Theatre of Blood/Strategies

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The Theatre of Blood is a raid located in Ver Sinhaza. It is the second raid released to date.

Unlike in Tombs of Amascut, players are not allowed to teleport out of the Theatre of Blood - the only way to escape in the middle of a fight is through an escape crystal, sold by the Mysterious Stranger outside the raid for 75,000 coins each. Players who die during the raid will be placed in purgatory. If the room is successfully cleared by the remaining players, those who have died will be reunited with the rest of their team. If the entire team dies, the raid will end and team members will have to reclaim their items from the chest for 100,000 coins. Dying elsewhere without claiming items from the chest will result in them being lost for good.


Suggested skills

For Normal and Hard Mode:

For Entry Mode:

  • 75+Attack ,Strength ,Defence ,Hitpoints ,Ranged ,Magic , andPrayer

Getting there

There are multiple ways to reach Ver Sinhaza:


  1. ^ On certain bosses.
  2. ^ Do not use against Nylocas Ischyros' melee form
  3. ^ Burn damage will be nulled in multiple places throughout the raid

Every role will bring the best melee equipment available, as melee is used predominantly throughout the raid.


  • Elite void performs better than the next best setup without Ferocious gloves, Serp/Faceguard, or an Amulet of torture, and saves an additional 2 inventory spaces
  • A Ghrazi rapier performs similarly to an Abyssal tentacle, (although worse at Verzik), and does not consume charges
  • A Noxious halberd generally performs better than an Abyssal tentacle. However, it is worse at P2 Verzik unless using it on a 5t cycle which can be difficult to master.
  • Raiders should enter the theatre with a one-handed weapon and offhand equipped and bring in an anglerfish to eat after Maiden
  • Salve amulet (e) should be dropped after the Bloat room to gain an extra inventory space
  • A Swift blade or Ham joint is helpful for the meleers in the Nylo room. However, a fast 4t weapon such as an Abyssal tentacle will work.
  • All roles should bring both dragon claws, crystal halberd, Elder maul/Dragon warhammer and a Bandos godsword when possible.
  • The rune pouch should contain runes for Thralls along with a book of the dead. Additional runes can be brought for Spellbook Swap, Potshare, and Vengeance if inventory space allows.
  1. ^ Can be used in place of a poison weapon for Nylocas Athanatos
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 With full void in all styles
  3. ^ Beats saeldor after 3 stacks
  4. ^ On certain bosses.
  5. ^ Requires advanced movement for P2 Verzik
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 If using a Twisted bow
  7. ^ Do not use against Nylocas Ischyros' melee form
  8. ^ Burn damage will be nulled in multiple places throughout the raid

In addition to full melee gear, freezers will bring additional magic equipment for freezing Nylocas Matomenos and for Nylocas Hagios. Non-freeze roles should only bring a powered staff for Nylocas Vasilias.


  • In 4 man raids, one freezer (the melee freeze) should additionally take a Swift blade, Ham joint , or other fast melee weapon for the Nylocas waves
  • Ancient sceptre will extend the freeze duration of Nylocas Matomenos, which is helpful for stacking and skipping at Maiden. Otherwise, the additional magic damage is preferred over a longer freeze duration
  • Raiders should enter the theatre with their one-handed weapon and offhand equipped and bring in an anglerfish to eat after Maiden
  • The Book of darkness can be dropped after Maiden to gain an extra inventory space once the additional magic accuracy is no longer needed.
  • Maging in Elite void can save considerable space when bringing in Elite void ranged as well. Using a Twisted bow at Maiden is also much more forgiving when preparing to freeze nylos.
  • 2 Pieces of Ancestral robes will give an extra Sang/Trident max hit, while 2 pieces of Virtus will give an extra barrage max hit in most setups. While magic equipment below ancestral/virtus can be used, it is only marginally better than elite void equipment.
    • For 100% freeze rate at Maiden (without a boosted magic level), +103 magic accuracy is required for ancestral/virtus, and +54 magic accuracy is required for void, both assume Augury is active. If using equipment other than this, refer to Nylocas Matomenos for magic accuracy requirements.
    • Void freezers may need to take off their defender and boots to reach 100% freeze rate. If freezing with a powered staff put it on accurate for an invisible accuracy bonus
  • Freeze roles should take a saturated heart or imbued heart for the nylo room.
  • Tonalztics of ralos can be used to reduce Maiden to 0 defence in only 2 specs after a single Dragon warhammer or Elder maul to save special attacks for stacking or 30s skip.
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 With full void
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 If additional magic accuracy is needed, such as with Elite void
  3. ^ If not bringing a defender
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 If using a Twisted bow

In addition to full melee gear, the ranger will bring full Elite void and a Toxic blowpipe as its speed and damage far exceeds other range equipment on Nylocas. Without a Scythe, elite void and a Toxic blowpipe will deal more damage than most melee setups on Maiden and Xarpus.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 With full void
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Non-range roles can bring 1-2 pieces of masori instead of full range void to save inventory space
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 If bringing chinchompas
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 If using a Twisted bow

Example setups
Learner/Void Melee Freezer Ranger
File:Crystal halberd.pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Ranging potion(4).png
File:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).pngFile:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).png
File:Crystal halberd.png
File:Ranging potion(4).pngFile:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Guthix rest(4).pngFile:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).png
File:Crystal halberd.png
File:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Guthix rest(4).pngFile:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).png
File:Infernal cape.png
File:Crystal halberd.png
File:Ranging potion(4).pngFile:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Super combat potion(4).png
File:Guthix rest(4).pngFile:Saradomin brew(4).pngFile:Super restore(4).png


The Theatre of Blood is a linear raid. Thus, there is no randomisation involved, and the bosses will always be encountered in this order.

The raid can be done in a team of up to five players, with the enemies' health scaling accordingly to the size. Enemies have their health adjusted to a five-man encounter, but will be lowered to 87.5% in 4-man encounters and 75.0% in trio and lower scales. It is possible to duo the raid, but this is mostly done for the Theatre (Duo) Speed-Runner Combat Achievement task.

In all of the rooms before Verzik, a barrier separates the team from the boss, and the fight only begins once a player has crossed the barrier, meaning it is possible for a player to avoid some fights in larger groups. However, this will impact overall drops and is not recommended in most cases.

Each boss has a health bar displayed at the top of the screen in percent, giving a rough estimate as to how much health it has left. The only exception is the Nylocas build-up waves, which is the health of the four pillars in the room.

  1. The Maiden of Sugadinti (level-940)
  2. Pestilent Bloat (level-870)
  3. Nylocas Vasilias (level-800)
  4. Sotetseg (level-995)
  5. Xarpus (level-960)
  6. Verzik Vitur (level-1040, final boss)

When each boss is killed, the hitpoints, prayer points, run energy and special attack energy of all team members are restored to full (drained stats will not be restored). When the Pestilent Bloat and Sotetseg are killed, players will gain access to a chest with supplies provided by entertained vampyres containing food and potions.

Item Price (points) Item Price (points) Item Price (points) Item Price (points)
File:Stamina potion(4).png 1 2 File:Saradomin brew(4).png 3 File:Super restore(4).png 3
1 1 2 2

These supplies can be purchased with points, which are earned based on the individual performance of each player:

  • Above average: 10-13 points
  • Average: 8-11 points
  • Below average: 6-9 points

The points earned can carry over to the second chest within the Theatre.

If a player has died during both the Maiden and Pestilent Bloat fights, the chest will only contain an onion. As long as the player has taken the onion out, they will be eligible to receive more points for the next supply chest, provided they do not die in the next two fights. Regardless, a message is always found in the chest.

In the guides below, you will come across a term named orb order - this refers to the order of the health orbs that are present on the top left of the player's screen, from top to bottom. The orb order plays a role in determining who the boss targets, but also as a minor optimisation for coordination during phase 1 of the Verzik fight. Ideally, orb order is as follows based on player's roles:

  • 2-scale: Mage -> Ranger
  • 3-scale: Mage -> Ranger -> Melee
  • 4-scale: Mage -> Melee Freeze (mfrz) -> Ranger -> Melee DPS (mdps)
  • 5-scale: Mage x2 -> Ranger -> Melee x2

The Maiden of Sugadinti

A group of players fighting Serafina, the Maiden of Sugadinti.

The Maiden of Sugadinti is a former human named Serafina, and is the first boss of the raid. She has a Defence level of 200 and a Magic level of 350, and only attacks with magic.


  • Blackstorm - The Maiden's standard magic attack. Every 10 ticks (6 seconds), she will target a player based on the following priority: closest player -> players on her north/east side -> orb order. It is common practice to let the freezers lead in orb order and having another teammate step in when they are low on health.
    • The attack is 100% accurate, and deals damage equal to , where c is equal to the number of Nylocas Matomenos that reach her. This can be halved by activating Protect from Magic, and cannot be tick-eaten.
    • The attack has a 50% chance to drain a player's combat stats by . The stats drained are based on the player's highest attack bonus at the moment they are targeted; as such, players can switch equipment right before she attacks in order to have her drain an irrelevant stat.
  • Nylocas Matomenos - The Maiden will summon a group of Nylocas Matomenos whenever she first reaches 70%, 50%, and 30% of her health; her appearance visibly changes when this happens.
    • Each nylocas has 200 Hitpoints (175 in 4-man and 150 in trios and below), and two are spawned per player. There are 10 possible spawn locations for them in the north and south sides of the arena.
    • If they manage to reach the Maiden, she will be healed by double the amount of their current Hitpoints, in addition to increasing the damage dealt by her blackstorm and blood splat attacks. As such, Ice Barrage is essentially mandatory for the fight.
  • Blood splats - The Maiden will throw blood splats on the tile the player is standing on. Those standing away can react to it, but players in melee distance will need to move before she attacks in order to avoid it. The Maiden cannot use this attack again for the next two attacks following the blood splats being thrown.
    • One player will have two additional blood splats thrown randomly in a 5x5 area centred around them.
    • Standing on one will deal damage equal to , where c is equal to the number of Nylocas Matomenos that reach her, and heals the Maiden by the same amount. Prayer points are also drained.
  • Blood spawn - Appears from blood splats, where they have a 10% chance of spawning from one. If one was stepped on, there is a 20% chance they will appear from one instead.
    • Each blood spawn has 120 Hitpoints.
    • They move about the arena, leaving trails of blood behind. Standing on one will damage the player and heal the Maiden.


Before starting the encounter make sure everyone drops their salve amulet (e) and a piece of food so there are two free inventory spaces to equip two-handed weapons and to be able to take off gear that give negative magic attack bonus (e.g. primordial boots) for freezing. Raiders should also assign freezing roles. In 4 and 5 man scalers there are two freezers, while in solo to trio there is one freezer. If there are two freezers, one will freeze N1234 and the other S12.

The team should use their defence-draining specials first. The most efficient way to reduce Maiden's defence is by hitting two Elder maul special attacks (which reduces her defence to 98), and then 98 damage with the Bandos godsword's (BGS) special attack. The standard special attack procedure for each scale is as follows (all of these assume you prefire Maiden with a Twisted bow or trident on entering the room):

5 man scale -

  • Melees: Instantly hammer Maiden. BGS after Mages if Maiden is still not <10 defence. Use remaining special attack for damaging special attacks (Dinh's if stacking, Dragon claws, Zaryte crossbow).
  • Freezers: BGS one tick after hammers. One, both or neither can BGS again depending on the hits. Use any remaining special attack energy for damaging specials on the skip (30%).
  • Ranger: Back up BGS last if Maiden still not 0 after everyone else has used their special attacks. Otherwise save special attack for damaging specials (Dragon Claws, ZCB).

4 man scale -

  • Melee & Ranger: Instantly hammer Maiden, while the two Mages delay bgsing until one tick after the hammers. BGS after Mages if Maiden is still not <10 defence. Use remaining special attack for damaging special attacks (Dinh's if stacking, Dragon claws, Zaryte crossbow).
  • Freezers: BGS one tick after hammers. One, both or neither can BGS again depending on the hits. Use any remaining special attack energy for damaging specials on the skip (30%).

3 man scale -

  • Melee & Ranger: Instantly hammer Maiden. BGS after the Freezer's two BGS hits if Maiden is still not <10 defence. Use remaining special attack for damaging special attacks (Dinh's if stacking, Dragon claws, Zaryte crossbow).
  • Freezer: BGS one tick after hammers, and again immediately.

2 man scale -

  • Mage: Instantly hammer Maiden twice.
  • Ranger: Scythe twice. If Mage did not hit two hammers, use Elder maul special attacks until two hit, then use remaining special attack energy to BGS. If Mage hit both, simply BGS twice.

After her defence has been reduced below 10 or nobody on the team has remaining special attack energy, begin attacking her normally. It is only recommended to melee with a scythe; if players do not have one, use ranged instead. Due to her high Magic level, the twisted bow is highly effective against her; if the player does not have one, use a toxic blowpipe with the best darts available. The freezer(s) should range Maiden from a distance, even if they have a scythe (except in solo and duo). This is to allow them to be on time to freeze the crabs with minimal downtime. Once 30s have been frozen, the freezers can melee Maiden if they have a scythe, or damaging special attacks.

Potential spawn points of the Nylocas Matomenos

Freezers should ice barrage the nylocas that spawn, to prevent them from reaching Maiden when she reaches 70, 50, 30% of her health. There are 5 potential nylocas spawns on the north and south side of the arena. The nylocas are referred to as N1-N4 and S1-S4, N1 being the nylocas that spawns closest to Maiden on the north side. There are two possible N4s and S4s, which is why there are 5 possible spawns. N1, N2, and S1 cannot be clumped together with other nylocas, but the other spawns can all be frozen on top of each other in front of Maiden, where they can be efficiently killed with area-of-effect weapons. Freezers should stand further away from Maiden so she does not drain their stats while they are freezing.

With two freezers, the ideal strategy is for the north freezer to freeze N1 on the first tick possible. They should then freeze N2, S3 and N4 in that order, which will cause a clump of crabs in front of Maiden. The south freezer should freeze S1 and then freeze S2 in the clump; if they freeze S1 on the first possible tick then they will need to wait an extra tick before freezing S2. If the south freezer notices their other mager is late they can freeze 3s or 4s for them. Freezers should then barrage the clump until it is dead or very low hitpoints. DPS should kill the stray nylocas before getting back on Maiden. Experienced teams will instead barrage a few times before letting the ranger chin the clump - in this case the freezers should help kill single crabs. Black chinchompas are particularly effective in higher scales due to their ability to hit more targets simultaneously than Ice Barrage. Repeat for the remaining nylocas spawns.

Skipping 30's

Instead of finishing off the last set of crabs that spawn, teams can instead choose to kill maiden before the crabs unfreeze and heal maiden. Once 30's spawn, the DPS roles will continue to attack maiden as normal. The south freeze will only freeze S1 and S2 before returning to the boss. North freeze will freeze N1, N2, N3, and N4 before attacking the boss. To quickly finish off the boss, teams should utilize any remaining special attacks and vengeance to quickly damage the boss. If any crabs leak, it is often better to kill the remaining crabs than attempt to skip.

Stacking 70's and 50's

With best-in-slot gear or help from the Ancient sceptre, it is possible to clump the first and second set of nylocas, which is referred to as stacking. For 70's, instead of continuing to barrage the clump, freezers will immediately begin attacking the boss again once their crabs are frozen to spawn the 50's set as soon as possible. DPS roles will also ignore the 70's while continuing to attack the boss. As soon as 50's spawn, freezers will freeze the 50's set on top of the 70's set. This allows each of their barrages to hit multiple nylos and do extra damage. The ranger should be prepared to either Scythe the S1 pile or start throwing chinchompas on the stack. Melee roles will scythe the N1 and N2 stacks or prepare to use a Dinh's bulwark special attack on the stack. This method is commonly paired with skipping 30's.

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 With elite void ranged

Pestilent Bloat

A group of players fighting The Butcher's crazed creation, the Pestilent Bloat.

The Pestilent Bloat is an undead abomination made from various body parts, and is the second boss in the Theatre of Blood.

Being undead, the salve amulet is very powerful against Bloat. Bloat is highly resistant to magic and ranged attacks and weak to melee, especially slash attacks. Before entering, make sure to equip the salve amulet and eat an anglerfish; otherwise, drop a potion.


  • Movement
    • Bloat walks around room in a fixed path around the central tank. On entering the Bloat area, the direction he will be walking will be random, but the position he spawns in is predictable.
    • Bloat has two possible speeds, walking and running. Bloat moves at two tiles per tick when running, and one tile per tick when walking. The boss will walk at 60%-100%, run at 40%-60% and will alternate between walking and running for every hit made on upon falling below 40% health.
    • Bloat can change direction. There is a 32 tick cooldown (19.2 seconds) on these direction changes. On entering the room, the cooldown is 32. This timer is preserved between walks, and only counts down while bloat is walking.
    • Bloat will naturally walk for between 34 and 42 ticks, unless it was not attacked by any player on the previous down, which extends the walk by 4 ticks. This means that on entering the room, Bloat will walk for between 38 and 46 ticks before going down, but subsequent walks will last 34 to 42. However, for 5 ticks following a change in direction, Bloat can not go down. This can cause walk durations longer than the usual maximum.

When active (moving), Bloat attacks anyone in its line of sight with a fly-based ranged attack every game tick. These flies can deal up to 20 damage, reduced by 25% if Protect from Missiles are active. The flies can spread onto other players if the attacked player(s) have a line of sight on other player(s), even if the Bloat cannot see those players. Additionally, any damage dealt to Bloat while he is active is halved (rounded down). After a period of walking (around 20-25 seconds), the boss will stop and shut down for 32 game ticks (19.2 seconds). On the 30th tick of inactivity, the boss will stomp on the ground, dealing 40-80 damage and restoring any drained Defence levels. It is possible to tick eat this attack.

At the start of the fight, the bloat will always be walking and is unable to turn for 19.2 seconds. When pushed below 90% health, hands will begin to fall from the ceiling while he's active. Where they land is indicated by shadows on the ground. Getting hit by falling hands will deal roughly 30-50 damage and stun the player for a few seconds. When Bloat is between 40% to 60% of its health, it will always run, moving two tiles at a time. Below 40%, it can either run or walk - each hit-splat Bloat receives will cause it to change speed. Therefore, it is recommended that teams nuke the 60-40% threshold to prevent running, as it can cause headaches otherwise.

To start the fight have one raider enter the room when Bloat is on the opposite side of the pillar. Hug the pillar and hide from Bloat as it walks around the room. While optional, one or two players should do a run-by on the boss with a Bandos godsword special to lower its Defence, making it easier to hit as it has moderate defence bonuses.

As soon as Bloat deactivates, the rest of the team should enter and begin attacking with melee. The team will have roughly 18 seconds to deal damage before it reactivates. Just before the boss reactivates it will stomp the ground and hit anyone in its line of sight for 40-80 damage. Hide behind the pillar before it stomps. If you are close to bloat when it deactivates you can fit in 6 tentacle/rapier/saeldor hits or 5 scythe hits. If you are late, do 1 fewer hit. Always try to use a crystal halberd special attack for your last hit.

Before entering the next room, raiders should drop their salve amulet (e) and buy a stamina potion(4) from the chest. If the party has a raider with potion share spells, only they need to purchase one.

Nylocas Vasilias

A group of players battle against the Nylocas hordes.
A group of players fighting the Nylocas Vasilias, a result of Verzik Vitur's diverse breeding program.

The Nylocas are found in the third room of the Theatre of Blood.

Before starting the room, sip a dose of stamina potion and repot combat potions if necessary.

Each player should be assigned a style of Nylocas to kill prior to starting the room. The assigned roles depend on team size. In trio encounters, each player will take one combat style; in 4-man encounters, two players will melee while one ranges and the other mages. In 5-man encounters, two players will mage, another two melee and the remaining player ranges. One player, ideally a ranger, should use Boost Potion Share on a stamina potion as there is a lot of running in the nylocas waves, especially for melee users.

Meleers with a scythe should usually have a fun weapon (swift blade or ham joint) as the small size of the nylocas limits its effectiveness and a waste of charges. The fun weapon is only recommended if the player is using Bandos or Torva armour, as void would deal less damage and the nylocas have low Defence to begin with. If the player is using void, then an abyssal tentacle should be used. Rangers should swap to their toxic blowpipe, while magers should use their toxic trident/sanguinesti staff and mage armour with barrage spells on the side.

The fight starts off with 31 waves of Nylocas Toxobolos (green), Hagios (blue) and Ischyros (grey) from the tunnels. Each spider is immune to damage outside of their combat style - ranged must be used against the Toxobolos, magic against the Hagios and melee against the Ischyros. If the nylocas is attacked with a wrong style, the player that attacked them can no longer damage them, which also includes the "flicking" nylocas. The goal is to kill all the Nylocas before all four pillars are destroyed (as indicated by their health bar). If a pillar is broken, it will collapse and deal up to 40 damage to the entire team. If the nylocas manage to break all four pillars, the team will be instantly killed.

There are two sizes of nylocas - a level 162 variant with 11 health (9 in 4-man encounters, 8 in trio encounters) and a max hit of 17 and occupying a 1x1 tile. There is also a level 260 variant with 22 health (19 in 4-man encounters, 16 in trio encounters), has a max hit of 24 and occupies a 2x2 tile. When the large nylocas is killed, they will spawn two smaller nylocas, much like the Tz-Kek in the Fight Caves.

In some waves, some of the nylocas that appear will not attack the pillars and instead attack the team. These should be prioritised first as they can hit quite hard and distract the team from the ones breaking the pillars. Starting from wave 16, some of the nylocas will begin to "flicker", swapping between combat styles in a pre-determined pattern. It is important to kill the nylocas as fast as possible, as the next wave will stall otherwise and pillars will suffer as a result. Nylocas will explode on their own if left alive for too long, dealing up to 16 damage in a 3x3 AoE around them if this occurs, which melee players should watch out for.

Unlike the Path of Apmeken at Tombs of Amascut, the nylocas waves are not randomised. It is highly recommended to pick a role and memorise the waves to make the room easier. Magers and rangers should prioritise killing clumps of nylocas with barrage and chinchompas, and meleers should help the mager while they move to the next melee nylocas.

After the 31 waves of nylocas are cleared, a Nylocas Vasilias will drop down from the middle of the room as the final enemy.

Vasilias has very high offensive stats and bonuses - level 400 Attack, 350 Strength, 50 Magic and 350 Ranged with +60 melee and ranged strength along +600 magical accuracy and strength. Vasilias can hit up to 70, or 17 if the attack was protected with prayers (except 0 damage for melee).

Vasilias will always spawn in its melee form. One player should use a Bandos godsword special to reduce its Defence, since it only has 50 Defence with no defence bonuses. The other players should dump dragon claws or crystal halberd specials. Vasilias will change forms every 10 ticks (6 seconds) to another form that it is not currently using. Like the nylocas before it, Vasilias is immune to damage of the wrong combat style - in addition to this, if such an attack occurs, the player who incorrectly attacked it will take the damage they would have dealt to it and it will heal for the same amount. Due to the very short time it stays in one form, inexperienced players should focus on changing prayers first, while experienced players can freely swap gear as needed. It is better to do a partial switch rather than allow a missed hit, due to Vasilias' low defence values.


A group of players battle against Sotetseg, a dark beast corrupted through Haemalchemy and experiments in the Shadow Realm.
A player dragged into the Shadow Realm by Sotetseg, with the red path visible.

Sotetseg is a large dark beast imbued with blood through Haemalchemy, and the fourth boss in the Theatre of Blood.

Before starting the fight, assign special attack roles to players to drain Defence; 1-2, 1-3, 2-3 and backup. The number indicates the phases that player will use a special attack; the backup is incase one of the player(s) misses.

Sotetseg attacks with both melee and magic. The melee attack consists of a lunge with its horns that can deal up to 45 damage, while the magic attack is a small red projectile. When the magic projectile is launched at his main target, it will shatter up to two additional projectiles upon impacting his main target, which can be either magic or ranged, which is a small black projectile. These two projectiles can be fully blocked with protection prayers, however they will always hit and can deal up to 50 damage otherwise if not protected, which will also disable them for a few seconds and lead to a swift death if multiple projectiles are targeting the player in a short period of time.

Due to this attack, teams will position themselves at various spots around Sotetseg to increase the travel time of the projectiles so they can be reacted to in time. In a trio encounter, players will stand to the east, west and northwest respectively. In 4-man encounters, players will stand to the east and west. In 5-man encounters, one player will also stand to the south-centre tile.

After 10 magic attacks, Sotetseg will launch a massive red ball at one player which will deal 121 damage to them. Fortunately, this attack can be shared by other players, so when this attack occurs, all players should death-dot on the south-centre tile to divide the damage. It is possible to tick-eat the red ball, but this only recommended if some players are critically low on health or for the sake of combat achievements, since players can risk getting combo'ed by an incoming projectile. To tick eat the attack, players must eat immediately after Sotetseg's second attack animation starts. Players should be careful of the projectile attacks when moving in to death-dot, as it can be hard to discern which player is getting targeted by an attack.

At 66.6% and 33.3% health, Sotetseg will launch one player into the Shadow Realm, indicated with a bright white light and the message Sotetseg chooses you.... The remaining players will be forcibly teleported to the other end of the arena instead; incoming attacks made by Sotetseg, including the big red ball, will not deal damage.

The player in the Shadow Realm will be presented with a randomly generated path leading to a portal on the other side. While in the Shadow Realm, the player will take 1 to 3 chip damage every 7 ticks (4.2 seconds). When the grid is stepped on, players in the real realm will see the tile the player in the Shadow Realm marked with a red glow. The maze runner should stop on the third row, as once someone steps on the fourth row, a tornado will spawn that will follow the maze path and deal massive damage to anyone caught in it. This tornado will not appear for the maze runner unless they are the only player in the encounter. If the wrong tile is stepped on, then a blast will emit from the tile dealing damage to nearby players equal to 6.67% of the player's current Hitpoints + 15 every tick, so it is important not to run into the wrong tile.

Advanced players can use diagonal skips and L movements to skip a few tiles off the maze; the tiles cannot be run skipped. Players can use this external tool to practice maze running, which simulates the game's movement mechanics.

Sotetseg will restore his Defence level each time this occurs, so players will need to drain his Defence level again after the maze is cleared.

Once Sotetseg is slain, the last and final supply chest will be available to the team. Make use of any partial potions and buy full ones with the points allotted to them. Inexperienced team should buy as much brews and restores as possible along with one stamina potion. Experienced teams can expect to have 2-3 brews and restores, while one player buys another stamina potion to be used for Verzik to share with the others.

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Depending on the situation, 2 hits with a 5t weapon will outperform 2 hits with a 4t weapon


A group of players fighting Xarpus, the last of the Yarasa race and its king.

Xarpus is the last of the Yarasa, a race feared by the vampyres, and is the fifth boss in the Theatre of Blood.

Upon entering the room, raiders should drop some potions to make room for any two-handed weapons they will be using during the fight. Generally no supplies should be used in this room.

Phase 1

Xarpus is significantly weakened at the start of the fight, starting with 75% of his health but does not attack players. During the first half, exhumed skeletons will emerge from the ground and launch projectiles to heal him. Stand on top of them to stop them from healing Xarpus. Select a corner of the room to cover. This will be where you stand for phase 1 and phase 2. Exhumes are significantly faster in 4- and 5-man scales. After 15, (or 12 for a 3-man scale), exhumes have popped out of the ground Xarpus will fly and transition into phase 2.

Phase 2

Xarpus has the highest Defence level with a level of 250. Xarpus also has a Ranged level of 100 and Magic level of 220, though he does not have any combat attacks. Fortunately, he does not have any melee or magic defence bonus to protect him, though he also has a hefty ranged resistance of +160. This makes it a make-or-break scenario depending on how many Defence levels were drained from him. The team should have at least two successful warhammer specials before draining the remaining Defence with godsword specials.

During phase 2, Xarpus will spit poison at players. The poison will splatter in one tile but has a 3x3 AoE which can inflict poison starting at 2 damage; standing on, running over or being in the splatter's AoE will deal up to 8 poison damage per tick. Xarpus will spit one at a targeted player while others will bounce and target other players in the process. He also has a stomp attack where he rapidly throws pebbles dealing up to 9 damage per tick if a player is standing under him.

As Xarpus has no melee defence, it is encouraged to learn how to melee Xarpus if a scythe is in the player's possession to significantly decrease kill times. Melee Xarpus requires some practice and skill in ensuring that the poison will not splatter on a tile next to him, especially the marked tiles as shown in the image, as griefing these are detrimental to the team. Melee players should have Redemption on to circumvent the poison's low damage, as it can never kill the player at 90+ Hitpoints. If players are ranging, stand on the back two rows to give the melee users space.

4T / 5.3T (Scythe) / 5T (Scythe) Methods

Melee users can preemptively step back for 1 tick when Xarpus attacks with poison. If on the correct timing, no poison will splatter next to the boss and players can melee every cycle with a 4 tick weapon (Whip or Saeldor). With a 5 tick weapon (Scythe or Soulreaper axe), players will only delay an attack once in their cycle. This uses 15/16 available ticks to damage the boss, or effectively a 5.33 tick attack speed. To remove this extra delay and attack every 5 ticks, players will have to intentionally rag a tile next to Xarpus every 4th hit. It can be any tile as long as it is not the highlighted tiles for Phase 3. Previously ragged tiles can be reused as many times as needed as long as the player has enough health.

Phase 3

Tiles that can be used to melee Xarpus without wasting ticks. The outer layer is for phase 2. The inner layer is for phase 3, safe tiles that can be used to run under Xarpus and poison splatters without taking damage.

Upon reaching ~25% of his health, Xarpus will screech, halting all poison attacks as he begins to stare at a quadrant intensely. He will rotate every 8 ticks afterwards to look at another corner. If a player attacks from a corner that Xarpus is looking at, he will retaliate back with an unblockable poison hit dealing 50-80 damage for each hit inflicted by the player; essentially, using weapons that hit two or more times as part of its attack will result in instant death. Xarpus will never look in the same corner twice so players should be moving to where he last looked if possible. Since he turns every 8 ticks, you can get 2 whip hits, 4 blowpipe hits, or 1-2 scythe hits in every turn.

Once Xarpus is defeated, pick up your dropped potions and have a team member grab the Dawnbringer before proceeding to the final boss of the raid.

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 With elite void ranged

Verzik Vitur

Before starting the fight players should drop 1-2 brews and restores where they intend to stand during phase 2. In the event of a disconnection or an early death the potions will be available for other raiders to use.

All players must have Protect from Magic on before starting the fight.

Phase 1

A group of players fighting Verzik Vitur on her throne.

Verzik will generate a shield around her to protect her from incoming damage. The shield will massively cap damage dealt to her; 3 for magic and ranged, and 10 for melee damage.[1] This hit cap makes weapons which hit multiple times in one attack (e.g. Scythe of vitur, Dual macuahuitl) very powerful on this phase. The only exception to this is the Dawnbringer. The dawnbringer's autoattack damage is not affected by the shield, and the special attack deals 75-150 magic damage against the shield (average of 112.5 damage per special attack). While under the protection of this shield, Verzik will charge a massive ball of blue energy before launching it at players. This attack can deal up to 137 damage, which cannot be tick-eaten and can instantly kill players. Using Protect from Magic will reduce the damage by 50%, although at a still dangerous hit of up to 68.

In this phase, Verzik has her Defence lowered to 20, making her easier to hit with melee.

When the phase starts, immediately attack Verzik. The player can safely attack four times with a 4-tick weapon, or 3 times with a 5-tick weapon. Afterwards, hide behind one pillar together, as the magic attack will be launched each pillar that is hiding a player. Verzik will proceed to charge the attack every 8.4 seconds afterwards, which allows for two hits by any 4 or 5-tick weapon before requiring to hide behind a pillar. The team should rotate the dawnbringer after every two specials.

The team should hide behind the pillar to Verzik's right, then move to the left once the right one collapses. Regardless of team size, this phase should end before the second pillar falls down. Once Verzik's shield has shattered, she will leave her throne, causing all remaining pillar supports to collapse, so players should stay away from them.

Some recommended tiles to use at Verzik. The first two at the top are for melee, with the next two below them pillar safespots from the magic attack. The cluster of tiles in the centre are for melee'ing Verzik in phase 2. The tiles marked A to D are tiles for meleeing Verzik when she uses her web attack in phase 3.

Phase 2

Verzik will fly from her throne to the middle of the room, with increased health and raising her Defence level to 200. The other stats remain the same as usual. Verzik's Defence cannot be drained in this phase; doing so will result in the message Verzik Vitur absorbs the defence reduction!.

A group of players fighting Verzik Vitur, now hoisted on a harness.

During phase 2 raiders should split up and move to opposite sides of Verzik. In trios, one raider goes south, one east, and one west. In 4 mans, two go east, and two go west. In 5 mans, two go east, two go west, one goes south. Maintain this formation when dodging urnbombs to protect against the lightning attack.

Verzik will primarily attack with Ranged during the start of this phase, throwing urnbombs at all players' locations when the attack is used. These can deal up to 44 damage if not protected against; using Protect from Missiles will reduce the damage by ~50%. These will be thrown every 4 ticks. If a player is in melee distance of Verzik, there is a very high chance for her to body slam anyone next to her, which can deal up to 45 damage and will almost always result in an urnbomb being thrown at them.

Verzik will periodically summon a group of nylocas at a random point during the phase, after which they will respawn 45 seconds afterwards. These nylocas will be one of the combat nylocas and will track a player down to explode on. Players next to an exploding nylocas can take up to 46 damage, though this damage is lowered the further away the player was when it spawned, with 8-27 damage being taken. To fully avoid damage from the exploding nylocas the player has to be at least 4 or more spaces away from it. She will also throw a purple orb around her which will also spawn a Nylocas Athanatos, which heals her for 9-10 health every few ticks. To kill the Athanatos, it has to be hit with poison or venom, which will cause it to absorb the poison and deal up to 70 damage on her. If this nylocas is alive however, the combat nylocas will be unable to spawn when they are summoned again.

A lightning bomb will occur every 4 urnbomb attacks and will deal 48 damage to the last raider it hits if it does not pass through Verzik, or if the raider is far away from its group. If it passes through Verzik, she absorbs it for 15–20 damage.[2] Wearing insulated boots will halve the damage of the blue ball explosion.

If players stand underneath Verzik, she may yell There's nothing for you there! and deal up to 70 stomp damage while knocking the player away. To dodge urnbombs and the slam attack raiders must flinch by stepping back to a different tile or by stepping back before the scan tick. To effectively use a Scythe of vitur during phase 2 you must use the latter method, this is commonly referred to as "Scythe walking". To scythe walk you must be next to Verzik for all 3 safe ticks, the visual cue to click back is when the urnbomb explodes on the ground. As soon as it explodes click back, then click back on Verzik, done right your character should never stop on the tile the bomb exploded on. If players need to practice this, they are encouraged to try this on other monsters on a 4-tick attack cycle such as metal dragons.

When Verzik reaches 35% of her health, she will begin prioritising magic attacks (hitting up to 45 and healing based on damage dealt and if prayed against)[3]. Protect from Magic will fully block the damage; only swap to Protect from Missiles against incoming urnbombs if they cannot be avoided.

In addition to changing up her attack style, Verzik will summon two Nylocas Matomenos to her sides, which are bulkier than the ones in the Maiden's fight. They do not attack players, but Verzik will siphon their health if they are not killed after some time has passed. She will enter a unique animation as she summons them, which also causes incoming damage to heal her instead, so the team should focus on the newer nylocas before returning to Verzik unless she is on critically low health. The Athanatos will no longer spawn, whereas the urnbomb and lightning ball attack will occur less frequently in this phase.

Make sure to heal to full before the next phase starts.

Phase 3

A group of players fighting Verzik Vitur, now transformed into a vampyre-nylocas hybrid.

Verzik's chains break and she lands on the floor in a vampyre-nylocas form. Verzik will suffer a general combat drain during the transition, losing some Defence, Magic and Ranged levels and bonuses in the process, though her melee accuracy will increase at the same time. During this phase Verzik has four special attacks that she uses in a fixed, repeating order. Verzik will attack every 7 game ticks, and like in phase 2, will absorb any Defence-draining specials used against her.

She can use all combat styles and her projectile attacks will hit all players in the room - stomping her front limbs launches ranged barbs, while crackling with blue energy will launch a blue orb magic attack. These can deal up to 16 damage through protection prayers, and 32 damage off prayer, and can be reacted to if there is a long enough travel time on the projectile. Verzik is extremely accurate so it's important to switch prayers accordingly. Every attack, Verzik will check if her chosen target is in melee distance or not. If they are, there is a chance for her to use a melee attack instead (which has a very similar animation to the magic attack) that deals up to 63 damage to all players in melee-distance or underneath her. To avoid the melee attack, the tank should stand under or back away from Verzik immediately before she attacks. Standing underneath will prevent unnecessary movement and keep Verzik at the centre of the room as much as possible.

Verzik utilises four special attacks during this phase; after the last special attack, she loops the rotation again until the encounter ends: Nylocas > Sticky Webs > Charged Shot > Green Ball. She will use four auto-attacks before each special attack.


Nylocas are dealt with the same way as in last phase. Avoid dragging them into teammates, especially whoever is tanking.


During the sticky webs attack, Verzik will path back to the centre of the room, becoming invulnerable in the process until she begins launching webs. Any players in the area will be knocked away as she turns into a hard NPC for the duration of this ability. She will then begin to launch webs at the players, three at a time if they are not on the same tile. If a player is ensnared in a web, they will be bound. If not freed in time, the web will snap, dealing massive damage in the process; fortunately, other players can free them if they break the web before it snaps itself. The web has 10 health. Experienced players can increase their DPS by following a clockwise rotation starting from the south, attacking once per quadrant. If the player is not experienced enough or is off-sync, they should break from the formation and use ranged until the attack ends as they may either ensnare themselves or other players.


During her charged shot attack, Verzik will open her abdomen and charge up a powerful blast of energy at all players in the arena. At the same time, a yellow pool will appear to serve as protection from this attack. Each pool can only hold one player, so players should coordinate which pool they're going for to avoid confusion. If the player is not on the pool before the shot hits, they will take up to 80 damage. Verzik is invulnerable while charging this attack, so use this time to restore health and stats as needed. There are 7 ticks between the end of this special attack and Verzik's next auto-attack.

Green ball

As the last attack in her rotation, Verzik will launch a green ball at a random player. Players can bounce the ball to mitigate the damage inflicted until it safely dissipates. A more common tactic is to simply take the damage instead, as trying to juggle the ball during the tornadoes would allow them to catch up, and it is more important to apply DPS against Verzik. The ball will deal 74% of the player's Hitpoints level as damage, so make sure to heal up to full before attempting to tank the ball. Redemption can be used, but only if the player is going to have less than 10 health afterwards, as it can leave the player open to another attack with no prayer.


Verzik Vitur, on her last legs, launches a purple tornado attack for each team member.

When she reaches 20% of her hitpoints, she will yell I'm not finished with you just yet!, summoning a purple tornado of fire for every player in the room; each one gets a personal tornado that tracks them down and also increase her attack speed from 7 (4.2 seconds) to 5 (3.0 seconds). If this tornado hits them, the player will take 50% of their current health as damage and heal Verzik for triple that amount. Running into other players' tornadoes will not damage the player, so simply make sure that you have a good gap between your own tornado. Tornadoes will hit for a minimum of 5 damage.

Beginners should initiate the tornadoes once the charged shot attack ends, since it will be hard for players to avoid the tornado and the shot at the same time. Experienced players can instead focus on whittling Verzik's health down regardless of the next special attack in rotation.

At this stage, players should dump all melee special attacks to end the phase as fast as possible.

Once Verzik is finally defeated her throne will collapse revealing a secret entrance to her treasure room.

  1. ^ Requires advanced movement for P2 to effectively 5.33t / 5t.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Better than Saeldor for webs and 1:1 tanking


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