop; if crafting empty light orbs, drop them.
  4. Hop worlds and repeat the process.

Experience rates and costs are shown in the table below. The experience rates assume 92 inventories per hour. The costs assume buying 250 Astral runes per world at Baba Yaga's Magic Shop, using an air staff, and selling the lantern lenses back to the charter ship.

Crafting levels Glass item Crafting XP/h Crafting XP/astral Astral runes needed GP/XP GP spent
61–87 75,000 407.5 9,010 -0.18 −662,000
87–99 93,000 505.0 17,950 -0.15 −1,319,000

Levels 61–99: Noted sand and giant seaweed (Superglass Make)


Collecting noted buckets of sand and giant seaweed and processing them using the Superglass Make spell is an alternative to the charter ship method. This method is slightly slower than the charter ship method, when taking the supply gathering into account. However, it does not involve world-hopping or competing for stock with other players. It also requires slightly less effort since more glass can be made per inventory.

With completion of the Bone Voyage quest, it becomes possible to farm giant seaweed in the Underwater section of Fossil Island. Giant seaweed can be noted at a nearby Tool Leprechaun for later use, allowing players to stockpile large amounts of it. This noted giant seaweed can be combined with noted buckets of sand and the Superglass Make spell for Crafting training at any bank.

The best source of noted buckets of sand is through the Sandstorm grinder in the Bandit Camp Quarry. The grinder can hold up to 25,000 noted buckets of sand, which can be withdrawn for 50 coins each.

When using this method, excess molten glass will drop to the ground. The player can pick them up and use them to get slightly more experience out of the supplies. Alternatively, the molten glass can simply left on the ground, which would offer slightly faster Crafting experience per hour and make the method less click-intensive.

Players can gain up to 98,000 experience per hour with lantern lenses, and 118,000 experience per hour with empty light orbs. These rates do not take into account the time required to collect the sand or the giant seaweed. When factoring in the supply gathering, the effective rate is about 70,000–75,000 experience per hour with light orbs, or around 80,000 experience per hour if using tick manipulation for collecting sand.

For more information, see Ultimate Ironman Guide/Mining.


Levels 20–61: Shades of Mort'ton

Repairing the temple in the Shades of Mort'ton minigame offers slow experience, but it requires very little attention. For this method, players need to have completed the Shades of Mort'ton quest and have used a serum 208 dose on Razmire Keelgan. Players will also need to have at least 81 combat to not get attacked by the nearby Loar Shades.

Getting a Flamtaer bag is recommended, as it holds vast amounts of all the items used in the minigame. The Flamtaer bag is destroyed on any death, so players should manage their inventory before starting training. Besides the Flamtaer bag, the inventory should consist of as many timber beams, limestone bricks, and swamp paste as possible, along with a hammer and coins to buy more supplies.

Players can gain up to around 15,000–20,000 Crafting experience per hour.

Cutting gems

High-level players can get a lot of noted gems from the Chambers of Xeric and The Gauntlet. These gems can be cut for fast Crafting experience. The best place to do this is at the Piscatoris Fishing Colony, using Arnold Lydspor for unnoting the gems and selling the cut gems to his general store.

Another option to obtain gems is to steal from the Dorgesh-Kaan rich chests. This can be a decent low-effort option for training Thieving, though the Crafting rates from cutting the gems will be slow. Varlamore gem stalls also provide a thieving option as a repeatable gem source. Players must run to the farthest back tile of the stalls to avoid being caught by npcs, and hop worlds once both stalls are empty.

The Shooting Stars Distractions and Diversions is a method to obtain noted gems. Players can spend Stardust at Dusuri's Star Shop to purchase Bag full of gems. Experience rates vary greatly based on level, the tier of pickaxe used, and time spent locating stars. If mining consistently, players can expect between 22,000 and 32,000 experience per hour, and 600-1000 stardust per hour. This equates to be around 80–120 gems per hour.

Crafting d'hide bodies

High-level players can get a lot of noted dragonhides from Vorkath, the Corporeal Beast, Callisto, and Sarachnis. Players who have completed the elite Karamja Diary tasks can also kill red dragons in the Brimhaven Dungeon for noted hides, which would be best done on task. The dragonhides can be tanned and crafted into d'hide bodies for fast Crafting experience, and the d'hide bodies alched for good profit.

The best place to do this is at the Crafting Guild, which has a tanner and a bank chest very close to each other. Accessing the bank chest requires completion of the hard Falador Diary tasks or having level 99 Crafting. Players who cannot access the bank chest can tan the hides at Ellis in Al Kharid, unnoting the hides at the Al Kharid bank.

One possible method is to kill red dragons in the Forthos Dungeon, using Eodan to tan the hides, crafting red d'hide bodies, and alching them for profit. This self-sustaining training loop can get up to 5,000–6,000 Crafting experience per hour, while also netting 15,000 Prayer experience and 240,000 coins per hour.

For more information, see Ultimate Ironman Guide/Prayer.

Passive training: Arceuus Runecraft

Crafting blood or soul runes in Arceuus grants the player some passive Crafting experience from mining the dense essence blocks and chiseling dark essence blocks into fragments. The player can expect to gain around 15,000 Crafting experience for every 100,000 Runecraft experience when crafting blood runes, and 13,000 Crafting experience for every 100,000 Runecraft experience when crafting soul runes.

For more information, see Ultimate Ironman Guide/Runecraft.