Abyssal lanternAbyssal lantern (normal logs)Abyssal lantern (blue logs)Abyssal lantern (red logs)Abyssal lantern (white logs)Abyssal lantern (purple logs)Abyssal lantern (green logs)Abyssal lantern (oak logs)Abyssal lantern (willow logs)Abyssal lantern (maple logs)Abyssal lantern (yew logs)Abyssal lantern (blisterwood logs)Abyssal lantern (magic logs)Abyssal lantern (redwood logs)? (edit)Abyssal lanternAbyssal lantern (normal logs)Abyssal lantern (blue logs)Abyssal lantern (red logs)Abyssal lantern (white logs)Abyssal lantern (purple logs)Abyssal lantern (green logs)Abyssal lantern (oak logs)Abyssal lantern (willow logs)Abyssal lantern (maple logs)Abyssal lantern (yew logs)Abyssal lantern (blisterwood logs)Abyssal lantern (magic logs)Abyssal lantern (redwood logs)? (edit)UnlitNormalBlueRedWhitePurpleGreenOakWillowMapleYewBlisterwoodMagicRedwood? (edit)? (edit)

? (edit)File:Abyssal lantern.pngFile:Abyssal lantern (normal logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (blue logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (red logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (white logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (purple logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (green logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (oak logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (willow logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (maple logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (yew logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (blisterwood logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (magic logs).pngFile:Abyssal lantern (redwood logs).png23 March 2022 (Update)? (edit)YesNo
Desert&MisthalinNo? (edit)? (edit)YesNoNo? (edit)? (edit)Wield, DropWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, DestroyWield, Extinguish, Inspect, Destroy? (edit)? (edit)N/AYou will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.You will have to find another in the Rewards Rift.? (edit)A lantern containing power from the Abyss.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some blue logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some red logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some white logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some purple logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some green logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some oak logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some willow logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some maple logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some yew logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some blisterwood logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some magic logs.A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some redwood logs.100100 coins? (edit)falsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalseNot alchemisableNot alchemisable? (edit)0.5000.5 kg? (edit)noAbyssal lanternAbyssal lantern (normal logs)Abyssal lantern (blue logs)Abyssal lantern (red logs)Abyssal lantern (white logs)Abyssal lantern (purple logs)Abyssal lantern (green logs)Abyssal lantern (oak logs)Abyssal lantern (willow logs)Abyssal lantern (maple logs)Abyssal lantern (yew logs)Abyssal lantern (blisterwood logs)Abyssal lantern (magic logs)Abyssal lantern (redwood logs)0Not soldinfobox-cell-hidden-? (edit)--Not soldNo data to displayItem? (edit)2682226824268262682826830268322683426836268382684026842268442684626848? (edit)2682226824268262682826830268322683426836268382684026842268442684626848Versions: 14Default version: Unlit SMW Subobject for NormalExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (normal logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (normal logs)Value: 100Version anchor: NormalRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26824
SMW Subobject for BlueExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some blue logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (blue logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (blue logs)Value: 100Version anchor: BlueRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26826
SMW Subobject for WillowExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some willow logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (willow logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (willow logs)Value: 100Version anchor: WillowRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26838
SMW Subobject for RedwoodExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some redwood logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (redwood logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (redwood logs)Value: 100Version anchor: RedwoodRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26848
SMW Subobject for MagicExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some magic logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (magic logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (magic logs)Value: 100Version anchor: MagicRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26846
SMW Subobject for PurpleExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some purple logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (purple logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (purple logs)Value: 100Version anchor: PurpleRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26832
SMW Subobject for BlisterwoodExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some blisterwood logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (blisterwood logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (blisterwood logs)Value: 100Version anchor: BlisterwoodRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26844
SMW Subobject for YewExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some yew logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (yew logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (yew logs)Value: 100Version anchor: YewRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26842
SMW Subobject for UnlitExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern.pngItem name: Abyssal lanternValue: 100Version anchor: UnlitRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26822
SMW Subobject for GreenExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some green logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (green logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (green logs)Value: 100Version anchor: GreenRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26834
SMW Subobject for MapleExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some maple logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (maple logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (maple logs)Value: 100Version anchor: MapleRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26840
SMW Subobject for WhiteExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some white logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (white logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (white logs)Value: 100Version anchor: WhiteRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26830
SMW Subobject for OakExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some oak logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (oak logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (oak logs)Value: 100Version anchor: OakRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26836
SMW Subobject for RedExamine: A lantern containing power from the Abyss. It's been lit with some red logs.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Abyssal lanternWeight: 0.500Uses infobox: ItemImage: File:Abyssal lantern (red logs).pngItem name: Abyssal lantern (red logs)Value: 100Version anchor: RedRelease date: 23 March 2022Item ID: 26828
The abyssal lantern is an item worn in the shield slot that can be obtained from the Rewards Guardian after completing a round of Guardians of the Rift. It can also be purchased from Apprentice Felix via dialogue for 1,500 abyssal pearls.
Players with the appropriate Firemaking level and a tinderbox can use 6 logs of a certain type on the lantern to light it, which gives varying benefits when worn during Guardians of the Rift. The Firemaking level requirement cannot be boosted, and no Firemaking experience is gained. Coloured logs can be used in place of normal logs, though they give the same effects.
In addition to the benefits provided only within Guardians of the Rift, the lit lantern serves as an equipable light source.
Any extra abyssal lanterns the player has can be exchanged with Apprentice Felix for 100 abyssal pearls.
Combat stats
SMW Subobject for NormalRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for BlueRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for WillowRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for RedwoodRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for MagicRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for PurpleRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for BlisterwoodRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for YewRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for UnlitRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for GreenRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for MapleRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for WhiteRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for OakRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
SMW Subobject for RedRanged Strength bonus: +0Slash defence bonus: +0Range defence bonus: +0Stab defence bonus: +0Prayer bonus: +0Magic defence bonus: +0Magic attack bonus: +0Is variant of: Abyssal lanternSlash attack bonus: +0Magic Damage bonus: 0Crush attack bonus: +0Strength bonus: +0Stab attack bonus: +0Range attack bonus: +0Equipment slot: shieldCrush defence bonus: +0
Inspecting a lit abyssal lantern will inform players of the benefits provided. To switch effects, players can right-click "Extinguish" and use another six logs of a desired type on it. Players can only have one abyssal lantern lit at a time; attempting to light a second one results in a message in the chatbox stating "You cannot light the abyssal lantern as you already have one lit."
Note: These benefits are provided only within the Guardians of the Rift minigame and are not provided through regular altar access or at the Ourania Altar.
The Firemaking requirement to light various logs in the Abyssal Lantern is not boostable.
Item sources
- No drop sources found. To force an update, click here.
Shop locations
Lua error: The item "Abyssal lantern" is not sold in any shop, please check for typos.
This article has an associated transcript page. Click here for the transcript.
[[{{#explode:14 June 2023| |0}} {{#explode:14 June 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 June 2023| |2}}]] (update)
A filterable game message is now displayed when certain variants of abyssal lanterns grant an extra rune whilst crafting runes.
[[{{#explode:3 May 2023| |0}} {{#explode:3 May 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:3 May 2023| |2}}]] (update)
Players can now purchase an abyssal lantern from Apprentice Felix via dialogue for 1,500 abyssal pearls.
[[{{#explode:13 April 2022| |0}} {{#explode:13 April 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:13 April 2022| |2}}]] (update)
[[{{#explode:30 March 2022| |0}} {{#explode:30 March 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:30 March 2022| |2}}]] (update)
- Abyssal lanterns will no longer be destroyed upon dying outside level 20+ Wilderness.
- The destroy text for lit abyssal lanterns have been changed. Previously, the destroy text was "You will have to purchase another one from Apprentice Cordelia."
- During development, lighting the abyssal lantern required two logs of a certain type, but would only stay lit for one round; up to ten logs could be used to light it, which would allow it to stay lit for five rounds. This was changed before release to its current functionality.
- On release, the destroy text for lit abyssal lanterns originally stated that players can purchase another lantern from Apprentice Cordelia. However, she could not be talked to, nor were lanterns purchasable; this is due to the lantern originally being polled as a purchasable reward, which was then changed for thematic reasons midway through development.
NPCs | Apprentices |
Rune guardians | |
| Elemental |
Catalytic |
Portal Guardians |
Remains |
Abyssal creatures |
Gameplay | |
| Guardian stones |
Cells |
Portal talismans |
Barriers |
Scenery |
Rewards | |
Scenery |
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