Limpwurt root

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Limpwurt root
Released5 February 2001 (Update)
Quest itemNo
ExamineThe root of a limpwurt plant.
Value7 coins
High alch4 coins
Low alch2 coins
Weight0.007 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange531 coins (info)
Buy limit13,000
Daily volume876,771
Advanced data
Item ID225

Limpwurt roots are used in the Herblore skill to make strength potions and super strength potions. They are also used in free-to-play to obtain strength potions and energy potions from the Apothecary. Free players can easily obtain limpwurt roots from both hill giants and hobgoblins. Ogresses will also commonly drop them.


Members can grow limpwurt plants from limpwurt seeds, requiring 26 Farming to plant and harvest. The minimum yield is three and the random bonus yield scales with Farming level. The bonus yield starts at level 11 and increases every 10 levels.[1] Therefore up to four roots can be harvested at level 11, and up to twelve can be harvested at levels 91–100. With an attas plant growing in the anima patch the average yield increases by up to five percent, which increases the maximum bonus yield by one root at certain levels. For example at 97 Farming an attas plant grants a 1% chance of harvesting thirteen roots. Boosting one's Farming level increases average yield and sometimes increases the maximum bonus yield. Magic secateurs do affect harvest yield.

Yield is not affected by any type of compost.[2]

15 limpwurt roots can be used as payment for the squirrel gardeners to protect the player's teak trees on Fossil Island.


20 unnoted limpwurt roots must be given to Winelda during the Temple of Ikov quest.


Failed to find products with those materials - ensure they are spelled correctly. (ERR: no results from SMW)

Item sources

No drop sources found. To force an update, click here.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:15 February 2023| |0}} {{#explode:15 February 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:15 February 2023| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Magic secateurs now affect crop yield

[[{{#explode:11 July 2005| |0}} {{#explode:11 July 2005| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:11 July 2005| |2}}]]

The item was graphically updated with the release of Farming.

Gallery (historical)

29 March 2004 ⁠–
11 July 2005
11 July 2005 ⁠–


  • According to the official bestiary and Gielinor's flora - flowers, hobgoblins often chew limpwurt roots, which explains the common drop of these roots from hobgoblins.
  • In the update on 23 August 2018 that improved limpwurt root yields from limpwurt seeds, Nechryael and Kurasks' limpwurt root drops were changed to single limpwurt seeds. This caused an increase in the Grand Exchange price of limpwurt roots.


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