Shattered Relics League/Boosted Drops

From Illerai

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Shattered Relics League

As fragment slots are unlocked, passive bonuses will activate. Specific items will received boosted drop rates. Rates begin at 1x, increase to 2x when the 4th fragment slot is unlocked, and 3x when the 6th slot is unlocked. The following lists contain the drops that benefit from the boosted rates. Items are organised by which region they can be obtained.

Note: All unique drops from Revenants are also boosted. Notable drops from revenants include: Amulet of Avarice, ancient crystal, Craw's bow, dragon platelegs, Thammaron's sceptre, and Viggora's chainmace.


Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Crystal armour seed and
Crystal weapon seed
The Gauntlet1/1201/601/40
Enhanced crystal weapon seedThe Gauntlet1/2,0001/1,0001/666
Crystal armour seed and
Crystal weapon seed
The Corrupted Gauntlet1/501/251/16
Enhanced crystal weapon seedThe Corrupted Gauntlet1/4001/2001/133
Crystal tool seedZalcano1/2001/1001/66
Zalcano shardZalcano1/7501/3751/250
Tanzanite fangZulrah1/5121/2561/170
Magic fangZulrah1/5121/2561/170
Serpentine visageZulrah1/5121/2561/170
Uncut onyxZulrah1/5121/2561/170
Hill giant clubObor1/1181/591/39
Bryophyta's essenceBryophyta1/1181/591/39
Skeletal visageVorkath1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Draconic visageVorkath1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Dragonbone necklaceVorkath1/1,0001/5001/333
Dragon axeDagannoth Kings[d 1]1/1281/641/42
Seers ringDagannoth Prime1/1281/641/42
Berserker ringDagannoth Rex1/1281/641/42
Warrior ringDagannoth Rex1/1281/641/42
Archers ringDagannoth Supreme1/1281/641/42
Mud battlestaffDagannoth Prime1/1281/641/42
SeercullDagannoth Supreme1/1281/641/42
Bottomless compost bucketHespori1/351/171/11
Dragon chainbodyKalphite Queen1/1281/641/42
Dragon 2h swordKalphite Queen1/2561/1281/85
Dragon pickaxeCallisto, Venenatis, Vet'ion1/1701/851/56
Dragon pickaxeChaos Elemental1/2561/1281/85
Dragon pickaxeKing black dragon1/1,5001/7501/500
Dragon 2h swordCallisto, Venenatis, Vet'ion1/2561/1281/85
Dragon 2h swordChaos Elemental1/1281/641/42
Malediction shard 1Chaos Fanatic1/2561/1281/85
Malediction shard 2Crazy Archaeologist1/2561/1281/85
Malediction shard 3Scorpia1/2561/1281/85
Odium shard 1Chaos Fanatic1/2561/1281/85
Odium shard 2Crazy Archaeologist1/2561/1281/85
Odium shard 3Scorpia1/2561/1281/85
Treasonous ringVenenatis1/5121/2561/170
Tyrannical ringCallisto1/5121/2561/170
Ring of the godsVet'ion1/5121/2561/170
Barrows armour pieces[d 2]Barrows1/3491/1741/116
Granite gloves[d 3]Grotesque Guardians1/5001/2501/166
Granite ring[d 3]Grotesque Guardians1/5001/2501/166
Granite hammer[d 3]Grotesque Guardians1/7501/3751/250
Black tourmaline core[d 3]Grotesque Guardians1/1,0001/5001/333
Nightmare staff[d 4]The Nightmare1/4001/2001/133
Inquisitor's armour[d 4]The Nightmare1/6001/3001/200
Inquisitor's mace[d 4]The Nightmare1/1,2001/6001/400
Nightmare staff orbs[d 4]The Nightmare1/1,8001/9001/600
Nightmare staffPhosani's Nightmare1/6671/3331/222
Inquisitor's armourPhosani's Nightmare1/1,0001/5001/333
Inquisitor's macePhosani's Nightmare1/2,0001/1,0001/666
Nightmare staff orbsPhosani's Nightmare1/3,0001/1,5001/1,000
Arcane sigilCorporeal beast1/1,3651/6821/455
Spectral sigilCorporeal beast1/1,3651/6821/455
Elysian sigilCorporeal beast1/4,0951/2,0471/1,365
FedoraCrazy Archaeologist1/1281/641/42
Draconic visageKing Black Dragon1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
  1. ^ From Dagannoth Prime, Dagannoth Rex, or Dagannoth Supreme
  2. ^ The listed rarity is for a specific unique
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Grotesque Guardians roll their drop tables twice
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 The listed rarity is for a 5-person team

God Wars Dungeon

Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Armadyl armourKree'arra1/3811/1901/127
Bandos armourGeneral Graardor1/3811/1901/127
Saradomin swordCommander Zilyana1/1271/631/42
Saradomin's lightCommander Zilyana1/2541/1271/84
Armadyl crossbowCommander Zilyana1/5081/2541/169
Armadyl hiltKree'arra1/5081/2541/169
Bandos hiltGeneral Graardor1/5081/2541/169
Saradomin hiltCommander Zilyana1/5081/2541/169
Zamorak hiltK'ril Tsutsaroth1/5081/2541/169
Steam battlestaffK'ril Tsutsaroth1/1271/631/42
Zamorakian spearK'ril Tsutsaroth1/1271/631/42
Staff of the deadK'ril Tsutsaroth1/5081/2541/169
Any Godsword shardKree'arra, General Graardor,
Commander Zilyana, K'ril Tsutsaroth
Any Godsword shardAll bodyguards for the generals1/5081/2541/169
Zaryte vambracesNex [d 1]1/2121/1061/70
Nihil hornNex [d 1]1/3181/1591/106
Torva full helm (damaged)Nex [d 1]1/3181/1591/106
Torva platebody (damaged)Nex [d 1]1/3181/1591/106
Torva platelegs (damaged)Nex [d 1]1/3181/1591/106
Ancient hiltNex [d 1]1/6361/3181/212
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The listed rarity is per kill


Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Zenyte shardTortured gorilla1/3,0001/1,5001/1,000
Zenyte shardDemonic gorilla1/3001/1501/100
Ballista limbsTortured gorilla1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Ballista limbsDemonic gorilla1/5001/2501/166
Ballista springTortured gorilla1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Ballista springDemonic gorilla1/5001/2501/166
Light frameTortured gorilla1/7,5001/3,7501/2,500
Light frameDemonic gorilla1/7501/3751/250
Heavy frameTortured gorilla1/15,0001/7,5001/5,000
Heavy frameDemonic gorilla1/1,5001/7501/500
Monkey tailTortured gorilla1/15,0001/7,5001/5,000
Monkey tailDemonic gorilla1/1,5001/7501/500


Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Angler's outfitFishing Trawler1/121/61/4
File:Pharaoh's sceptre.pngPharaoh's sceptrePyramid Plunder (floor 5+)1/6501/3251/216
File:Pharaoh's sceptre.pngPharaoh's sceptrePyramid Plunder (floor 4)1/7501/3751/250
File:Pharaoh's sceptre.pngPharaoh's sceptrePyramid Plunder (floor 3)1/1,2501/6251/416
File:Pharaoh's sceptre.pngPharaoh's sceptrePyramid Plunder (floor 2)1/2,2501/1,1251/750
File:Pharaoh's sceptre.pngPharaoh's sceptrePyramid Plunder (floor 1)1/3,5001/1,7501/1,166
Ring of endurance (uncharged)Grand Hallowed Coffin1/2001/1001/66


Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Dragon warhammerLizardman shaman1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Dragon defenderWarriors' Guild1/1001/501/33
Draconic visageRune Dragon1/8,0001/4,0001/2,666
Draconic visageAdamant Dragon1/9,0001/4,5001/3,000
Draconic visageSteel and Iron dragons1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Dragon platelegs and
dragon plateskirt
Steel dragon1/5121/2561/170
Dragon platelegs and
dragon plateskirt
Iron dragon1/1,0241/5121/341
Dragon platelegs and
dragon plateskirt
Rune dragon1/1271/631/42
Dragon platelegs and
dragon plateskirt
Adamant dragon1/1101/551/36
Dragon limbsRune dragon1/8001/4001/266
Dragon limbsAdamant dragon1/1,0001/5001/333
Dragon metal sliceAdamant dragon1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Dragon metal lumpRune dragon1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Blood shardVyrewatch sentinel1/1,5001/7501/500
Blood shardVyre1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Obsidian helmet, platebody, and legsTzHaar-Ket1/2,0001/1,0001/666
TzHaar weaponryTzHaar-Ket and TzHaar-Xil1/5121/2561/170
Draconic visageBlack dragon, lava dragon1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Draconic visageBlack dragon (Wilderness Slayer Cave)1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Amulet of eternal gloryFountain of Rune1/25,0001/12,5001/8,333
Dagon'hai robesLarran's big chest1/2561/1281/85
Mist battlestaffWaterfiend1/3,0001/1,5001/1,000
Elven signetCrystal impling1/1281/641/42
Dragonstone armourEnhanced crystal chest1/2,5001/1,2501/833
Enhanced crystal teleport seedThieving elves, Prifddinas guards,
Iorwerth Warrior
Dragon full helmMithril dragon1/32,7681/16,3841/10,922
Dragon full helmChewed bones1/2561/1281/85
Draconic visageMithril dragon1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Amulet of avariceRevenants[d 1]1/20,0001/10,0001/6,666
Craw's bow (u)Revenants[d 1]1/40,0001/20,0001/13,333
Thammaron's sceptre (u)Revenants[d 1]1/40,0001/20,0001/13,333
Viggora's chainmace (u)Revenants[d 1]1/40,0001/20,0001/13,333
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The base rarity varies for revenant monsters, the rate shown is from revenant dragon, revenant knight, and revenant maledictus.


Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Avernic defender hiltTheatre of Blood[d 1]1/211/101/7
Ghrazi rapierTheatre of Blood[d 1]1/861/431/28
Sanguinesti staff (uncharged)Theatre of Blood[d 1]1/861/431/28
Justiciar faceguardTheatre of Blood[d 1]1/861/431/28
Justiciar chestguardTheatre of Blood[d 1]1/861/431/28
Justiciar legguardsTheatre of Blood[d 1]1/861/431/28
Scythe of vitur (uncharged)Theatre of Blood[d 1]1/1721/861/57
Dexterous prayer scrollChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/3451/1721/115
Arcane prayer scrollChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/3451/1721/115
Twisted bucklerChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/1,7251/8621/575
Dragon hunter crossbowChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/1,7251/8621/575
Dinh's bulwarkChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/2,3001/1,1501/766
Ancestral hatChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/2,3001/1,1501/766
Ancestral robe topChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/2,3001/1,1501/766
Ancestral robe bottomChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/2,3001/1,1501/766
Dragon clawsChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/2,3001/1,1501/766
Elder maulChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/3,4501/1,7251/1,150
Kodai insigniaChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/3,4501/1,7251/1,150
Twisted bowChambers of Xeric[d 2]1/3,4501/1,7251/1,150
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 The listed rarity is for a deathless normal difficulty run.
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 For every 8,676 total points obtained there is a 1% chance to roll the unique table. The listed rate is for a raid with 8,676 points.

Slayer bosses

Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Primordial, pegasian,
and eternal crystals
UnsiredAbyssal Sire1/1001/501/33
Hydra's eyeAlchemical Hydra1/1811/901/60
Hydra's fangAlchemical Hydra1/1811/901/60
Hydra's heartAlchemical Hydra1/1811/901/60
Hydra tailAlchemical Hydra1/5131/2561/171
Hydra leatherAlchemical Hydra1/5141/2571/171
Hydra's clawAlchemical Hydra1/1,0011/5001/333
Dragon thrownaxeAlchemical Hydra1/2,0001/1,0001/666
Dragon knifeAlchemical Hydra1/2,0011/1,0001/667
Occult necklaceThermonuclear Smoke Devil1/3501/1751/116
Smoke battlestaffThermonuclear Smoke Devil1/5121/2561/170
Dragon chainbodyThermonuclear Smoke Devil1/2,0001/1,0001/666
Trident of the seasKraken1/5121/2561/170
Kraken tentacleKraken1/4001/2001/133

Slayer creatures

Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Abyssal whipAbyssal demon1/5121/2561/170
Abyssal daggerAbyssal demon1/32,0001/16,0001/10,666
Wyvern visageAncient wyvern1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Wyvern visageLong-tailed, spitting,
and taloned wyvern
Dragon bootsSpiritual mage1/1281/641/42
Draconic visageSkeletal wyvern1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Basilisk jawBasilisk Knight (off-task)1/5,0001/2,5001/1,666
Basilisk jawBasilisk Knight (on-task)1/1,0001/5001/333
Leaf-bladed swordKurask1/3841/1921/128
Leaf-bladed swordTuroth1/5001/2501/166
Leaf-bladed battleaxeKurask1/1,0261/5131/342
Dragon swordWyrm (off-task)1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Dragon harpoonWyrm (off-task)1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Dragon knifeWyrm (off-task)1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Dragon thrownaxeWyrm (off-task)1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Dragon swordWyrm (on-task)1/2,0001/1,0001/666
Dragon harpoonWyrm (on-task)1/2,0001/1,0001/666
Dragon knifeWyrm (on-task)1/2,0001/1,0001/666
Dragon thrownaxeWyrm (on-task)1/2,0001/1,0001/666
Kraken tentacleCave kraken1/1,2001/6001/400
Uncharged tridentCave Kraken1/2001/1001/66
Occult necklaceNuclear smoke devil and smoke devil1/5121/2561/170
Dragon chainbodyDust devil1/32,7681/16,3841/10,922
Dust battlestaffDust devil1/4,0001/2,0001/1,333
Black maskCave horror1/5121/2561/170
Dark bowDark beast1/5121/2561/170


Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Fish barrelTempoross1/4001/2001/133
Tackle boxTempoross1/4001/2001/133
Big harpoonfishTempoross1/1,6001/8001/533
Tome of water (empty)Tempoross1/1,6001/8001/533
Dragon harpoonTempoross1/8,0001/4,0001/2,666


Item Source Base
Relic Tier 4
Relic Tier 6
Warm glovesWintertodt1/1501/751/50
Bruma torchWintertodt1/1501/751/50
Pyromancer hoodWintertodt1/1501/751/50
Pyromancer garbWintertodt1/1501/751/50
Pyromancer robeWintertodt1/1501/751/50
Pyromancer bootsWintertodt1/1501/751/50
Tome of fire (empty)Wintertodt1/1,0001/5001/333
Dragon axeWintertodt1/10,0001/5,0001/3,333
Burnt pageWintertodt1/451/221/15


  1. ^