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Released26 January 2005 (Update)
Combat level29
ExamineThe slime of evil.
Combat info
XP bonus+0%
Max hit4
Attack styleCrush
Attack speed4 ticks (2.4 seconds)
Respawn time15 ticks (9 seconds)
Slayer info
Slayer level20
Slayer XP27 xp
Assigned by
Combat stats
Aggressive stats
Monster attack bonusMonster strength bonusMonster magic strength bonusMonster ranged strength bonus
Melee defence
Magic defence
No elemental weakness
+0No elemental weakness
Ranged defence
PoisonNot immune
VenomNot immune
CannonsNot immune
ThrallsNot immune
Advanced data
Monster ID421

Rockslugs are Slayer monsters that require level 20 Slayer to kill. In order to kill a rockslug, a bag of salt must be used when it has 4 or less Hitpoints. If a bag of salt is used on a rockslug with 5 or more Hitpoints, the bag will be consumed but have no effect. If a rockslug's health is reduced to 1 but a bag of salt is not used on it, the rockslug will stop retaliating and wander off. Players can buy the "Slug salter" perk from a Slayer Master for 80 Slayer points, which will automatically salt the rockslug when it falls below 4 Hitpoints, provided that the player has a bag of salt in their inventory. Alternatively, a brine sabre can be used to kill them without the need for bags of salt.

They are rarely killed due to their mediocre drops, which consists of low level ores and seeds. They may rarely drop the mystic gloves (light).


Location Levels Members Spawns Map League region
Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon (AJQ)29Members1<maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="5225" x="2729" zoom="2" mapID="10045"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2729.5,5223.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"10045","providerID":0,"group":"pins","icon":"redPin","plane":"0","description":"

X/Y: 2729,5223

"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Fremennik Slayer Dungeon (AJR)29Members7<maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="10019" x="2798" zoom="2" mapID="17"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[2793.5,10016.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"17","providerID":0,"group":"pins","icon":"redPin","plane":"0","description":"

X/Y: 2793,10016


X/Y: 2795,10017


X/Y: 2798,10018


X/Y: 2800,10020


X/Y: 2801,10015


X/Y: 2803,10017


X/Y: 2804,10019

"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>
Fremennik Fremennik
Lumbridge Swamp Caves29Members5<maplink group="pins" align="center" text="Maplink" plane="0" y="9579" x="3224" zoom="2" mapID="12"> {"features":[{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[3222.5,9571.5],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"mapID":"12","providerID":0,"group":"pins","icon":"redPin","plane":"0","description":"

X/Y: 3222,9571


X/Y: 3225,9577


X/Y: 3225,9583


X/Y: 3222,9580


X/Y: 3226,9573

"}}],"type":"FeatureCollection"} </maplink>


Drop rates estimated based on 475,942 samples from the Drop Rate Project, unless otherwise cited.


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Mystic gloves (light).png: Rockslug drops Mystic gloves (light) with rarity 1/512 in quantity 1Mystic gloves (light)11/5125,8446,000


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Earth rune.png: Rockslug drops Earth rune with rarity 30/128 in quantity 5Earth rune530/1282510
Earth rune.png: Rockslug drops Earth rune with rarity 4/128 in quantity 42Earth rune424/12821084
Chaos rune.png: Rockslug drops Chaos rune with rarity 4/128 in quantity 2Chaos rune24/128204108

Ores and bars

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Coal.png: Rockslug drops Coal with rarity 13/128 in quantity 1Coal113/12815227
Iron ore.png: Rockslug drops Iron ore with rarity 22/128 in quantity 1Iron ore122/12820910
Bronze bar.png: Rockslug drops Bronze bar with rarity 2/128 in quantity 1Bronze bar12/1281374
Iron bar.png: Rockslug drops Iron bar with rarity 3/128 in quantity 1Iron bar13/12821916
Copper ore.png: Rockslug drops Copper ore with rarity 3/128 in quantity 1Copper ore13/128271
Tin ore.png: Rockslug drops Tin ore with rarity 8/128 in quantity 1Tin ore18/128271
Mithril ore.png: Rockslug drops Mithril ore with rarity 1/128 in quantity 1Mithril ore11/12813497


There is a 9/128 chance of rolling the general seed drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Potato seed.png: Rockslug drops Potato seed with rarity 1/38 in quantity 4Potato seed41/3844
Onion seed.png: Rockslug drops Onion seed with rarity 1/51 in quantity 4Onion seed41/5144
Cabbage seed.png: Rockslug drops Cabbage seed with rarity 1/77 in quantity 4Cabbage seed41/7784
Tomato seed.png: Rockslug drops Tomato seed with rarity 1/155 in quantity 3Tomato seed31/15596
Sweetcorn seed.png: Rockslug drops Sweetcorn seed with rarity 1/311 in quantity 3Sweetcorn seed31/311912
Strawberry seed.png: Rockslug drops Strawberry seed with rarity 1/623 in quantity 2Strawberry seed21/6231420
Watermelon seed.png: Rockslug drops Watermelon seed with rarity 1/1,303 in quantity 2Watermelon seed21/1,3036866
Snape grass seed.png: Rockslug drops Snape grass seed with rarity 1/1,792 in quantity 2Snape grass seed21/1,79215,132112


Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
Dwarven stout.png: Rockslug drops Dwarven stout with rarity 13/128 in quantity 1Dwarven stout113/1281551
Hammer.png: Rockslug drops Hammer with rarity 10/128 in quantity 1Hammer110/128590

Gem drop table

There is a 6/128 chance of rolling the gem drop table.

Item Quantity Rarity Price High Alch
This does not exist.NothingN/A1/42.74; Never[d 1]N/AN/A
Uncut sapphire.png: Rockslug drops Uncut sapphire with rarity 1/85.33 in quantity 1Uncut sapphire11/85.33; 1/43.33[d 2]23815
Uncut emerald.png: Rockslug drops Uncut emerald with rarity 1/170.67 in quantity 1Uncut emerald11/170.67; 1/86.67[d 2]46330
Uncut ruby.png: Rockslug drops Uncut ruby with rarity 1/341.33 in quantity 1Uncut ruby11/341.33; 1/173.33[d 2]98860
Chaos talisman.png: Rockslug drops Chaos talisman with rarity 1/910.22 in quantity 1Chaos talisman11/910.22; 1/462.22[d 2][d 3]3092
Nature talisman.png: Rockslug drops Nature talisman with rarity 1/910.22 in quantity 1Nature talisman11/910.22; 1/462.22[d 2][d 3]3282
Uncut diamond.png: Rockslug drops Uncut diamond with rarity 1/1,365.33 in quantity 1Uncut diamond11/1,365.33; 1/693.33[d 2]2,142120
Loop half of key.png: Rockslug drops Loop half of key with rarity 1/2,730.67 in quantity 1Loop half of key11/2,730.67; 1/1,386.67[d 2]11,91960
Tooth half of key.png: Rockslug drops Tooth half of key with rarity 1/2,730.67 in quantity 1Tooth half of key11/2,730.67; 1/1,386.67[d 2]11,92560
Rune javelin.png: Rockslug drops Rune javelin with rarity 1/2,730.67 in quantity 5Rune javelin51/2,730.67; 1/1,386.67[d 2]9501,200
Rune spear.png: Rockslug drops Rune spear with rarity 1/43,690.67 in quantity 1Rune spear11/43,690.67; 1/2,600[d 2][d 4]11,87112,480
Shield left half.png: Rockslug drops Shield left half with rarity 1/87,381.33 in quantity 1Shield left half11/87,381.33; 1/5,200[d 2][d 4]65,39466,000
Dragon spear.png: Rockslug drops Dragon spear with rarity 1/116,508.44 in quantity 1Dragon spear11/116,508.44; 1/6,933.33[d 2][d 4]38,85437,440
  1. ^ The "nothing" drop is removed while wearing a ring of wealth.
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 The drop rate is increased while wearing a ring of wealth due to the "nothing" drop being removed.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 The talisman dropped depends on where the monster is located: monsters above ground level drop the nature talisman, and monsters below ground level drop the chaos talisman.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Only dropped if Legends' Quest has been finished; if not, a talisman is dropped instead.