Crystalline Hunllef

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Crystalline Hunllef
Released25 July 2019 (Update)
Combat level674
ExamineA deadly predator formed from crystal.
Combat info
Max hit50+
Attack styleMagic, Ranged
Attack speed5 ticks (3.0 seconds)
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+20No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
Advanced data
Monster ID9021,9022,9023,9024

The Crystalline Hunllef is the boss monster within the Gauntlet. Its counterpart in the Corrupted Gauntlet is the Corrupted Hunllef.


Both the Crystalline and Corrupted Hunllef use the same mechanics.


A player battles the Crystalline Hunllef.
  • Standard attacks: The Hunllef uses two main standard attacks, a range crystal-like attack and a magic based orb attack. The Hunllef will alternate between the two attack styles every 4 attacks. The Hunllef will use Ranged as its first attack style.
  • Stomp attack: If a player is underneath the Hunllef when it tries to attack the player, the Hunllef will perform a stomp attack which deals very high damage, similar to the stomp attack used by the Corporeal Beast. This attack does not count towards one of the Hunllef's four standard attacks it uses before switching.
  • Prayer Disabling Attack: When the Hunllef is attacking using magic-based attacks, it has a chance to use an attack which turns off prayers. These attacks use a different game sound, hence it is recommended to use sounds during the fight.
  • Tornados: The Hunllef summons multiple tornadoes that chase the player and deal high damage if they reach the players location, these tornadoes disappear after 20 ticks (12 seconds). The number of tornadoes summoned increases as the Hunllef takes damage.

Damaging floor

During the fight, the floor will light up in various places. Tiles are initially highlighted in blue and soon turn orange. If the player stands on an orange tile they will continue to take high damage until they step off the highlighted tiles.

As the fight progresses, the tile patterns become more challenging, and the tiles change from blue to orange more quickly.

Attack style cycle

The Hunllef changes its prayer and attack styles in predictable cycles. Every fourth attack performed by the Hunllef (excluding the stomp attack) will cause the Hunllef to change its standard attack style.

Protection prayer cycle

Every sixth off-prayer attack that the player performs on the Hunllef, including attacks which deal zero damage, will trigger a protection prayer change. The Hunllef will use the protection prayer used on the sixth off-prayer hit. Players can use this cycle to ensure the Hunllef never prays against their strongest attack style.

Protection against his attacks

Players can use their protection prayers to reduce the damage from the Crystalline Hunllef's standard attacks. Wearing pieces of the crystal armour will further reduce the incoming damage.

Armour combination Crystalline Hunllef's max hit [a 1] Damage from tornadoes
N/A No armour 12 10-20
Full T1 armour 10 10-16
Full T2 armour 8 7-13
Full T3 armour 6 5-10
  1. ^ While using the correct protection prayer against its ranged and magic attacks.


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
This does not exist.NothingN/AAlwaysN/AN/A

Players can find rewards for completing the Gauntlet from the Reward Chest.


Combat Achievements

There are 0 Combat Achievement tasks (totalling 0 points) available for Crystalline Hunllef.



Date Changes
[[{{#explode:17 May 2023| |0}} {{#explode:17 May 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:17 May 2023| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Hunllef now has audio indicators a few ticks before changing its attack style.

[[{{#explode:1 August 2019| |0}} {{#explode:1 August 2019| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:1 August 2019| |2}}]]

Ranged will always be the first attack style, damage has been increased when praying incorrectly (or not at all), and damage has been reduced when praying correctly.


  • 'Hunllef' is Welsh for 'nightmare'. It may also be based on the RuneScape 3 boss Helwyr, who is an elf who defeated a Hunllef and took on its form.