Saradomin brew

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Saradomin brew(1)
Released24 October 2005 (Update)
Quest itemNo
OptionsDrink, Empty, Drop
Examine1 dose of Saradomin brew.
Value125 coins
High alch75 coins
Low alch50 coins
Weight0.02 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange2,935 coins (info)
Buy limit2,000
Daily volume2,317
Advanced data
Item ID6691

A Saradomin brew is made by mixing toadflax and a crushed bird's nest in a vial of water, giving 180 Herblore experience. This requires level 81 Herblore.

Each dose of a Saradomin brew temporarily raises Hitpoints by 15% + 2 and Defence by 20% + 2 of their base levels, both rounded down, and can boost a player's Hitpoints above their maximum Hitpoints level by up to the amount healed. It also temporarily lowers Strength, Attack, Magic and Ranged by 10% + 2 of their current levels. Players typically bring super restore potions along with Saradomin brews to offset their stat reduction effect, as one dose of super restore is enough to restore lost stats from three doses of Saradomin brew, or up to four doses of brew if the player's stats were boosted beforehand (as with a super combat potion).

When used carefully, Saradomin brews can restore far more Hitpoints per inventory slot than any other item other than purple sweets. Saradomin brews are often used when fighting bosses, player killing, and in minigames such as the TzHaar Fight Cave. Its ability to heal above the maximum Hitpoints (similarly to anglerfish) as well as providing a slightly higher boost than a super defence potion also make it useful for tanking.

Mixing a Saradomin brew in the Falador east bank is needed to complete the elite Falador Diary.


Hitpoints per dose

The amount of Hitpoints healed is based on a player's base Hitpoints level. The formula is .

Hitpoints Level Boost Hitpoints Level Boost Hitpoints Level Boost
10–13 +3 40–46 +8 74–79 +13
14–19 +4 47–53 +9 80–86 +14
20–26 +5 54–59 +10 87–93 +15
27–33 +6 60–66 +11 94–99 +16
34–39 +7 67–73 +12

Defence boost by level

Defence boost is calculated with: .

Defence Level Boost Defence Level Boost Defence Level Boost
1–4 +2 35–39 +9 70–74 +16
5–9 +3 40–44 +10 75–79 +17
10–14 +4 45–49 +11 80–84 +18
15–19 +5 50–54 +12 85–89 +19
20–24 +6 55–59 +13 90–94 +20
25–29 +7 60–64 +14 95–99 +21
30–34 +8 65–69 +15

Stat drain by level

Attack/Strength/Ranged/Magic drain is calculated with: .

Skills Level Boost Skills Level Boost
1 -1 60–69 -8
2–9 -2 70–79 -9
10–19 -3 80–89 -10
20–29 -4 90–99 -11
30–39 -5 100–109 -12
40–49 -6 110–119 -13
50–59 -7 120–125 -14


Herblore Herblore81 (b)180
Ticks2 (1.2s)
Toadflax potion (unf)13,865
Crushed nest16,974
Total cost10,839
Saradomin brew(3)19,032

Price per dose

Item Price per dose
Saradomin brew(1) 2,935
Saradomin brew(2) 2,902
Saradomin brew(3) 3,011
File:Saradomin brew(4).png Saradomin brew(4) 3,061

Item sources

Saradomin brew(2)

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Saradomin brew(3)

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Saradomin brew(4)

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Shop locations

Lua error: The item "Saradomin brew(4)" is not sold in any shop, please check for typos.


  • At a Hitpoints level of 34 or above, a 4-dose Saradomin Brew has more healing per-slot than any other food in the game. Restoring a total of 28 Hitpoints at a Hitpoints level of 34, it restores 2 points more than Cooked moonlight antelope which heal 26.
    • This does not include purple sweets, as they are a stackable food item.
  • Despite being high healing the chat message when drinking the potion indicates that it does not taste too good: You drink some of the foul liquid.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:15 April 2016| |0}} {{#explode:15 April 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:15 April 2016| |2}}]]

Half full potions could now be turned into bank placeholders.