Chambers of Xeric/Food

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The Chambers of Xeric contain fish and bats that are sources of food used exclusively within this raid.

Resource rooms have a 50% chance of spawning bats and a 50% chance of having fishing spots.

Food from the Chambers of Xeric are not affected by the cooking gauntlets.[1]


To catch fish, a fishing rod is required, with cave worms as bait. Scavenger beasts drop both of these items. In resource rooms with fishing spots, there are three fishing spots. One of these three spots contains a cave snake, which will damage the player (or take their fish). If a snake appears in the fishing spot, stop fishing and click elsewhere to avoid taking damage. While the spots are static, the spots containing plain fish and the cave snake change occasionally.

Raw fish Fishing Fishing Cooked fish Cooking Cooking Heals
Level Exp Level Exp
1 20 1 10 5
15 23 15 13 8
30 26 30 16 11
45 29 45 19 14
60 32 60 22 17
75 35 75 25 20
90 38 90 28 23


To catch bats, a butterfly net is required. Scavenger beasts drop butterfly nets.

Creature Raw bat Hunter Hunter Cooked bat Cooking Cooking Heals
Level Exp Level Exp
Guanic bat 1 5 1 10 5
Prael bat 15 9 15 13 8
Giral bat 30 13 30 16 11
Phluxia bat 45 17 45 19 14
Kryket bat 60 21 60 22 17
Murng bat 75 25 75 25 20
Psykk bat 90 29 90 28 23


  1. ^