Crystal shard

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Crystal shard
Released25 July 2019 (Update)
Quest itemNo
ExamineA shard of the finest crystal, from the crystal city itself.
Value10,000 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight0 kg
Advanced data
Item ID23962

Crystal shards are items that can be obtained through participating in various activities within Prifddinas. These are necessary to create and charge various crystal equipment through crystal singing, can be used to create enhanced crystal keys for the Elven Crystal Chest, and can be crushed into crystal dust which is used to make divine potions. Each crystal shard added onto a piece of crystal equipment provides 100 charges, up to a maximum of 20,000.


Crystal shards and crystal dust are not tradeable, however they can be used to create valuable tradeable items.

Skill Input Item Input GE Price Shards Output Item Output GE Price GP/Shard
Herblore 70 File:Super attack.png 1,563 0.4[a] File:Divine super attack potion.png 2,953 3,475.00
Herblore 70 File:Super strength.png 5,434 0.4[a] File:Divine super strength potion.png 5,651 542.50
Herblore 70 File:Super defence.png 4,956 0.4[a] File:Divine super defence potion.png 6,448 3,730.00
Herblore 74 File:Ranging potion.png 2,627 0.4[a] File:Divine ranging potion.png 5,706 7,697.50
Herblore 78 File:Magic potion.png 145 0.4[a] File:Divine magic potion.png 3,160 7,537.50
Herblore 86 File:Bastion potion.png 28,466 0.4[a] File:Divine bastion potion.png 32,357 9,727.50
Herblore 86 File:Battlemage potion.png 27,107 0.4[a] File:Divine battlemage potion.png 32,213 12,765.00
Herblore 97 File:Super combat potion.png 15,198 0.4[a] File:Divine super combat potion.png 19,960 11,905.00
Smithing 80

Crafting 80

25,297 10 0[b] −3,519.58[b]
Smithing 82

Crafting 82

166,503,530 100 162,505,219 −39,983.11
N/A 166,503,530 150 162,505,219 −26,655.41
Smithing 82

Crafting 82

166,503,530 100 164,747,415 −17,561.15
N/A 166,503,530 150 164,747,415 −11,707.43
Smithing 82

Crafting 82

162,505,219 250 166,503,530 15,993.24
N/A 162,505,219 375 166,503,530 10,662.16
Smithing 82

Crafting 82

164,747,415 250 166,503,530 7,024.46
N/A 164,747,415 375 166,503,530 4,682.97
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 A shard is ground into 10 crystal dust, 1 dust is used per dose.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 By using the enhanced crystal key on the Elven Crystal Chest, yielding an additional ~2.8 crystal shards.

Obtaining shards

Most skilling and combat activities in Prifddinas can yield shards. Most regular resource skilling activities can yield passive shards; while content that is unique to Prifddinas (i.e., defeating Zalcano) will provide shards as part of the regular loot tables. The most efficient way to obtain many shards is to pickpocket elves with Rogue's equipment on. They occassionaly give shards as direct loot, but they have a 1/1,024 chance of giving an enhanced crystal teleport seed, which is doubled with the Rogue's outfit on. These seeds can be exchanged for 150 shards each. It is realistically possible to succesfully pickpocket 512 elves per hour, granting an average of 29 regular shards and one teleport seed (assuming you get one pair of seeds every two hours, averaging to one individual seed per hour), which totals up to 179 crystal shards per hour. In comparison, completing the Corrupted Gauntlet can only yield roughly 50 shards per hour. If you exchange crystal armour seeds and enhanced crystal weapon seeds for shards, the average can go up to around 125, but the value of these seeds is significantly higher than the teleport seeds, making it far less viable to exchange these for shards.

A full list of crystal shard sources:

If a player receives a shard along with a collected resource, while only having a single free inventory space, the crystal shard will be dropped to the floor instead.

Exchanging seeds

Players can also obtain crystal shards by exchanging various crystal seeds with Amrod, who is found in the Hefin Inn. Those looking to recharge or create crystal equipment by trading in the following crystal items for shards will get the most value by exchanging items with a lowest GP / Shard ratio. Note that this is based off purchasing the items from the Grand Exchange, so Ironmen should consider trading based on other criteria.

Item Shards exchanged GE Price GP / Shard
10 300,608 30,060.80
100 24,083,089 240,830.89
150 1,870,293 12,468.62
250 9,117,221 36,468.88
1,500 166,503,530 111,002.35

Growing crystal tree

The Crystal weapon seed can additionally be traded to Pennant in Prifddinas for one crystal acorn. After 8h the Crystal tree is grown and gives on avg 30 shards when Ultracompost was used on it. A shard would cost on avg 10,030.20.


Failed to find products with those materials - ensure they are spelled correctly. (ERR: no results from SMW)

Item sources

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Date Changes
[[{{#explode:11 September 2024| |0}} {{#explode:11 September 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:11 September 2024| |2}}]]

The rates and quantities of crystal shards dropped from most sources has been improved.


  • If the player attempts to cast Low Level Alchemy or High Level Alchemy on a crystal shard, it will instead give the message "You can't do that to elven crystal!"


  1. ^
  2. ^