Trailblazer Reloaded League/Guide/Slayer

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Trailblazer Reloaded Misthalin
File:Trailblazer Reloaded League - ? Relic.png Karamja
Guides Asgarnia


In Trailblazer Reloaded League, all Slayer masters assign tasks from the same list. All masters award the same amount of points (15 points except for bonus tasks), weigh tasks in the same manner, and all require level 5 combat to begin receiving tasks.

Slayer tasks are not weighed evenly in Trailblazer Reloaded, and have different task weights compared to the regular game mode.[1] Moreover, the task weight of a particular monster will not vary between Slayer masters. In contrast to the main game mode, where for instance abyssal demons could have a task weight of 12 if Duradel is asked for an assignment, or a weight of 9 if Nieve is chosen instead, abyssal demons will always have a task weight of 5 on Trailblazer Reloaded, no matter which Slayer master assigns it.

The Slayer masters still respect combat level requirements for assigning harder tasks, with the exception of Krystilia. Krystilia acts as a "normal" Slayer master, assigning tasks which are not limited to the Wilderness, but disregards combat level requirements.[2] Any Slayer targets defeated within the Wilderness will have a chance to drop a Larran's key however.

Check the Trailblazer Reloaded guide for melee, Magic, and Ranged for tips on efficiently training combat.

Unlocking an area will add new slayer monsters to the list of available tasks. Since all players begin the league with Misthalin Misthalin and Karamja Karamja unlocked, the starting task list will consist of:

Additional slayer tasks

Each area unlocked will add new slayer monsters to the list of available tasks.

Superior slayer monsters

Superior slayer monsters may only be encountered after purchasing the unlock Bigger and Badder for 150 Slayer reward points from any Slayer master, (OR after unlocking the 4th tier relic), and only while on a Slayer task. Due to regions restricting Slayer task lists, there are a limited number of superior encounters possible per region. If a player chooses to unlock Asgarnia, Kandarin, and the Wilderness, then they will not be able to take advantage of the Bigger and Badder unlock until level 85 Slayer.

These are the only way to obtain the imbued heart or the eternal slayer gem.

Region Count Min. Slayer level Creatures
Misthalin Misthalin
Karamja Karamja
1 85 Flaming pyrelord (30) (With Desert), Greater abyssal demon (85)
Asgarnia Asgarnia 0 N/A N/A
Fremennik Fremennik 5 25 Cockathrice (25), Monstrous basilisk (40), Vitreous Jelly (52), Spiked Turoth (55), Basilisk Sentinel (60), King kurask (70)
Kandarin Kandarin 2 93 Insatiable Bloodveld (50), Nuclear smoke devil (93)
Desert Desert 2 30 Flaming pyrelord (30), Choke devil (65)
Morytania Morytania 5 15 Screaming banshee (15), Insatiable Bloodveld (50), Cave abomination (58), Marble gargoyle (75), Nechryarch (80)
Tirannwn Tirannwn 4 50 Insatiable Bloodveld (50), King kurask (70), Nechryarch (80), Night beast (90)
Wilderness Wilderness 2 65 Choke devil (65), Nechryarch (80)
Kourend Kourend 9 15 Screaming twisted banshee (15) (With Morytania), Insatiable Bloodveld (50), Shadow Wyrm (62), Choke devil (65) (With Desert), Nechryarch (80) (With Morytania, Tirannwn, or Wilderness), Guardian Drake (84), Greater abyssal demon (85), Colossal Hydra (95)

Temporary boosts

Item Region Notes
Spicy stew (yellow spice) Desert Desert Boosts Slayer by ±0-5. Requires manual completion of the Freeing Evil Dave subquest in Recipe for Disaster.
Wild pie Misthalin Misthalin Boosts Slayer by 5. Requires level 50 Hunter to obtain from eclectic implngs. Otherwise requires level 85 Cooking and raw chompyKandarin.
Slayer's respite Misthalin Misthalin Boosts Slayer by 2. Requires level 50 Hunter to obtain from eclectic implngs. Only otherwise available with level 59 Cooking from brewing.
Slayer's respite(m) Morytania Morytania Fremennik Fremennik Boosts Slayer by 4. Requires the Morytania or Fremennik region to brew with level 59 Cooking, more easily produced by using the stuff from Trouble BrewingMorytania.


Item Region Master Notes
Slayer Cape Karamja Karamja Duradel While equipped or in inventory, there is a 10% chance of having a previous slayer task reassigned when obtaining a new slayer task.


Quest Base XP
Requirements Required Regions Autocompleted Regions
Natural History Quiz 1,000 - Misthalin Misthalin
Recipe for Disaster/Freeing the Mountain Dwarf 1,000 - Asgarnia Asgarnia
Kandarin Kandarin
Animal Magnetism 1,000 Crafting 19 Crafting Morytania Morytania
Asgarnia Asgarnia
Fremennik Fremennik
A Porcine of Interest 1,000 - Asgarnia Asgarnia
Royal Trouble 5,000 Agility 40 Agility
Slayer 40 Slayer
Fremennik Fremennik
Wanted! 5,000 Quest points 32 Quest points Asgarnia Asgarnia
Morytania Morytania
Wilderness Wilderness
Lair of Tarn Razorlor 5,000 Slayer 40 Slayer Morytania Morytania
The Fremennik Exiles 15,000 Crafting 65 Crafting
Slayer 60 Slayer
Smithing 60 Smithing
Fishing 60 Fishing
Runecraft 55 Runecraft
Fremennik Fremennik

XP rewards with skill choice

Quest Base XP
Requirements Required Regions Autocompleted Regions
X Marks the Spot 300 - Asgarnia Asgarnia Kourend Kourend
A Taste of Hope 2,500 Agility 45 Agility
Attack 40 Attack
Crafting 48 Crafting
Herblore 40 Herblore
Slayer 38 Slayer
Morytania Morytania
A Tail of Two Cats 2,500 twice - Asgarnia Asgarnia
Desert Desert
Fremennik Fremennik
A Kingdom Divided 10,000 Agility 54 Agility
Thieving 52 Thieving
Woodcutting 52 Woodcutting
Herblore 50 Herblore
Mining 42 Mining
Crafting 38 Crafting
Magic 35 Magic
Kourend Kourend
Sins of the Father 15,000 3 times Woodcutting 62 Woodcutting
Fletching 60 Fletching
Crafting 56 Crafting
Agility 52 Agility
Attack 50 Attack
Slayer 50 Slayer
Magic 49 Magic
Morytania Morytania


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