Castlewars brew

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Castlewars brew(1)
Released2 December 2020 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsDrink, Empty, Drop
ExamineBoosts your skills when drunk.
Value1 coin
High alch0 coins
Low alch0 coins
Weight0.035 kg
Advanced data
Item ID25162

A Castlewars brew is a potion exclusive to Castle Wars, where they are found on a table in the respawn room. It provides the boosts from a super combat potion, a ranging potion, and imbued heart at once.


Melee boost

Stat boosts to Attack, Strength, and Defence are calculated with: .

Level Boost Level Boost Level Boost
1-6 +5 34-39 +10 67-73 +15
7-13 +6 40-46 +11 74-79 +16
14-19 +7 47-53 +12 80-86 +17
20-26 +8 54-59 +13 87-93 +18
27-33 +9 60-66 +14 94-99 +19

Ranged boost

Ranged boost is calculated with:

Ranged Level Boost Ranged Level Boost
1-9 +4 50-59 +9
10-19 +5 60-69 +10
20-29 +6 70-79 +11
30-39 +7 80-89 +12
40-49 +8 90-99 +13

Magic boost

Magic boost is calculated with:

Magic Level Boost Magic Level Boost
1-9 +1 50-59 +6
10-19 +2 60-69 +7
20-29 +3 70-79 +8
30-39 +4 80-89 +9
40-49 +5 90-99 +10