Mastering Mixology

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Mastering Mixology
Released25 September 2024 (Update)
League regionVarlamore Varlamore
Reward currencyMox, Aga, and Lye resin
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Mastering Mixology is a Herblore minigame located in Aldarin. The main goal of the minigame is assisting the Alchemical Society in filling out orders of potions, which have skyrocketed after Varlamore opened its borders to the mainland.

Participating in mixology requires level 60 Herblore, although higher levels will be advantageous as they allow for faster experience and point rewards due to having access to more potion recipes, with all potion recipes available from level 81.

Getting There


Mastering Mixology involves refining herbs into their basic elements and using the resulting pastes to brew potions based on the order given.

Refining herbs

The first step in mixology is refining herbs into mox, lye, and aga paste. To do so, the player must put clean herbs or their corresponding unfinished potions into the refiner, located next to the bank chest in the southeast of the facility. This process happens automatically, but the player can speed up the process by spam clicking the refiner. Depositing herbs or unfinished potions will also give the player Herblore 6 experience per item.

Players must then fill the mixer with the paste they have acquired, by adding them to the hopper located next to it. The hopper can hold up to 3,000 of each paste.

Herb Paste Cost/paste
Type Qty Herb (unf)
Mox 10 36.80 43.80
Mox 13 34.23 33.92
Mox 15 30.13 35.67
Mox 20 36.65 36.65
Lye 26 260.96 274.62
Lye 32 111.63 120.78
Aga 30 52.27 59.23
Lye 30 112.27 121.43
Lye 33 111.15 119.06
Aga 20 334.05 370.00
Lye 40 210.10 220.28
Aga 34 90.56 99.26
Aga 40 49.33 54.15
Aga 42 50.33 56.50
Aga 44 66.73 72.27


The minigame HUD.

Entering the main area of the minigame will cause the HUD to appear on the top left of the player's game client. This shows the potion bases that must be made, how they should be processed, and how much reagents (paste) remain in the hopper. Each usage of a reagent requires 10 paste; for example, a mystic mana amalgam requires two inputs of mox and one of aga, for a total of 20 mox paste and 10 aga paste.

Players can pull the respective levers in any order, and the pastes are not consumed until the potion base is taken from the mixing vessel behind them. If all three spots in the mixer are full, then pulling any of the levers will also override the oldest element selected, which allows for correcting mistakes without wasting any paste. For example, if the currently selected mixture is mox-lye-mox, then pulling the aga lever once will remove the first mox paste and result in a lye-mox-aga mix. If the hopper does not contain sufficient paste to create the potion indicated by the inputs, the player will be prevented from taking the potion from the mixer. Lacking the appropriate Herblore level for a potion will also prevent the player from taking it out of the mixer. You are able to boost to get orders requiring higher level potions, the level requirements stop you from recieving orders of that type, and pulling out the potion out of the Mixing vessel.

Lastly, the names of each base act as a mnemonic and give a hint to their ingredient combination. For example, Marley's MoonLight is made from mox-mox-lye and AquaLux Amalgam is made from aga-lye-aga.

Each possible order has a weight value; the higher this value, the more likely the order is to be assigned. Since players can only receive orders they have the Herblore requirement for, the chance of getting any particular order can be calculated as the weight of that order divided by the sum of all available orders' weights. As such, a player at level 60 or 81 will receive orders requiring mox, aga, and lye in a 1:1:1 ratio on average, while a player at level 75 will receive orders requiring a 39:35:31 ratio of the pastes.

Players will earn only 10 mox, aga, or lye if the fulfilled order is not currently required. Players will also only get a third of the experience compared to if it was an ordered potion. This will still refresh the list of potions ordered, giving players 3 new potions. However, it is recommended to always make potions that are required.

Base Combination Points Herblore Level XP Weight
Mox Aga Lye Total
Alco-AugmentAtor (AAA) 0 20 0 20 Herblore 60 Herblore 190 5
Mammoth-Might Mix (MMM) 20 0 0 20 Herblore 60 Herblore 190 5
LipLack Liquor (LLL) 0 0 20 20 Herblore 60 Herblore 190 5
Mystic Mana Amalgam (MMA) 20 10 0 30 Herblore 63 Herblore 215 4
Marley's MoonLight (MML) 20 0 10 30 Herblore 66 Herblore 240 4
Azure Aura Mix (AAM) 10 20 0 30 Herblore 69 Herblore 265 4
AquaLux Amalgam (ALA) 0 20 10 30 Herblore 72 Herblore 290 4
MegaLite Liquid (MLL) 10 0 20 30 Herblore 75 Herblore 315 4
Anti-Leech Lotion (ALL) 0 10 20 30 Herblore 78 Herblore 340 4
MixALot (MAL) 20 20 20 60 Herblore 81 Herblore 365 3
Clear selection (0/10)


An overview of the Alchemical Society's lab.

After making the unfinished potion base, players must either concentrate, homogenise, or crystalise it at the corresponding workstation (the retort, agitator, and alembic respectively) to complete the potion. Once the potion is made, complete the order by placing it on the conveyor belt. Players with a higher Herblore level will process unfinished potion bases faster.

The processing machines will progress at different rates depending on player input, as well as reward additional Herblore experience:

Workstation Process used Details
Agitator Homogenising Click it once to begin, click again within 2 ticks of the sound/visual effect to speed up the process, click again exactly 1 tick after the previous click to speed up the process a second time. This results in 14 bonus Herblore experience for the first click, and 2 bonus Herblore experience for the second click per potion.
  • If the player's latency is too high and keeps missing this window regularly, it can be faster to simply not click again rather than incur the progress penalty for missing the window.
  • At the sound/visual cue, players can progress the potion completely by spam clicking.
Alembic Crystallising Click it once to begin, then do so again at the same time as the player pumps the bellows for the 5th time to speed up the process. This results in 14 bonus Herblore experience per potion.
  • If clicked too early or too late, the 14 bonus Herblore experience may still be obtained by clicking again on the 7th pump after the initial failure.
  • The pump count resets if the player leaves the alembic and starts pumping again, though the bonus will not be awarded more than once.
Retort Concentrating Click it constantly every tick to speed up the process, rewarding 2 bonus Herblore experience per click. The total amount of bonus Herblore experience gained varies, as lower-level players can get more clicks in because they take a longer time to process their potions.


After processing potions, players may deposit them on the conveyor belt to the north.

Clicking the conveyor belt will deposit up to three potions, fulfilling as many of the current orders as possible from anywhere in the player's inventory. Or, if none of the current orders can be fulfilled, the player will deposit the first potion from their inventory for reduced rewards, and in either case, all three orders will be refreshed.

Players will receive mox resin, aga resin, and lye resin and Herblore experience depending on the potion made (see the table above). If the player fulfills multiple orders, more resin is given per potion; fulfilling two orders at once rewards 20% more resin, while fulfilling all three in one go rewards 40% more resin.

If the player deposits a potion that does not fulfill any of the current orders, they will receive a third of the experience, and 10 of the resin of the highest 'tier' given by that potion (e.g. Marley's moonlight would award 10 lye resin). Rewards require a mix of all points, so players may choose to fill orders that use the type of paste they require points for.

Experience per paste varies depending on the potion, according to the table below:

MMM, AAA, & LLL 6.33 6.33 6.33
MAL 6.92 13.22 16.36
Other potions with M 5.5 10.5 13
Other potions without M - 8 13


Therefore, to maximize experience per paste, players should only make potions that include mox paste.


Occasionally a young digweed plant will mature and bloom into a flower in one of the corners of the room, where the spawn rate scales with Herblore level. The location of this herb is also indicated by a chatbox message. If the player collects the digweed before the plant dies, it can be added to a potion, doubling the amount of experience and resin gained from that potion. Clicking on matured digweed will allow players to collect it, even if it dies at the last second. Players must use the digweed before exiting the minigame area (4 game tiles away from the hopper, towards the bank), or the digweed will wither and die thus disappearing from their inventory. Players can take digweed outside the minigame area by dropping it, leaving the minigame area, and telegrabbing the digweed. However, players cannot bank the digweed, so there is no reason to do this. Players cannot use multiple digweed on the same potion twice, attempting to do so with give the message, This potion has already been improved with digweed.

Holding digweed in the inventory seems to stop new spawns from appearing, however, plants will still appear if digweed is dropped on the floor, or mixed into a potion (both processed and unprocessed work). Because of this, it is advisable to either mix digweed into a potion of choice for a later order or to stack digweed on the floor on a selected tile to allow digweed to continue to spawn while waiting for preferred potion orders. Digweed that is dropped on the floor does not despawn immediately if players leave the area, unlike unfinished potions or digweed in your inventory. Note that if choosing to stack on the floor, players have a 3-minute timer to pick up and drop the stack before the digweed despawns.

For those with at least 81 Herblore, one strategy to maximise resin and experience is to immediately mix any digweed into an unprocessed mixalot base. Players can then save the unprocessed base until an order for mixalot appears and process it as necessary or store it in the bank so that players don't process it accidentally. If players choose to bank the base, remember to add in the digweed before leaving the minigame area or it will decay from your inventory. In addition, bases will not stack in the bank, even if they are identical. For those who would prefer faster resin and experience or for those who do not have at least 81 Herblore, it is better to use the digweed right away on the best potion players can make for the current order. An easy-to-remember rule of thumb is that the higher experience bases use two lye paste while lower experience bases use two mox paste. Alternatively, if players need points for a specific resin, focus on bases using two of the corresponding paste with the third paste used following the same L > A > M rule-of-thumb for slightly higher experience. No matter which strategy players prefer, always avoid using digweed with the MMM, AAA, and LLL bases as they yield the least resin and experience per paste.


Supervisor Lalo runs the store Mixology Rewards where players can spend your resin earned by playing the minigame.

Rewards Mox resin Aga resin Lye resin Approximate cost[a] Approximate profit[b] Coins per resin [c] Notes
420 70 30 19,443.30 Lua error: . Lua error: . Requires level 60 Herblore to purchase. Gives four sets of 3-dose potions, in quantities of 2-4 each.
180 440 70 34,907.61 Lua error: . Lua error: . Requires level 70 Herblore to purchase. Gives four sets of 3-dose potions, in quantities of 2-3 each.
410 320 480 81,491.39 Lua error: . Lua error: . Requires level 85 Herblore to purchase. Gives four sets of 3-dose potions, in quantities of 2-4 each.
8,600 7,000 9,350 1,643,688.33 N/A N/A Grants a 10% chance to save a secondary ingredient when mixing potions.
2,250 2,800 3,700 617,170.61 N/A N/A A cosmetic item, part of the alchemist's outfit.
2,250 2,800 3,700 617,170.61 N/A N/A A cosmetic item, part of the alchemist's outfit.
2,250 2,800 3,700 617,170.61 N/A N/A A cosmetic item, part of the alchemist's outfit.
13,800 11,200 15,100 2,646,667.88 N/A N/A Stores up to 26 of each secondary ingredient used in herblore. Requires Herblore 81 to use.
7,750 6,300 8,950 1,539,086.89 N/A N/A Unlocks a new part of the bank where potions can be stored without taking up slots from the main bank interface.
17,250 14,000 18,600 3,277,768.18 8,135,307.82 163.20 Allows simultaneous consumption of up to five different potions when within a bank.
6,900 5,650 7,400 1,309,127.46 N/A N/A Increases the chance of making a 4-dose potion from 5% to 15%. 50 charges are given upon purchase, and an additional 10 per amulet of chemistry used on it.
80 60 90 15,373.80 64,027.20 278.38 A herblore ingredient used to make goading potions and prayer regeneration potions.
Clear selection (0/12)
  1. ^ Calculated from the cheapest herb or unfinished potion for each paste, assuming an average 1:1 ratio of paste to resin. Some potions don't reward resin in this ratio, and usage of digweed results in free resin.
  2. ^ Based on selling the reward at current Grand Exchange prices, which may be different from actual current prices. Includes Grand Exchange tax.
  3. ^ Simply adds the three different types of resin together, does not take their specific types into account.
  4. ^ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Tradeable.

The total cost for all unique items (excluding potion packs and aldarium) is 61,050 mox resin, 52,550 aga resin, and 70,500 lye resin (or about 12,419,066.67 coins). Assuming all potions are correctly handed in this equates to Herblore 1,728,829 Herblore experience needed from resin. This also assumes the player is not gaining any bonus experience from speeding up the machines, handing all potions equally and is not gaining bonus points from utilizing the digweed when it matures.

Untradeable items from the shop can be refunded for 40% of the original resin cost.

The total cost for the 3 primary rewards (goggles, storage, and amulet) is 23,250 mox resin, 18,950 aga resin, and 25,700 lye resin.

Experience per herb comparison

Below is a table comparing the experience earned per herb making commonly used or created products against the experience gained per herb from refining herbs for Mastering Mixology. The amount of experience obtained per herb is not static, as paste has a variable value depending on the potion created.

The minimum amount of experience assumes that the paste was used to create a mammoth-might mix, alco-augmentator, or liplack liquor. The maximum amount of experience assumes that the paste was used to create a mixalot. These values are doubled if used in a potion with digweed. In reality, most experience earned per herb is in between these values, and due to the minigame mechanics allowing players to skip potions they do not wish to create, an average value cannot be calculated per herb.

However, lye paste has the highest average value per paste, and aga has a higher average value per paste than mox paste, as the potions that require multiple lye and aga give more experience than potions that require multiple mox, excluding the pure potions that require 3 of the same paste.

Herb Paste Product Experience
Paste[a] Product Bonus
Mox Guam tar Herblore 74 - 132.3 Herblore 30 2.47 - 4.41x
Mox Marrentill tar Herblore 94.4 - 170.2 Herblore 42.5 2.22 - 4.01x
Mox Tarromin tar Herblore 108 - 195.5 Herblore 55 1.96 - 3.55x
Mox Harralander tar Herblore 142 - 258.7 Herblore 72.5 1.96 - 3.57x
Lye File:Prayer potion.pngPrayer potion Herblore 182.8 - 334.5 Herblore 87.5 2.09 - 3.82x
Lye File:Saradomin brew.pngSaradomin brew Herblore 223.6 - 410.3 Herblore 180 1.24 - 2.28x
Aga File:Super attack.pngSuper attack Herblore 210 - 385 Herblore 100 2.1 - 3.85x
Lye File:Super energy.pngSuper energy Herblore 210 - 385 Herblore 117.5 1.79 - 3.28x
Lye File:Super strength.pngSuper strength Herblore 230.4 - 422.9 Herblore 125 1.84 - 3.38x
Aga File:Prayer regeneration potion.pngPrayer regeneration Herblore 142 - 258.7 Herblore 132 1.08 - 1.96x
Lye File:Super restore.pngSuper restore Herblore 278 - 511.3 Herblore 142.5 1.95 - 3.59x
Aga File:Super defence.pngSuper defence Herblore 237.2 - 435.5 Herblore 150 1.58 - 2.9x
Aga File:Antifire potion.pngAntifire potion Herblore 278 - 511.3 Herblore 157.5 1.77 - 3.25x
Aga File:Ranging potion.pngRanging potion Herblore 291.6 - 536.6 Herblore 162.5 1.79 - 3.3x
Aga File:Super combat potion.pngSuper combat potion Herblore 305.2 - 561.9 Herblore 150 2.03 - 3.75x
  1. ^ Includes the 6 experience from refining the herb and 14 experience from speeding up the processing. Using 3 of the same paste gives the least experience while using one of each gives the most.



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:9 October 2024| |0}} {{#explode:9 October 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:9 October 2024| |2}}]]
  • Players now get bonus points for submitting multiple potions at the same time:
    • A 20% bonus for submitting 2 potion orders in one go.
    • A 40% bonus for submitting 3 potion orders in one go.
[[{{#explode:2 October 2024| |0}} {{#explode:2 October 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 October 2024| |2}}]]
  • Level requirements, resin gain, and experience given for the potion bases have been adjusted.
  • Rewards from the shop have had their costs reduced.
  • The paste cap in the mixer has been increased from 300 to 3,000.
  • Digweed spawn rates now scale with the player's Herblore level.
[[{{#explode:27 September 2024| |0}} {{#explode:27 September 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:27 September 2024| |2}}]]
  • Players can now hand in multiple potion orders at once. Any potion hand-in will refresh all three available orders, and potion location within the player's inventory no longer matters.
  • Players will now only receive orders that they have the Herblore requirement for.
    • Any 'old' orders that cannot be fulfilled can be refreshed by handing in an incorrect potion.
  • The frequency of digweed spawns was doubled.
  • The duration of time digweed is available has been increased from 6 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented digweed from spawning in the north-west corner.
  • An extra tick of leniency has been added to the Agitator's 'reaction' click when homogenising potions.


  • The examine text of many of the potions created in the minigame seems to imply that the Alchemical Society mainly produces cosmetics and luxury products rather than combat or skill boosting potions.
  • The examine text of Mammoth-might mix is a reference to a quote by British presenter Karl Pilkington.
  • The name of the Mixalot potion is a reference to the American rapper Sir Mix-A-Lot.
    • The examine text of the potion references his popular single, "Baby Got Back".