Poison Waste Dungeon

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Poison Waste Dungeon
Released13 September 2023 (Update)
League regionKandarin Kandarin
InhabitantsWarped Terrorbirds and Tortoises
MusicWaste Defaced
Advanced data

The Poison Waste Dungeon makes up the immense sewerage of the legendary and malevolent gnome city Arposandra. The experiments of Glouphrie the Untrusted, which involved the warping of tortoises and terrorbirds to intelligent creatures, have led to large amounts of toxic waste. This waste is disposed of through the sewers and pumped into Tirannwn. The degree of this was so bad that it defiled the area south of Isafdar, and is now known as the Poison Waste. At the end of the sewers is a door to the basement of Arposandra, although it is guarded by two guards. These have access to an emergency button that, when pressed, releases tar and toxic gas to kill off any intruders.

Warped Terrorbirds do not lose their aggression.

A dwarf multicannon can be used in the dungeon.


The dungeon is in a canyon east of the Poison Waste. It is technically in Tirannwn, but you cannot reach it by passing through the main parts of Tirannwn, Arandar and Isafdar. The dungeon can be accessed by spirit trees (fastest) or by using a crossbow and mithril grapple to cross the river. The grapple location can be accessed by the fairy ring BKP (partial completion of the Fairytale II - Cure a Queen quest is required), or by walking from Castle Wars.

The entrance to the dungeon is west of the spirit tree, along the edge of the poison waste.


Monster Image Combat Level Slayer Level Slayer XP Quantity
Warped terrorbird
96 56 150 36
Warped tortoise width=150x150 121 56 200 15
