Mourning's End Part II

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Mourning's End Part II (#89)
Released 17 October 2005 (Update)
Also called MEP2
Members Yes
Quest series Elf, #7
Lead developer(s) Dylan C, Graham B

Mourning's End Part II (The Temple of Light), is the seventh quest in the Elf quest series. This quest is often described as challenging by players who have completed it due to it having a very difficult quest puzzle while being under attack by medium-level monsters.


Start pointMap icon Speak to Arianwyn in Lletya. <maplink group="pins" align="center" text="<b>Show on map</b>" plane="0" y="3287" x="2838" zoom="2" mapID="-1"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2838.5,3285.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"-1","providerID":0,"description":"

X/Y: 2838,3285

","group":"pins","icon":"greenPin","plane":0,"title":"Start point"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Official difficultyMaster
Official lengthLong
DescriptionThis chapter of the quest takes our hero deep under the mountains of Arandar to put a stop to the evil plans of the mourners. If our hero is to succeed, they must solve one of the most complicated puzzles in all of Gielinor.
Items required
Enemies to defeat None (but powerful level 73 shadows are aggressive to players inside the temple)
Ironman concerns
Optional: Slayer 90 Slayer to kill dark beasts for a death talisman or completion of Temple of the Eye to be able to participate in Guardians of the Rift, where a catalytic talisman may be obtained randomly from the rewards guardian.
League notes

Unlocking Tirannwn Tirannwn will auto-complete the quest


Entering the temple

Items required: Full mourner gear, chisel, three free inventory spaces for quest items.
Recommended: Elf teleport crystal, teleport to Ardougne, food and armour/prayer potions to run past high level monsters

Map of the area and path to the blackened crystal.

Begin by speaking to Arianwyn in Lletya. He will tell you to go and stop the mourners from excavating under West Ardougne, and that you need a key from Essyllt to enter the excavation site.

Next, put on your full mourner gear. Bring a teleport crystal, and some food if you have low Defence or do not have Prayer 43 Prayer for Protect from Melee. Also, bring a chisel. Go to the basement of the Mourner HQ in Ardougne, and talk to Essyllt.

He will give you a new key to the nearby tunnels that they dug to the Temple of Light. He will ask you to find the digging team. Leave the head mourner's room and open the door on the west wall. Go into the tunnel. You will see level 182 Dark beasts.

Note: Ironmen can receive a catalytic talisman as a reward from the Guardians of the Rift minigame or a death talisman from killing the dark beasts (requiring Slayer 90 Slayer), which will save a lot of time further on in the quest.

Run past them to the west whilst praying Protect from Melee, to reach the temple entrance. You'll see a cutscene showing the digging team; shortly thereafter, you may be attacked by level 73 shadows. Search the corpse of the guard slumped against the northern wall to get Edern's Journal.

From there, go west and enter the Temple of Light.

  • Take the set of stairs just west of the entrance to the middle floor.
  • Take the ladder built into the south wall to the top floor.
  • Cross to the northern part of the top floor via the middle stairs.
  • Head east to the blackened crystal.
  • Use your chisel on the crystal to break off a piece of blackened crystal.

Teleport to Lletya, and go back to Arianwyn. He will summon Eluned, who will enchant the black crystal in your inventory into a newly made crystal. It will be used at the end of the quest. Talk to Arianwyn again; then, you will need to prepare for a long and potentially frustrating puzzle. If you end up losing your crystal you can acquire a new one from Arianwyn.

The light puzzles

Items required: Full mourner gear, the new key, one rope. If you're planning to complete the puzzles in a single trip, bring a catalytic talisman/catalytic tiara/death talisman/death tiara, and the newly made crystal too. One teleport out. Two or more free inventory spaces.
Recommended equipment: Weight-reducing clothing, high Prayer bonus gear and a weapon; or high-defence armour and a weapon
Recommended items: Prayer potions (highly recommended), stamina potions, food, summer pies/agility potions, pure essence (needed for Hard Ardougne Diary if you have 65 Runecraft)

If you want to attempt the puzzle in one trip, bring the mourner clothing, the new key, the crystal, and a catalytic/death talisman as well as your rope. As you progress through the puzzle you will need an increasing number of inventory spaces free in order to hold the mirrors and crystals which are used in the puzzle, which you will have naturally as you consume prayer potions and food. Alternatively, if you are lacking inventory space, you can pick up only some of the mirrors and crystals and go back and get more. You will need 4 inventory spaces for the first steps of the puzzle, increasing to 13 inventory spaces open for the last step of the puzzle. You may freely bank at any time, especially between the completion of each puzzle. If you leave in the middle of a puzzle, the puzzle will be unchanged when you return. However, you cannot bank the mirrors and crystals received in the temple, so it is not recommended.

If you're having trouble rotating mirrors while under attack, you can press 1 to rotate the mirror as soon as the dialogue comes up, if on PC—this should give you one or two rotation attempts between each attack.

Chest #1

Chest #1 solution.
  • Go back to the Temple of Light.
  • Take the stairs just west of the entrance up to the middle floor.
  • Head to the area indicated by the rope on the guide map and use your rope on the rocks to free up 1 inventory space. This space is safe.
  • Drop your new key to free up a second inventory space. You can re-obtain this key from Essyllt if needed.
  • Head to the area marked with mirror #1 just east of the stairs.
  • Pull on the crystal dispenser and reset the puzzle.
  • Click on the crystal dispenser again to obtain four mirrors and a yellow crystal.
  • Place Mirror #1 to shine the light north.
  • Place Mirror #2 to shine the light west.
  • Place Mirror #3 to shine the light south.
  • Place the Yellow crystal at the next junction. The light will turn yellow.
  • Place Mirror #4 to shine the light east over the gap.
  • Cross the gap to the other side using the wall supports on the south side. If you fall, climb up the east stairs and try again. If your agility level is under 75, expect to fail many times before succeeding. If you brought a summer pie, use it now to boost your agility level.
  • Pass through the blue light barrier and open the chest to obtain 2 mirrors and a cyan crystal.

Chest #2

Chest #2 solution.
  • Return to the crystal dispenser and reset the puzzle. You should have 6 mirrors and two crystals.
  • Place Mirror #1 to shine the light north.
  • Place Mirror #2 to shine the light west.
  • Place the Cyan crystal at the next junction. The light will turn cyan.
  • Place Mirror #3 to shine the light north.
  • Place Mirror #4 to shine the light east.
  • Place the Yellow crystal at the next junction. The light will turn green.
  • Pass through the magenta light barrier and open the chest to obtain 2 mirrors.
  • Do NOT reset the puzzle.

Chest #3

Chest #3 solution.
  • Head back west from Chest #2 and pick up the Yellow crystal from the pillar, putting it back into your inventory. The light will now be cyan.
  • At the same pillar, place Mirror #5 to shine the light up to the top floor.
  • Climb up the nearby north ladder to the top floor.
  • Place Mirror #6 to shine the light west. You should see the light turn blue as it passes through the pillar to the west.
  • Climb down the north ladder to the middle floor.
  • Head to the south ladder and climb up to the top floor.
  • Head to the north-west corner of the map.
  • Place Mirror #7 to shine the light down. Its longest side should be on the east.
  • Climb down the south ladder to the middle floor.
  • Climb down the east stairs to the bottom floor.
  • Head to the north-west corner of the map. Mirror #8 is pre-placed, meaning that you can pass through the yellow barrier.
  • Turn Mirror #8 to pass through the second yellow barrier.
  • Open the chest to obtain 2 mirrors and a fractured crystal.
  • Do NOT reset the puzzle.

Chest #4

Chest #4 solution.
  • You will be using the rope shortcut for this chest. Make sure you have placed your rope as described in Chest #1.
  • From Chest #3, go back to Mirror #8 and rotate it so you can exit east. Then climb the east stairs to get to the middle floor.
  • Pick up the Cyan crystal from the pillar between Mirrors #2 and #3, putting it back into your inventory. The light will now be white.
  • At the same pillar, place the Yellow crystal. The light will now be yellow.
  • Climb up the south ladder to the top floor.
  • Head to the north-west corner of the map.
  • Rotate Mirror #7 to shine the light south. This light should be red.
  • Run all the way south, then place Mirror #8 to shine the light down (rotate the mirror so the longest side is facing north). Note, this is a different Mirror #8 to the one from chest 3.
  • Climb down the south ladder to the middle floor.
  • Use the rope shortcut to reach the bottom floor.
  • Mirror #9 is pre-placed, meaning that you can pass through the cyan barrier.
  • Open the chest to obtain a blue crystal.

Chest #5

Part 1
Chest #5, part 1.
  • Return to the crystal dispenser and reset the puzzle. You should have 10 mirrors and 4 crystals.
  • Place Mirror #1 to shine the light north.
  • Place Mirror #2 to shine the light west.
  • Place Mirror #3 to shine the light south.
  • Go south, then place the Yellow crystal. The light will turn yellow.
  • Place Mirror #4 to shine the light east.
  • Cross the gap to the other side. If you fall, climb up the east stairs and keep trying.
  • Pass through the blue light barrier. Place the Blue crystal. NOTE: NOT the Cyan Crystal
Part 2
Chest #5, part 2.
  • Cross back across the gap. If you fall, climb back up to the middle floor.
  • Remove Mirror #4 from its current position and put it back into your inventory.
  • Rotate Mirror #3 to shine the light up.
  • Use the south ladder to head to the top floor.
  • Place Mirror #4 in the new position on the top floor to shine the light south.
  • Place the Fractured crystal. The light will split in 3.
  • Place Mirror #5 to shine the western light down (the longest side should be facing east).
  • Place Mirror #6 to shine the southern light east.
  • Place Mirror #7 to shine the light down (the longest side should be facing west).
  • Climb down the south ladder to the middle floor.
  • Climb down the east stairs to the ground floor.
  • Where you see a green light coming in from the ceiling, place Mirror #8 to shine the light south.
  • Place Mirror #9 to shine the light east.
  • Cross the magenta light barrier. You should see a blue light coming in from the ceiling.
  • Place Mirror #10 to shine the light north.
  • Pass through the yellow light barrier and open the chest to obtain 3 mirrors and a second fractured crystal.

Death Altar Puzzle

Death Altar solution.
  • Return to the crystal dispenser and reset the puzzle. You should have 13 mirrors and 5 crystals. You will not need the Cyan crystal for the final puzzle.
  • Place Mirror #1 to shine the light north.
  • Place Mirror #2 to shine the light down (the longest side should be facing south).
  • Use the east stairs to go down to the bottom floor.
  • Place Mirror #3 to shine the light west.
  • Place the Fractured crystal. The light will split in 3.
  • Place Mirror #4 to shine the northern light up.
  • Following the southern light, place the Fractured crystal. The light will split in 3 again.
  • Place Mirror #5 to shine the western light up.
  • Place Mirror #6 to shine the eastern light up.
  • Climb the east stairs to the middle floor.
  • To the north, you should see a white light. Place the Yellow crystal. The light will turn yellow.
  • Climb up the north ladder to the top floor.
  • Place Mirror #7 to shine the light west. You should see the light turn red at the pillar to the west.
  • Climb down the north ladder to the middle floor.
  • Climb up the south ladder to the top floor.
  • Place Mirror #8 to shine the green light west.
  • Place Mirror #9 to shine the white light west.
  • Place Mirror #10 to shine the white light north.
  • Cross to the north part of the top floor via the middle stairs.
  • Place Mirror #11 to shine the white light west.
  • Place the Blue crystal. The light will turn blue.
  • Head to the north-west corner of the map and place Mirror #12 to shine the red light south.
  • Place Mirror #13 to shine the light east.
  • Head back to the middle stairs, and go down the middle stairs twice to get to the ground floor, beside Mirror #14 which is pre-placed.
  • Pass through the cyan light barrier and rotate Mirror #14 to shine the red light west.
  • The black barrier to the west in front of the Death Altar should now be white and open.
  • When you're ready to leave, make sure to turn the light back towards the entrance door, otherwise to get back in here you will have to go through the Underground Pass to get back. (Do note that the route through the Underground Pass does not require a mourner set nor a new key so it can be a good option to save some inventory space per trip if entering through the entrance on Lletya)
  • Pass through to the Death Altar.

The Death Altar

Items required: a death talisman/death tiara/catalytic talisman/catalytic tiara OR the 50 items below (suggested only for Ironmen due to the tediousness of this). If you bring the death talisman, take the newly made crystal too.

Items recommended: Ardougne Teleport runes or tablets if planning to exchange items for a death talisman, as you will need to make multiple trips from the bank to the altar.

You can skip this whole section if you have already bought/acquired one of the talisman/tiara options.
The Death Altar.

After you go through the final door, talk to the dwarf Thorgel. You will ask each other how you got to the altar, and he will reveal there is a passage from the Underground Pass created by him and his companions. You will ask if he knows Klank, after which he will realise you are the one who had slain Iban. Because of this, he agrees to trade you a death talisman in return for some supplies.

He gives you an item list that tells you what you need to get him:

The needed ticket is chosen randomly.
The needed book is chosen randomly.
All of these books can be found in the bookcases in your house.
The needed key is chosen randomly.

You will need to give these items in more than one trip. Luckily, these items are all easily obtained and most players likely have many of them stored in their bank already. If returning to the bank in East Ardougne and running back to the altar through the mourner's headquarters, you will need to keep your mourner's outfit and new key for each trip. However, you should not need any other supplies, as these trips should be quick enough not to drain your prayer points to 0, and you can pray at the altar on the way back to West Ardougne each time you refill your inventory. If you get rid of Thorgel's list to save an inventory slot, you can ask him for another.

Warning: If you teleport out, make sure you turn the mirror towards the cyan door first! Otherwise, you'll lock yourself out and you'll have to go through the Underground Pass and enter the Temple of Light via the tunnel inside the dwarf camp. The entry at the dwarf camp is most easily reached from Lletya, which is fairly close to the elven land entrance to the Underground Pass; doing the Underground Pass in reverse to get to the dwarf village is a lot easier. To do this, enter the dungeon first on the elven side, down the well then down to the dwarf camp. The tunnel is located directly south of the main building. It is not marked on the minimap, so it is rather difficult to see.

On your final trip, make sure to bring the newly made crystal and teleport crystal instead of an Ardougne teleport.

The power of death

The temple's safeguard is now restored.

Use your catalytic talisman or death talisman on the Death Altar (or equip the tiara equivalents) then use the newly made crystal that Eluned repaired for you on it to charge it. (If you have Runecraft 65+ Runecraft, and you brought a pure essence, make a death rune as well, to complete that step of the hard Ardougne Diary.) Exit the Death Altar, and then exit the final chamber and make your way to the black crystal that you observed at the beginning of the quest. Use this charged crystal on the black crystal. This will stop people from entering the temple for another thousand years! Go back to Lletya, and talk to Arianwyn for your reward.

Congratulations! Quest Complete!


Required for completing

Completion of Mourning's End Part II is required for the following:


This article on a quest has an associated dialogue page.
Click here for a transcript of possible conversations encountered throughout the quest.

Music unlocked

Name Unlock details Music track
Temple of Light Unlocked inside the Temple of Light. File:Temple of Light.ogg
La Mort Unlocked at the Death Altar. File:La Mort.ogg


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:8 February 2023| |0}} {{#explode:8 February 2023| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:8 February 2023| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The Catalytic tiara may now be used to access the Death Altar to skip completing Thorgel's item list.

[[{{#explode:30 November 2022| |0}} {{#explode:30 November 2022| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:30 November 2022| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The experience rewarded for Agility skill was increased from 20,000 to 60,000.

[[{{#explode:25 July 2019| |0}} {{#explode:25 July 2019| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:25 July 2019| |2}}]]
  • Players can now equip weapons, shields and amulets when entering Mourner HQ.
  • The Head mourner was replaced with Essyllt.
  • The Colour wheel was removed from the dead guard at the entrance of the Temple of Light. A new dead guard with the Colour wheel and Scrawled notes was added by the crystal dispenser.
  • The light pillar interface was optimised to reduce the number of clicks required to place mirrors.
[[{{#explode:25 February 2016| |0}} {{#explode:25 February 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:25 February 2016| |2}}]]

The chests in the Temple of Light now ensure you have enough inventory space to take their contents.

Date unknown

The quest was renamed from "Mourning's Ends Part II" to "Mourning's End Part II".

28 November -
18 December 2006

The quest was renamed from "Mourning's Ends Part 2" to "Mourning's Ends Part II".


  • According to Mod Mark during the Mythbusters session in RuneFest 2019, he and Mod Dylan had initially designed the Temple of Light puzzle in a drunken stupor.[2]
  • The quest completion scroll displays an image of the cyan crystal, which is also the only crystal remaining after the puzzle is completed.
  • If you ask Thorgel why he needs one of the three keys he asks you for, he will reply "Pretty please with a Blood Talisman on top?!", then you would say "A Blood Talisman?!", and then Thorgel would reply "Oops! I meant 'Death Talisman'!" This was a hint to the blood talisman which was eventually released as a reward item from the Guardians of the Rift minigame on 23 March 2022.


  1. ^
  2. ^ Jagex. MEP2 light puzzle origin. 5 October 2019.