Divine ranging potion(1) Divine ranging potion(2) Divine ranging potion(3) Divine ranging potion(4) ? (edit)Divine ranging potion(1) Divine ranging potion(2) Divine ranging potion(3) Divine ranging potion(4) ? (edit)1 dose 2 dose 3 dose 4 dose ? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)File:Divine ranging potion(1).png File:Divine ranging potion(2).png File:Divine ranging potion(3).png File:Divine ranging potion(4).png 25 July 2019 (Update )? (edit)Yes No ? (edit)? (edit)Yes ? (edit)? (edit)No No Yes ? (edit)Drink, Empty, Drop ? (edit)? (edit)? (edit)1 dose of divine ranging potion. 2 doses of divine ranging potion. 3 doses of divine ranging potion. 4 doses of divine ranging potion. ? (edit)40 90 170 250 ? (edit)40 coins 90 coins 170 coins 250 coins true ? (edit)24 coins 54 coins 102 coins 150 coins ? (edit)16 coins 36 coins 68 coins 100 coins ? (edit)24 54 102 150 ? (edit)0.030 0.030 0.030 0.035 ? (edit)0.03 kg 0.03 kg 0.03 kg 0.035 kg ? (edit)yes Divine ranging potion(1) Divine ranging potion(2) Divine ranging potion(3) Divine ranging potion(4) 1495 3140 4322 5706 1,495 coins (info )3,140 coins (info )4,322 coins (info )5,706 coins (info )infobox-cell-shown 2,000 2000 19,886 1,517 3,636 209,937 Not sold Item ? (edit)23742 23739 23736 23733 ? (edit)23742 23739 23736 23733 Versions: 4 Default version: (4) SMW Subobject for (3) High Alchemy value: 102 Buy limit: 2000 Examine: 3 doses of divine ranging potion. Is members only: true Is variant of: Divine ranging potion Weight: 0.030 Image: File:Divine ranging potion(3).png Uses infobox: Item Item name: Divine ranging potion(3) Value: 170 Version anchor: 3 dose Release date: 25 July 2019 Item ID: 23736
SMW Subobject for (2) High Alchemy value: 54 Buy limit: 2000 Examine: 2 doses of divine ranging potion. Is members only: true Is variant of: Divine ranging potion Weight: 0.030 Image: File:Divine ranging potion(2).png Uses infobox: Item Item name: Divine ranging potion(2) Value: 90 Version anchor: 2 dose Release date: 25 July 2019 Item ID: 23739
SMW Subobject for (4) High Alchemy value: 150 Buy limit: 2000 Examine: 4 doses of divine ranging potion. Is members only: true Is variant of: Divine ranging potion Weight: 0.035 Image: File:Divine ranging potion(4).png Uses infobox: Item Item name: Divine ranging potion(4) Value: 250 Version anchor: 4 dose Release date: 25 July 2019 Item ID: 23733
SMW Subobject for (1) High Alchemy value: 24 Buy limit: 2000 Examine: 1 dose of divine ranging potion. Is members only: true Is variant of: Divine ranging potion Weight: 0.030 Image: File:Divine ranging potion(1).png Uses infobox: Item Item name: Divine ranging potion(1) Value: 40 Version anchor: 1 dose Release date: 25 July 2019 Item ID: 23742
A player drinks a divine potion.
The divine ranging potion is a stat-boosting potion that increases the player's Ranged level by 4 + 10% of the player's Ranged level for 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes, the player's Ranged level will not drain below the maximum boost of the potion. Although natural stat drain is disabled, a player's stats can still be decreased or increased by the use of other spells and potions.
Once the 5 minutes are over, any stats normally boosted by the potion will be reduced back to their base level; Preserve does not affect the duration of the potion. Drinking this potion will also damage the player by 10 Hitpoints . Trying to drink the potion with less than 11 Hitpoints will instead prompt the message: You need more than 10 hitpoints to survive the power of a divine potion.
Players are unable to cast Boost Potion Share to share the effect across a group of players.
It is created by using crystal dust (4) on a ranging potion , requiring 74 Herblore .
Mixing a divine ranging potion yields 0.5 experience per dose.
Ranged boost by level
Ranged boost is calculated with:
Ranged Level
{\displaystyle \lfloor {\text{Ranged Level}}\times {\frac {1}{10}}\rfloor +4}
Loading... 1 dose 2 dose 3 dose 4 dose
Price per dose
Price per dose
Divine ranging potion(1)
Divine ranging potion(2)
Divine ranging potion(3)
Divine ranging potion(4)
[[{{#explode:2 July 2020| |0}} {{#explode:2 July 2020| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 July 2020| |2}}]] (update )
The inventory icon of the divine ranging potion has been graphically updated to match the look of normal potions.
Gallery (historical)
Loading... 1 dose 2 dose 3 dose 4 dose
25 July 2019 – 2 July 2020
2 July 2020 – present
Divine potions
Combat Cure and Recovery
Skill boosts
Weapon poisons
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