List of dungeons
(Redirected from Cave)
Dungeons are usually (but not always) subterranean areas that are typically filled with hostile monsters, traps, and other hazards. Many of them are involved in quest storylines. Dungeons are denoted on the world map with a red exclamation mark.
- Asgarnian Ice Dungeon (Free to play)
- Dwarven Mine (Free to play)
- Falador Mole Lair
- Heroes' Guild Mine
- Melzar's Maze Basement (Free to play)
- Mining Guild (Free to play)
- Motherlode Mine
- Ruins of Camdozaal (Free to play)
- Scrubfoot's Cave
- Taverley Dungeon
- Warrior's Guild Basement
- White Knight's Castle Crypt
- White Wolf Tunnel
Feldip Hills
- Corsair Cove Dungeon (Free-to-play) (Myth's Guild Dungeon)
- Jiggig Burial Tomb
- Ogre Enclave
- Red Chinchompa Hunting Ground
- Skavid Caves
Fremennik Province
- Fremennik Slayer Dungeon
- Ice Troll Caves
- Jormungand's Prison
- Keldagrim
- Lighthouse Basement
- Lunar Isle mine
- Miscellania and Etceteria dungeon
Great Kourend
- Barbarian Camp Jail
- Catacombs of Kourend
- Chasm of Fire
- Crabclaw Caves
- Forsaken Tower Basement
- Forthos Dungeon
- Giants' Den
- Shayzien Crypts
- Shayzien Prison
- The Warrens
- Woodcutting Guild Ent Dungeon
- Xeric's Lookout Basement
- Ancient Cavern
- Ardougne Sewers
- Brimstail's Cave
- Chaos Druid Tower Dungeon
- Clock Tower Dungeon
- Elemental Workshop
- Goblin Cave
- Ice Queen's Lair
- Kraken Cove
- Observatory Dungeon
- Ourania Cave
- Smoke Devil Dungeon
- Temple of Ikov
- Tower of Life Basement
- Tree Gnome Village Dungeon
- Underground Pass
- Witchaven Dungeon
- Wizard's Guild Basement
- Yanille Agility Dungeon
- Brimhaven Agility Arena
- Brimhaven Dungeon
- Crandor and Karamja Dungeon (Free to play)
- Mor Ul Rek
- Pothole Dungeon
- Shilo Village Mine
Kebos Lowlands
- Chambers of Xeric
- Headless Beast Cave
- Hespori Cave
- Karuulm Slayer Dungeon
- Lizardman Caves
- Lizardman Temple
- Quidamortem Cave
Kharidian Desert
- Giant's Foundry
- Kalphite Cave
- Kalphite Lair
- Ruins of Uzer Basement
- Scabaras Dungeon
- Smoke Dungeon
- Sophanem Dungeon
- Tombs of Amascut
- Water Ravine Dungeon
- Digsite Dungeon
- Dorgesh-Kaan mine
- Draynor Sewers (Free to play)
- Edgeville Dungeon (Free to play)
- H.A.M. Hideout
- Lumbridge Castle Cellar
- Lumbridge Swamp Caves
- Paterdomus Basement
- Sourhog Cave
- Stronghold of Security (Free to play)
- Tolna's rift
- Varrock Sewers (Free to play)
- Wizard's Tower Basement
- Abandoned Mine with Tarn's Lair
- Daeyalt essence mine
- Ectofuntus Dungeon
- Experiment cave
- Morytania Spider Cave
- Myreque Hideout
- Ranis Drakan's Crypt
- Shade Catacombs
- Sisterhood Sanctuary
- Slayer Tower Basement
- Theatre of Blood
- Werewolf Agility Arena
- Iorwerth Camp Cave
- Iorwerth Dungeon
- Poison Waste Dungeon
- The Gauntlet
- Trahaearn mine
- Zalcano's Prison
- Callisto's Den
- Corporeal Beast's Lair
- Deep Wilderness Dungeon
- Escape Caves
- Ferox Enclave Dungeon
- Hunter's End
- King Black Dragon Lair
- Lava Maze Dungeon
- Mage Arena Bank
- Revenant Caves
- Silk Chasm
- Skeletal Tomb
- Vet'ion's Rest
- Web Chasm
- Wilderness Agility Course Dungeon
- Wilderness God Wars Dungeon
- Wilderness Slayer Cave
- Ape Atoll Dungeon
- Crash Island Dungeon
- Crumbling Tower Basement
- Entrana Dungeon
- Evil Chicken's Lair Cave
- God Wars Dungeon
- Grand Tree Tunnels
- Isle of Souls Dungeon
- Mos Le'Harmless Cave
- Stronghold Slayer Cave
- Troll Stronghold
- Tutorial Island mine
- Underwater
- Waterbirth Island Dungeon
- Weiss Salt Mine
- Wyvern Cave
Dungeons lacking map icon
- Ah Za Rhoon
- Barrows
- Brine Rat Cavern
- Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon
- Dungeon (Player-owned house)
- Eagles' Peak Dungeon
- Enakhra's Temple
- Ghorrock Dungeon
- Jatizso Mine
- Mouse Hole
- Rashiliyia's Tomb
- Temple of Marimbo Dungeon
- Tunnel of Chaos
- Underwater Tunnel
- Shaman Caves
- Viyeldi caves
- Waterfall Dungeon