Ultimate Ironman Guide/Quests
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Quests often have unique restrictions, challenges, or dangers that make them particularly difficult for an Ultimate Ironman to complete. They can require significant preparation or having a lot of inventory space. In most cases, these challenges are similar to those for regular players, and with good preparation (often coupled with a good quest guide) the quest can be completed much like any other player would.
Notable item requirements
Some quests require certain items that can be somewhat difficult to get through normal means.
Quest | Item | Notes | |
Animal Magnetism | ![]() |
Mithril axe | A mithril axe is required to make the blessed axe during the quest. One can be bought from the Woodcutting Guild, which requires level 60 Woodcutting to access. Players who do not have the requirements to enter the Woodcutting Guild can make one at level 51 Smithing, or safespot tree spirits in the Enchanted Valley for one. The mithril axe is also dropped uncommonly by blue dragons. Players may also choose to loot the chest on the Isle of Souls to obtain the axe, which requires level 28 Thieving. |
Desert Treasure I | ![]() |
Magic logs | Players must deliver 12 magic logs to Eblis at the start of the quest. Without level 75 Woodcutting, magic logs are hard to come by at lower levels. The best way to obtain them is passively through Firemaking training at Wintertodt. Alternatively, players who have level 58 Hunter can catch nature implings in Puro-Puro. Magic logs are also an uncommon reward from the Brimstone chest. |
Dragon Slayer II | ![]() |
Dragonstone | One cut dragonstone is needed for getting the locator orb from Ava. At level 84 Thieving, players can steal from Rogues' Castle chests to obtain cut dragonstones. Players who have completed Song of the Elves can hunt crystal implings in Prifddinas or kill Zalcano. Crystal key pieces can be obtained passively through Slayer training, and actively by hunting magpie implings, killing or safespotting goraks while wearing a ring of wealth. Alternatively Deranged archaeologist drops full crystal keys at a common rate. |
The Eyes of Glouphrie | ![]() |
Mud rune | One mud rune is required to make the magic glue during the quest. One can be obtained by exchanging pizazz points at the Mage Training Arena. |
Fairytale I - Growing Pains | ![]() |
Nature talisman | A nature talisman is potentially required for encanting the secateurs during Fairytale I. The best way to obtain one is at the Guardians of the Rift minigame, where they can be purchased for 50 Abyssal pearls. |
The Hand in the Sand | ![]() |
White berries | White berries can be grown in bush patches at level 59 Farming. White berries spawn north of the elf tracker in Isafdar (requires having started Regicide) and at the Lava Dragon Isle in the Wilderness. Alternatively, players can kill cave crawlers for one. |
Mourning's End Part I | ![]() |
Magic logs | The player will need one magic log during Mourning's End Part I in order to infiltrate the Mourner HQ. It can be obtained as mentioned above in the Desert Treasure I entry—through Wintertodt, hunting Nature implings, or through Konar slaying for Brimstone Keys. Alternatively, if the player's Woodcutting is 70 or higher at this point, they can use a Spicy stew to chop a Magic tree. |
Song of the Elves | ![]() |
Runite bar | One runite bar is required for fixing Lady Trahaearn's exoskeleton, and one cadantine seed is used for getting the elder cadantine.
Players who have level 85 Smithing can smelt a runite ore into a bar. Runite ores can be bought from the TzHaar-Hur-Rin's Ore and Gem Store in the inner area of Mor Ul Rek (requires a fire cape to access) or from Petrified Pete's Ore Shop on Fossil Island (requires having at least 150 Kudos). Runite bars can be obtained from magpie implings, rune dragons, and demonic gorillas The best way to obtain a cadantine seed is passively through Slayer. Cadantine seeds are dropped by aberrant spectres, nechryael, dagannoth, and cave horrors. They can also be obtained from seed packs from Farming contracts, or from Hespori. |
File:Cadantine seed.png | Cadantine seed | ||
Swan Song | ![]() |
Lava rune | Players must bring 10 lava runes and 10 mist runes to the Wise Old Man at the start of the quest. These can be obtained by exchanging pizazz points at the Mage Training Arena. |
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Mist rune | ||
Tai Bwo Wannai Trio | File:Agility potion(4).png | Agility potion(4) | A 4-dose Agility potion is given to Tamayu during the quest. Agility potions can be made at level 34 Herblore by mixing an unfinished toadflax potion with toad's legs. Toadflax can be grown at level 38 Farming, or bought from the Brimhaven Agility Arena Ticket Exchange. Players who do not have the Herblore level to make an Agility potion can have a clean irit leaf in their inventory and exchange it to Dr Jekyll random event for a 4-dose Agility potion. |
Tears of Guthix | ![]() |
Bullseye lantern | A bullseye lantern is required to make the sapphire lantern during the quest. After completing Death to the Dorgeshuun, players can buy an unoiled version from Miltog or pickpocket cave goblins for one. An unfinished bullseye lantern can be made at level 49 Smithing. |
Item limitations
Quests involving Entrana
A number of quests require travelling to the island of Entrana, which does not allow weapons or armour. Runes are allowed, as well as the materials required to fletch ranged weapons and armour. The looting bag is allowed if it does not contain prohibited items.
Players who have restricted items on them will need to store the items in some way. It is recommended to deathpile the items or store them at an Item Retrieval Service while travelling to the island, as this allows for prolonged trips if necessary.
For more information, see Ultimate Ironman Guide/Item Management.
A list of quests that require travelling to Entrana is as follows:
Quest | Notes |
Lost City | Requires fighting a Tree spirit underneath Entrana. The boss can be safespotted, so it is recommended to bring along runes for combat if using magic, or fletching supplies if using ranged. Using an Item Retrieval Service is not recommended as the fight is potentially dangerous. If the player is going to do Sir Amik Varze's subquest of Recipe for Disaster shortly afterwards, getting an extra dramen branch is recommended. |
Enlightened Journey | The whole quest takes place on Entrana. Multiple trips are required to deliver the items needed, and also to set up the various routes in the Balloon transport system, as each new route must be started from Entrana before becoming available for later use. |
Hand in the Sand | The player must briefly travel to the sand pit on Entrana to retrieve the Wizard's head at the end of the quest. |
Heroes' Quest | Needed to get a fire feather from the Entrana firebird. Only ice gloves are required, and the combat is not dangerous. |
Holy Grail | The player must briefly travel to Entrana and speak to the High Priest in their search for the Holy grail at the start of the quest. |
Devious Minds | The player must bring a large pouch holding the orb to Entrana. Any death will cause the enlightened large pouch to be permanently lost, so it is recommended to deathpile your items before combining the large pouch and the orb. Players must go to Entrana through the Abyss which is potentially dangerous, so using an Item Retrieval Service to store the items is not recommended. |
Desert Treasure I | The player must bring a silver pot to Entrana to be blessed by the High Priest. |
Recipe for Disaster (Sir Amik Varze subquest) |
A dramen branch is required to make cinnamon for the brulee supreme. This will require another trip to Entrana if an extra branch was not gotten earlier. |
Monkey Madness II | During Chapter I, the player must briefly travel to Entrana to talk with Auguste. |
Other item limitations
A number of quests restrict equipment in certain areas. A list of notable quests such limitations is as follows:
Quest | Notes |
Waterfall Quest | No weapons, armour, runes, fletchable items (such as logs) or looting bag can be brought into Glarial's Tomb. A rune pouch is allowed if it does not contain runes. Low-level players who do not have a looting bag can put forbidden items on a table at the Tourist Information Centre. |
Roving Elves | No weapons, armour, runes, fletchable items (such as logs) or looting bag can be brought into Glarial's Tomb. A rune pouch is allowed if it does not contain runes. A dramen staff cannot be smuggled into the Glarial's Tomb as bringing a knife is also forbidden, however players can use a goblin paint cannon to make the moss guardian fight easier. |
Recruitment Drive | Requires a completely empty inventory and nothing worn, as no items can be brought into the testing grounds. |
The Fremennik Trials | The puzzle inside Peer the Seer's house requires a completely empty inventory and nothing worn.
No weapons, armour, runes or fletchable items such as logs (similarly to the Glarial's Tomb) can be brought into the fight with Koschei the deathless for Thorvald the Warrior's trial. To make the fight easier, players can bring a goblin paint cannon, or smuggle a dramen staff (unlike in the Glarial's Tomb) by bringing a knife and a dramen branch and then cutting the branch into a staff when in the arena. Dying to Koschei's fourth form is safe. However, if the player dies to his first, second, or third form, any items stored at an Item Retrieval Service will be lost. |
Weight requirements
Some quests have sections that require a specific weight to complete, or are made easier by having a lower weight for certain Agility obstacles. With the graceful outfit players should not have any issues with this, as they can simply wear the outfit to reduce weight and it will be more than sufficient. Players who do not have the graceful outfit may want to store their heavy items into the looting bag, which has 0 kg weight regardless of what items are put inside.
A list of notable quests with weight requirements is as follows:
Quest | Notes |
Temple of Ikov | During part of the quest, a bridge must be crossed that collapses if the player weighs more than -1kg. The boots of lightness can be found nearby to help with weight management. |
Recipe for Disaster (Pirate Pete subquest) |
Diving to the Mogre Camp requires less than 28kg weight. Notably, the diving apparatus and fishbowl helmet total to 15kg on their own. |
Enlightened Journey | While riding the balloon, the player can have no more than 40kg of weight. This also applies to any future use of the balloon transport system, including the trips from Entrana required to unlock the various routes. |
Quests requiring inventory space
A number of quests require the player to have a relatively empty inventory to manage quest items. A list of notable quests such limitations is as follows:
Quest | Inventory space needed | Notes |
Doric's Quest | 12 | Six clay, four copper ore, and two iron ore (total 12 items) must be delivered at once to Doric. |
Tower of Life | 11 | Having at least 11 inventory spaces is required to build the various machines within the tower. |
Temple of Ikov | 20 | 20 unnoted limpwurt roots must be delivered at once to Winelda. |
Priest in Peril | 17, can be done with less | 50 rune or pure essence must be delivered to Drezel in increments, so more inventory space cuts down on the trips. Having at least 17 inventory spaces (to be able to do this in 3 trips) is recommended. |
Death Plateau | 21 | 10 trout, 10 bread, and the spiked boots (total 21 items) must be delivered to Tenzing at once. |
In Search of the Myreque | 13, can be done with less | Six steel weapons must be delivered at once, and six planks are required with 225 steel nails to repair a bridge. Having inventory space to hold all these items at once can help cut down on backtracking. |
Between a Rock... | Varies | During the fight with the Arzinian Being of Bordanzan, the fight is easier the more gold ore is in the player's inventory. |
Underground Pass | Varies | To get into the final chamber with Iban, the player must be wearing only Zamorak monk robes, requiring some inventory space to hold the rest of their equipment. |
Regicide | Varies, 15 recommended | Distilling the barrel of naphtha requires large amounts of coal, with extra coal making the process easier to manage. Though it can be done in as few as 7-10 coal, it is recommended to bring more if possible. |
Mourning's End Part I | Varies, 15 recommended | Distilling the barrel of naphtha requires large amounts of coal, with extra coal making the process easier to manage. Though it can be done in as few as 7-10 coal, it is recommended to bring more if possible. |
Wanted! | 20 | 20 unnoted rune or pure essence must be brought to the Mage of Zamorak at once. |
Mourning's End Part II | 20, as much as possible recommended | As much inventory space as possible is recommended for the puzzle section at the end of the quest, to cut down on possible backtracking for more puzzle items. |
Cabin Fever | 11, can be done with less | 11 empty inventory spaces (though more space is recommended) are required to hold the various items required during the quest. |
In Aid of the Myreque | 18, can be done with less | Having at least 18 inventory spaces is recommended throughout the quest, especially at the start when hauling buckets of rubble out of the basement, and if giving armour and food for Ivan Strom. |
The Great Brain Robbery | 20, can be done with less | 20 inventory spots are recommended for building and filling the crate, though this can be done in increments if less inventory is available. |
Legends' Quest | 20, can be done with less | It is strongly recommended to have at least empty 20 inventory spaces (more recommended) after making the golden bowl, so players are able to hold all the required items for parts involving the Shaman Caves and Viyeldi caves. The sketch can be dropped after making the golden bowl. |
Sleeping Giants | 20, can be done with less | 20 free spaces are needed to search the crate for materials. You will need 20 empty inventory spaces for max 20 seconds. Drop your items, search the crate, speak to Kovac, use items on the crucible then regard items. |
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