Waterbirth Island Dungeon

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Waterbirth Island Dungeon
Released1 August 2005 (Update)
LocationFremennik Province
League regionFremennik Fremennik
InhabitantsDagannoth, Wallasalkis, Rock lobsters, and Giant rock crabs
MusicThe Monsters Below, Subterranea, Dagannoth Dawn, Xenophobe

Waterbirth Dungeon is a large dungeon found on Waterbirth Island and consists of several sublevels that contain powerful, aggressive monsters. Players must be prepared to encounter all three Combat styles. Few safespots are available, so those adventurers who wish to explore the dungeon must take caution.

Sublevel 1 - Main Room

Sublevel 1 of Waterbirth Dungeon.

As soon as the player descends the stairs to enter the dungeon, they will be in a massive cavern, also known as Sublevel 1, filled with level 90 Dagannoths with their spawn and fledglings. They use Melee attacks and hit high and accurately. Protect from Melee is highly recommended for players who wish to train here. There are also a few rock crabs to the north part of the area. Most potential safespots contain eggs that, when approached, hatch and release dagannoth spawn that will attack the player. However, once the dagannoth become non-aggressive, they can be safely ranged across the skeleton just north-east of the entry stairs.

The three paths

The three paths lead to three door supports.

At the far eastern end of the cavern are three circular doors with two buttons next to each of them. To open a door, one player must stand on a button while their companion stands on the other. Alternatively, the player can use the pet rock to substitute as a "player" to open the doors. Depending on which door is opened, the player will encounter the following monsters that use one of three attack styles:

You may want to be careful, as a few Dagannoths may have got stuck in each of the rooms.

Opening the door to the central room

Each of the three paths leads further east to a central room with a ladder, from which you can access a ladder that takes you to Sublevel 2. However, it is blocked by three door-supports. The props can be knocked down with either Magic or Ranged (weak attacks may not work), but the player cannot knock down the prop in front of them; they can only knock down one in the opposite direction. There are two ways to open the door in front of you:

  1. Have another player take a different path, and you each knock down each others door. Note that you cannot hit a door directly across from you, so you must either take the northern and middle path, or southern and middle path.
  2. Take the northern or southern path, and use a Rune thrownaxe's special attack on the western (middle) door. This will cause the thrownaxe to bounce between and destroy all three doors, allowing you in.

Once the props are knocked down, they will eventually be put back up again. For this reason, players should use the ladder immediately; however, they should be aware that two Dagannoth spawns will pop from the eggs nearby and the Wallasalkis and ranged Dagannoth can attack the player.

Once the player is in the central room, they can climb the ladder. Going down the ladder allows the player to go through the sub-levels that lead to the Dagannoth Kings; going up the ladder will lead to Askeladden, who is on top of the snow-covered mountain in the east part of the island. The top part of the area is very useful for resting, especially when players are going to the Dagannoth Kings.

The propped doors can be bypassed with an alternate entrance on the highest point of waterbirth island. This can be reached with a shortcut requiring level 85 Agility, placing the player directly next to the ladder and skipping the need to bring a pet rock, rune thrownaxes, or another player.

Fremennik armour

The Dagannoths in the main cavern (not the ones in the path) sometimes drop dagannoth hides used to make Fremennik armour. The monsters in each of the three paths drop raw materials used for the armour. For example, Wallasalkis drop pieces used for making Skeletal armour.

Rough walkthrough

Sublevels 2-4 of the dungeon.
Sublevel 5 of the dungeon.

Below is a quick overview of Waterbirth Island Dungeon and the rooms and protection prayers that should be used in each room, along with maps that correspond to the walkthroughs, showing which regions require which prayers. Note: Level 90 dagannoth use melee and level 88 dagannoth use ranged.

Waterbirth Island Dungeon

Room Sublevel Attacks used or Prayer needed Notes
1 1 Melee Protect from Melee is strongly recommended in the main room since the Dagannoths can hit accurately and hard.
The 3 Paths (need two players to stand on door pads to Room 2)
2 north 1 Melee Giant Rock Crabs inhabit the northern area and use Melee. Be sure to activate Protect from Melee.
2 centre 1 Magic Wallasalkis inhabit the middle path and use Magic that is extremely potent, so Protect from Magic is highly recommended.
2 south 1 Ranged Dagannoths that use Ranged inhabit the southern area. Ward off their Ranged attacks with Protect from Missiles.
The Doors (need two players to open doors or one with rune thrownaxes to hit the middle door)



Melee, Ranged, Magic Either go up to Askeladden (safe area for resting) or down to Dagannoth Kings. Before proceeding downward, have Protect from Magic activated.
4 2 Magic Again, Protect from Magic should be on by this point as Wallasalkis hit very hard. Head east, and climb down the ladder.
5 3 Ranged, Melee Ranging dagannoths are next. Use Protect from Missiles, and go east to the ladder.
6 2 Melee Although giant rock crabs hit hard, they move slowly. Hide in a nook nearby and turn on Protect from Melee. Players can conserve run energy by walking straight past them toward the ladder due south. Switch to Protect from Missiles immediately upon descending the ladder.
7 3 Melee, Ranged There are dagannoths that use both Melee and Ranged attacks. With Protect from Missiles on, run past them to the next ladder in the west.
South to Bardur
8B 2 Melee Climbing up the south ladder and simply following the path leads to a Fremennik called Bardur, who is fighting Dagannoth fledgelings. Conversing with results in him asking you to bring him a Fremennik helm, shield or sword, which he will trade for sharks.
9B 3 Melee, Ranged
10B 4 Melee
West to Dagannoth Kings
8 4 Magic Activate Protect from Magic and go past the wallasalkis. Keep said protection prayer on until reaching the giant rock crabs.
9 3 Magic Conserve energy if necessary and continue onwards.
10 4


Proceed to the next ladder.
11 3


Activate Protect from Melee and walk straight past the giant rock crabs.
12 4 Melee, Ranged Again, there are Melee and Ranged dagannoths. Run past them with Protect from Missiles. After rounding the corner and going up the ladder, there will be a couple of ranging dagannoths. After getting to the ladder, prepare to switch to Protect from Melee.
13 3 Melee Melee-using dagannoths inhabit this area, and the ladder is north-east.
14 4 Melee, Ranged Upon arrival, there are some rock lobsters, which require Protect from Melee. Players can trap them behind the ladder and rest here. At the end of this corridor is a huge room where wallasalkis await, so prepare to use Protect from Magic after passing the lobsters and entering the big area.
15 5 Melee, Ranged, Magic At the end of the corridor are monsters of all combat styles, but use Protect from Magic. Avoid Giant Rock Crabs, and go east down the ladder.
16 6

Melee, Ranged, Magic

This is the Kings' lair. See this guide on how to battle them.

Detailed walkthrough

The following is a more detailed overview of the dungeon.

Rooms 1-3

Sublevel 1 consists of these three rooms. The large Dagannoth-filled cavern that players first arrive in when they enter the dungeon is room one. Room 2 consists of the three paths, and Room 3 is the small room with the props and the ladder leading up or down.

Room 4

Sublevel 2

This room contains three Wallasalkis that use Magic. Protect from Magic is highly recommended.

Room 5

Sublevel 3

This room contains two types of Dagannoths: Melee and Ranged. If the player plans to run through the room, Protect from Missiles is recommended because the melee Dagannoth cannot run. Otherwise, the player should use Protect from Melee because the melee Dagannoth can actually follow the player, and they are potentially more dangerous than the ranging ones.

Room 6

Sublevel 2

This room contains Giant Rock Crabs, initially disguised as large stones. Upon entering the room, the player will be safe providing that the player stays where they are. However, if the player goes near a crab, it will attack. Players may want to go near the Giant Rock Crabs currently moving, as those will be non-aggressive. There is a shortcut on the eastern end of this room requiring level 81 Agility that leads directly to room 14.

Room 7

Sublevel 3

This room contains Melee and Ranged Dagannoth. Protect from Missiles is recommended if the player plans to run through the room; otherwise, they should use Protect from Melee.

There are two ladders in this room. Going down the south ladder will soon lead the player to Bardur, who is fighting Dagannoth fledglings. If the player gives him certain equipment to keep him going, he will hand the player a cooked shark in return, which may prove a bit helpful if the player wishes to explore the dungeon further.

Going down the west ladder will continue to lead to the Dagannoth Kings.

Room 8

Sublevel 4

This room contains Wallasalkis. Protect from Magic is highly recommended.

Room 9

Sublevel 3

This room contains a single Wallasalki. Protect from Magic is highly recommended. Players who do not wish to be attacked by other monsters may find this room a good place to kill Wallasalkis as there is only one spawn, and the room is small.

Room 10

Sublevel 4

This room contains Wallasalkis. Protect from Magic is highly recommended.

Room 11

Sublevel 3

This room contains Giant Rock Crabs and can also initially serve as a resting point. Protect from Melee is recommended when travelling through the room.

Room 12

Sublevel 4

This room contains Melee and Ranged Dagannoth. Protect from Missiles is recommended if the player plans to run through the room; otherwise, they should use Protect from Melee.

Room 13

Sublevel 3

This room contains two Ranged Dagannoth. Protect from Missiles is optional.

Room 14

Sublevel 4

This is a long corridor filled with a few Melee Dagannoth. Using Protect from Melee will be good enough to block their attacks. The first part is usually unoccupied by monsters, so it can also serve as a resting point. There is a shortcut connecting to room 6 requiring level 81 Agility.

Room 15

The Kings' ladder is heavily guarded.

Sublevel 5

This room is a very long corridor that extends east, south-west, and then opens up to a big room with the ladder that leads to the Dagannoth Kings, and then narrows down to another corridor that leads to an alternate exit going to the Lighthouse. The first section of this room contains approximately ten level 142 Rock lobsters that are similar to Giant Rock Crabs in the fact that they disguise themselves as rocks, and attack any player who goes near them. However, rock lobsters have a higher max hit and attack very quickly (at 1.2 ticks); however, since you will be running, most of the rock lobsters should be unable to reach you.

As the corridor turns south-west, more rock lobsters continue to lie in wait. You may want to use Protect from Magic now as there will be Wallasalkis in there, in addition to both types of Dagannoth. The ladder in the middle of the narrow path leads you to the Dagannoth Kings.

Room 16

Sublevel 6 of the dungeon.

Sublevel 6

This is the large roughly circular arena where the three Kings reside. Each King uses a different combat style, and they hit hard. It is extremely difficult to enter the room without two or more of the Kings attacking the player; they must have a companion to enter first and distract them, allowing the player to enter and run to a far side of the arena. Players MUST be prepared before going down the ladder, or they may die a quick death.

East Sublevel 5

This contains two rock lobsters. Protect from Melee is recommended.

Room 17

Sublevel 4

This contains three rock lobsters. Protect from Melee is recommended.

Room 18

Sublevel 3

This contains seven rock lobsters. Protect from Melee is recommended. This is also another good room to burst or barrage for Magic experience, and is usually empty.

Room 19

Sublevel 2

This contains the exit to the Lighthouse. Players must complete Horror from the Deep to use the ladder, which will send them into the Dagannoth under the Lighthouse. It also contains two Rock lobsters.

Treasure Trails

  • Digging in front of the entrance to the dungeon is the answer to an elite clue that states, "Three rule below and three sit at top. Come dig at my entrance."


The ominous cave entrance.

Music unlocked on Waterbirth Island:



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:8 May 2024| |0}} {{#explode:8 May 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:8 May 2024| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Two Agility shortcuts have been added to quickly traverse the dungeon; one in the east of the Giant Rock Crab room that requires 81 Agility, and the other south of the Waterbirth Island Teleport spot that requires 85 Agility.

[[{{#explode:21 May 2015| |0}} {{#explode:21 May 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:21 May 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

You can now right-click the ladder leading to the Dagannoth Kings lair to see how many players are inside.

[[{{#explode:9 October 2014| |0}} {{#explode:9 October 2014| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:9 October 2014| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The ladders in the Waterbirth Island dungeon are also much easier to click.