Shattered Relics League/Tasks/Hard

From Illerai

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All Hard Tasks

Name Task Requirements Comp%
Hard Complete 250 Laps of a Rooftop Agility Course Complete 250 laps of any Rooftop Agility Course. Agility 10 Agility
Does not need to be 250 laps on the same course.
Hard Take the Advanced Shortcut to the Cosmic Altar Use the Advanced Narrow Walkway Agility Shortcut near the Cosmic Altar. Agility 66 Agility
Completed Quest points Lost City
Hard Complete the Prifddinas Agility Course Complete a lap of the Prifddinas Agility Course. Agility 75 Agility 43%
Hard Complete the Prifddinas Agility Course in 1:10 Complete a lap of the Prifddinas Agility Course in 1:10 or less. Agility 75 Agility 38%
Hard Complete the Rellekka Agility Course Complete a lap of the Rellekka Rooftop Course. Agility 80 Agility 34%
Hard Take a Shortcut Across the Shilo Village River Use the Stepping Stones Agility Shortcut in Shilo Village. Agility 77 Agility
Requires Medium Karamja Diary
Hard Complete the Seers' Village Agility Course Complete a lap of the Seers' Village Rooftop Course. Agility 60 Agility 69%
Hard Equip a Karamja Monkey Backpack Equip a Karamja monkey backpack. Agility 48 Agility
100 laps around the Ape Atoll Agility Course.
Hard Equip a Maniacal Monkey Backpack Equip a maniacal monkey backpack. Agility 48 Agility
500 laps around the Ape Atoll Agility Course.
Hard Equip a Full Graceful Outfit Equip a full set of graceful outfit. Agility 10 Agility 1.2%
Hard Complete Floor 1 of the Hallowed Sepulchre Complete floor 1 of the Hallowed Sepulchre in Darkmeyer. Agility 52 Agility
Completed Quest points Sins of the Father
Hard Complete Floor 2 of the Hallowed Sepulchre Complete floor 2 of the Hallowed Sepulchre in Darkmeyer. Agility 62 Agility
Completed Quest points Sins of the Father
Hard Complete Floor 3 of the Hallowed Sepulchre Complete floor 3 of the Hallowed Sepulchre in Darkmeyer. Agility 72 Agility
Completed Quest points Sins of the Father
Hard Complete Floor 4 of the Hallowed Sepulchre Complete floor 4 of the Hallowed Sepulchre in Darkmeyer. Agility 82 Agility
Completed Quest points Sins of the Father
Hard Complete the Hallowed Sepulchre in 8:00 Complete the Hallowed Sepulchre in Darkmeyer in 8:00 or less. Agility 92 Agility
Completed Quest points Sins of the Father
Hard Purchase a Reward From the Hallowed Sepulchre Purchase a reward from the Hallowed Sepulchre. Agility 52 Agility
Completed Quest points Sins of the Father
Hard Obtain Every Hallowed Tool Obtain all four Hallowed Tools from the Hallowed Sepulchre. Agility 52 Agility
Requires hallowed grapple, focus, symbol and hammer
Hard Equip a Dragon Weapon Equip any Dragon weapon. Attack 60 Attack 69%
Hard Equip a Hill Giant Club Equip a Hill Giant Club. Attack 40 Attack 3.3%
Hard Equip a Toktz-Xil-Ak Equip a Toktz-Xil-Ak. Attack 60 Attack 16%
Hard Equip a Toktz-Xil-Ek Equip a Toktz-Xil-Ek. Attack 60 Attack 16%
Hard Equip a Dragon 2H Sword Equip a Dragon 2h sword in the Kharidian Desert. Attack 60 Attack 8.5%
Hard Equip a Dragon 2H Sword in the Wilderness Equip a dragon 2h sword in the Wilderness. Attack 60 Attack 8.1%
Hard Equip a Sarachnis Cudgel Equip a Sarachnis Cudgel. Attack 65 Attack
Dropped by Sarachnis
Hard Fill a Hard S.T.A.S.H. Unit Build a Hard S.T.A.S.H. unit and fill it with the relevant items. Construction 55 Construction 23%
Hard Build an Achievement Gallery Build an Achievement Gallery in your player-owned house. Construction 80 Construction
Hard Build a Gilded Altar Build a gilded altar in a Chapel in your player-owned house. Construction 75 Construction 12%
Hard Serve 20 Pizzas in the Mess Hall Make and serve 20 pineapple pizzas in the Mess Hall in Hosidius.
Note: This requires at least 30% appreciation.
Cooking 65 Cooking
45% Hosidius
Hard Cook 100 Sharks Cook 100 Raw Sharks. Cooking 80 Cooking 59%
Hard Cook 100 Karambwans Cook 100 Karambwans. Cooking 30 Cooking 63%
Hard Craft a Dragonstone Amulet Craft a dragonstone amulet. Crafting 80 Crafting 41%
Hard Craft 30 Blue Dragonhide Bodies Craft 30 Blue Dragonhide Bodies. Crafting 71 Crafting 17%
Hard Craft an Air Battlestaff in the Wilderness Craft an air battlestaff in the Wilderness. Crafting 66 Crafting 27%
Hard Equip a Full Gilded Set Equip either a full set of gilded Rune armour or a full set of gilded Dragonhide armour. N/A <0.1%
Hard Equip a Full God Rune Set Equip a full set of God Rune armour (helmet, body and legs) with all pieces aligned to the same God. Defence 40 Defence 2.6%
Hard Equip a Full God Dragonhide Set Equip a full set of God Dragonhide armour (does not require boots or shield) with all pieces aligned to the same God. Ranged 70 Ranged
Defence 40 Defence
Hard Equip a Full Obsidian Armour Set Equip a full set of Obsidian armour. Defence 60 Defence 5.8%
Hard Equip a Toktz-Ket-Xil Equip a Toktz-Ket-Xil. Defence 60 Defence 17%
Hard Equip Some Dragon Platelegs or a Dragon Plateskirt Equip either some Dragon Platelegs or a Dragon Plateskirt. Defence 60 Defence 29%
Hard Equip a Pair of Dragon Boots Equip a pair of dragon boots. Slayer 83 Slayer 34%
Hard Complete 110 Farming Contracts Complete 110 farming contracts for Guildmaster Jane in the farming guild. Farming 45 Farming
60% Hosidius favour
Hard Complete 120 Farming Contracts Complete 120 farming contracts for Guildmaster Jane in the farming guild. Farming 45 Farming
60% Hosidius favour
Hard Complete 130 Farming Contracts Complete 130 farming contracts for Guildmaster Jane in the farming guild. Farming 45 Farming
60% Hosidius favour
Hard Complete 150 Farming Contracts Complete 150 farming contracts for Guildmaster Jane in the farming guild. Farming 45 Farming
60% Hosidius favour
Hard Plant 100 Bologano Seeds Plant 100 Bologano seeds in the Tithe Farm minigame. Farming 54 Farming
100% Hosidius favour
Hard Enter the Farming Guild's Mid Tier Enter the mid tier of the Farming Guild in the Kebos Lowlands. Farming 65 Farming
60% Hosidius favour
Hard Equip the Farmer's Outfit Equip a full set of the farmer's outfit, purchased from the Tithe Farm minigame. Farming 34 Farming
100% Hosidius favour
Hard Check a grown Palm Tree Check the health of a Palm tree you've grown. Farming 68 Farming 24%
Hard Dig Up Some Magic Roots Dig up some Magic Roots from a Magic Tree you've grown. Farming 75 Farming, Woodcutting 75 Woodcutting 22%
Hard Check a grown Magic Tree in Lumbridge Check the health of a Magic Tree you've grown in Lumbridge. Farming 75 Farming 21%
Hard Check a grown Mahogany Tree Check the health of a Mahogany Tree you've grown on Fossil Island. Farming 55 Farming 16%
Hard Harvest Some Sweetcorn in Prifddinas Harvest some sweetcorn from the Prifddinas Allotment Patch. Farming 20 Farming 27%
Hard Check a grown Crystal Tree Check the health of a Crystal tree you've grown in Prifddinas. Farming 74 Farming 8.3%
Hard Harvest a Snapdragon in Weiss Harvest a snapdragon you've grown in Weiss. Farming 62 Farming 20%
Hard Check a grown Calquat Tree Check the health of a Calquat Tree you've grown on Karamja. Farming 72 Farming 17%
Hard Check a grown Cactus Check the health of a Cactus you've grown in Al Kharid or the Farming Guild. Farming 55 Farming
Cactus seed or Potato cactus seed
Hard Check a grown Potato Cactus Check the health of a Potato Cactus you've grown in Al Kharid or the Farming Guild. Farming 64 Farming
Potato cactus seed
Hard 100 Wintertodt Kills Help the pyromancers subdue the Wintertodt 100 times. Firemaking 50 Firemaking 2.9%
Hard 150 Wintertodt Kills Help the pyromancers subdue the Wintertodt 150 times. Firemaking 50 Firemaking 0.5%
Hard 200 Wintertodt Kills Help the pyromancers subdue the Wintertodt 200 times. Firemaking 50 Firemaking 0.3%
Hard 225 Wintertodt Kills Help the pyromancers subdue the Wintertodt 225 times. Firemaking 50 Firemaking 0.2%
Hard Equip the Pyromancer's Garb Equip a full set of pyromancer's garb, rewarded from the Wintertodt. Firemaking 50 Firemaking 5.7%
Hard Burn 100 Yew Logs Burn 100 Yew Logs. Firemaking 60 Firemaking 58%
Hard Burn Some Magic Logs Burn some Magic Logs. Firemaking 75 Firemaking 63%
Hard Catch 100 Shark Catch 100 raw shark whilst fishing. Fishing 76 Fishing 62%
Hard Catch 100 Karambwans Catch 100 Karambwans on Karamja. Fishing 65 Fishing
Completion of Quest points Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
Hard Catch a Monkfish Catch a monkfish at the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. Fishing 62 Fishing
Completion of Quest points Swan Song
Hard Equip a Full Angler's Outfit Equip a full set of angler gear. Fishing 34 Fishing 9.3%
Hard Catch 100 Dark Crabs Catch 100 Dark Crabs in the Wilderness. Fishing 85 Fishing 32%
Hard 100 Tempoross Kills Help the Spirit Anglers subdue the Tempoross 100 times. Fishing 35 Fishing 1.0%
Hard 150 Tempoross Kills Help the Spirit Anglers subdue the Tempoross 150 times. Fishing 35 Fishing 0.4%
Hard 200 Tempoross Kills Help the Spirit Anglers subdue the Tempoross 200 times. Fishing 35 Fishing 0.2%
Hard 250 Tempoross Kills Help the Spirit Anglers subdue the Tempoross 250 times. Fishing 35 Fishing 0.1%
Hard Fletch a Magic Shortbow Fletch a Magic Shortbow. Fletching 80 Fletching 45%
Hard Fletch a Rune Crossbow Fletch a Rune Crossbow. Fletching 69 Fletching 33%
Hard Make a Saradomin Brew Make a Saradomin Brew. Herblore 81 Herblore 29%
Hard Clean 100 Grimy Dwarf Weed Clean 100 Grimy Dwarf Weed. Herblore 70 Herblore 24%
Hard Make 20 Ranging Potions Make 20 ranging potions. Herblore 72 Herblore 26%
Hard Make 20 Stamina Potions Make 20 stamina potions. Herblore 77 Herblore
Must be 3-dose or 4-dose potions.[1]
Hard Make 20 Magic Potions Make 20 Magic Potions. Herblore 76 Herblore 21%
Hard Catch a Dragon Impling Catch a Dragon Impling. Hunter 83 Hunter 17%
Hard Setup a Magic Bird House Setup a Magic Bird House on Fossil Island. Hunter 74 Hunter, Crafting 75 Crafting, Construction 25 Construction
Quest points Bone Voyage
Hard Catch 200 Implings in Puro-Puro Catch 200 Implings in Puro-Puro. Hunter 17 Hunter 18%
Hard Catch a Crystal Impling Catch a Crystal impling in Prifddinas. Hunter 80 Hunter 21%
Hard Trap a Sabre-Toothed Kyatt Trap a sabre-toothed kyatt. Hunter 55 Hunter 40%
Hard Catch 50 Red Chinchompas in Kandarin Catch 50 red chinchompas in Kandarin. Hunter 63 Hunter
Requires Quest points Eagles' Peak completed
Hard Catch a Black Chinchompa Catch a Black Chinchompa in the Wilderness. Hunter 73 Hunter 43%
Hard Cast Resurrect Crops Cast the spell Resurrect Crops from the Arceuus spellbook. Magic 78 Magic
60% Arceuus favour
Hard Equip a Dust Battlestaff Obtain and equip a Dust battlestaff. Attack 30 Attack, Magic 30 Magic 22%
Hard Equip a Mist Battlestaff Obtain and equip a Mist battlestaff. Attack 30 Attack, Magic 30 Magic 16%
Hard Cast Kourend Castle Teleport Cast the spell Kourend Castle Teleport after unlocking it by reading transportation incantations. Magic 69 Magic 43%
Hard Equip a Combination Battlestaff or Mystic Staff Equip either a combination battlestaff or a combination mystic staff. Magic 30 Magic, Attack 30 Attack 41%
Hard Cast a Wave Spell Cast any wave spell. Magic 62 Magic 64%
Hard Cast a Surge Spell Cast any surge spell. Magic 81 Magic
Can be completed as Attacker in Barbarian Assault.
Otherwise requires completion of Quest points Dragon Slayer II for Wrath runes or access to the Fountain of Rune and another player to cast on.
Hard Equip Bryophyta's Staff Equip Bryophyta's staff. Attack 30 Attack, Magic 30 Magic 3.2%
Hard Switch to the Lunar Spellbook Switch to the Lunar spellbook. N/A 57%
Hard Cast Moonclan Teleport Cast the Moonclan Teleport spell. Magic 69 Magic 50%
Hard Cast Fertile Soil Cast the Fertile Soil spell. Magic 83 Magic 37%
Hard Equip a Mud Battlestaff Equip a mud battlestaff. Magic 30 Magic, Attack 30 Attack 12%
Hard Cast Ice Burst Cast the Ice Burst spell. Magic 70 Magic
Completion of Quest points Desert Treasure I
Hard Cast Ice Blitz Cast the Ice Blitz spell. Magic 82 Magic
Completion of Quest points Desert Treasure I
Hard Cast Smoke Barrage Cast the Smoke Barrage spell. Magic 86 Magic
Completion of Quest points Desert Treasure I
Hard Cast Shadow Barrage Cast the Shadow Barrage spell. Magic 88 Magic
Completion of Quest points Desert Treasure I
Hard Equip a Piece of the Infinity Robe Set Equip any piece of the Infinity robe set. Magic 50 Magic, Defence 25 Defence 12%
Hard Cast Paddewwa Teleport Cast the Paddewwa Teleport spell. Magic 54 Magic
Completion of Quest points Desert Treasure I
Hard Imbue a God Cape Imbue either a Saradomin cape, a Guthix cape or Zamorak cape. Completion of Quest points Mage Arena II miniquest 32%
Hard Equip a Piece of the Dagon'Hai Set Equip any piece of the Dagon'hai robes set. Magic 70 Magic, Defence 40 Defence 12%
Hard Cast Degrime Spell Full Clean Clean 26 herbs using the Degrime spell. Magic 70 Magic
Requires completion of Quest points A Kingdom Divided
Hard Obtain Adamantite Ore at the Blast Mine Obtain a piece of Adamantite ore while taking part in the Blast Mine. Mining 60 Mining
100% Lovakengj favour
Hard Mine 50 Adamantite Ore Mine 50 Adamantite Ore. Mining 70 Mining 54%
Hard Buy an Ash Covered Tome Buy an ash covered tome from Petrified Pete's Ore Shop on Fossil Island. Mining 50 Mining
150 kudos to access Volcanic Mine
Hard Use Some Icy Basalt to Teleport to Weiss Use some icy basalt to teleport to Weiss. Requires Quest points Making Friends with My Arm completed. 19%
Hard Use Your Portal Nexus to Teleport to Weiss Use a portal nexus in your player-owned house to teleport to Weiss. Construction 72 Construction
Requires Quest points Making Friends with My Arm completed.
Hard Equip a Full Prospector Outfit Equip a full set of prospector gear. Mining 30 Mining 16%
Hard Convert 2,000 Daeyalt Shards Into Essence Convert 2,000 Daeyalt Shards into Daeyalt Essence in Darkmeyer in one go. Mining 60 Mining
Completed Sins of the Father
Hard Restore 75 Prayer Points at an Altar Restore 75 or more Prayer Points at any altar. Prayer 75 Prayer 39%
Hard Reach a Prayer Bonus of 30 Equip enough items to reach a Prayer bonus of 30 or more. N/A 30%
Hard Activate an Arcane or Dexterous Prayer Scroll Activate an Arcane or Dexterous prayer scroll. Prayer 77 Prayer, Defence 70 Defence 7.0%
Hard Equip Some Ranger Boots Equip a pair of Ranger Boots. Ranged 40 Ranged 8.6%
Hard Equip a Full Black Dragonhide Set Equip a black d'hide body, some black d'hide chaps and some black d'hide vambs. Ranged 70 Ranged, Defence 40 Defence 33%
Hard Equip a Magic Shortbow Equip a Magic Shortbow. Ranged 50 Ranged 50%
Hard Equip a Rune Crossbow Equip a Rune Crossbow. Ranged 61 Ranged 42%
Hard Equip a Dark Bow Equip a dark bow. Ranged 60 Ranged, Slayer 90 Slayer 6.8%
Hard Equip an Ava's Assembler Equip an ava's assembler. Ranged 70 Ranged 14%
Hard Craft 2500 Essence Into Runes Use Runecrafting Altars to craft 2500 essence into runes of any type. N/A 34%
Hard Craft 50 Astral Runes Craft 50 astral runes at the Astral Altar. Runecraft 40 Runecraft
Quest points Requires completion of Lunar Diplomacy
Hard Craft 50 Law Runes Craft 50 law runes at the Law Altar. Runecraft 54 Runecraft
Quest points Requires completion of Troll Stronghold
Hard Craft a Rune Using Daeyalt Essence Craft any rune using Daeyalt Essence. Mining 60 Mining
Quest points Requires completion of Sins of the Father
Hard Fill a Giant Pouch Fill a giant pouch with Essence. Runecraft 75 Runecraft 14%
Hard Defeat a Slayer Boss Defeat any Slayer Boss. Slayer 75 Slayer 37%
Hard Complete 50 Slayer Tasks Complete 50 Slayer Tasks. N/A 28%
Hard Complete 100 Slayer Tasks Complete 100 Slayer Tasks. N/A 7.7%
Hard Defeat 10 Superior Slayer Creatures Defeat 10 Superior Slayer Creatures. Slayer 5 Slayer 26%
Hard Defeat 20 Superior Slayer Creatures Defeat 20 Superior Slayer Creatures. Slayer 5 Slayer 19%
Hard Defeat an Ancient Wyvern Defeat an Ancient Wyvern on Fossil Island. Slayer 82 Slayer 18%
Hard Defeat a Bloodveld in Tirannwn Defeat a Bloodveld in Tirannwn. Slayer 50 Slayer 38%
Hard Defeat a Kurask in Tirannwn Defeat a Kurask in Tirannwn. Slayer 70 Slayer 31%
Hard Defeat a Dark Beast in Tirannwn Defeat a Dark Beast in Tirannwn. Slayer 90 Slayer 24%
Hard Defeat a Nechryael in Tirannwn Defeat a Nechryael in Tirannwn. Slayer 80 Slayer 30%
Hard Defeat a Basilisk Knight Defeat a basilisk knight in the Jormungand's Prison. Slayer 60 Slayer 22%
Hard Receive a Slayer Task From Duradel Receive a Slayer Task From Duradel in Shilo Village. Combat level 100 Combat level, Slayer 50 Slayer 42%
Hard Defeat a Cave Kraken Defeat a cave kraken in Kraken Cove. Slayer 87 Slayer, Magic 50 Magic 33%
Hard Defeat a Dust Devil in the Kharidian Desert Defeat a Dust Devil in the Kharidian Desert. Slayer 65 Slayer
Face mask or Slayer helmet, partial completion of Quest points Desert Treasure I
Hard Defeat a Gargoyle in Morytania Defeat a Gargoyle in Morytania. Slayer 75 Slayer 35%
Hard Defeat an Abyssal Demon in Morytania Defeat an Abyssal Demon in Morytania. Slayer 85 Slayer 32%
Hard Defeat the Grotesque Guardians Defeat the Grotesque Guardians at the Slayer Tower. Slayer 75 Slayer 9.8%
Hard Defeat the Grotesque Guardians 100 Times Defeat the Grotesque Guardians at the Slayer Tower 100 times. Slayer 75 Slayer 2.6%
Hard Defeat a Drake Defeat a Drake in the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon. Slayer 84 Slayer 17%
Hard Smith 1000 Adamant Dart Tips Use an Anvil to smith 1000 Adamant Dart Tips. Smithing 74 Smithing
Completion of Quest points The Tourist Trap
Hard Smelt a Runite Bar Use a Furnace to smelt a runite bar. Smithing 85 Smithing 46%
Hard Craft a Piece of Crystal Armour Use a singing bowl to craft any piece of crystal armour. Smithing 70 Smithing, Crafting 50 Crafting 12%
Hard Craft an Eternal Teleport Crystal Use a Singing Bowl to craft an eternal teleport crystal. Smithing 80 Smithing, Crafting 80 Crafting 12%
Hard Equip a Dragon Warhammer Obtain and equip a Dragon warhammer. Strength 60 Strength 3.2%
Hard Equip a Tzhaar-Ket-Om Equip a Tzhaar-Ket-Om. Strength 60 Strength 16%
Hard Steal 125 Artefacts Steal 125 artefacts for Captain Khaled, in Piscarilius. Thieving 49 Thieving
75% Piscarilius favour, Lockpick
Hard Steal From a Gem Stall Steal from a Gem Stall. Thieving 75 Thieving 63%
Hard Steal a Diamond in Dorgesh-Kaan Steal a Diamond from a chest in Dorgesh-Kaan. Thieving 78 Thieving
Hard Pickpocket an Elf 50 Times Pickpocket an elf 50 times. Thieving 85 Thieving 45%
Hard Pickpocket a Hero Pickpocket any Hero. Thieving 80 Thieving 63%
Hard Equip a Full Rogue Outfit Equip a full set of rogue gear. Thieving 50 Thieving, Agility 50 Agility 58%
Hard Complete Room 6 of Pyramid Plunder Search the Golden Chest in Room 6 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem. Thieving 71 Thieving (not boostable)
Partial completion of Quest points Icthlarin's Little Helper
Hard Complete Room 7 of Pyramid Plunder Search the Golden Chest in Room 7 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem. Thieving 81 Thieving (not boostable)
Partial completion of Quest points Icthlarin's Little Helper
Hard Pick a Summer Sq'irk Pick a Summer Sq'irk in the Sorceress's Garden. Thieving 65 Thieving
Completion of Quest points Prince Ali Rescue
Hard Turn in 25 Autumn Sq'irkjuices to Osman Turn in 25 Autumn sq'irkjuices to Osman in Al Kharid in one go. Thieving 45 Thieving
Completion of Quest points Prince Ali Rescue
Hard Pickpocket a Menaphite Thug 50 Times Knock out and then pickpocket a Menaphite Thug 50 times. Thieving 65 Thieving
Quest points The Feud or Minigames Rogue Trader to acquire a blackjack
Hard Pickpocket a Vyre 50 Times Pickpocket a Vyre 50 times. Thieving 82 Thieving
Completion of Quest points Sins of the Father
Hard Chop a Magic Log at the Forsaken Tower Chop a log from the Magic trees around The Forsaken Tower. Woodcutting 75 Woodcutting 48%
Hard Chop 75 Magic Logs Chop 75 Magic Logs from Magic Trees. Woodcutting 75 Woodcutting 54%
Hard 1250 Lizardmen Shaman Kills Help the Shayzien house by killing 2500 Lizardmen shamans. 100% Shayzien favour 1.8%
Hard 1500 Lizardmen Shaman Kills Help the Shayzien house by killing 5000 Lizardmen shamans. 100% Shayzien favour 1.6%
Hard 1 Sarachnis Kill Kill Sarachnis in the Forthos Dungeon. Slash weapon or a knife to access area 18%
Hard 25 Sarachnis Kills Kill Sarachnis in the Forthos Dungeon 25 times. Slash weapon or a knife to access area 10%
Hard 50 Sarachnis Kills Kill Sarachnis in the Forthos Dungeon 50 times. Slash weapon or a knife to access area 7.4%
Hard 75 Sarachnis Kills Kill Sarachnis in the Forthos Dungeon 75 times. Slash weapon or a knife to access area 5.7%
Hard 100 Sarachnis Kills Kill Sarachnis in the Forthos Dungeon 100 times. Slash weapon or a knife to access area 5.2%
Hard 150 Sarachnis Kills Kill Sarachnis in the Forthos Dungeon 150 times. Slash weapon or a knife to access area 3.8%
Hard 200 Sarachnis Kills Kill Sarachnis in the Forthos Dungeon 200 times. Slash weapon or a knife to access area 3.4%
Hard 1 Skotizo Kill Kill Skotizo beneath the Catacombs of Kourend. N/A 26%
Hard 10 Skotizo Kills Kill Skotizo beneath the Catacombs of Kourend 10 times. N/A 7.4%
Hard 1 Chambers of Xeric Complete the Chambers of Xeric. N/A 16%
Hard 25 Chambers of Xeric Complete the Chambers of Xeric 25 times. N/A 3.5%
Hard 50 Chambers of Xeric Complete the Chambers of Xeric 50 times. N/A 1.0%
Hard 75 Chambers of Xeric Complete the Chambers of Xeric 75 times. N/A 0.3%
Hard 100 Chambers of Xeric Complete the Chambers of Xeric 100 times. N/A 0.1%
Hard 1 Chambers of Xeric Challenge Mode Complete the Chambers of Xeric Challenge Mode. N/A 6.6%
Hard 10 Chambers of Xeric Challenge Mode Complete the Chambers of Xeric Challenge Mode 10 times. N/A 2.1%
Hard 1 Mimic Kill Kill the Mimic as part of a treasure trail. N/A 1.4%
Hard 5 Mimic Kills Kill the Mimic as part of a treasure trail 5 times. N/A <0.1%
Hard Defeat a Rune Dragon Defeat a Rune Dragon in the Lithkren Vault. The Fremennik Provinces 14%
Hard Defeat the Abyssal Sire Defeat the Abyssal Sire in the Abyssal Nexus. Slayer 85 Slayer 7.0%
Hard Defeat a Waterfiend in Tirannwn Defeat a Waterfiend in Tirannwn. N/A 35%
Hard Defeat a Moss Giant in Tirannwn Defeat a Moss Giant in Tirannwn. N/A 39%
Hard Complete the Gauntlet Complete the Gauntlet in Prifddinas. N/A 31%
Hard Defeat Zalcano Defeat Zalcano in Prifddinas. N/A 13%
Hard Defeat Zulrah Defeat Zulrah at the Poison Waste. N/A 31%
Hard Defeat Zulrah in 1:30 Defeat Zulrah at the Poison Waste in 1:30 or less. N/A 24%
Hard Complete the Gauntlet in 8:00 Complete the Gauntlet in Prifddinas in 8:00 or less. N/A 21%
Hard Defeat Vorkath Defeat Vorkath on Ungael. N/A 19%
Hard Defeat Vorkath in 2:00 Defeat Vorkath on Ungael in 2:00 or less. N/A 16%
Hard Defeat the Dagannoth Kings Without Leaving Defeat all three of the Dagannoth Kings in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon without leaving their area. N/A 23%
Hard Defeat a Demonic Gorilla Defeat a demonic gorilla in the Crash Site Cavern. N/A 21%
Hard Defeat K'ril Tsutsaroth Defeat K'ril Tsutsaroth in the God Wars Dungeon. Hitpoints 70 Hitpoints 28%
Hard Defeat General Graardor Defeat General Graardor in the God Wars Dungeon. Strength 70 Strength 35%
Hard Defeat Kree'arra Defeat Kree'arra in the God Wars Dungeon. Ranged 70 Ranged 22%
Hard Defeat Commander Zilyana Defeat Commander Zilyana in the God Wars Dungeon. Agility 70 Agility 23%
Hard Defeat Venenatis Defeat Venenatis in the Wilderness. N/A 18%
Hard Defeat Callisto Defeat Callisto in the Wilderness. N/A 17%
Hard Defeat Vet'ion Defeat Vet'ion in the Wilderness. N/A 13%
Hard Defeat the King Black Dragon Defeat the King Black Dragon in the Wilderness. N/A 16%
Hard Defeat Phosani's Nightmare Defeat Phosani's Nightmare in the Sisterhood Sanctuary. Requires one killcount of The Nightmare. 2.9%
Hard Defeat The Nightmare or Phosani's Nightmare 5 times Defeat The Nightmare or Phosani's Nightmare 5 times combined. Requires one killcount of The Nightmare. 3.3%
Hard Defeat The Nightmare or Phosani's Nightmare 10 times Defeat The Nightmare or Phosani's Nightmare 10 times combined. Requires one killcount of The Nightmare. 2.4%
Hard Defeat The Nightmare or Phosani's Nightmare 25 times Defeat The Nightmare or Phosani's Nightmare 25 times combined. Requires one killcount of The Nightmare. 1.3%
Hard Defeat Nex Defeat Nex in the God Wars Dungeon. Hitpoints 70 Hitpoints, Ranged 70 Ranged, Strength 70 Strength, Agility 70 Agility
Requires assembling a frozen key.
Hard Defeat Nex 10 Times Defeat Nex in the God Wars Dungeon 10 times. Hitpoints 70 Hitpoints, Ranged 70 Ranged, Strength 70 Strength, Agility 70 Agility
Requires assembling a frozen key.
Hard Defeat Nex 25 Times Defeat Nex in the God Wars Dungeon 25 times. Hitpoints 70 Hitpoints, Ranged 70 Ranged, Strength 70 Strength, Agility 70 Agility
Requires assembling a frozen key.
Hard Defeat Nex 50 Times Defeat Nex in the God Wars Dungeon 50 times. Hitpoints 70 Hitpoints, Ranged 70 Ranged, Strength 70 Strength, Agility 70 Agility
Requires assembling a frozen key.
Hard Complete Sins of the Father Complete the Sins of the Father quest. N/A 60%
Hard Complete Enakhra's Lament Complete the Enakhra's Lament quest. Crafting 50 , Firemaking 45 , Prayer 43 , Magic 39 13%
Hard The Frozen Door Complete the mini-quest 'The Frozen Door'. Agility 70 Agility, Hitpoints 70 Hitpoints, Ranged 70 Ranged, Strength 70 Strength, 64%
Hard Equip a Full Gilded or Trimmed Wizard Set Equip either a full set of gilded Wizard robes or a full set of trimmed Wizard robes. N/A 0.6%
Hard Equip a Full Vestment Set Equip a full set of Vestment robes with all pieces aligned to the same God. Prayer 60 Prayer
Magic 40 Magic
Requires all pieces, from easy, medium and hard clues
Hard Fill 5 Master Clue Collection Log Slots Fill 5 slots in the Master Clue section of the Collection Log. N/A 0.5%
Hard Fill 10 Elite Clue Collection Log Slots Fill 10 slots in the Elite Clue section of the Collection Log. N/A 0.6%
Hard Fill 15 Hard Clue Collection Log Slots Fill 15 slots in the Hard Clue section of the Collection Log. N/A 18%
Hard Fill 20 Medium Clue Collection Log Slots Fill 20 slots in the Medium Clue section of the Collection Log. N/A 14%
Hard Fill 20 Easy Clue Collection Log Slots Fill 20 slots in the Easy Clue section of the Collection Log. N/A 4.5%
Hard Fill 10 Beginner Clue Collection Log Slots Fill 10 slots in the Beginner Clue section of the Collection Log. N/A 1.6%
Hard Gain 10 Unique Items From Master Clues Gain 10 unique items from Master Clue Scroll Reward Caskets. N/A 0.6%
Hard Gain 10 Unique Items From Elite Clues Gain 10 unique items from Elite Clue Scroll Reward Caskets. N/A 1.7%
Hard Gain 20 Unique Items From Hard Clues Gain 20 unique items from Hard Clue Scroll Reward Caskets. N/A 22%
Hard Gain 25 Unique Items From Medium Clues Gain 25 unique items from Medium Clue Scroll Reward Caskets. N/A 16%
Hard Gain 35 Unique Items From Easy Clues Gain 35 unique items from Easy Clue Scroll Reward Caskets. N/A 4.4%
Hard Gain 35 Unique Items From Beginner Clues Gain 35 unique items from Beginner Clue Scroll Reward Caskets. N/A 0.3%
Hard Gain a Unique Item From a Master Clue Gain a unique item from a Master Clue Scroll Reward Casket. N/A 6.0%
Hard Gain a Unique Item From an Elite Clue Gain a unique item from an Elite Clue Scroll Reward Casket. N/A 12%
Hard Complete a Master Clue Scroll Complete a master clue scroll by opening a Reward Casket. N/A 6.4%
Hard Complete an Elite Clue Scroll Complete an elite clue scroll by opening a Reward Casket. N/A 13%
Hard Equip an Ornament Kit Item Equip any item that has an Ornament Kit attached to it. N/A 17%
Hard Receive 1 Chambers of Xeric Unique Receive a unique drop from completing the Chambers of Xeric. N/A 8.4%
Hard Teleport to Xeric's Honour Teleport to Xeric's Honour, using Xeric's talisman. Ancient tablet 7.1%
Hard Equip Boots of Brimstone Obtain and equip a pair of Boots of brimstone. Slayer 84 Slayer, Defence 70 Defence, Magic 70 Magic, Ranged 70 Ranged 1.2%
Hard Kourend and Kebos Hard Diary Tasks Complete all tasks in the hard tier of the Kourend and Kebos achievement diary. See here
See here
Hard Open 100 Grubby Chests Open the grubby chest in the Forthos Dungeon 100 times. Thieving 57 Thieving <0.1%
Hard Turn in 500 Library Books Find and turn in 500 books in the Arceuus Library. N/A 0.8%
Hard Achieve Your First Level 60 Reach level 60 in any skill. N/A 90%
Hard Achieve Your First Level 70 Reach level 70 in any skill. N/A 85%
Hard Achieve Your First Level 80 Reach level 80 in any skill. N/A 80%
Hard Reach Total Level 1500 Reach a Total Level of 1500. N/A 58%
Hard Reach Total Level 1750 Reach a Total Level of 1750. N/A 47%
Hard Reach Base Level 60 Reach level 60 in every skill. N/A 33%
Hard Reach Base Level 70 Reach level 70 in every skill. N/A 22%
Hard Reach Combat Level 100 Reach Combat Level 100. Combat level 100 Combat level 49%
Hard Reach Combat Level 110 Reach Combat Level 110. Combat level 110 Combat level 39%
Hard Complete the Hard Lumbridge & Draynor Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Lumbridge & Draynor Achievement Diary. See diary page 5.2%
Hard Equip a Crystal Bow Equip a crystal bow. Ranged 70 Ranged, Agility 50 Agility 42%
Hard Equip a Crystal Shield Equip a crystal shield. Defence 70 Defence, Agility 50 Agility 25%
Hard Equip a Crystal Halberd Equip a crystal halberd. Attack 70 Attack, Agility 50 Agility, Strength 35 Strength
Completion of the hard tier of Western Provinces Diary
Hard Find Every Memoriam Crystal Find every memoriam crystal in Prifddinas and add them to the Memoriam Device. Agility 75 Agility 14%
Hard Open the Enhanced Crystal Chest Open the Elven Crystal Chest in Prifddinas. Smithing 80 Smithing, Crafting 80 Crafting
Requirements only needed if making one yourself. Otherwise, Conwenna or Reese can sing it for you for 5 extra shards.
Hard Charter a Ship From Prifddinas to Port Tyras Take a Charter Ship from Prifddinas to Port Tyras. 3,200 Coins 41%
Hard Equip a Berserker Ring Equip a berserker ring. N/A 20%
Hard Equip a Warrior Ring Equip a warrior ring. N/A 16%
Hard Equip a Seers Ring Equip a seers ring. N/A 15%
Hard Equip an Archers Ring Equip an archers ring. N/A 16%
Hard Use the Special Attack of a Dragon Axe Use the special attack of a dragon axe. Attack 60 Attack 19%
Hard Equip a Seercull Equip a seercull. Ranged 50 Ranged 13%
Hard Equip a Leaf-Bladed Battleaxe Equip a leaf-bladed battleaxe in The Fremennik Provinces. Attack 65 Attack, Slayer 55 Slayer 6.9%
Hard Equip a Full Skeletal Armour Set Equip a full set of skeletal armour. Magic 40 Magic, Defence 40 Defence 0.9%
Hard Equip a Full Spined Armour Set Equip a full set of spined armour. Ranged 40 Ranged, Defence 40 Defence 1.0%
Hard Equip a Full Rockshell Armour Set Equip a full set of rock-shell armour. Defence 40 Defence 0.9%
Hard Complete the Hard Fremennik Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Fremennik Achievement Diary. See diary page 8.6%
Hard Collect Miscellania Resources at Full Approval Collect some resources on Miscellania with an approval rating of 100%. Requires Quest points Throne of Miscellania completed. 8.3%
Hard Equip an Obsidian Cape Equip an Obsidian Cape. N/A 16%
Hard Survive a Hit From TzTok-Jad Without Prayer Survive a Magic or Ranged hit from TzTok-Jad in the Tzhaar Fight Caves without using a protection prayer. N/A 29%
Hard Complete the Hard Karamja Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Karamja Achievement Diary. See diary page 6.5%
Hard Equip a Red Topaz Machete Equip a Red Topaz Machete. N/A 9.2%
Hard Find a Gout Tuber Find a Gout Tuber in Tai Bwo Wannai. N/A 9.3%
Hard Equip a Fighter Torso Equip a fighter torso. Defence 40 Defence 5.6%
Hard Equip a Trident of the Seas Equip a trident of the seas. Magic 75 Magic
Requires Slayer 87 Slayer, Magic 50 Magic, and a slayer task to kill the cave krakens/krakens.
Hard Use the Piety Prayer Use the Piety prayer. Prayer 70 Prayer, Defence 70 Defence
Requires completion of the Camelot training room.
Hard Enter the Myths' Guild Enter the Myths' Guild. N/A 45%
Hard Reach Level 5 in Any Barbarian Assault Role Reach level 5 in any Barbarian Assault Role. N/A 5.7%
Hard Equip an Ogre Expert Chompy Hat Equip an ogre expert chompy hat. Ranged 30 Ranged, Fletching 5 Fletching
1,000 chompy bird kills.
Hard Equip a Monkey Backpack Equip a monkey backpack. N/A 19%
Hard Complete the Hard Kandarin Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Kandarin Achievement Diary. See diary page 5.0%
Hard Complete the Hard Western Provinces Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Western Provinces Achievement Diary. See diary page 5.3%
Hard Equip a Dragon Defender Equip a dragon defender. Defence 60 Defence
Requires access to the Warriors' Guild basement.
Hard Complete the Hard Falador Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Falador Achievement Diary. See diary page 5.6%
Hard Equip a Full Void Knight Set Equip a full set of Void Knight equipment. Attack 42 ,Strength 42 ,Defence 42 ,Hitpoints 42 ,Ranged 42 ,Magic 42 ,Prayer 22 10%
Hard Turn in 100 Mole Claws to Wyson the Gardener Turn in 100 mole claws to Wyson the Gardener in Falador. N/A 1.8%
Hard Keep the Veteran Void Knight Above 150 Hitpoints Complete a game of veteran Pest Control without letting the Void Knight fall below 150 Hitpoints. Combat level 100 Combat level 18%
Hard Complete a Game of Veteran Pest Control Complete a game of veteran Pest Control. Combat level 100 Combat level 18%
Hard Complete the Hard Desert Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Desert Achievement Diary. See diary page 8.4%
Hard Have Zahur Make 1,000 Unfinished Potions At Once Have Zahur make 1,000 Unfinished Potions in one go. Achievement Diary Desert hard diary or Herblore cape, 200,000 Coins 7.8%
Hard Equip any Full Barrows Armour Set Equip a full set of any Barrows armour. N/A 6.7%
Hard Equip a Granite Hammer or Granite Ring Equip either a granite hammer or a granite ring. Slayer 75 Slayer 4.5%
Hard Complete the Hard Morytania Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Morytania Achievement Diary. See diary page 6.4%
Hard Complete a Hard Temple Trek Complete a hard Temple Trek Quest points In Aid of the Myreque 16%
Hard Pet Frank Pet Darkmeyer's goodest boy. Started Sins of the Father 35%
Hard Equip a Dragon Pickaxe Equip a dragon pickaxe. Attack 60 Attack 8.3%
Hard Equip an Enchanted Slayer Staff Equip an Enchanted Slayer Staff. Magic 75 Magic, Slayer 55 Slayer 18%
Hard Trade With the Emblem Trader Trade an ancient medallion, an ancient effigy or an ancient relic with the Emblem Trader in the Forinthry Dungeon. N/A 7.9%
Hard Complete the Hard Wilderness Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Wilderness Achievement Diary. See diary page 7.2%
Hard Complete the Hard Varrock Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Varrock Achievement Diary. See diary page 6.9%
Hard Complete the Hard Ardougne Diary Complete all of the hard tasks in the Ardougne Achievement Diary. See diary page 8.8%
Hard All Easy Combat Achievements Complete all Easy Combat Achievements. N/A 0.5%
Hard 30 Medium Combat Achievement Complete 30 Medium Combat Achievements. N/A 1.1%
Hard All Medium Combat Achievements Complete all Medium Combat Achievements. N/A 0.2%
Hard 1 Hard Combat Achievement Complete a Hard Combat Achievement. N/A 48%
Hard 10 Hard Combat Achievement Complete 10 Hard Combat Achievements. N/A 18%
Hard 20 Hard Combat Achievement Complete 20 Hard Combat Achievements. N/A 6.0%
Hard 30 Hard Combat Achievement Complete 30 Hard Combat Achievements. N/A 2.2%
Hard 45 Hard Combat Achievement Complete 45 Hard Combat Achievements. N/A 0.3%
Hard 1 Elite Combat Achievement Complete an Elite Combat Achievement. N/A 44%
Hard 10 Elite Combat Achievement Complete 10 Elite Combat Achievements. N/A 23%
Hard 20 Elite Combat Achievement Complete 20 Elite Combat Achievements. N/A 12%
Hard 30 Elite Combat Achievement Complete 30 Elite Combat Achievements. N/A 6.3%
Hard 1 Master Combat Achievement Complete a Master Combat Achievement. N/A 35%
Hard 10 Master Combat Achievement Complete 10 Master Combat Achievements. N/A 17%
Hard Equip a Piece of Zealot's Robes Equip either a Zealot's helm, a Zealot's robe top, a Zealot's robe bottom or a Zealot's boots. Firemaking 80 Firemaking
Requires completion of Shades of Mort'ton
Hard Equip a Full Set of Zealot's Robes Equip a Zealot's helm, a Zealot's robe top, a Zealot's robe bottom and a Zealot's boots. Firemaking 80 Firemaking
Requires completion of Shades of Mort'ton
Hard Open a Gold Chest Open a Gold Chest from Shades of Morton. Firemaking 80 Firemaking
Requires completion of Shades of Mort'ton
Hard Equip a Full set of Swampbark armour Equip a Swampbark helm, a Swampbark body, some Swampbark legs, some Swampbark gauntlets and Swampbark boots. Magic 50 Magic, Defence 50 Defence
Requires completion of Shades of Mort'ton
Hard Max out 10 Fragments Achieve the maximum level on 10 Fragments. N/A 61%
Hard Activate 2 Set Effects Fully activate 2 Set Effects simultaneously with your equipped Fragments. N/A 69%
Hard Equip a Piece of Torva Armour Equip either a Torva full helm, a Torva platebody or some Torva platelegs. Defence 80 Defence
Access to Nex
Hard Equip an Ancient godsword Obtain and equip an Ancient godsword. Attack 75 Attack
Access to Nex
Hard Equip a Zaryte Crossbow Obtain and equip a Zaryte Crossbow. Ranged 80 Ranged
Access to Nex
Hard Equip some Zaryte Vambraces Obtain and equip some Zaryte Vambraces. Ranged 80 Ranged, Defence 45 Defence
Access to Nex


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