Trailblazer Reloaded League/Guide/Hunter

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Trailblazer Reloaded Misthalin
File:Trailblazer Reloaded League - ? Relic.png Karamja
Guides Asgarnia


Training Hunter actively can pose a challenge if certain regions are not unlocked. Kandarin Kandarin contains the most variety in hunter creatures, but there are options in other areas. Misthalin Misthalin allows the semi-passive training of Hunter through bird house trapping, which can be completed every 50 minutes. The Natural History Quiz can also be completed in Misthalin at level 1 Hunter, and grants 1,000 base experience. This will bring Hunter to level 20 with the 5x boosted rate of relic tier 1.

Elnock Inquisitor will only provide free impling jars to players once, and more cannot be purchased without trading in implings (in jars). You may also receive one impling jar per day via the Leagues Tutor.

Hunter is modified by the following relics:

Trickster prevents failure of all Hunter actions, makes box traps lure creatures faster, and prevents impling jars from breaking.


Box traps will be added to general stores and will be usable without having Eagles Peak completed. There are two Hunter shops which are the only place to acquire most other equipment.



Birdhouses are a lucrative way to train hunter passively on Fossil Island.

The required clockworks can be made on a Crafting table 2 in the workshop of a player-owned house. They require a steel bar and 8 Crafting.

Other notable methods

Region Hunting area Hunter level range Notable Creatures
Desert Desert Uzer Hunter Area 5-47 Golden warbler, Desert devil, Orange salamanders
Karamja Karamja Karamja Hunter area 41 Horned graahk
Fremennik Fremennik Rellekka Hunter area 1-55 Polar kebbits
Kandarin Kandarin Feldip Hunter area 1-63 Carnivorous chinchompas
Piscatoris Hunter Area 3-53 Copper longtails, Ferrets, Chinchompas
Piscatoris falconry area 43-69 Spotted, dark, and dashing kebbits
Ourania Hunter area 59 Red salamanders
Red chinchompa hunting ground[1] 63 Carnivorous chinchompas
Kruk's Dungeon 60 Maniacal monkey (Hunter)
Morytania Morytania Canifis Hunter area 29 Swamp lizards
Tirannwn Tirannwn Gwenith Hunter area 63 Carnivorous chinchompas
Wilderness Wilderness South of the Lava Maze 73 Black chinchompas
Boneyard Hunter area 67 Black salamanders
Misthalin Misthalin Fossil Island 80 [2] Herbiboars
Underwater 44 [3] Drift net fishing
Isle of Souls 1-53 Crimson swift, copper longtail, chinchompas
Kourend Kourend Port Piscarilius 15 [4] Sandworms
Kourend Woodland 1-53 Crimson swift, copper longtail, chinchompas
Lake Molch 35 [5] Aerial fishing
  1. ^ Requires completion of hard Western Provinces Diary
  2. ^ Also requires Herblore 31 Herblore
  3. ^ Also requires Fishing 47 Fishing. Access to Asgarnia Asgarnia strongly recommended for Flippers. Access to Kandarin Kandarin for the diving apparatus and fishbowl helmet is also highly beneficial.
  4. ^ Also requires 30% Piscarilius favour
  5. ^ Also requires Fishing 43 Fishing

Temporary boosts

Item Region Notes
Spicy stew (yellow spice) Desert Desert Boosts Hunter by ±0-5. Requires manual completion of the Freeing Evil Dave subquest in Recipe for Disaster.
File:Hunter potion.png Hunter potion Fremennik Fremennik Boosts Hunter by 3. Requires 53 Herblore and 51 Hunter for the secondary ingredient.


Item Region Master Notes
Hunter Cape Kandarin Kandarin Hunting expert Five teleports per day to the Red chinchompas in the Feldip Hunter areaKandarin or to Black chinchompasWilderness.


Quest Base XP
Requirements Required Regions Autocompleted Regions
Natural History Quiz 1,000 - Misthalin Misthalin
The Ascent of Arceuus 2,500 Hunter 12 Hunter Kourend Kourend
Eagles' Peak 2,500 Hunter 27 Hunter Kandarin Kandarin Tirannwn Tirannwn
Wilderness Wilderness

XP rewards with skill choice

Quest Base XP
Requirements Required Regions Autocompleted Regions
X Marks the Spot 300 - Asgarnia Asgarnia
A Taste of Hope 2,500 Agility 45 Agility
Attack 40 Attack
Crafting 48 Crafting
Herblore 40 Herblore
Slayer 38 Slayer
Morytania Morytania
A Tail of Two Cats 2,500 twice - Asgarnia Asgarnia
Desert Desert
Fremennik Fremennik
A Kingdom Divided 10,000 Agility 54 Agility
Thieving 52 Thieving
Woodcutting 52 Woodcutting
Herblore 50 Herblore
Mining 42 Mining
Crafting 38 Crafting
Magic 35 Magic
Kourend Kourend
Sins of the Father 15,000 3 times Woodcutting 62 Woodcutting
Fletching 60 Fletching
Crafting 56 Crafting
Agility 52 Agility
Attack 50 Attack
Slayer 50 Slayer
Magic 49 Magic
Morytania Morytania