Kourend Favour

Kourend Favour, also simply called Favour, was a members-only system in Great Kourend that allowed players to gain reputation with the five houses ruling the kingdom. Earning favour would unlock many useful privileges, such as access to the Arceuus spellbook with 60% Arceuus favour and access to the Hosidius kitchen ranges with 100% Hosidius favour.
There were a wide range of activities a player could do to earn favour. Activities that reward favour were marked on the minimap with the purple star icon. More activites would become available once the player earned enough favour with the corresponding house.
The Kourend Favour system was removed on 10 January 2024 with the release of the Children of the Sun quest, after having passed a poll.
Earning Arceuus Favour
% | Activity | Skills required | Favour earned | Extra rewards |
0% | Searching texts in the Arceuus Library | N/A | 2.5% per text delivered | Book of arcane knowledge per text or manuscript delivered |
20% | Searching manuscripts in the library | N/A | 5% per manuscript delivered | |
20% | The Ascent of Arceuus quest | ![]() |
10% upon quest completion | 500 Runecraft and 1,500 Hunter experience, 2000 coins and 1 ![]() |
25% | Mining dense essence blocks | ![]() ![]() |
0.1% per block handed in | 12 Mining and 8 Crafting experience per block mined |
60% | Reanimating ensouled heads | ![]() |
0.5%–2.0% upon reanimation depending on the head used | 32–170 Magic experience for casting the spell and 130–1,560 Prayer experience when killing the reanimated monster |

Searching texts and manuscripts
<mapframe mapID="0" align="right" text="Locations of Arceuus activities." plane="0" width="220" y="3845" x="1698" height="220" group="pins" zoom="0">
X/Y: 1715,3882
X/Y: 1764,3852
X/Y: 1632,3808
</mapframe> Assisting the customers of the Arceuus Library is the fastest and most inexpensive way of earning favour, has no requirements and offers great experience rewards. You can speak with any of the customers on the centre ground floor of the library to help them find a book or scroll in one of the many bookcases. Delivering this text to the customer grants 2.5% Arceuus favour and a book of arcane knowledge, which rewards Magic or Runecraft experience based on the current level in the chosen skill. This activity will prove as a great alternative method of training these skills, especially for Ironmen who wish to preserve their runes.
You can only assist one customer at once, and cannot help the same one twice in a row. It is highly recommended to keep all texts found in the library in your inventory, to save time running around in case the next customer wants one of these. Stamina or energy potions and weight-reducing clothing are a must-have for this activity.
When reaching 20% Arceuus favour, you may also assist Horphis, another customer on the ground floor, in finding certain manuscripts. This functions the same as searching the texts, however you can collect and deliver multiple at once. Delivering these manuscripts to Horphis will grant 5% favour and a book of arcane knowledge per manuscript.
You may speak to Biblia, who roams the top floor of the library, to narrow down in what room the texts or manuscripts are. Note that the locations of all texts in the library change every 80–100 minutes, and vary between players and worlds. The RuneLite client has a plugin that will show the locations of all texts in the library after finding a few.
Mining dense essence blocks
Dense essence blocks can be mined at the dense essence mine if all requirements are met. Note that the skills may be boosted. Players require both a chisel and pickaxe to mine the blocks. These blocks can be handed in to Clerris to earn 0.1% Arceuus favour per block, although this is not recommended due to the slowness and lack of additional rewards of this method.
With 100% Arceuus favour, dense essence blocks may be used on the Dark Altar to turn them into dark essence blocks. Dark essence blocks are used in making Arceuus teleport tablets, or fragmented with a chisel to be used in runecrafting blood runes and soul runes with sufficient Runecraft levels.
Reanimating ensouled heads

Ensouled heads can be reanimated with reanimation spells, which require runes and the Arceuus spellbook to be cast. The spellbook can be selected for free by talking to Tyss nearby the Dark Altar. Tyss can then also be asked to switch the spellbook back to the standard spellbook.
Ensouled heads must be reanimated either within a 31x31 of where they were dropped, or anywhere around the Dark Altar. Reanimation grants 0.5%–1.5% Arceuus favour and summons a reanimated monster that is always aggressive to the player, with equal or lower combat stats than when it was alive. Be aware that the reanimated dragon will still attack with dragonfire. Defeating a reanimated monster grants 130–1,560 Prayer experience depending on the monster slain.
Wearing Zealot's robes has a 1.25% chance per piece, or 5% with the full set, to not consume an ensouled head when reanimating.
Arceuus favour rewards
% | Reward |
20% | Access to Thyria's Wares and Filamina's Wares |
60% | Access to the Arceuus Spellbook |
100% | Craft Arceuus teleport tablets with sufficient ![]() |
100% | Claim the Arceuus signet to construct dark and occult altars in the player-owned house with ![]() |
100% | Craft blood runes and soul runes from dark essence fragments with ![]() |
Once the player has reached 100% favour, the architect Arcis can be found in the north house east of the bank to complete the Arceuus phase of Architectural Alliance.
Earning Hosidius Favour
% | Activity | Skills required | Favour earned | Extra rewards |
0% | Ploughing fields | N/A | 12% chance every tile for 0.2% favour | 10 Crafting experience per repair, and 6% chance based on Strength level for 10 Farming experience drops while ploughing |
5% | Making sulphurous fertiliser | N/A | 0.1% per fertiliser given to the clerk | 2 Farming experience per fertiliser made |
20% | The Depths of Despair quest | ![]() |
10% upon quest completion | 1,500 Agility experience, 4,000 coins and 1 ![]() |
45% | Cooking in the Mess | ![]() |
0.6% per food served | 163–377 Cooking experience depending on the type of food served |
65% | Planting grape seeds in the vinery | ![]() |
0.8% per seed planted | 31.5 Farming experience when planting a seed, 625 upon checking the grown plant and 40 per harvest |

Ploughing fields
<mapframe group="pins" align="right" text="Locations of Hosidius activities." plane="0" width="220" y="3576" x="1724" height="220" zoom="0" mapID="0">
X/Y: 1770,3541
X/Y: 1807,3555
X/Y: 1642,3626
X/Y: 1702,3526
</mapframe> There are two fields to the south of Hosidius with interactable ploughs on them. You can select them to automatically plough to the end of the strip, every tile moved has an approximate 12% chance to yield 0.2% Hosidius favour and there is a 6% chance based on Strength level for 10 Farming experience.[1] These ploughs will break frequently, and a hammer is required to repair them, also granting 10 Crafting experience in the process.
Making sulphurous fertiliser
Players can quickly reach this area using a skills necklace and teleporting to the Woodcutting guild and heading east.
Sulphurous fertiliser can be made at 5% Hosidius favour by combining compost and saltpetre, yielding 2 Farming experience per bucket made. You can then speak to the Clerk south-west of Hosidius to donate all fertiliser in both inventory and bank, at once, for 0.1% favour per bucket. Sulphurous fertiliser has no uses apart from granting favour.
This is a very low-effort albeit slow method of earning favour. Starting from 5%, it would take 850 compost and saltpetre to reach 90%, with The Depths of Despair for the last 10%. This would cost 16,150 if bought from the Grand Exchange.
Cooking in the Mess
Cooking food for Shayzien soldiers in the Mess is a relatively fast way of earning favour. This activity, which requires 45% favour, requires no items, as all the ingredients will be provided in the kitchen in unlimited amounts. Note that food from the Mess cannot be consumed, sold or alched.
There are three types of food the player can make in the Mess; meat pies, stews and pineapple pizzas. These foods respectively require 20, 25 and 65 levels in Cooking. See Making the Food for the list of recipes. When finishing making a food, deliver it to a buffet table to earn 0.6% Hosidius favour and 163–377 Cooking experience per food served.
The Mess interface shows the soldiers' appreciation for the types of food, which lowers for a food if it is too repeatedly served, causing it to grant less favour and experience. This can be ignored by switching worlds.
Grape seeds

With 65% Hosidius favour and 36 Farming, you can plant grape seeds in the vinery south-east of Hosidius. Apart from the seed itself, this requires a seed dibber, gardening trowel and one saltpetre for every seed planted. A spade is needed to dig up dead vines. There are 12 vine patches. Grape vines take 35 minutes to grow and will never catch diseases.
Planting a grape seed grants 0.8% favour and 31.5 Farming experience. Fully growing a grape vine only grants Farming experience (625 for checking the vine and 40 per grape harvested). Each grape vine always yields 5 or more grapes, thus at least 856.5 Farming experience is gained per grape seed. Planting and harvesting on all twelve vine patches grants a total of 9.6% Hosidius favour and at least 10,278 Farming experience.
Grape seeds can be bought at the Grand Exchange for 949 each, or from Farmer Gricoller's Rewards for two Tithe Farm minigame points.
Hosidius favour rewards
% | Reward |
15% | Steal from the Hosidius fruit stall with ![]() |
35% | Plant a spirit sapling in the patch south-east of the Forthos Ruin with ![]() |
50% | The farming patches just south of Hosidius will be permanently protected from disease |
60% | Access to the Farming Guild with ![]() |
65% | Plant grape seeds in the vinery with ![]() |
75% | Access to the Woodcutting Guild with ![]() |
100% | Access to the Tithe Farm minigame with ![]() |
100% | Access to the ranges in the Hosidius kitchen, which are only six tiles from a bank chest and provide an additive 5% increased chance of success over standard cooking ranges. This chance is further increased to 10% with the completion of the elite Kourend & Kebos Diary. |
Once the player has reached 100% favour, the architect Hosa can be found by the statue at the entrance to the Catacombs of Kourend to complete the Hosidius phase of Architectural Alliance.
Earning Lovakengj Favour
% | Activity | Skills required | Favour earned | Extra rewards |
0% | Mining volcanic sulphur and crafting dynamite Dynamite is made with the sulphur, juniper charcoal, saltpetre, a pot and a ball of wool |
![]() Optional: ![]() |
Volcanic sulphur has a 1 in 3 chance for 0.1% and 0.1% per dynamite constructed | 25 Mining experience per sulphur mined and 35 Woodcutting experience per juniper log chopped |
20% | The Forsaken Tower quest | N/A | 10% upon quest completion | 500 Mining and 500 Smithing experience, 6,000 coins and 1 ![]() |
75% |
Smithing Shayzien supply armour Better armour can be made at 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% favour |
![]() ![]() |
0.1%-2.0% per invidual piece handed in, or 1.5%-7.5% per full Shayzien supply crate | 10–40 Smithing experience when making a piece of armour, 10 Mining experience per Lovakite ore mined, and up to 675 Mining and 2,400 Smithing experience per full armour set delivered |
65% | Setting up the Lovakengj Minecart Network | N/A | 5% per destination unlocked, for a total of 25% | N/A |

Mining sulphur and making dynamite
<mapframe group="pins" align="right" text="Locations of Lovakengj activities." plane="0" width="220" y="3665" x="1575" height="220" zoom="-1" mapID="0">
X/Y: 1438,3860
X/Y: 1719,3471
X/Y: 1431,3796
X/Y: 1437,3782
X/Y: 1461,3762
X/Y: 1525,3754
X/Y: 1454,3749
X/Y: 1524,3721
</mapframe> Volcanic sulphur can be found in the sulphur mine, requiring 42 Mining, a pickaxe and a face mask, slayer helmet or gas mask. The mine is a rather dangerous place due to the many gas clouds floating around. Without facial protection, these can rapidly kill the player. Even with facial protection, the gas clouds will still deal 1–2 damage per tick to adjacent players, so food is recommended in this mine. Helpful tip if you move while getting hit by the clouds, they will keep moving past, also 0 - 100 percent 2887 volcanic sulfur by only mining
Volcanic sulphur can be mined in quick succession, but each sulphur mined only grants 0.033% Lovakengj favour. It is possible, but tedious, to earn 100% favour solely by mining, as this requires mining a total of 3031 sulphur. Reaching 65% favour with mining, after which The Forsaken Tower quest and the Lovakengj Minecart Network can be accessed for the remaining 35%, would require mining 1970 sulphur.
To earn more favour with volcanic sulphur however, it should be used to craft dynamite, granting 0.1% favour per dynamite made. Dynamite is created by combining volcanic sulphur, juniper charcoal, saltpetre and a pot, finished with a ball of wool. These materials will all be consumed when making the dynamite. Volcanic sulphur and juniper charcoal are untradeable and not sold in any stores. Juniper charcoal can be obtained by chopping mature juniper trees south-west of Hosidius with 42 Woodcutting, and then adding the juniper logs to the charcoal furnaces located further to the south. Ironmen can buy pots from Toothy's Pickaxes and balls of wool from Neitiznot supplies, both of which are next to banks.
There are two furnaces, and each holds up to 60 logs at a time. These furnaces are lit with a tinderbox and you can get one from Smoggy, the dwarf that operates the furnaces, who also has to be paid a fee of 600 coins when lighting a furnace. It takes 16 hours and 30 minutes (passively) before the logs are burned to charcoal, thus this method is not recommended when attempting to gain favour fast. Each log burnt will give 50 stackable charcoal. With all required materials in the inventory, you can combine them anywhere to make the dynamite and earn the Lovakengj favour.
To reach 65% favour by making dynamite, including the favour gained for mining volcanic sulphur, you will need to make a total of 489 dynamite. Thus, this requires 10 juniper logs and 489 of each volcanic sulphur, saltpetre, pots and balls of wool. If the latter three items are bought from the Grand Exchange, it would cost 30,318.
Smithing supply armour
With 30% Lovakengj favour, smithing Shayzien supply armour is a faster alternative method to earning favour with Lovakengj, although it has relatively high skill requirements. This armour is made with lovakite bars, smelted from lovakite ore, a unique type of ore that requires a pickaxe and 65 Mining to obtain. Smelting a bar requires one lovakite ore, two coal and 45 Smithing, whereas the armour pieces require up to 93 Smithing to make.
Supply armour can be handed in to the armourer of that tier to receive Lovakengj favour and additional Mining and Smithing experience. Handing in a full set of supply armour, placed in a Shayzien supply crate, will grant significantly more favour and experience than if those pieces were handed in individually. Delivering higher tier armour grants more favour and experience as well.
In contrast with the Shayzien armour obtained from challenging soldiers in the Shayzien Combat Ring, this armour cannot be worn by the player.
Setting up the minecart network

After reaching 65% Lovakengj favour, you will gain access to the Lovakengj Minecart Network. However, it first has to be set up. You can speak to Miriam to receive five minecart control scrolls that have to be delivered to the other locations of the network in order to unlock them. See Lovakengj Minecart Network for the locations of these stations. Delivering a scroll to a station grants 5% Lovakengj favour, for a total of 25% favour when all locations are unlocked. The network can be used at a cost of 50 coins per ride, or a one-time fee of 100,000 coins.
Lovakengj favour rewards
% | Reward |
15% | Access to Thirus Urkar's Fine Dynamite Store |
30% | Access to mining rocks in Lovakengj Mine |
65% | Access to the Lovakengj Minecart Network, after setting it up |
100% | Access to the Blast mine with ![]() |
Once the player has reached 100% favour, the architect Lovada can be found in the house south of the blast mine to complete the Lovakengj phase of Architectural Alliance.
Earning Piscarilius Favour
% | Activity | Skills required | Favour earned | Extra rewards |
0% | Repairing fishing cranes | ![]() |
0.5% per repair | Three times the player's Crafting level as experience for that skill, per repair |
15% | Bringing fresh fish to Frankie | ![]() |
20% chance for 0.1% when delivering 2 or more fresh fish | 10 Fishing experience for each additional fish per delivery |
20% | The Queen of Thieves quest | ![]() |
10% upon quest completion | 2,000 Thieving experience, access to the Warrens, 2,000 coins and 1 ![]() |
30% | Hunting sandworms | ![]() |
50% chance of 0.8% per bucket of sandworms delivered | 10 Hunter experience per successful dig |
75% | Stealing artefacts | ![]() |
2% per successful heist | 750 Thieving experience per lockpick, and some coins alongside an amount of Thieving experience equal to 40 times your level in that skill upon successfully securing an artefact |
Repairing fishing cranes
<mapframe group="pins" align="right" text="Locations of Port Piscarilius activities." plane="0" width="220" y="3757" x="1834" height="220" zoom="0" mapID="0">
X/Y: 1832,3715
X/Y: 1839,3800
X/Y: 1850,3752
X/Y: 1829,3756
X/Y: 1818,3726
</mapframe> Throughout Port Piscarilius, there are five fishing cranes that are constantly in need of repair. You'll require a hammer, three regular planks, and at least 9 nails (of any type) to fix them. The nails will bend easily, thus more are recommended. Higher Crafting levels reduce the chance of accidentally bending nails. A Crafting level of at least 30 is required to repair the cranes.
Fishing cranes are repaired faster the more people are working on them, including the dock worker. 0.5% Piscarilius favour is granted per successful repair.
Because of the expenses of this method, it is recommended to skip this activity and instead complete the Client of Kourend quest, choosing to gain 20% favour with Port Piscarilius.
Hauling fresh fish
Once players reach 15% favour, players with level 15 Fishing can assist Frankie in delivering fresh fish to the cooling chest inside his store for favour. Delivering these fish to Frankie's cooling chest grants some low amounts of Piscarilius favour and Fishing experience.
Fish rot away after about a minute in the inventory. Therefore it is only possible to haul around 22 fish at a time.
Hunting sandworms
After players reach 30% favour, players with level 15 in Hunter can hunt for sandworms (10 Hunter experience per find) in the area north of Tynan's Fishing Supplies. Doing so requires a spade and at least five buckets. Each bucket of sandworms delivered to Tynan rewards around 0.36% favour. Hunting sandworms is by far the most efficient method of earning favour with Port Piscarilius. Sandworms can be found in the north-east of Port Piscarilius, and can be dug up with a spade while having an empty bucket to put them in. Failing to catch sandworms will result in a bucket of sand, which can be emptied again.
The buckets of sandworms can be given to Tynan, just south of the hunting place, with a 50% chance for each bucket to yield 0.8% Piscarilius favour, for 0.4% Piscarilius favour per bucket on average. Tynan will only accept deliveries of at least five buckets. He also happens to sell empty buckets for only two coins, saving you trips to the bank. The most optimal inventory for this activity therefore consists of a spade, several hundreds of coins and 26 inventory slots available for the buckets.
Stealing artefacts

With 75% favour and 49 Thieving, you can assist Captain Khaled in stealing artefacts from houses in the west of Port Piscarilius, the richer part of town. A lockpick is required for this activity.
The captain will instruct you to one of the six houses, where you can lockpick a container for an artefact and 750 Thieving experience. You cannot teleport or log out with this artefact, else it will be lost. Getting caught by one of the many roaming guards will also cause you to lose the artefact, requiring you to gain a new task from Khaled. Successfully returning to the captain with the artefact grants a large amount of Thieving experience and some coins, as well as 2% Port Piscarilius favour. See the Paths section to learn the movement of the guards.
With some stamina potions and weight-reducing clothing, doing this activity is an excellent way to train Thieving.
Piscarilius favour rewards
% | Reward |
20% | Access to Kenelme's Wares |
30% | Access to the Frankie's Fishing Emporium, with better fish being available with more favour (sharks at 100%) |
100% | Catch anglerfish with ![]() |
Once the player has reached 100% favour, the architect Piliar can be found in the house north west of the general store to complete the Piscarilius phase of Architectural Alliance.
Earning Shayzien Favour
% | Activity | Skills required | Favour earned | Extra rewards |
0% | Healing wounded soldiers | N/A | 0.2% per soldier healed | N/A |
5% | Killing lizardmen and lizardman brutes inside the Lizardman Canyon Kills outside the Canyon grant no favour -- these monsters are level 53-75 and inflict poison |
N/A | 0.1% per kill | Several valuable items from drops, including Xeric's Talisman |
20% | The Tale of the Righteous quest | ![]() ![]() |
10% upon quest completion | 8,000 coins and 1 ![]() |
40% | Tackling organised crime | N/A | Respectively 2% and 10% per gangster and gang boss killed | Several valuable items from drops, including Intelligence, which can be traded for a training manual |
100% |
Challenging soldiers in the Shayzien Combat Ring in melee combat Higher tier soldiers can be fought at 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% favour |
![]() |
0.4%-1.0% depending on the tier of soldier defeated | Unowned Shayzien armour piece per victory |

Healing wounded soldiers
<mapframe group="pins" align="right" text="Locations of Shayzien activities." plane="0" width="220" y="3657" x="1524" height="220" zoom="0" mapID="0">
X/Y: 1517,3690
X/Y: 1522,3627
X/Y: 1543,3625
X/Y: 1506,3636
</mapframe> Several wounded soldiers can be found in tents in the south of the Shayzien Encampment. They can be healed when the player talks to them, while having a Shayzien medpack in the inventory, granting 0.2% Shayzien favour per soldier healed. The medpacks can be taken from crates nearby the wounded soldiers. Because of the strong lizardmen poison, it only takes a minute before the soldiers require aid again.
This is the only method of earning Shayzien favour without engaging in combat. While slow, the player can heal 500 wounded soldiers to earn 100% favour with Shayzien this way.
Fighting lizardmen
With 5% Shayzien favour you can assist the Shayzien army in the Lizardman Canyon by killing lizardmen and lizardman brutes for 0.1% Shayzien favour per kill. Only kills within this Canyon grant favour. The lizardmen and lizardman brutes have combat levels of respectively 53 and 75, and apply poison (3 damage) to their targets. Decent combat gear, food and antipoisons are recommended when fighting them.
Both lizardmen and lizardman brutes have a 1/250 chance to drop Xeric's Talisman, doubling to 1/125 with completion of the easy Kourend & Kebos Diary. This talisman provides teleports to several locations around Great Kourend when charged with lizardman fangs. It is advised to kill the lizardmen until you at least obtain this talisman. With 72 Construction, it can be hung inside the Portal Nexus room in the player-owned house, providing unlimited free teleports.
You can use the nearby bank in the Shayzien Encampment to restock on food when needed. The dwarf multicannon is an outstanding tool in killing the lizardmen.
Tackling organised crime
With 40% Shayzien favour, players are allowed to tackle organised crime, an activity that can offer very large amounts of combat experience, favour and valuable items. The noticeboard in Captain Ginea's tent will provide the location and time of the next gang meeting, if there is one within a few minutes. Gang meetings will take place every 30 minutes in a random location that varies per world, at different times, allowing players to switch worlds to possibly encounter another gang meeting in the same location there. Certain worlds have coordinated times and locations, guaranteeing multiple gang meetings by switching worlds.
When a gang meeting commences, a gang boss and several gangsters will spawn at the given location. They will remain there for five minutes before disappearing, unless they are locked in combat. Killing a gangster grants 2% Shayzien favour while a gang boss grants 10%. They commonly drop valuable items, including cosmic runes and noted mahogany planks.
Gang bosses will additionally always drop Intelligence, and gangsters have a 20% chance to drop it. Intelligence can be traded with Captain Ginea for a training manual, which grants experience in either Hitpoints, Attack, Strength or Defence depending on your current level in the chosen skill.
Dueling soldiers

With 60% favour, soldiers in the Shayzien Combat Ring can be challenged in melee combat. There are five tiers of soldiers, with only the first tier being available at the start. To challenge a soldier of a higher tier, you must earn enough favour and own all armour pieces of the previous tier. There are five pieces to an armour set in total, and defeated soldiers will always drop an unowned piece of armour of their tier.
Beware that you can die in this combat ring, although you can leave the ring at any moment. While Ranged and Magic cannot be used in the arena, Prayer is allowed. Alongside a piece of armour, defeating a soldier will grant 0.4%-1.0% Shayzien favour depending on their tier, with the fifth tier granting no favour since 100% Shayzien favour is already required to challenge them.
Shayzien favour rewards
% | Reward |
20% | Access to Briget's Weapons and Blair's Armour |
60% | Access to Shayzien armour (tier 1) |
70% | Access to Shayzien armour (tier 2) |
80% | Access to Shayzien armour (tier 3) |
90% | Access to Shayzien armour (tier 4) |
100% | Kill lizardman shamans which may drop dragon warhammers
Access to Shayzien armour (tier 5) Players who have completed the hard Kourend & Kebos Diary can talk to Captain Cleive to be able to wear their Slayer helmet or Slayer helmet (i) as a Shayzien helm (5) |
Once the player has reached 100% favour, the architect Shayda can be found in the house south west of the archery store to complete the Shayzien phase of Architectural Alliance.
Additional rewards
- The Client of Kourend quest awards 20% favour in a house of your choice, as well as Kharedst's memoirs. This tome can be filled with torn teleportation pages obtained from the five house-specific quests.
- At 100% favour with any house, you may dye the graceful outfit in the colours of that house for
90 marks of grace. When 100% favour is reached with all houses, the outfit can be dyed white.
- Reaching 100% favour with all houses is required to complete the miniquest Architectural Alliance.
Date | Changes |
[[{{#explode:10 January 2024| |0}} {{#explode:10 January 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 January 2024| |2}}]] (update | poll) |
The Kourend Favour system was removed from the game. |
[[{{#explode:7 February 2019| |0}} {{#explode:7 February 2019| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 February 2019| |2}}]] (update) |
Players will never lose favour with any house. |
[[{{#explode:19 April 2018| |0}} {{#explode:19 April 2018| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:19 April 2018| |2}}]] (update) |
The Client of Kourend quest no longer awards players with doubled favour in all houses. Instead, this is now the default rate of favour gain. |
[[{{#explode:20 April 2017| |0}} {{#explode:20 April 2017| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:20 April 2017| |2}}]] (update) |
The Client of Kourend quest is released. Completing it awards players with 20% favour in a house of their choice, as well as doubled favour gain in all houses. |
[[{{#explode:3 March 2016| |0}} {{#explode:3 March 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:3 March 2016| |2}}]] (update) |
Completing tasks for a house will no longer reduce favour with other houses where the player had already earned 100% favour, allowing players to earn 100% favour with all houses. |
[[{{#explode:7 January 2016| |0}} {{#explode:7 January 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:7 January 2016| |2}}]] (update) |
The Kourend Favour system was rolled out with the release of Great Kourend. |
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Minimap | |||||
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