Clue scroll (medium)

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Clue scroll (medium)
Released5 May 2004 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsRead, Check steps, Drop
  • "A set of instructions to be followed"
  • "A clue!"
  • "A piece of the world map,but where?"
  • "Perhaps someone at the observatory can teach me to navigate?"
  • "It points to great treasure!"
  • "A clue suggested by Tach!"
  • "A clue suggested by epic niceXD!"
  • "A clue suggested by 1LetterShor!"
  • "A clue suggested by Afropunk!"
  • "A clue suggested by Versierd!"
  • "A clue written by My Saviour!"
Value20 coins
High alch12 coins
Low alch8 coins
Weight0.02 kg
Advanced data
Item IDN/A

A clue scroll (medium) is a valuable random drop from a large variety of mid-levelled monsters. Clue scrolls are the start of a Treasure Trail - a treasure hunt that sends players hunting all around Gielinor. At the end of the hunt players receive a reward of items randomly selected from a specific list, possibly including very rare and very valuable items. For a guide on how to complete a clue scroll, see: Treasure Trails Guide. Medium clue scrolls are mostly easy to obtain and complete, and offer average rewards in return. The rewards can range from mithril armour to ranger boots.

Medium clue scrolls offer coordinate clues along with more complex puzzles than easy clues, and occasionally a monster ranging from a chicken to a Market Guard may be fought. However, there are no clue steps that bring you to the Wilderness.

They can take between 3 and 5 steps to complete.

Completion of medium clues will give a casket (medium) containing the final reward for the trail. After completing 400 medium clues, the player will be awarded a clueless scroll.

As for all tiers of clue scrolls, only one medium clue scroll can be held, kept in death's office or stored in a bank at one time.

If a player dies in the Wilderness with a clue scroll above level 20, it will disappear whether it's a PvP death or not, unless it is an item kept on death, or if that player has a clue box. Players will find that the clue scroll will be gone upon returning to their loot otherwise. In lower level Wilderness, unprotected clue scrolls will stay on the ground for an hour if killed by another player, or remain in the inventory if killed by a monster.

A one-time medium clue scroll can be rarely obtained (1/256 chance[1]) from feeding a monkey bananas. When this happens, a message appears in the player's chat box saying "The monkey chews on the banana and spits out a clue!".

Completion of Medium Combat Achievements gives a 5% increased chance to receive a medium clue scroll from all sources, excluding implings.

A medium clue scroll can be given to Watson along with an easy, hard and elite clue scrolls in order to receive a master clue scroll.

Types of clues

Please note that it is possible to receive the same clue more than once.


Skill requirements

Certain clues will require items that need a certain skill requirement in order to wear, wield or access. The table below shows the highest skill requirement, in order to complete every medium clue. Quest skill requirements are not noted in this table.

Skill level Details
Agility 35 (boostable) Required to enter the Barbarian Agility Arena.
Attack 30 (not boostable) Required to wield adamant weaponry.
Defence 40 (not boostable) Required to wear green or blue d'hide body.
Farming 45 (boostable) Required to enter the Farming Guild.
Magic 40 (not boostable) Required to wear mystic robes.
Ranged 50 (not boostable) Required to wear blue dragonhide armour.
Strength 15 (not boostable) Required to wield adamant halberd.

Additional requirements for ironmen

Players playing in the ironman mode may find it more difficult to obtain certain items required for emote clues. Possible challenges are listed below.

Skill level Details
Crafting 45 (boostable)
Hunter 74 (boostable)
To obtain snakeskin boots.
Crafting 71 (boostable)
The ability to kill brutal blue dragons.
To obtain blue d'hide body.
Slayer 55 (boostable)
Magic 66 (boostable)
Hunter 83 (boostable)
To obtain mystic robe bottoms.
Slayer 52 (boostable) To obtain mithril boots.
Crafting 51 (boostable) To obtain snakeskin chaps.

Note, that a clue step requiring adamant boots is blocked for ironmen.[2]

Quest requirements

Some clues require access to areas which may require quests. Some only require to start the quest in order to access the area.

Quest Details
Biohazard Gives access to the Combat Training Camp.
Bone Voyage Gives access to Fossil Island.
Children of the Sun Gives access to Varlamore.
The Corsair Curse (Completion of quest not necessary) Gives access to Corsair Cove.
Creature of Fenkenstrain (Completion of quest not necessary) Gives access to Mausoleum.
Dragon Slayer I Gives access to green d'hide body and Crandor.
The Fremennik Trials Gives access to Miscellania.
Horror from the Deep (Completion of quest not necessary) Gives access to the Lighthouse.
Jungle Potion Gives access to Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wannai.
Lost City Gives access to the song Faerie.
Mountain Daughter (Completion of quest not necessary) Gives access to the song Cave of Beasts.
Nature Spirit (Completion of quest not necessary) Gives access to Mort Myre Swamp.
Priest in Peril Gives access to Morytania.
Ratcatchers (Completion of quest not necessary, must complete part 1 "Jimmy Dazzler" to access Ardougne rat pit.) Gives access to the song Catch Me If You Can.
Ironman: Regicide (Completion of quest not necessary) Gives access to the Quartermaster store to buy an adamant halberd.
Ironman: The Lost Tribe Gives access to Nardok's Bone Weapons to buy a bone dagger.
Sea Slug (Completion of quest not necessary) Gives access to Fishing Platform.
The Tourist Trap (Completion of quest not necessary) Gives access to the Desert Mining Camp.
Waterfall Quest (Completion of quest not necessary) Gives access to the Baxtorian Falls.

Music requirements

Music Track Unlock location Notes
Catch Me If You Can Ardougne Rat Pits Requires partial completion of Ratcatchers.
Cave of Beasts The Kendal's cave Requires partial completion [up to boss fight] of Mountain Daughter.
Devils May Care Smoke Devil Dungeon If you quickly enter and then exit the dungeon right away, then a facemask or slayer helmet is not necessary.
Faerie Zanaris Requires completion of Lost City.
Forgotten Ruins of Uzer N/A
Karamja Jam Brimhaven Dungeon Access to the dungeon requires a fee from either Saniboch or Banisoch.
Subterranea Crabclaw Caves or Waterbirth Island Dungeon Crabclaw Caves access requires partial completion of The Depths of Despair.

Item requirements

'Minimum level requirements' indicates the level required to equip all items on the list in order to complete their respective clue steps.

Any quantities below indicate how many of each item is required to fill all available medium STASH units.

Minimum level requirements
Attack 30 Attack Strength 30 Strength Ranged 50 Ranged Magic 40 Magic
Defence 40 Defence
Items required
Adamant boots[a] Adamant dagger[a] Adamant full helm Adamant halberd
Adamant med helm Adamant platebody Adamant platelegs Adamant plateskirt
Adamant sq shield Adamant sword Adamant warhammer Amulet of power
Blue boots Blue d'hide body Blue d'hide vambraces[a] Blue wizard hat
Blue wizard robe Bone dagger Bronze full helm Bronze sq shield
2 × Brown apron File:Bruise blue snelm (pointed).pngBruise blue snelm (pointed) Diamond ring Green d'hide body
5 × Green d'hide chaps Green hat Green robe top Hardleather body
Iron 2h sword Iron med helm Iron pickaxe Leather boots
Leather gloves 3 × Maple longbow Maple shortbow Mithril chainbody
Mithril full helm Mithril med helm Mithril boots Mithril platebody
Mithril platelegs Mithril plateskirt Mithril scimitar Mystic gloves
Mystic robe bottom Purple gloves File:Ring of dueling.pngRing of dueling Ring of forging
Ring of life 3 × Ruby amulet Sapphire amulet Silver sickle
Snakeskin boots Snakeskin chaps 2 × Staff of air 2 × Steel kiteshield
Steel longsword Steel platebody Steel platelegs Steel sq shield
2 × Team cape
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Not required for Ironman Mode players.[2]

Possible rewards

The average loot roll of a medium clue is worth 40,217.00. If ranger boots are excluded, the expected value of each loot roll is worth 12,675.00.

On average, medium clues are worth 160,871.00, or 50,700.00 when the ranger boots are excluded.

As well as the unique Treasure Trails rewards shown below, players may also receive a variety of other items. A more detailed overview of all possible rewards can be found at reward casket (medium).

Image Name
Mithril trimmed armour
Mithril gold-trimmed armour
Adamant trimmed armour
Adamant gold-trimmed armour

Headbands (Black, Red, Brown, Pink, Green, Blue, White, Gold)

Boaters (Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Black, Pink, Purple, White)
Trimmed green dragonhide armour
Gold-trimmed green dragonhide armour

Adamant heraldic armour (h1 to h5)
Black/white elegant clothing
Purple elegant clothing
Pink elegant clothing
Gold elegant clothing
Wolf cloak and Wolf mask

Vestment mitres and cloaks (Guthix, Saradomin, Zamorak, Zaros, Bandos, and Armadyl)
Vestment stoles and croziers (Ancient, Armadyl, and Bandos)
Great Kourend city banners

Item sources

No drop sources found. To force an update, click here.

Shop locations

Lua error: The item "Clue scroll (medium)" is not sold in any shop, please check for typos.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:6 March 2024| |0}} {{#explode:6 March 2024| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:6 March 2024| |2}}]]

Clue Scrolls dropped by a player now last one hour on the ground rather than two minutes. This does not change existing behaviour for Clue Scrolls dropped by NPCs or other entities. Additionally, you are now told if you would have gotten a clue but didn't because you already have one.

[[{{#explode:11 April 2019| |0}} {{#explode:11 April 2019| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:11 April 2019| |2}}]]

The item was graphically updated.

[[{{#explode:4 January 2018| |0}} {{#explode:4 January 2018| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:4 January 2018| |2}}]]

The medium clue answer regarding the number of gravestones in Lumbridge now includes the Jarvis gravestone for those who let him die during the Halloween event.

[[{{#explode:9 March 2017| |0}} {{#explode:9 March 2017| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:9 March 2017| |2}}]]

The item's value was increased from 1 to 20.

[[{{#explode:21 April 2016| |0}} {{#explode:21 April 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:21 April 2016| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

Medium clue scrolls have been added to earth, essence, and eclectic impling drop tables.

[[{{#explode:8 October 2015| |0}} {{#explode:8 October 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:8 October 2015| |2}}]]

Increased the zone check for an emote clue at the Observatory.

[[{{#explode:2 July 2015| |0}} {{#explode:2 July 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 July 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

All clue scrolls now have a right-click 'Check steps' option that will allow you to see exactly how many steps you have completed so far.

[[{{#explode:18 June 2015| |0}} {{#explode:18 June 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:18 June 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

You will now be able to have up to one clue scroll of each tier and will be able to complete clue scrolls of different tiers simultaneously.

[[{{#explode:14 May 2015| |0}} {{#explode:14 May 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 May 2015| |2}}]]

Clue scroll stages no longer increase when bouncing different clue scrolls.

[[{{#explode:23 April 2015| |0}} {{#explode:23 April 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:23 April 2015| |2}}]]

The drop rate of medium clue scrolls from guards in Falador is now increased by 20% if you have completed the Falador Medium Diary.

[[{{#explode:6 March 2014| |0}} {{#explode:6 March 2014| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:6 March 2014| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The item was renamed from "Clue scroll" to "Clue scroll (medium)".

[[{{#explode:14 March 2005| |0}} {{#explode:14 March 2005| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:14 March 2005| |2}}]]

A medium level clue which sent you into the Wilderness was changed to send you elsewhere.

Gallery (historical)

5 May 2004 –
11 April 2019
11 April 2019 –


  • After the update of 18 June 2015 it is now possible to have one clue scroll of each tier at a time, while previously the player could not get any clue scroll at all until completing or dropping the current one in order to receive a new one of the same difficulty.


  1. ^
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1