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New Items
Name ID Members Tradeable in GE Equipable Stackable Noteable Options Placeholder Cost Weight

Removed Items

Removed Items
Name ID

Diff Items

Diff Items
Name ID Key Previous Value New Value
Fire cape 6570
params {'1564': 1, '258': 22} {'1564': 1, '258': 22, '295': 1}
Progress hat 6885
params {'451': 'Talk-to'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Talk-to'}
Progress hat 6886
params {'451': 'Talk-to'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Talk-to'}
Progress hat 6887
params {'451': 'Talk-to'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Talk-to'}
Mage's book 6889
params {'1564': 5, '436': 60, '434': 6} {'434': 6, '1564': 5, '436': 60, '295': 1}
Rune defender 8850
params {'434': 0, '435': 1, '1564': 5, '436': 40, '437': 40} {'434': 0, '435': 1, '1564': 5, '436': 40, '437': 40, '295': 1}
Ava's attractor 10498
params {'451': 'Commune'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Commune'}
Ava's accumulator 10499
params {'1564': 1, '451': 'Commune'} {'1564': 1, '295': 1, '451': 'Commune'}
Fighter hat 10548
params {'1564': 0, '436': 45, '434': 1} {'434': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 45, '295': 1}
Fighter torso 10551
params {'434': 1, '258': 41, '1564': 4, '436': 40} {'434': 1, '258': 41, '1564': 4, '436': 40, '295': 1}
Coal bag 12019
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Gem bag 12020
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Rune pouch 12791
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Flamtaer bag 12854
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Dragon defender 12954
params {'434': 1, '258': 27, '1564': 5, '436': 60} {'434': 1, '258': 27, '1564': 5, '436': 60, '295': 1}
Herb sack 13226
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Fire max cape 13329
params {'258': 22} {'258': 22, '295': 1}
Saradomin max cape 13331
params {'40': 1} {'40': 1, '295': 1}
Zamorak max cape 13333
params {'41': 1} {'41': 1, '295': 1}
Guthix max cape 13335
params {'42': 1} {'42': 1, '295': 1}
Accumulator max cape 13337
params {'451': 'Commune'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Commune'}
Max cape 13342
params {'451': "Warriors' Guild", '452': 'Fishing Teleports', '453': 'Crafting Guild', '454': 'Tele to POH', '455': 'POH Portals', '456': 'Other Teleports', '457': 'Spellbook', '458': 'Features'} {'451': "Warriors' Guild", '452': 'Fishing Teleports', '453': 'Crafting Guild', '454': 'Tele to POH', '295': 1, '455': 'POH Portals', '456': 'Other Teleports', '457': 'Spellbook', '458': 'Features'}
Xeric's talisman 13393
params {'456': 'Check', '451': "Xeric's Lookout", '452': "Xeric's Glade", '453': "Xeric's Inferno", '454': "Xeric's Heart", '455': "Xeric's Honour"} {'451': "Xeric's Lookout", '452': "Xeric's Glade", '453': "Xeric's Inferno", '454': "Xeric's Heart", '295': 1, '455': "Xeric's Honour", '456': 'Check'}
Seed box 13639
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Chronicle 13660
params {'452': 'Teleport', '451': 'Check Charges'} {'452': 'Teleport', '295': 1, '451': 'Check Charges'}
Bag full of gems 19473
params {'983': 335} {'295': 1, '983': 335}
Arclight 19675
params {'453': 'Check'} {'453': 'Check', '295': 1}
Dragon defender (t) 19722
params {'258': 27} {'258': 27, '295': 1}
Shark 20390
params {'1564': 1001} {'1564': 1001, '295': 1}
Prayer potion(4) 20393
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Prayer potion(3) 20394
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Prayer potion(2) 20395
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Prayer potion(1) 20396
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Spear 20397
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Yew shortbow 20401
params {'1564': 3, '23': 1} {'1564': 3, '23': 1, '295': 1}
Rune scimitar 20402
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Maple shortbow 20403
params {'1564': 3, '23': 1} {'1564': 3, '23': 1, '295': 1}
Abyssal whip 20405
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Dragon scimitar 20406
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Dragon dagger 20407
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Dark bow 20408
params {'1564': 3, '23': 1} {'1564': 3, '23': 1, '295': 1}
Adamant platebody 20415
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Adamant platelegs 20416
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Blue d'hide body 20417
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Blue d'hide chaps 20418
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Rune platebody 20421
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Rune platelegs 20422
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Black d'hide body 20423
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Black d'hide chaps 20424
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Mystic robe top 20425
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Mystic robe bottom 20426
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Dragon chainbody 20428
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Dragon platelegs 20429
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Ancient magicks tablet 20430
params {'1564': 1003} {'1564': 1003, '295': 1}
Ancient staff 20431
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Catalytic rune pack 20523
params {'1564': 1003} {'1564': 1003, '295': 1}
Elemental rune pack 20524
params {'1564': 1003} {'1564': 1003, '295': 1}
Adamant arrow pack 20525
params {'1564': 13} {'1564': 13, '295': 1}
Monkfish 20547
params {'1564': 1001} {'1564': 1001, '295': 1}
Super energy(4) 20548
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super energy(3) 20549
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super energy(2) 20550
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super energy(1) 20551
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Rune battleaxe 20552
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Beginner wand 20553
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Toktz-xil-ak 20554
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Rune 2h sword 20555
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Apprentice wand 20556
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Granite maul 20557
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Magic shortbow 20558
params {'1564': 3, '23': 1} {'1564': 3, '23': 1, '295': 1}
Dragon 2h sword 20559
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Master wand 20560
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Adamant full helm 20561
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Mystic hat 20562
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Proselyte sallet 20563
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Proselyte hauberk 20564
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Proselyte cuisse 20565
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Red d'hide body 20566
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Red d'hide chaps 20567
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Splitbark helm 20568
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Warrior helm 20571
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Archer helm 20572
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Farseer helm 20573
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Infinity top 20574
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Infinity bottoms 20575
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
3rd age robe top 20576
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
3rd age robe 20577
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Climbing boots 20578
params {'1564': 10} {'1564': 10, '295': 1}
Mystic boots 20579
params {'1564': 10} {'1564': 10, '295': 1}
Snakeskin boots 20580
params {'1564': 10} {'1564': 10, '295': 1}
Mithril gloves 20581
params {'1564': 9} {'1564': 9, '295': 1}
Adamant gloves 20582
params {'1564': 9} {'1564': 9, '295': 1}
Rune gloves 20583
params {'1564': 9} {'1564': 9, '295': 1}
Amulet of accuracy 20584
params {'1564': 2} {'1564': 2, '295': 1}
Amulet of power 20585
params {'1564': 2} {'1564': 2, '295': 1}
Amulet of glory 20586
params {'1564': 2} {'1564': 2, '295': 1}
Armadyl godsword 20593
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Ahrim's robetop 20598
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Ahrim's robeskirt 20599
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Rune arrow pack 20607
params {'1564': 13} {'1564': 13, '295': 1}
Ardougne max cape 20760
params {'452': 'Ardougne Farm', '451': 'Kandarin Monastery'} {'452': 'Ardougne Farm', '295': 1, '451': 'Kandarin Monastery'}
Dragon claws 20784
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Dragon warhammer 20785
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Elder maul 21205
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Dragon sword 21206
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Dragon thrownaxe 21207
params {'1564': 3, '23': 1} {'1564': 3, '23': 1, '295': 1}
Infernal max cape 21285
params {'258': 22} {'258': 22, '295': 1}
Infernal cape 21295
params {'1564': 1, '258': 22} {'1564': 1, '258': 22, '295': 1}
Heat-proof vessel 21539
params {'456': 'Check-level', '451': 'Throw-water', '452': 'Throw-water north', '453': 'Throw-water east', '454': 'Throw-water south', '455': 'Throw-water west'} {'451': 'Throw-water', '452': 'Throw-water north', '453': 'Throw-water east', '454': 'Throw-water south', '455': 'Throw-water west', '295': 1, '456': 'Check-level'}
Imbued saradomin max cape 21776
params {'40': 1} {'40': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued zamorak max cape 21780
params {'41': 1} {'41': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued guthix max cape 21784
params {'42': 1} {'42': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued saradomin cape 21791
params {'40': 1, '434': 6, '1564': 1, '436': 75} {'40': 1, '434': 6, '1564': 1, '436': 75, '295': 1}
Imbued guthix cape 21793
params {'434': 6, '42': 1, '1564': 1, '436': 75} {'434': 6, '42': 1, '1564': 1, '436': 75, '295': 1}
Imbued zamorak cape 21795
params {'41': 1, '434': 6, '1564': 1, '436': 75} {'41': 1, '434': 6, '1564': 1, '436': 75, '295': 1}
Assembler max cape 21898
params {'451': 'Commune'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Commune'}
Ava's assembler 22109
params {'434': 4, '435': 1, '451': 'Commune', '1564': 1, '436': 70, '437': 35} {'434': 4, '435': 1, '451': 'Commune', '436': 70, '437': 35, '295': 1, '1564': 1}
Prop sword 22316
params {'451': 'Slash'} {'451': 'Slash', '295': 1}
Starter bow 22333
params {'451': 'Check'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Check'}
Starter staff 22335
params {'451': 'Check'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Check'}
Ivandis flail 22398
params {'434': 0, '258': 42, '451': 'Bloom', '1564': 3, '436': 40} {'434': 0, '258': 42, '451': 'Bloom', '1564': 3, '436': 40, '295': 1}
Drakan's medallion 22400
params {'451': 'Ver Sinhaza', '452': 'Darkmeyer', '148': 1, '453': 'Slepe'} {'451': 'Ver Sinhaza', '452': 'Darkmeyer', '148': 1, '453': 'Slepe', '295': 1}
Old man's coffin 22588
params {'23': 35} {'23': 35, '295': 1}
Bonecrusher necklace 22986
params {'452': 'Activity', '453': 'Uncharge', '451': 'Check'} {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Activity', '453': 'Uncharge', '295': 1}
Treasure scroll 23067
params {'623': 2298} {'295': 1, '623': 2298}
Treasure scroll 23068
params {'623': 2303} {'295': 1, '623': 2303}
Mysterious orb 23069
params {'623': 2297} {'295': 1, '623': 2297}
Treasure scroll 23070
params {'623': 2262} {'295': 1, '623': 2262}
Giant easter egg 23446
params {'451': 'Easter dance'} {'451': 'Easter dance', '295': 1}
Cooked karambwan 23533
params {'1564': 1001} {'1564': 1001, '295': 1}
Super combat potion(4) 23543
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super combat potion(3) 23545
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super combat potion(2) 23547
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super combat potion(1) 23549
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Ranging potion(4) 23551
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Ranging potion(3) 23553
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Ranging potion(2) 23555
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Ranging potion(1) 23557
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Sanfew serum(4) 23559
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Sanfew serum(3) 23561
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Sanfew serum(2) 23563
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Sanfew serum(1) 23565
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super restore(4) 23567
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super restore(3) 23569
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super restore(2) 23571
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Super restore(1) 23573
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Saradomin brew(4) 23575
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Saradomin brew(3) 23577
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Saradomin brew(2) 23579
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Saradomin brew(1) 23581
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Stamina potion(4) 23583
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Stamina potion(3) 23585
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Stamina potion(2) 23587
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Stamina potion(1) 23589
params {'1564': 1002} {'1564': 1002, '295': 1}
Helm of neitiznot 23591
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Barrows gloves 23593
params {'1564': 9} {'1564': 9, '295': 1}
Berserker ring 23595
params {'1564': 12} {'1564': 12, '295': 1}
Dragon defender 23597
params {'1564': 5} {'1564': 5, '295': 1}
Spirit shield 23599
params {'1564': 5} {'1564': 5, '295': 1}
Rune crossbow 23601
params {'1564': 3, '23': 61} {'1564': 3, '23': 61, '295': 1}
Imbued guthix cape 23603
params {'1564': 1, '42': 1} {'1564': 1, '42': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued zamorak cape 23605
params {'1564': 1, '41': 1} {'1564': 1, '41': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued saradomin cape 23607
params {'1564': 1, '40': 1} {'1564': 1, '40': 1, '295': 1}
Ava's accumulator 23609
params {'1564': 1, '451': 'Commune'} {'1564': 1, '451': 'Commune', '295': 1}
Armadyl crossbow 23611
params {'1564': 3, '23': 70} {'1564': 3, '23': 70, '295': 1}
Staff of the dead 23613
params {'1564': 3, '41': 1, '1737': 1} {'41': 1, '1737': 1, '1564': 3, '295': 1}
Vesta's longsword 23615
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Zuriel's staff 23617
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Morrigan's javelin 23619
params {'1564': 3, '23': 78} {'1564': 3, '23': 78, '295': 1}
Statius's warhammer 23620
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Infernal cape 23622
params {'1564': 1} {'1564': 1, '295': 1}
Seers ring (i) 23624
params {'1564': 12} {'1564': 12, '295': 1}
Kodai wand 23626
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Ghrazi rapier 23628
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Heavy ballista 23630
params {'1564': 3, '23': 75} {'1564': 3, '23': 75, '295': 1}
Karil's leathertop 23632
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Dharok's platelegs 23633
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Torag's platelegs 23634
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Verac's plateskirt 23635
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Verac's helm 23636
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Torag's helm 23637
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Guthan's helm 23638
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Dharok's helm 23639
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Amulet of fury 23640
params {'1564': 2} {'1564': 2, '295': 1}
Blessed spirit shield 23642
params {'1564': 5} {'1564': 5, '295': 1}
Eternal boots 23644
params {'1564': 10} {'1564': 10, '295': 1}
Bandos tassets 23646
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Dragon javelin 23648
params {'1564': 13} {'1564': 13, '295': 1}
Diamond bolts (e) 23649
params {'1564': 13} {'1564': 13, '295': 1}
Rune pouch 23650
params {'1564': 1003} {'1564': 1003, '295': 1}
Mage's book 23652
params {'1564': 5} {'1564': 5, '295': 1}
Ahrim's staff 23653
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Occult necklace 23654
params {'1564': 2} {'1564': 2, '295': 1}
Clue scroll 23814
params {'623': 2301} {'295': 1, '623': 2301}
Clue scroll 23815
params {'623': 2304} {'295': 1, '623': 2304}
Clue scroll 23816
params {'623': 2299} {'295': 1, '623': 2299}
Clue scroll 23817
params {'623': 2302} {'295': 1, '623': 2302}
Combat path starter kit 24130
params {'834': 1} {'834': 1, '295': 1}
Combat path voucher 24131
params {'834': 1} {'834': 1, '295': 1}
Infernal max cape (l) 24133
params {'258': 22} {'258': 22, '295': 1}
Fire max cape (l) 24134
params {'258': 22} {'258': 22, '295': 1}
Assembler max cape (l) 24135
params {'451': 'Commune'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Commune'}
Dragon defender (l) 24143
params {'258': 27} {'258': 27, '295': 1}
Fighter torso (l) 24175
params {'258': 41} {'258': 41, '295': 1}
Ava's assembler (l) 24222
params {'451': 'Commune'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Commune'}
Fire cape (l) 24223
params {'258': 22} {'258': 22, '295': 1}
Infernal cape (l) 24224
params {'258': 22} {'258': 22, '295': 1}
Imbued saradomin max cape (l) 24232
params {'40': 1} {'40': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued zamorak max cape (l) 24233
params {'41': 1} {'41': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued guthix max cape (l) 24234
params {'42': 1} {'42': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued saradomin cape (l) 24248
params {'40': 1} {'40': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued guthix cape (l) 24249
params {'42': 1} {'42': 1, '295': 1}
Imbued zamorak cape (l) 24250
params {'41': 1} {'41': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted slayer helmet 24370
params {'385': 1, '258': 13, '453': 'Check', '454': 'Partner', '455': 'Log'} {'385': 1, '258': 13, '453': 'Check', '454': 'Partner', '455': 'Log', '295': 1}
Twisted dragon trophy 24372
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 20830, '918': 7} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 20830, '918': 7, '295': 1}
Twisted rune trophy 24374
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 10820, '918': 6} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 10820, '918': 6, '295': 1}
Twisted adamant trophy 24376
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 5270, '918': 5} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 5270, '918': 5, '295': 1}
Twisted mithril trophy 24378
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 1770, '918': 4} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 1770, '918': 4, '295': 1}
Twisted steel trophy 24380
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 510, '918': 3} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 510, '918': 3, '295': 1}
Twisted iron trophy 24382
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 80, '918': 2} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 80, '918': 2, '295': 1}
Twisted bronze trophy 24384
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 10, '918': 1} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 1, '917': 10, '918': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted hat (t3) 24387
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted coat (t3) 24389
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted trousers (t3) 24391
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted boots (t3) 24393
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted cane 24395
params {'916': 1, '451': 'Twisted Relic Emote'} {'916': 1, '295': 1, '451': 'Twisted Relic Emote'}
Twisted hat (t2) 24397
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted coat (t2) 24399
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted trousers (t2) 24401
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted boots (t2) 24403
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted hat (t1) 24405
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted coat (t1) 24407
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted trousers (t1) 24409
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted boots (t1) 24411
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Twisted banner 24413
params {'916': 1} {'916': 1, '295': 1}
Rune pouch (l) 24416
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Green gingerbread shield 24428
params {'451': 'Transform'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Transform'}
Red gingerbread shield 24430
params {'451': 'Transform'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Transform'}
Blue gingerbread shield 24431
params {'451': 'Transform'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Transform'}
Open herb sack 24478
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Open coal bag 24480
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Open gem bag 24481
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Open seed box 24482
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Mithril seeds 24534
params {'1564': 1003} {'1564': 1003, '295': 1}
Blisterwood sickle 24697
params {'451': 'Bloom'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Bloom'}
Blisterwood flail 24699
params {'258': 42, '451': 'Bloom'} {'258': 42, '295': 1, '451': 'Bloom'}
Hallowed grapple 24721
params {'40': 1, '23': 1} {'40': 1, '23': 1, '295': 1}
Hallowed focus 24723
params {'40': 1} {'40': 1, '295': 1}
Hallowed symbol 24725
params {'40': 1} {'40': 1, '295': 1}
Hallowed hammer 24727
params {'40': 1} {'40': 1, '295': 1}
Hallowed ring 24731
params {'40': 1} {'40': 1, '295': 1}
Bag full of gems 24853
params {'983': 335} {'295': 1, '983': 335}
Mythical max cape 24855
params {'451': 'Teleport'} {'451': 'Teleport', '295': 1}
Warrior path starter kit 24859
params {'834': 1} {'834': 1, '295': 1}
Wizard path starter kit 24860
params {'834': 1} {'834': 1, '295': 1}
Ranger path starter kit 24861
params {'834': 1} {'834': 1, '295': 1}
Plank sack 24882
params {'595': 'Use'} {'595': 'Use', '295': 1}
Supply crate 24884
params {'595': 'Open-All'} {'595': 'Open-All', '295': 1}
Magical pumpkin 24977
params {'23': 0} {'23': 0, '295': 1}
Trailblazer hood (t3) 25001
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer top (t3) 25004
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer trousers (t3) 25007
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer boots (t3) 25010
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer cane 25013
params {'452': 'Trailblazer Area Emote', '916': 2, '451': 'Trailblazer Relic Emote'} {'451': 'Trailblazer Relic Emote', '452': 'Trailblazer Area Emote', '916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer hood (t2) 25016
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer top (t2) 25019
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer trousers (t2) 25022
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer boots (t2) 25025
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer hood (t1) 25028
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer top (t1) 25031
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer trousers (t1) 25034
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer boots (t1) 25037
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer dragon trophy 25042
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 56310, '918': 7} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 56310, '918': 7, '295': 1}
Trailblazer rune trophy 25044
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 35680, '918': 6} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 35680, '918': 6, '295': 1}
Trailblazer adamant trophy 25046
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 18720, '918': 5} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 18720, '918': 5, '295': 1}
Trailblazer mithril trophy 25048
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 6480, '918': 4} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 6480, '918': 4, '295': 1}
Trailblazer steel trophy 25050
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 2000, '918': 3} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 2000, '918': 3, '295': 1}
Trailblazer iron trophy 25052
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 510, '918': 2} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 510, '918': 2, '295': 1}
Trailblazer bronze trophy 25054
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 100, '918': 1} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 2, '917': 100, '918': 1, '295': 1}
Trailblazer banner 25056
params {'916': 2} {'916': 2, '295': 1}
Infernal harpoon (or) 25059
params {'451': 'Check'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Check'}
Infernal pickaxe (or) 25063
params {'258': 21, '23': 61, '451': 'Check'} {'258': 21, '451': 'Check', '23': 61, '295': 1}
Infernal axe (or) 25066
params {'258': 35, '23': 61, '451': 'Check'} {'258': 35, '451': 'Check', '23': 61, '295': 1}
Fairy mushroom 25102
params {'451': 'Fairy-Ring', '452': 'Spirit-tree', '148': 1, '453': 'Last-destination'} {'451': 'Fairy-Ring', '452': 'Spirit-tree', '148': 1, '453': 'Last-destination', '295': 1}
Extradimensional bag 25106
params {'451': 'Open', '148': 1, '452': 'Withdraw', '453': 'Deposit'} {'451': 'Open', '148': 1, '452': 'Withdraw', '453': 'Deposit', '295': 1}
Extradimensional bag 25108
params {'451': 'Close', '148': 1, '452': 'Withdraw', '453': 'Deposit'} {'451': 'Close', '148': 1, '452': 'Withdraw', '453': 'Deposit', '295': 1}
Goblin decorations 25316
params {'23': 0} {'23': 0, '295': 1}
Soul cape 25344
params {'451': 'Toggle-colour'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Toggle-colour'}
Soul cape 25346
params {'451': 'Toggle-colour'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Toggle-colour'}
Infernal pickaxe (uncharged) 25369
params {'258': 21, '23': 61} {'258': 21, '23': 61, '295': 1}
Infernal axe (uncharged) 25371
params {'258': 35, '23': 61} {'258': 35, '23': 61, '295': 1}
Dragon pickaxe (or) 25376
params {'258': 21, '23': 61} {'258': 21, '23': 61, '295': 1}
Dragon axe (or) 25378
params {'258': 35, '23': 61} {'258': 35, '23': 61, '295': 1}
Bronze coffin 25459
params {'1152': 3, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open'} {'1152': 3, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open', '295': 1}
Steel coffin 25461
params {'1152': 8, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open'} {'1152': 8, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open', '295': 1}
Black coffin 25463
params {'1152': 14, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open'} {'1152': 14, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open', '295': 1}
Silver coffin 25465
params {'1152': 20, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open'} {'1152': 20, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open', '295': 1}
Gold coffin 25467
params {'1152': 28, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open'} {'1152': 28, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Open', '295': 1}
Open bronze coffin 25469
params {'1152': 3, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close'} {'1152': 3, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close', '295': 1}
Open steel coffin 25470
params {'1152': 8, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close'} {'1152': 8, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close', '295': 1}
Open black coffin 25471
params {'1152': 14, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close'} {'1152': 14, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close', '295': 1}
Open silver coffin 25472
params {'1152': 20, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close'} {'1152': 20, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close', '295': 1}
Open gold coffin 25473
params {'1152': 28, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close'} {'1152': 28, '451': 'Fill', '452': 'Configure', '453': 'Close', '295': 1}
Blood ancient sceptre 25489
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Ice ancient sceptre 25490
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Smoke ancient sceptre 25491
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Shadow ancient sceptre 25492
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Ancestral hat 25518
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Celestial ring 25541
params {'148': 1, '451': 'Check'} {'148': 1, '295': 1, '451': 'Check'}
Celestial signet 25545
params {'148': 1, '451': 'Check'} {'148': 1, '295': 1, '451': 'Check'}
Tome of water 25574
params {'434': 6, '451': 'Check', '1564': 5, '436': 50, '452': 'Pages'} {'434': 6, '451': 'Check', '1564': 5, '436': 50, '452': 'Pages', '295': 1}
Tome of water (empty) 25576
params {'451': 'Pages'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Pages'}
Tackle box 25580
params {'595': 'Use'} {'595': 'Use', '295': 1}
Fish barrel 25582
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Open fish barrel 25584
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Fish sack barrel 25585
params {'452': 'Open', '595': 'Empty', '451': 'Check'} {'595': 'Empty', '451': 'Check', '452': 'Open', '295': 1}
Open fish sack barrel 25587
params {'452': 'Close', '595': 'Empty', '451': 'Check'} {'595': 'Empty', '451': 'Check', '452': 'Close', '295': 1}
Ghommal's hilt 1 25926
params {'451': 'Trollheim'} {'451': 'Trollheim', '295': 1}
Ghommal's hilt 2 25928
params {'451': 'Trollheim'} {'451': 'Trollheim', '295': 1}
Ghommal's hilt 3 25930
params {'451': 'Trollheim'} {'451': 'Trollheim', '295': 1}
Ghommal's hilt 4 25932
params {'452': 'Mor Ul Rek', '451': 'Trollheim'} {'452': 'Mor Ul Rek', '451': 'Trollheim', '295': 1}
Ghommal's hilt 5 25934
params {'452': 'Mor Ul Rek', '451': 'Trollheim'} {'452': 'Mor Ul Rek', '451': 'Trollheim', '295': 1}
Ghommal's hilt 6 25936
params {'452': 'Mor Ul Rek', '451': 'Trollheim'} {'452': 'Mor Ul Rek', '451': 'Trollheim', '295': 1}
Keris partisan of breaching 25981
params {'436': 80, '434': 0} {'436': 80, '434': 0, '295': 1}
Sigil of resilience 25990
params {'568': 3, '1371': 53} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 53}
Sigil of resilience 25991
params {'568': 3, '1371': 53} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 53}
Sigil of consistency 25993
params {'568': 3, '1371': 1} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 1}
Sigil of consistency 25994
params {'568': 3, '1371': 1} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 1}
Sigil of the formidable fighter 25996
params {'568': 3, '1371': 2} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 2}
Sigil of the formidable fighter 25997
params {'568': 3, '1371': 2} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 2}
Sigil of the rigorous ranger 25999
params {'568': 3, '1371': 3} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 3}
Sigil of the rigorous ranger 26000
params {'568': 3, '1371': 3} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 3}
Sigil of the meticulous mage 26002
params {'568': 3, '1371': 4} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 4}
Sigil of the meticulous mage 26003
params {'568': 3, '1371': 4} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 4}
Sigil of fortification 26005
params {'568': 3, '1371': 5} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 5}
Sigil of fortification 26006
params {'568': 3, '1371': 5} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 5}
Sigil of barrows 26008
params {'568': 3, '1371': 6} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 6}
Sigil of barrows 26009
params {'568': 3, '1371': 6} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 6}
Sigil of deft strikes 26011
params {'568': 3, '1371': 7} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 7}
Sigil of deft strikes 26012
params {'568': 3, '1371': 7} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 7}
Sigil of freedom 26014
params {'568': 3, '1371': 8} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 8}
Sigil of freedom 26015
params {'568': 3, '1371': 8} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 8}
Sigil of enhanced harvest 26017
params {'568': 3, '1371': 9} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 9}
Sigil of enhanced harvest 26018
params {'568': 3, '1371': 9} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 9}
Sigil of storage 26020
params {'568': 3, '1371': 10} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 10}
Sigil of storage 26021
params {'568': 3, '1371': 10} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 10}
Sigil of the smith 26023
params {'568': 3, '1371': 11} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 11}
Sigil of the smith 26024
params {'568': 3, '1371': 11} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 11}
Sigil of the alchemist 26026
params {'568': 3, '1371': 12} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 12}
Sigil of the alchemist 26027
params {'568': 3, '1371': 12} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 12}
Sigil of the fletcher 26029
params {'568': 3, '1371': 13} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 13}
Sigil of the fletcher 26030
params {'568': 3, '1371': 13} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 13}
Sigil of the chef 26032
params {'568': 3, '1371': 14} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 14}
Sigil of the chef 26033
params {'568': 3, '1371': 14} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 14}
Sigil of the craftsman 26035
params {'568': 3, '1371': 15} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 15}
Sigil of the craftsman 26036
params {'568': 3, '1371': 15} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 15}
Sigil of the abyss 26038
params {'568': 3, '1371': 16} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 16}
Sigil of the abyss 26039
params {'568': 3, '1371': 16} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 16}
Sigil of stamina 26041
params {'568': 3, '1371': 17} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 17}
Sigil of stamina 26042
params {'568': 3, '1371': 17} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 17}
Sigil of the potion master 26044
params {'568': 3, '1371': 18} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 18}
Sigil of the potion master 26045
params {'568': 3, '1371': 18} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 18}
Sigil of the eternal jeweller 26047
params {'568': 3, '1371': 19} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 19}
Sigil of the eternal jeweller 26048
params {'568': 3, '1371': 19} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 19}
Sigil of the treasure hunter 26050
params {'568': 3, '1371': 20} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 20}
Sigil of the treasure hunter 26051
params {'568': 3, '1371': 20} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 20}
Sigil of mobility 26053
params {'568': 3, '1371': 21} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 21}
Sigil of mobility 26054
params {'568': 3, '1371': 21} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 21}
Sigil of exaggeration 26056
params {'568': 3, '1371': 22} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 22}
Sigil of exaggeration 26057
params {'568': 3, '1371': 22} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 22}
Sigil of specialised strikes 26059
params {'568': 3, '1371': 23} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 23}
Sigil of specialised strikes 26060
params {'568': 3, '1371': 23} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 23}
Sigil of the porcupine 26062
params {'568': 3, '1371': 24} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 24}
Sigil of the porcupine 26063
params {'568': 3, '1371': 24} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 24}
Sigil of binding 26065
params {'568': 3, '1371': 25} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 25}
Sigil of binding 26066
params {'568': 3, '1371': 25} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 25}
Sigil of escaping 26068
params {'568': 3, '1371': 26} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 26}
Sigil of escaping 26069
params {'568': 3, '1371': 26} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 26}
Sigil of the ruthless ranger 26071
params {'568': 3, '1371': 27} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 27}
Sigil of the ruthless ranger 26072
params {'568': 3, '1371': 27} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 27}
Sigil of the feral fighter 26074
params {'568': 3, '1371': 28} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 28}
Sigil of the feral fighter 26075
params {'568': 3, '1371': 28} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 28}
Sigil of the menacing mage 26077
params {'568': 3, '1371': 29} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 29}
Sigil of the menacing mage 26078
params {'568': 3, '1371': 29} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 29}
Sigil of prosperity 26080
params {'568': 3, '1371': 30} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 30}
Sigil of prosperity 26081
params {'568': 3, '1371': 30} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 30}
Sigil of the dwarves 26083
params {'568': 3, '1371': 31} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 31}
Sigil of the dwarves 26084
params {'568': 3, '1371': 31} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 31}
Sigil of the elves 26086
params {'568': 3, '1371': 32} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 32}
Sigil of the elves 26087
params {'568': 3, '1371': 32} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 32}
Sigil of the barbarians 26089
params {'568': 3, '1371': 33} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 33}
Sigil of the barbarians 26090
params {'568': 3, '1371': 33} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 33}
Sigil of the gnomes 26092
params {'568': 3, '1371': 34} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 34}
Sigil of the gnomes 26093
params {'568': 3, '1371': 34} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 34}
Sigil of nature 26095
params {'568': 3, '1371': 35} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 35}
Sigil of nature 26096
params {'568': 3, '1371': 35} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 35}
Sigil of devotion 26098
params {'568': 3, '1371': 36} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 36}
Sigil of devotion 26099
params {'568': 3, '1371': 36} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 36}
Sigil of the forager 26101
params {'568': 3, '1371': 37} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 37}
Sigil of the forager 26102
params {'568': 3, '1371': 37} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 37}
Sigil of garments 26104
params {'568': 3, '1371': 38} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 38}
Sigil of garments 26105
params {'568': 3, '1371': 38} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 38}
Sigil of slaughter 26107
params {'568': 3, '1371': 39} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 39}
Sigil of slaughter 26108
params {'568': 3, '1371': 39} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 39}
Sigil of the fortune farmer 26110
params {'568': 3, '1371': 40} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 40}
Sigil of the fortune farmer 26111
params {'568': 3, '1371': 40} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 40}
Sigil of versatility 26113
params {'568': 3, '1371': 41} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 41}
Sigil of versatility 26114
params {'568': 3, '1371': 41} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 41}
Sigil of the serpent 26116
params {'568': 3, '1371': 42} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 42}
Sigil of the serpent 26117
params {'568': 3, '1371': 42} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 42}
Sigil of supreme stamina 26119
params {'568': 3, '1371': 43} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 43}
Sigil of supreme stamina 26120
params {'568': 3, '1371': 43} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 43}
Sigil of preservation 26122
params {'568': 3, '1371': 44} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 44}
Sigil of preservation 26123
params {'568': 3, '1371': 44} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 44}
Sigil of finality 26125
params {'568': 3, '1371': 45} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 45}
Sigil of finality 26126
params {'568': 3, '1371': 45} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 45}
Sigil of pious protection 26128
params {'568': 3, '1371': 46} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 46}
Sigil of pious protection 26129
params {'568': 3, '1371': 46} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 46}
Sigil of aggression 26131
params {'568': 3, '1371': 47} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 47}
Sigil of aggression 26132
params {'568': 3, '1371': 47} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 47}
Sigil of rampage 26134
params {'568': 3, '1371': 48} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 48}
Sigil of rampage 26135
params {'568': 3, '1371': 48} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 48}
Sigil of the skiller 26137
params {'568': 3, '1371': 49} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 49}
Sigil of the skiller 26138
params {'568': 3, '1371': 49} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 49}
Sigil of remote storage 26140
params {'568': 3, '1371': 50} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 50}
Sigil of remote storage 26141
params {'568': 3, '1371': 50} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 50}
Sigil of last recall 26143
params {'568': 3, '1371': 51} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 51}
Sigil of last recall 26144
params {'568': 3, '1371': 51} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 51}
Sigil of the guardian angel 26146
params {'568': 3, '1371': 52} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 52}
Sigil of the guardian angel 26147
params {'568': 3, '1371': 52} {'568': 3, '295': 1, '1371': 52}
Ugly halloween jumper (orange) 26256
params {'451': 'Reverse'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Reverse'}
Ugly halloween jumper (black) 26258
params {'451': 'Reverse'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Reverse'}
Haunted wine bottle 26260
params {'452': 'Talk-to', '451': 'Wake-ghost'} {'452': 'Talk-to', '451': 'Wake-ghost', '295': 1}
Secret santa present (red) 26316
params {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag'} {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag', '295': 1}
Secret santa present (blue) 26318
params {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag'} {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag', '295': 1}
Secret santa present (green) 26320
params {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag'} {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag', '295': 1}
Secret santa present (black) 26322
params {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag'} {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag', '295': 1}
Secret santa present (gold) 26324
params {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag'} {'452': 'Change-colour', '451': 'Read-tag', '295': 1}
Shattered banner 26424
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered hood (t1) 26427
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered top (t1) 26430
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered trousers (t1) 26433
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered boots (t1) 26436
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered hood (t2) 26439
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered top (t2) 26442
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered trousers (t2) 26445
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered boots (t2) 26448
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered hood (t3) 26451
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered top (t3) 26454
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered trousers (t3) 26457
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered boots (t3) 26460
params {'916': 3} {'916': 3, '295': 1}
Book of balance (or) 26488
params {'258': 7, '42': 1, '451': 'Read'} {'258': 7, '42': 1, '451': 'Read', '295': 1}
Book of darkness (or) 26490
params {'258': 7, '451': 'Read'} {'258': 7, '451': 'Read', '295': 1}
Book of law (or) 26492
params {'258': 7, '451': 'Read'} {'258': 7, '451': 'Read', '295': 1}
Book of war (or) 26494
params {'258': 7, '451': 'Read'} {'258': 7, '451': 'Read', '295': 1}
Holy book (or) 26496
params {'40': 1, '258': 7, '451': 'Read'} {'40': 1, '258': 7, '451': 'Read', '295': 1}
Unholy book (or) 26498
params {'41': 1, '258': 7, '451': 'Read'} {'41': 1, '258': 7, '451': 'Read', '295': 1}
Shattered relics bronze trophy 26503
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 100, '918': 1} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 100, '918': 1, '295': 1}
Shattered relics iron trophy 26505
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 480, '918': 2} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 480, '918': 2, '295': 1}
Shattered relics steel trophy 26507
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 1660, '918': 3} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 1660, '918': 3, '295': 1}
Shattered relics mithril trophy 26509
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 5475, '918': 4} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 5475, '918': 4, '295': 1}
Shattered relics adamant trophy 26511
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 15575, '918': 5} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 15575, '918': 5, '295': 1}
Shattered relics rune trophy 26513
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 31980, '918': 6} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 31980, '918': 6, '295': 1}
Shattered relics dragon trophy 26515
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 52545, '918': 7} {'451': 'Trophy Emote', '916': 3, '917': 52545, '918': 7, '295': 1}
Shattered cane 26517
params {'451': 'Skill Emote', '452': 'Boss Emote', '916': 3, '453': 'Quest Emote', '454': 'Fragment Emote'} {'451': 'Skill Emote', '452': 'Boss Emote', '916': 3, '453': 'Quest Emote', '454': 'Fragment Emote', '295': 1}
Portable waystone 26549
params {'451': 'Teleport'} {'451': 'Teleport', '295': 1}
Arcane grimoire 26551
params {'452': 'Previous Spellbook', '453': 'Check Previous', '451': 'Change Spellbook'} {'451': 'Change Spellbook', '452': 'Previous Spellbook', '453': 'Check Previous', '295': 1}
Wristbands of the arena (c) 26725
params {'148': 1} {'148': 1, '295': 1}
Wristbands of the arena (cl) 26726
params {'148': 1} {'148': 1, '295': 1}
Wristbands of the arena (ic) 26729
params {'148': 1} {'148': 1, '295': 1}
Wristbands of the arena (ilc) 26730
params {'148': 1} {'148': 1, '295': 1}
Saika's hood 26731
params {'434': 6, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 1} {'434': 6, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 1, '295': 1}
Saika's veil 26733
params {'434': 6, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 40} {'434': 6, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 40, '295': 1}
Saika's shroud 26735
params {'434': 6, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 70} {'434': 6, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 70, '295': 1}
Koriff's headband 26737
params {'434': 4, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 1} {'434': 4, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 1, '295': 1}
Koriff's cowl 26739
params {'434': 4, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 40} {'434': 4, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 40, '295': 1}
Koriff's coif 26741
params {'434': 4, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 70} {'434': 4, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 70, '295': 1}
Maoma's med helm 26743
params {'434': 2, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 1} {'434': 2, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 1, '295': 1}
Maoma's full helm 26745
params {'434': 2, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 40} {'434': 2, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 40, '295': 1}
Maoma's great helm 26747
params {'434': 2, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 70} {'434': 2, '435': 1, '1564': 0, '436': 70, '437': 70, '295': 1}
Calamity chest 26749
params {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 1, '1564': 4, '191': 2} {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 1, '295': 1, '1564': 4, '191': 2}
Superior calamity chest 26751
params {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 40, '1564': 4, '191': 2} {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 40, '295': 1, '1564': 4, '191': 2}
Elite calamity chest 26753
params {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 70, '1564': 4, '191': 2} {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 70, '295': 1, '1564': 4, '191': 2}
Calamity breeches 26755
params {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 1, '1564': 7, '191': 2} {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 1, '295': 1, '1564': 7, '191': 2}
Superior calamity breeches 26757
params {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 40, '1564': 7, '191': 2} {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 40, '295': 1, '1564': 7, '191': 2}
Elite calamity breeches 26759
params {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 70, '1564': 7, '191': 2} {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 70, '437': 70, '613': 70, '614': 70, '295': 1, '1564': 7, '191': 2}
Colossal pouch 26784
params {'595': 'Fill'} {'595': 'Fill', '295': 1}
Colossal pouch 26786
params {'595': 'Fill'} {'595': 'Fill', '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (normal logs) 26824
params {'436': 1, '1642': 2097} {'436': 1, '1642': 2097, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (blue logs) 26826
params {'436': 1, '1642': 2098} {'436': 1, '1642': 2098, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (red logs) 26828
params {'436': 1, '1642': 2099} {'436': 1, '1642': 2099, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (white logs) 26830
params {'436': 1, '1642': 2100} {'436': 1, '1642': 2100, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (purple logs) 26832
params {'436': 1, '1642': 2101} {'436': 1, '1642': 2101, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (green logs) 26834
params {'436': 1, '1642': 2102} {'436': 1, '1642': 2102, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (oak logs) 26836
params {'436': 15, '1642': 2103} {'436': 15, '1642': 2103, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (willow logs) 26838
params {'436': 30, '1642': 2104} {'436': 30, '1642': 2104, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (maple logs) 26840
params {'436': 45, '1642': 2105} {'436': 45, '1642': 2105, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (yew logs) 26842
params {'436': 60, '1642': 2106} {'436': 60, '1642': 2106, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (blisterwood logs) 26844
params {'436': 62, '1642': 2107} {'436': 62, '1642': 2107, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (magic logs) 26846
params {'436': 75, '1642': 2108} {'436': 75, '1642': 2108, '295': 1}
Abyssal lantern (redwood logs) 26848
params {'436': 90, '1642': 2109} {'436': 90, '1642': 2109, '295': 1}
Hat of the eye 26850
params {'1600': 1, '451': 'Check'} {'1600': 1, '451': 'Check', '295': 1}
Robe top of the eye 26852
params {'1600': 1} {'1600': 1, '295': 1}
Robe bottoms of the eye 26854
params {'1600': 1} {'1600': 1, '295': 1}
Boots of the eye 26856
params {'1600': 1} {'1600': 1, '295': 1}
Hat of the eye (red) 26858
params {'1600': 1, '451': 'Check'} {'1600': 1, '451': 'Check', '295': 1}
Robe top of the eye (red) 26860
params {'1600': 1} {'1600': 1, '295': 1}
Robe bottoms of the eye (red) 26862
params {'1600': 1} {'1600': 1, '295': 1}
Hat of the eye (green) 26864
params {'1600': 1, '451': 'Check'} {'1600': 1, '451': 'Check', '295': 1}
Robe top of the eye (green) 26866
params {'1600': 1} {'1600': 1, '295': 1}
Robe bottoms of the eye (green) 26868
params {'1600': 1} {'1600': 1, '295': 1}
Hat of the eye (blue) 26870
params {'1600': 1, '451': 'Check'} {'1600': 1, '451': 'Check', '295': 1}
Robe top of the eye (blue) 26872
params {'1600': 1} {'1600': 1, '295': 1}
Robe bottoms of the eye (blue) 26874
params {'1600': 1} {'1600': 1, '295': 1}
Weak cell 26883
params {'1588': 4, '1589': 300} {'1588': 4, '1589': 300, '295': 1}
Medium cell 26884
params {'1588': 10, '1589': 1000} {'1588': 10, '1589': 1000, '295': 1}
Strong cell 26885
params {'1588': 18, '1589': 1800} {'1588': 18, '1589': 1800, '295': 1}
Overcharged cell 26886
params {'1588': 30, '1589': 2500} {'1588': 30, '1589': 2500, '295': 1}
Amulet of the eye 26914
params {'451': 'Teleport'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Teleport'}
Circlet of water 26969
params {'451': 'Check'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Check'}
Amulet of the eye 26990
params {'451': 'Teleport'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Teleport'}
Amulet of the eye 26992
params {'451': 'Teleport'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Teleport'}
Amulet of the eye 26994
params {'451': 'Teleport'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Teleport'}
Dragon defender (l)(t) 27008
params {'258': 27} {'258': 27, '295': 1}
Colossal blade 27021
params {'436': 60, '434': 0} {'436': 60, '434': 0, '295': 1}
Smiths tunic 27023
params {'1640': 2} {'1640': 2, '295': 1}
Smiths trousers 27025
params {'1640': 2} {'1640': 2, '295': 1}
Smiths boots 27027
params {'1640': 2} {'1640': 2, '295': 1}
Smiths gloves 27029
params {'1640': 2} {'1640': 2, '295': 1}
Smiths gloves (i) 27031
params {'1640': 2, '1641': 1} {'1640': 2, '1641': 1, '295': 1}
Rune pouch 27086
params {'1564': 1003} {'1564': 1003, '295': 1}
Mithril gloves (wrapped) 27110
params {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 1, '437': 1, '613': 1, '614': 1, '1564': 9, '191': 2} {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 1, '437': 1, '613': 1, '614': 1, '295': 1, '1564': 9, '191': 2}
Rune gloves (wrapped) 27111
params {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 1, '437': 1, '613': 1, '614': 34, '1564': 9, '191': 2} {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 1, '437': 1, '613': 1, '614': 34, '295': 1, '1564': 9, '191': 2}
Barrows gloves (wrapped) 27112
params {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 1, '437': 1, '613': 1, '614': 41, '1564': 9, '191': 2} {'434': 4, '435': 6, '579': 1, '436': 1, '437': 1, '613': 1, '614': 41, '295': 1, '1564': 9, '191': 2}
Dragon knife 27157
params {'1564': 3, '23': 60} {'1564': 3, '23': 60, '295': 1}
Mystic robe top (dark) 27158
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Mystic robe bottom (dark) 27159
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Mystic robe top (light) 27160
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Mystic robe bottom (light) 27161
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Wizard boots 27162
params {'1564': 10} {'1564': 10, '295': 1}
Guthix halo 27163
params {'1564': 0, '42': 1} {'1564': 0, '42': 1, '295': 1}
Zamorak halo 27164
params {'1564': 0, '41': 1} {'1564': 0, '41': 1, '295': 1}
Saradomin halo 27165
params {'1564': 0, '40': 1} {'1564': 0, '40': 1, '295': 1}
Ghostly hood 27166
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Ghostly robe 27167
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Ghostly robe 27168
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Berserker helm 27169
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Infinity boots 27170
params {'1564': 10} {'1564': 10, '295': 1}
Tormented bracelet 27171
params {'1564': 9} {'1564': 9, '295': 1}
Necklace of anguish 27172
params {'1564': 2} {'1564': 2, '295': 1}
Amulet of torture 27173
params {'1564': 2} {'1564': 2, '295': 1}
Elder chaos top 27174
params {'1564': 4, '41': 1} {'1564': 4, '41': 1, '295': 1}
Elder chaos robe 27175
params {'1564': 7, '41': 1} {'1564': 7, '41': 1, '295': 1}
Elder chaos hood 27176
params {'1564': 8, '41': 1} {'1564': 8, '41': 1, '295': 1}
Fremennik kilt 27177
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Spiked manacles 27178
params {'1564': 10} {'1564': 10, '295': 1}
Rangers' tunic 27179
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Guthix chaps 27180
params {'1564': 7, '42': 1} {'1564': 7, '42': 1, '295': 1}
Zamorak chaps 27181
params {'1564': 7, '41': 1} {'1564': 7, '41': 1, '295': 1}
Saradomin chaps 27182
params {'1564': 7, '40': 1} {'1564': 7, '40': 1, '295': 1}
3rd age mage hat 27183
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Ancient godsword 27184
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Rune defender 27185
params {'1564': 5} {'1564': 5, '295': 1}
Zaryte crossbow 27186
params {'1564': 3, '23': 80} {'1564': 3, '23': 80, '295': 1}
Bow of faerdhinen 27187
params {'1564': 3, '23': 80} {'1564': 3, '23': 80, '295': 1}
Light ballista 27188
params {'1562': -6, '1563': 0, '1564': 3, '23': 65} {'1562': -6, '1563': 0, '1564': 3, '23': 65, '295': 1}
Verac's flail 27189
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Verac's brassard 27190
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Unholy book 27191
params {'1564': 5, '41': 1} {'1564': 5, '41': 1, '295': 1}
Opal dragon bolts (e) 27192
params {'1564': 13, '23': 64} {'1564': 13, '23': 64, '295': 1}
Ancestral robe top 27193
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
Ancestral robe bottom 27194
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
Inquisitor's great helm 27195
params {'1564': 0, '41': 1, '155': 5} {'41': 1, '155': 5, '1564': 0, '295': 1}
Inquisitor's hauberk 27196
params {'1564': 4, '41': 1, '155': 5} {'41': 1, '155': 5, '1564': 4, '295': 1}
Inquisitor's plateskirt 27197
params {'1564': 7, '41': 1, '155': 5} {'41': 1, '155': 5, '1564': 7, '295': 1}
Inquisitor's mace 27198
params {'1564': 3, '41': 1} {'1564': 3, '41': 1, '295': 1}
3rd age range top 27199
params {'1564': 4} {'1564': 4, '295': 1}
3rd age range legs 27200
params {'1564': 7} {'1564': 7, '295': 1}
3rd age range coif 27201
params {'1564': 0} {'1564': 0, '295': 1}
Divine rune pouch 27281
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Keris partisan of corruption 27287
params {'436': 80, '434': 0} {'436': 80, '434': 0, '295': 1}
Keris partisan of the sun 27291
params {'436': 80, '434': 0} {'436': 80, '434': 0, '295': 1}
Tome of fire 27358
params {'1564': 5} {'1564': 5, '295': 1}
Masori assembler max cape 27363
params {'451': 'Commune'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Commune'}
Masori assembler max cape (l) 27365
params {'451': 'Commune'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Commune'}
Masori assembler 27374
params {'434': 4, '435': 1, '451': 'Commune', '1564': 1, '436': 70, '437': 35} {'434': 4, '435': 1, '451': 'Commune', '436': 70, '437': 35, '295': 1, '1564': 1}
Masori assembler (l) 27376
params {'451': 'Commune'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Commune'}
Gold speedrun trophy 27422
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Trophy Emote'}
Platinum speedrun trophy 27424
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Trophy Emote'}
Treat cauldron 27463
params {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote'} {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote', '295': 1}
Treat cauldron 27465
params {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote'} {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote', '295': 1}
Treat cauldron 27467
params {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote'} {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote', '295': 1}
Treat cauldron 27469
params {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote'} {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote', '295': 1}
Treat cauldron 27471
params {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote'} {'451': 'Check', '452': 'Change', '453': 'Accept trick-or-treat', '454': 'Emote', '295': 1}
Terrifying charm 27483
params {'451': 'Check'} {'451': 'Check', '295': 1}
Halloween wig 27497
params {'451': 'Change'} {'451': 'Change', '295': 1}
Halloween wig 27499
params {'451': 'Change'} {'451': 'Change', '295': 1}
Halloween wig 27501
params {'451': 'Change'} {'451': 'Change', '295': 1}
Halloween wig 27503
params {'451': 'Change'} {'451': 'Change', '295': 1}
Halloween wig 27505
params {'451': 'Change'} {'451': 'Change', '295': 1}
Halloween wig 27507
params {'451': 'Change'} {'451': 'Change', '295': 1}
Divine rune pouch (l) 27509
params {'595': 'Empty'} {'595': 'Empty', '295': 1}
Santa's list 27564
params {'451': 'Check'} {'451': 'Check', '295': 1}
Festive nutcracker top 27572
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Festive nutcracker trousers 27574
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Festive nutcracker hat 27576
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Festive nutcracker boots 27578
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Festive nutcracker staff 27580
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Sweet nutcracker top 27582
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Sweet nutcracker trousers 27583
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Sweet nutcracker hat 27584
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Sweet nutcracker boots 27585
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Sweet nutcracker staff 27586
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Ancient sceptre 27624
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Ancient sceptre (l) 27626
params {'1564': 3} {'1564': 3, '295': 1}
Diamond speedrun trophy 27783
params {'451': 'Trophy Emote'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Trophy Emote'}
Bob the cat slippers 27806
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Jad slippers 27808
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Jad plush 27814
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Stray dog plush 27816
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Gnome child plush 27818
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Oldschool jumper 27822
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Oldschool jumper 27823
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Oldschool jumper 27824
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Oldschool jumper 27825
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Oldschool jumper 27826
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Oldschool jumper 27827
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'295': 1, '451': 'Change-style'}
Voidwaker 27869
params {'1564': 3, '436': 75, '434': 0} {'434': 0, '1564': 3, '436': 75, '295': 1}
Nest hat 27875
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}
Nest hat 27877
params {'451': 'Change-style'} {'451': 'Change-style', '295': 1}

Non-Player Characters

New NPCs

New NPCs
Name ID Combat Level Options
Tool Leprechaun 12109 No Combat Level Talk-to, Exchange
Hallowed Sepulchre Coffin 12110 No Combat Level None
Hallowed Sepulchre Grand Coffin 12111 No Combat Level None
Ent trunk 12112 1 None

Removed NPCs

Removed NPCs
Name ID

Diff NPCs

Diff NPCs
Name ID Key Previous Value New Value


New Objects

New Objects
Name ID Options
Tombs of Amascut 47337 None
Theatre of Blood 47338 None
Yommi tree 47339 None

Removed Objects

Removed Objects
Name ID

Diff Objects

Diff Objects
Name ID Key Previous Value New Value
Corrupt Phren Roots 35969
name Phren Roots Corrupt Phren Roots
Corrupt Phren Roots (Depleted) 35970
name Phren Roots (Depleted) Corrupt Phren Roots (Depleted)
Corrupt Fishing Spot 35971
name Fishing Spot Corrupt Fishing Spot
Corrupt Fishing Spot (Depleted) 35972
name Fishing Spot (Depleted) Corrupt Fishing Spot (Depleted)
Corrupt Grym Root 35973
name Grym Root Corrupt Grym Root
Corrupt Grym Root (Depleted) 35974
name Grym Root (Depleted) Corrupt Grym Root (Depleted)
Corrupt Linum Tirinum 35975
name Linum Tirinum Corrupt Linum Tirinum
Corrupt Linum Tirinum (Depleted) 35976
name Linum Tirinum (Depleted) Corrupt Linum Tirinum (Depleted)
Gold Chest 41220
name gold Chest Gold Chest
Gold Chest 41221
name gold Chest Gold Chest