Multicombat area
A multicombat area, also known as a Multiway Combat area is an area of the RuneScape world where a player or monster can be attacked by more than one player or monster at a time.
Multicombat areas are identified upon entering by two crossed swords () which appear in the bottom right-hand corner of the interface or under the mini world map. Anywhere else is a Single-way combat area, also known as a single-combat area, with an exception for the Revenant Caves, Wilderness Agility Course and lesser Wilderness bosses, which are Singles-plus combat (
Multicombat areas are especially dangerous in the Wilderness, as a player can be attacked by more than one monster or player at a time. It is very useful, though, to be in a multicombat area while monster slaying with friends, as lone players can be killed easily.
While players can enter multi-combat in single combat zones, this only happens if the player isn't under attack by another monster. For example, if the player sets a cannon at ice warriors and hides in a spot where none of them can reach the player, then the cannon will fire on all nearby ice warriors.
Some multicombat areas include:
- The Abyss
- Al Kharid Palace in Al Kharid
- Ape Atoll
- Bandit Camp in the Kharidian Desert
- Barbarian Assault
- Barbarian Village
- Battlefield south of West Ardougne
- Castle Wars
- Jail area in Draynor Village
- Emir's Arena
- Most sections of Falador, including the White Knights' Castle
- Falador Mole Lair
- Fight Pits in Mor Ul Rek
- God Wars Dungeon
- Hosidius cow pen
- Jatizso ice troll area
- Jormungand's Prison
- Kalphite Lair
- Western Kharazi Jungle
- Lighthouse Dungeon
- Neitiznot ice troll area
- Pest Control
- Piscatoris Fishing Colony
- Player-owned house dungeons and fight arenas
- Ranging Guild
- The northern coast of the Fremennik Province
- The first level of the Stronghold of Security
- Mor Ul Rek
- Varrock Sewers
- Waterbirth Island Dungeon
- White Wolf Mountain
- Inner Kraken Cove
- Several places in the Wilderness including the areas at or around:
- The Abandoned Farm
- The Wilderness Bandit Camp
- The Chaos Temple hut in the western Wilderness (not the Chaos Temple in the eastern Wilderness)
- The Dark Warriors' Fortress
- The Deadly red spiders
- The Deep Wilderness Castle Ruins
- The Demonic Ruins
- The Graveyard of Shadows
- The Lava Maze
- Lava Dragon Isle
- Rogues' Castle
- The Scorpion Pit
- The southern part of the Wilderness Agility Course
- Wizards' Tower
- Woodcutting Guild
Multi-hitting attacks
Some weapons, spells or equipment are capable of hitting multiple opponents in a single hit. Most of them can still be used in single-combat areas, but they can only hit multiple opponents while in a multi-combat area. They include:
- Some Ancient Magicks:
- Chinchompas, Red chinchompas and Black chinchompas
- Venator bow
- Scythe of Vitur
- The special attacks of some weapons:
- The Retribution prayer deals damage to surrounding opponents on the player's death.
- The Void seal deals damage to all nearby pests when operated.
Technically, the Dwarf multicannon is not a multi-hitting weapon; it simply shoots at many opponents very rapidly given that the player is not under attack or is in a multi-combat area.
- Usually, when fighting a single monster with other players, the player that applied the most total damage at the end of the battle gets the monster's item/coin drop.
- Players can aggravate multiple enemies by simply attacking all of them without killing them then running to a farther location. The aggressive monsters will follow the player causing the monsters to pile the player.
- What determines if you are in able to attack someone else is based on the zone they are currently in, which means one could attack multiple targets simultaneously from a single-combat zone, as long as their opponents are in a multicombat area. This will also mean that only one person can attack you if you are in a single-combat area, with the exception of recoil-oriented damage (i.e. specific rings, vengeance spells, and Dharok's Amulet-enhanced set effect) reverted back on you when performing multi-hitting attacks against multiple targets (that are in a multicombat area) simultaneously.
Combat | |
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