Farming training

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Farming training focuses heavily on doing tree runs, which is a recurring training method. Much like daily events and recurring money making methods, tree runs give Farming experience passively over time since it is possible to only do 1 or 2 runs per day. Instead of actively training the skill for hours, players only spend a few minutes to do a run, gaining a lot of Farming experience during that short amount of time, and then do other activities while waiting for the patches to grow. While trees take a very long while to grow in real time, players spend very little time actively doing tree runs.

Doing tree runs costs money, and certain saplings and protection payments can be quite expensive. It is recommended to have a decent amount of money to be able to buy a lot of Farming supplies at once, and have a good money making method to sustain the cost of doing tree runs. Herb runs are often highly profitable and they also offer a fair amount of Farming experience, but usually it is better to look into money making alternatives that offer better profit.

Starting off

Levels 1–38: Questing

Early levels can be skipped by completing quests that give Farming experience. Completing the Goblin generals subquest of Recipe for Disaster, Fairytale I - Growing Pains, Forgettable Tale... (requires 17 Farming), The Garden of Death (requires 20 Farming), Garden of Tranquillity (requires 25 Farming), Enlightened Journey (requires 30 Farming), and My Arm's Big Adventure (requires 29 Farming) grants a total of 32,500 experience, which will get the player up to level 38. This skips much of the tediousness of low-level Farming and allows the player to do effective farm runs immediately.

Levels 1–15: Bagged plants

The fastest way to train the early levels is to plant bagged plants in the player-owned house. However, it is significantly more expensive than planting seeds.

If the garden supplier does not have enough stock, players can hop worlds to buy more bagged plants.

The quickest way to plant them, assuming that your house is in Rimmington, is to bring three watering cans, a stack of coins, and as many noted bagged plants as you can afford. You can hand your notes to Phials to un-note them (for a small fee) and refill your watering cans in the building just east of the well.

Right-click the plant space and click on Build. To make the process even faster, spam the 1 button while planting and removing the bagged plants. This will select the bagged plant and confirm the removal, allowing you to plant and remove plants very quickly.

Bagged plants are one of the only ways to actively train farming without waiting for anything to grow.

Bagged plants table
Construction Level Plant Farming ExperienceConstruction GE Price GP/XP
1 31 −1,779 -57.39
6 70 −5,711 -81.59
12 100 −11,509 -115.09
5 31 −1,435 -46.29
10 44 −2,815 -63.98
15 70 −6,469 -92.41
30 100 −11,669 -116.69
45 122 −16,612 -136.16
60 141 −21,204 -150.38
75 223 −52,905 -237.24
56 72 −5,477 -76.07
60 100 −11,575 -115.75
64 122 −15,929 -130.57
65 141 −24,188 -171.55
72 158 −26,485 -167.63
76 223 −47,195 -211.64
80 316 −109,702 -347.16
66 70 −5,887 -84.10
66 70 −6,344 -90.63
71 100 −11,235 -112.35
71 100 −11,154 -111.54
76 122 −16,094 -131.92
76 122 −17,202 -141.00

Levels 1–15: Making supercompost/ultracompost

Another option to train the early levels is to make supercompost or ultracompost in a compost bin. Each bucket of supercompost grants 8.5 farming experience, or 10 experience with the addition of volcanic ash to produce ultracompost.

Watermelons and pineapples are the easiest candidates for the produce used, with the latter easily purchased in convenient quantities from Trader Stan's Trading Post.

Levels 1–15: Farming allotments

Levels 1–15: Sorceress's garden

In the Sorceress's Garden minigame, players can pick sq'irk fruits or herbs from the gardens. No Thieving level is required, but a higher Thieving level increases Thieving experience rates. Picking a sq'irk from the tree yields 30, 40, 50, or 60 Farming experience depending on the room's season. Completing the winter garden to 15 requires 41 laps. Picking from the herb patch yields 50 Farming experience and two random herbs from any garden which requires 49 laps.

This method, once the gardens are set up correct for 1-click methods, is one of the least click-intensive ways to train. Training using only this method from 65 to 99 Thieving yields 503,520 Farming experience.

Levels 15–99: Tree runs

Tree runs are the most effective way to gain Farming experience. To do this, plant the highest-tier tree, fruit tree, and hardwood tree saplings available, along with the special tree saplings (calquat, celastrus, crystal, and redwood). After the trees have grown, check the health of a fully grown tree for Farming experience, pay the gardener to chop down the tree, then replant the tree. Repeat until all patches have been checked and replanted.

While tree runs are a passive training method, they offer by far the fastest effective experience. For example, if it took the player 5 minutes to do a tree run and the player gained 100,000 Farming experience from the run, the experience rate would effectively be 1,200,000 experience per hour (12 runs per one actively spent hour). Players would only spend 5 minutes on doing a run, then do something else while the trees grow.

A tree run consisting of 6 magic trees, 6 dragonfruit trees, 1 calquat tree, and 1 celastrus tree takes around 5 minutes and 20 seconds. The run gives a total of 215,761.3 Farming experience when using payments, which would offer around 2,400,000 experience per actively spent hour. When including 4 mahogany trees once every 4 days and a redwood tree once every 5 days, the effective rate is around 2,500,000 experience per actively spent hour.

Even though it is only possible to do 1 or 2 tree runs per day, doing tree runs over time ends up being much faster than doing methods that offer faster experience in real time, such as farming allotments. Tree runs should be the first priority for Farming training, and active training methods should only be done if Farming is the player's last skill to level 99. Getting level 99 Farming should take around 3–4 months at most if the player does tree runs fairly consistently.

Recommended quests and stats

General information and tips

Always pay the farmer to chop down the tree for replanting. This only costs a small amount of money and is much faster than chopping the tree. The celastrus tree has valuable harvest however, so it can be worthwhile to spend extra time to gather the celastrus barks.

It is best to pay the farmer to look after the tree, so it cannot die and players are guaranteed to get the Farming experience from checking the health of the tree. The tree patch in Falador Park will never get diseased after completing the elite Falador Diary. To save money, it can be worthwhile to treat certain patches with ultracompost instead of paying the farmer to look after the tree. This is slower overall however, because the tree will occasionally die and the player would have spent time for no experience gained. Reviving a dead tree with Resurrect Crops helps to reduce the number of trees lost this way.

Buy the saplings from the Grand Exchange. If seeking to save money, buy the tree seeds instead and grow them into saplings. Saplings are made by using a tree seed on a filled plant pot while having a gardening trowel in the inventory, using a watering can on the seedlings to water them and then waiting for them to grow into saplings. Saplings grow while stored in bank, so players do not have to have them in their inventory. Players who have level 68 Magic and have completed Dream Mentor can use Humidify spell to water the seedlings faster.

Regular trees are usually more expensive compared to the other trees. Players who are not in a rush to level up Farming are advised to only farm fruit trees, hardwood trees and special trees for cheaper experience. Depending on the prices, it can also be worthwhile to farm palm trees instead of dragonfruit trees at higher levels, as growing dragonfruit trees costs 12.92 per experience and palm trees would only cost 7.02 per experience, including the protection payments.

Saplings cannot be unnoted at a Tool Leprechaun. If there is not enough room to hold all the saplings needed, resupply at a bank during the run.

Farming boosts can be used to access different tiers of the Farming Guild before obtaining the level required. The level is only checked when attempting to enter the area.



For hardwood trees, if protection payment is skipped and ultracompost (298) is used instead, growing teaks (Farming 35 Farming) costs 0.10 coins per experience, while mahogany trees (Farming 55 Farming) costs 0.15 coins per experience.

For specialty trees, growing calquat tree (Farming 72 Farming) costs 0.08 coins per experience, requiring payment of 8 poison ivy berries.

Tree table
Farming Level Seed Payment Growth time Experience Total cost [T 1] GP/XP
Planting Checking Total
15 1 basket of tomatoes 3hr20m (5x40 min) 14 467.3 481.3 −600 -1.25
30 File:Willow seed.png File:Apples(5).png 1 basket of apples 4hr00m (6x40 min) 25 1,456.5 1,481.5 −744 -0.50
45 File:Maple seed.png File:Oranges(5).png 1 basket of oranges 5hr20m (8x40 min) 45 3,403.4 3,448.4 −5,669 -1.64
60 File:Yew seed.png 10 cactus spines 6hr40m (10x40 min) 81 7,069.9 7,150.9 −53,989 -7.55
75 File:Magic seed.png 25 coconuts 8hr00m (12x40 min) 145.5 13,768.3 13,913.8 −188,213 -13.53
  1. ^ Seed Cost, Protection cost and 200 coins for removal.
Fruit tree table
Farming Level Seed Payment Growth time Experience Total cost [F 1] GP/XP
Plant Check Harvesting Total No harvest Harvest No harvest Harvest
27 File:Apple tree seed.png 9 sweetcorns 16hr (6x160 min) 22 1,199.5 51 1,272.5 −907 −553 -0.74 -0.43
33 File:Banana tree seed.png File:Apples(5).png 4 baskets of apples 16hr (6x160 min) 28 1,750.5 63 1,841.5 −2,150 −1,652 -1.21 -0.90
39 File:Orange tree seed.png 3 baskets of strawberries 16hr (6x160 min) 35.5 2,470.2 81 2,586.7 −2,059 −1,681 -0.82 -0.65
42 File:Curry tree seed.png File:Bananas(5).png 5 baskets of bananas 16hr (6x160 min) 40 2,906.9 90 3,036.9 −2,893 −2,773 -0.98 -0.91
51 File:Pineapple seed.png 10 watermelons 16hr (6x160 min) 57 4,605.7 129 4,791.7 −502 218 -0.11 0.05
57 File:Papaya tree seed.png 10 pineapples 16hr (6x160 min) 72 6,146.4 162 6,380.4 −2,342 12,142 -0.38 1.90
68 File:Palm tree seed.png 15 papaya fruit 16hr (6x160 min) 110.5 10,150.1 249 10,509.6 −72,763 −50,989 -7.09 -4.85
81 File:Dragonfruit tree seed.png 15 coconut 16hr (6x160 min) 140 17,335 350 17,825 −230,212 −224,062 -13.17 -12.57
  1. ^ Seed Cost, Protection cost and 200 coins for removal, minus worth what is harvested.

See also: Seeds#Trees and Seeds#Fruit trees for trees and protection.

Hardwood tree table
Farming Level Seed Payment Growth time Experience Total cost [H 1] GP/XP
Planting Checking Total
35 File:Teak seed.png 15 limpwurt roots 74hr40m (7x640 min) 35 7,290 7,325 −8,214 -1.12
55 File:Mahogany seed.png 25 yanillian hops 85hr20m (8x640 min) 63 15,720 15,783 −31,499 -2.00
  1. ^ Seed Cost, Protection cost and 200 coins for removal.
Special tree table
Farming Level Seed Payment Growth time Experience Total cost [S 1] GP/XP
Planting Checking Harvesting Total
72 File:Calquat tree seed.png 8 poison ivy berries 21hr20m (8x160 min) 129.5 12,096 291 12,516.5 −936 -0.07
74 File:Crystal acorn.png N/A 8hr00m (6x80 min) 126 13,240 N/A 13,366 [S 2]
85 File:Celastrus seed.png 8 potato cactus 13hr20m (5x160 min) 204 14,130 70.5[S 3] 14,404.5 7,202 0.50
90 File:Redwood tree seed.png 6 dragonfruit 106hr40m (10x640 min) 230 22,450 N/A 22,680 −28,434[S 4] -1.25
  1. ^ Seed Cost, Protection cost and 200 coins for removal, minus the worth of what is harvested where applicable.
  2. ^ Crystal tree yields roughly 30 crystal shards when treated with ultracompost, which average roughly 11,905.00 per shard when used to make divine super combat potions with 97 Herblore. Profit assumes you traded in a crystal weapon seed to the Pennant for a crystal acorn.
  3. ^ Yield increases depending on the type of compost used. A celastrus tree gives 9 barks on average when using ultracompost. (see average yield calculation)
  4. ^ Redwood trees cost 2000 coins to remove.

Example tree runs

Start out at the Grand Exchange and buy all of the saplings, payments and teleports needed.

In the first run, the player will have to rake all of the patches. In subsequent runs, this is only necessary if a growth cycle happens in between removing the tree and planting a new one. It is recommended to leave a rake at a Tool Leprechaun in case this happens.

Example low-level tree run

2000KFile:Stamina potion(4).png

This is an example setup for doing a tree run consisting of 5 trees, 4 fruit trees and 3 hardwood trees at level 35. This run does not include the Lletya fruit tree due to the quests required however the last step is shown as an example, nor the tree and fruit tree patches in the Farming Guild due to the Farming level requirements.

The route assumes the player pays the farmers to chop down the trees and to look after them.

Items needed

  • Coins
  • Spade
  • Stamina potion
  • 5 tree, 4 fruit tree, and 3 hardwood tree saplings
  • Payments in banknotes
  • Ring of wealth with at least 2 charges
    • Alternatively, Falador teleport then run to Falador Park
    • Alternatively, run from Varrock tree patch to Grand Exchange
  • Teleports to Lumbridge, Varrock, and Catherby
  • Slayer Ring
    • Alternatively, use the Spirit Tree to Tree Gnome Stronghold and run South-West
  • Teleport to house tablets and redirection scrolls for access to Taverley and Brimhaven house portals
    • Alternatively, a teleport to Falador for the Taverley patch
    • Alternatively, a teleport to Ardougne or Rimmington for the Brimhaven patch
  • Teleport crystal to Lletya
  • Digsite pendant or a Digsite teleport for hardwood trees
  • Rake stored at a Tool Leprechaun
  • An Axe (Optional, if not paying for the farmers to remove the tree)

Doing the run

  1. Teleport to Falador Park with the ring of wealth. Check the health of the tree and replant it.
  2. Teleport to Taverley and run east (or run north from Falador) to the tree patch. Check the health of the tree and replant it.
  3. Teleport to Lumbridge, exit the city west through the Lumbridge Castle walls and run a bit north to the tree patch. Check the health of the tree and replant it.
  4. Teleport to Varrock, run a bit north and then north-east to the tree patch. Check the health of the tree and replant it.
  5. Use your Slayer Ring to teleport to the Stronghold Cave, Check the health of the tree and replant it(or use the Spirit Tree to Tree Gnome Stronghold and run South-West).
  6. Run across to the Spirit Tree just North East of the Stronghold Cave, Check the health of the fruit tree just east of it and replant it.
  7. Use the Spirit Tree to Teleport to Tree Gnome Village. Run to the south-west corner of the fence and squeeze through the entrance. Click on Elkoy to follow him through the maze, and run a bit south-west to the fruit tree patch. Check the health of the fruit tree and replant it.
  8. Teleport to Catherby and run east to the fruit tree patch near the fishing spots. Check the health of the fruit tree and replant it.
  9. Head to the Brimhaven fruit tree patch by using a house teleport to Brimhaven and running north. Alternatively with the help of 480 coins, players can take the Charter ship from the Catherby Docks to Brimhaven, very close to the fruit tree patch. Another option is to teleport to Karamja with a charged amulet of glory and run westward.
  10. Teleport to the Digsite by using a digsite pendant or Digsite teleport. Run to the barge, quick-travel to Fossil Island and run to the hardwood tree patches slightly north. Check the healths of the hardwood trees and replant them.
  11. Teleport to Lletya with the Teleport crystal and plant your last fruit tree.

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Other methods

Herb runs

Herb runs offer good profit, and decent Farming experience when growing high-level herbs such as torstols. Some players choose to do this to compensate the cost of doing tree runs, or to make money in general. Herbs take 80 minutes to grow. To gain extra Farming experience, players can farm allotments (such as snape grass) along with herb runs.

Always treat herb patches with ultracompost. This minimises the chance of disease, increases the expected yield, and ensures the minimum amount of 6 herbs per seed when used along with magic secateurs.

Completing the elite Morytania Diary unlocks a new herb patch on Harmony Island.


GP/XP calculations

Tithe Farm

At level 34, experience may be gained at the Tithe Farm minigame. In this way, players can gain significant Farming experience between the time it takes patches to grow, or train exclusively at the minigame to save money on seeds. From level 74 onwards, players can get around 90,000–100,000 experience per hour.

Exclusive rewards obtained through tithe farm can prove useful in training farming, such as the farmer's outfit, the seed box, and the gricoller's can.

See also