Slayer task/Fossil Island wyverns

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Fossil Island Wyverns
SkillsSlayer 66
Combat levelCombat level 60
OtherCompletion of Bone Voyage
Task amounts
Chaeldar10-20 (55-75)
Konar15-30 (55-75)
Nieve5-25 (55-75)
Duradel20-50 (55-75)
Advanced data
Icon ID21507

Fossil Island Wyverns are a Slayer monster requiring 66 Slayer to kill. A combat level of 60, as well as the completion of the quests Elemental Workshop and Bone Voyage, is required for them to be assigned as a slayer task.

Wyverns have an icy breath attack which, without a protective shield, can deal over 50 damage and freeze the player to prevent attacking and movement. To reduce this damage, an Elemental shield, Mind shield, Dragonfire shield, Dragonfire ward, or Ancient wyvern shield must be equipped. Among them, only the Ancient wyvern shield can block the freeze effect; the other protective shields only reduce the damage. The Anti-dragon shield, Protect from Magic prayer, and antifire potions cannot be used as a substitute for these shields. As such, using two-handed weapons such as the Toxic blowpipe or Abyssal bludgeon is highly discouraged.

For players seeking to complete the task quickly, it is recommended to kill either Spitting wyverns or Long-tailed wyverns, as they have the weakest attacks. Between the two, there are minor pros and cons. When not in melee distance, long-tailed wyverns always attack with its icy breath, whereas spitting wyverns often attack with Ranged instead of using its icy breath. Since this Ranged attack can be prayed against and icy breath damage cannot be fully blocked, players may find fighting spitting wyverns easier, especially when not using an Ancient wyvern shield to block the freeze effect. When staying in melee distance, long-tailed wyverns may be preferred, as using Protect from Melee will prevent all non-icy breath damage. However, in between kills and picking up drops, another long-tailed wyvern may attack, using only its icy breath until in melee distance.

For players seeking a more generous drop table, it is recommended to kill Ancient Wyverns, though these require 82 Slayer rather than 66 and are significantly more meddlesome to handle.

Wyverns may drop Fossil Island fossils of various sizes. Both caves have a Fossil Storage box by their respective entrances.

Shield Comparison Against Icy Breath

Icon Shield Name Reduces Damage Prevents Freeze Notes
Anti-dragon shield No No
Elemental or Mind shield Yes No Obtained during Elemental Workshop I and II.
Yes No Requires Smithing 90 , an Anti-dragon shield, and a Draconic visage to create.
Yes No Requires Smithing 90 , an Anti-dragon shield, and a Skeletal visage to create.
Yes Yes Requires Smithing 66 , Magic 66 , an Elemental shield, and a Wyvern visage to create.

Slayer Unlocks

Unlock Points cost Notes
Stop the Wyvern 500 This Unlock allows you to block fossil island wyverns without it counting towards your block list, albeit much more expensive than using a block list slot in terms of slayer points used.
Wyver-nother two 100 The extension unlock for fossil island wyverns, which brings all tasks amounts up to a range of 55-75 assigned per task.

Monster Variants

Monster Combat Level Slayer XP Locations Notes
Spitting Wyvern 139 205 Attacks with melee, ranged, and icy breath. Requires level 66 Slayer to kill.
Taloned Wyvern 147 205 Attacks with melee, typeless ranged, and icy breath. Because of its typeless ranged attack, it is the least favorable of the wyverns to kill. Requires level 66 Slayer to kill.
Long-tailed Wyvern 152 205 Attack with only melee and icy breath, so it is recommended to either range with an ancient wyvern shield or melee with Protect from Melee active. Requires level 66 Slayer to kill.
Ancient Wyvern 210 315 Attacks with melee, typeless ranged, and icy breath. Has higher stats but better drops compared to the other wyverns. Requires 82 Slayer to kill.

Location Comparison

Location Maplink Amount Multicombat Cannonable Safespottable Notes
Wyvern Cave,

east of Museum Camp

<maplink group="pins" align="center" text="" plane="0" y="3781" x="3746" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3746.5,3779.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3746,3779

","group":"pins","icon":"bluePin","plane":0,"title":"Southern Cave"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"}


No No No
Task-only Wyvern Cave,

inside the Mushroom Forest

<maplink group="pins" align="center" text="" plane="0" y="3856" x="3678" zoom="2" mapID="0"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3678.5,3854.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":0,"providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 3678,3854

","group":"pins","icon":"redPin","plane":0,"title":"Northern Cave (task only)"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"}


No No No
  • Requires a Fossil Island Wyverns slayer task


Players simply tank the wyverns by maximising their ranged Defence via Barrows, Bandos equipment or Justiciar armour (if affordable). Optimise ranged defence and use Protect from Melee, since their ranged attack hits through protection prayers. High-level food like anglerfish or sharks is recommended. The player's Prayer points can also/instead be used on Piety, and bringing at least two prayer potions is strongly advised, as well as being easily paid for by the wyvern bones collected. Note: The ancient wyvern shield is the only shield that grants immunity against the freezing effect from a wyvern's icy breath. The dragonfire shield, mind shield or elemental shield can be used, but you will occasionally become frozen. Anti-dragon shield will NOT work


Protect from Melee with Sunfire fanatic, Proselyte, or Initiate armour equipped. The player may also choose to use Piety (and optionally Preserve) or weaker accuracy-boosting prayers to speed up kills, but at greater cost. At least one prayer potion will be needed using this setup, and more if using boosting prayers. Verac's equipment has significantly higher Defence than Proselyte armour with slightly less Prayer bonus and is a good choice if you are looking for a compromise between Defence bonuses and Prayer bonuses.


Magic can be a feasible method to kill the wyverns if players have high Magic levels and can afford the upkeep cost on powered staves. Although Melee is much more profitable, Magic can still be utilised if the player wishes to do so, but it is strongly recommended to stand several spaces away from the wyvern to avoid Melee damage. Mystic Might or Augury can also be used to speed up kills.


Although players will get slower kills, Ranged can still be used. If players wish to do so, be aware of the negative bonuses that both the Ancient and Dragonfire shields possess. Nonetheless, it is strongly recommended to stand several spaces away from the wyvern to avoid Melee damage. Eagle Eye or Rigour can also be used to speed up kills.
