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Released 4 January 2001 (Update)
Also called Mage
Members No
Type Combat
Players with
as of 1 November 2024 - update
Players with
200M XP
as of 7 October 2024 - update

Magic is one of the most important skills in Old School RuneScape and is one of the three combat classes. It is used in combat via combat spells, fast transport around the world via teleportation spells, and allows crafted items to be enchanted and convert items into coins through utility spells. While it is possible to play the game without being skilled in Magic, it is a considerable advantage to be able to use many spells, especially High Level Alchemy and teleports.

Magic is also important in order to defend well against Magic attacks. Unlike Melee and Ranged Defence, a player's Magic Defence is actually determined by both Magic (70%) and Defence (30%) levels, as well as magic defence bonus.

Magic level up - normal
The music that plays when levelling up.
File:Magic level up (normal).ogg
Magic level up - with unlocks
The music that plays when levelling up and unlocking new content.
File:Magic level up (with unlocks).ogg


A player demonstrating Magic spells.

Magic is used almost exclusively through casting spells on monsters, another player, on one's self (reflexively), or on an item.

Magic spells are divided into three distinct types: Combat, Teleport, and Utility spells.

Combat spells

Combat spells are primarily used by players, mostly in battle, for their offensive capabilities. Combat spells can be separated into three sub-types:

  • Offensive spells - Used to deal magical damage against opponents.
  • Curse spells - Used to disable or debilitate an opponent.
  • Support spells - Offers a range of benefits to the caster or recipient.

Teleport spells

Teleport spells instantly transport players to a predetermined location. As teleportation save lots of time when travelling around the world, they are widely used among all players.

Some spells may teleport players to the dangerous Wilderness, where they are warned before the spell is actually cast, though this can be toggled by right-clicking the spell icon.

Utility spells

Utility spells are primarily used by players outside of combat in skilling activities, such as enchanting jewellery, baking pies, or reanimating ensouled heads.

The Lunar spellbook, accessible by members, focuses heavily on utility spells.


There are four different spellbooks used to cast magic spells from. A player may only cast spells from their current spellbook, and if they wish to use spells from another spellbook, they must change to that spellbook through various means.

To cast a spell, a player must choose the desired spell from their spellbook. To access the activated spellbook, click on the spellbook icon in the game's interface.

Free-to-play players only have access to the standard spellbook, while the other three spellbooks are only available for members after unlocking them through various content.

As with other skills, some spells require higher skill levels to cast.

Standard spellbook

The standard spellbook icon.
The standard spellbook icon.

The standard spellbook is available to all players. There is no prerequisite to using the standard spellbook, although some spells are only available on members' worlds and others require completion of certain quests or tasks.

Arceuus spellbook

The Arceuus spellbook icon.
The Arceuus spellbook icon.

The Arceuus spellbook is available to all players by talking to Tyss at the Dark Altar in northern Arceuus. Like the standard spellbook, it has a variety of teleport and utility spells at its disposal, with a focus on necromancy. A larger set of combat and utility spells are only accessible to players who have completed the quest A Kingdom Divided.

Ancient Magicks

The Ancient Magicks icon.
The Ancient Magicks icon.

Ancient Magicks are available to players upon completion of the quest Desert Treasure I. Unlike the other spellbooks, the Ancient Magicks is significantly combat-oriented, including some of the most powerful combat spells in the game.

Lunar spellbook

The lunar spellbook icon.
The lunar spellbook icon.

The Lunar spellbook is available to players upon completion of the quest Lunar Diplomacy. The spellbook is primarily oriented towards utility spells and combat-support spells, although some of them are only accessible to players who have completed the quest Dream Mentor and completion of the Hard Fremennik Diary.



All spells (with the exception of the Home Teleports) require the use of runes as a consumed resource. Runes are stackable, commonly traded items which are obtained by various methods, such as by crafting them via the Runecraft skill or obtained as drops from monsters.

The requirement for certain runes in a spell can be removed if the player wields an elemental staff or charged tome corresponding to an elemental rune. As an example, wielding a staff of fire or charged tome of fire allows a player to cast High Level Alchemy using only one nature rune.

Magic weapons

Magic weapons attack from a distance and come in two primary types, weapons that can autocast spells and powered staves. Magic weapons that can autocast spells include staves, wands and bladed staves. They can be used as melee weapons, however their primary function is for casting spells, taking place of elemental runes, auto cast, and access to specific spells like Magic Dart. Powered staves instead have a built-in magic spell that can be used regardless of the spellbook the player is using. Most magic weapons also boost Magic Attack and Defence.

In the list below are all the free-to-play staves, which all can be obtained at Zaff's store in Varrock.

Item Attack Defence Strength
Crush Magic Stab Slash Crush Magic
7 4 2 3 1 4 3
10 10 2 3 1 10 7
7 10 2 3 1 10 3
7 10 2 3 1 10 3
7 10 2 3 1 10 5
9 10 2 3 1 10 6

Magic armour and robes

Most mages wear robes, although some light armour is available that is made from special material and does not hinder the wearer's ability to perform magical attacks. For the different sets of armour and detailed information on each piece, see the armour guide.

A player can have a Magic Attack bonus of up to 172, and a Magic Defence bonus up to 253. The lowest Magic Attack bonus is -105, which will help prevent spells from hitting an opponent while training (i.e. splashing).


Monster magic defence

A monster's defence level has no effect on the accuracy of incoming magical attacks. Instead, a monster's magical defence roll is calculated solely from their magic level and magic defence bonus. This differs from range and melee, as they use the defence level and respective defence bonus.[1]

Magic accuracy

  • There is no difference in magic accuracy between spells; higher-leveled spells are as equally accurate as lower-leveled spells. An exception to this is the accuracy bonus provided by Demonbane spells.
  • Magic accuracy is solely determined by the attacker's Attack roll and the defender's Defence roll.
  • The Attack roll and Defence roll formulas are different for monsters and players; their Attack and Defence effective levels differ.
  • The player's accuracy roll depends on the player's Magic level () and Magic equipment attack bonus ().[2] Because visible Magic level is used, offensive Prayer effects need to be considered ().
  • Monster's accuracy roll depends on the monster's Magic level () and Magic attack bonuses ().
  • The player's defence roll depends on the player's Magic level (), player's Defence lvl (), Magic equipment defence bonus () and defensive Prayer effects ().
  • Monster's defence roll depends on the monster's Magic level (), monster's Magic defence bonus ()
Player Monster
Attacking Effective level ()
Attack Roll ()
Defending Effective level ()
Defence Roll ()
  • The hit chance can be calculated by taking Attack roll () of the attacker (Player/Monster) and comparing it with Defence roll () of the defender. Both can be calculated from given table.
    • If then Hit chance
    • Otherwise Hit chance [1][3]
  • Examples of Defence roll calculation for monsters
    • Callisto (Members only)
      • Effective level
      • Defence roll
    • Skeletal wyvern (Members only)
      • Effective level
      • Defence roll:
  • Protect from Magic makes most NPCs splash against players.[4]

Elemental weaknesses

Additionally, certain monsters are weak to a certain type of elemental spell from the standard spellbook. For every point of elemental weakness a monster has, the player gains a +1% accuracy and damage bonus for that elemental type.

Activities and locations

There are several activities and locations in the game that are directly related to the Magic skill.

Training Magic

Temporary boosts

All values given below by formulae are rounded down.

Boost Level
Visibility Other info
1 Visible Players may use the cape to change to any spellbook that they already have unlocked up to five times per day.
1 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 1
Smithing Smithing 1
Magic Magic 1
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
Oldak ±2 Visible Requires completion of Death to the Dorgeshuun.
2 or 3 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 1
Magic Magic 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.02)
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 1
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 1
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 1
Available to free players.
File:Magic essence.png 3 Visible Used during the Fairytale II - Cure a Queen quest.
File:Magic essence mix.png 3 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 6 per dose.

Requires Barbarian training.

Mature Wizard's mind bomb 3 or 4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 2
Magic Magic 3 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.02)
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 2
File:Magic potion.png 4 Visible Allows for the use of higher level magical spells.
File:Magic mix.png 4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 6 per dose.

Requires Barbarian training.

File:Divine magic potion.png 4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints - 10
Acts as a magic potion.
Passive stat draining for Magic is disabled for 5 minutes, meaning the player's Magic will stay fully boosted.
After the 5 minutes are over, Magic level will be restored to its base level.
File:Battlemage potion.png 4 Visible Defence Defence 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Acts as a magic and super defence potion in one dose.
File:Divine battlemage potion.png 4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints - 10
Defence Defence 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Acts as a battlemage potion.
Passive stat draining for Magic is disabled for 5 minutes, meaning the player's Magic will stay fully boosted.
After the 5 minutes are over, Magic level will be restored to its base level.
4 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 20
Attack Attack 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Defence Defence 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Strength Strength 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Ranged Ranged 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
±0-5 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 11
Depending on type of stew, any skill except Hitpoints can be boosted or reduced by 0 to 5 levels randomly.
File:Ancient brew.png 2-6 Visible Magic Magic 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.05)
Prayer Prayer 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1) with the ability to restore up to 5% over the player's base Prayer level.
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
File:Forgotten brew.png 3-10 Visible Magic Magic 3 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.08)
Prayer Prayer 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1) with the ability to restore up to 5% over the player's base Prayer level.
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
1-10 Visible Magic Magic 1 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Only usable once every 7 minutes.
4-13 Visible Magic Magic 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Passive stat draining for magic is disabled for 5 minutes, meaning the player's Magic will stay fully boosted.
After the 5 minutes are over, Magic level will be restored to its base level.
Only usable once every 5 minutes.
File:Kodai (-).png 4-13 Visible Magic Magic 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
File:Overload (-).png 4-13 Visible Acts as an elder (-), twisted (-), and kodai (-) potion in one dose.
Hitpoints Hitpoints - 50
Attack Attack 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Defence Defence 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Strength Strength 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Ranged Ranged 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
Magic Magic 4 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.1)
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 5 minutes.
(This lost health is refunded after the overload ends).
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
File:Kodai potion.png 5-17 Visible Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric
File:Overload (Chambers of Xeric).png 5-17 Visible Acts as an elder, twisted, and kodai potion in one dose.
Hitpoints Hitpoints - 50
Attack Attack 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Defence Defence 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Strength Strength 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Ranged Ranged 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.13)
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 5 minutes.
(This lost health is refunded after the overload ends).
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
File:Potion of power.png 5-19 Visible Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Only usable within the Soul Wars minigame.
File:Super magic potion.png 5-19 Visible Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Only usable within the Nightmare Zone.
File:Overload (Nightmare Zone).png 5-19 Visible Acts as a super combat, super ranging, and super magic potion in one dose.
Hitpoints Hitpoints - 50
Attack Attack 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Defence Defence 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Strength Strength 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Ranged Ranged 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Magic Magic 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 5 minutes.
(This lost health is refunded after the overload ends).
Only usable within the Nightmare Zone.
File:Kodai (+).png 6-21 Visible Magic Magic 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
File:Overload (+).png 6-21 Visible Acts as an elder (+), twisted (+), and kodai (+) potion in one dose.
Hitpoints Hitpoints - 50
Attack Attack 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Defence Defence 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Strength Strength 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Ranged Ranged 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Magic Magic 6 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 5 minutes.
(This lost health is refunded after the overload ends).
Only usable within the Chambers of Xeric.
11-26 Visible Attack Attack 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Defence Defence 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Strength Strength 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Ranged Ranged 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Magic Magic 11 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.16)
Restores run energy by 25%.
The boost is reapplied every 15 seconds for 8 minutes.
Only usable within the Tombs of Amascut.


Quests requiring Magic

Quest Magic
Other requirements
In Aid of the Myreque Magic 7 Crafting 25 , Mining 15
Watchtower Magic 14 Thieving 15 , Agility 25 , Herblore 14 , Mining 40
Elemental Workshop II Magic 20 Smithing 30 , Crafting 20
Darkness of Hallowvale Magic 33 Thieving 22 , Construction 5 , Mining 20 , Agility 26 , Crafting 32 , Strength 40
The Giant Dwarf Magic 33 Thieving 14 , Crafting 12 , Firemaking 16
Spirits of the Elid Magic 33 Thieving 37 , Ranged 37 , Mining 37
A Kingdom Divided Magic 35 Agility 54 , Thieving 52 , Woodcutting 52 , Herblore 50 , Mining 42 , Crafting 38
Enakhra's Lament Magic 39 Crafting 50 , Firemaking 45 , Prayer 43 , Mining 45
King's Ransom Magic 45 Defence 65
The Eyes of Glouphrie Magic 46 Construction 5 , Woodcutting 45 ()
Sins of the Father Magic 49 Woodcutting 62 , Crafting 56 , Agility 52 , Fletching 60 , Slayer 50 , Attack 50
Desert Treasure I Magic 50 Thieving 53 , Firemaking 50 , Slayer 10
Legends' Quest Magic 56 Agility 50 , Crafting 50 , Herblore 45 , Mining 52 , Prayer 42 , Smithing 50 , Strength 50 , Thieving 50 , Woodcutting 50
Family Crest Magic 59 Mining 40 , Smithing 40 , Crafting 40
Lunar Diplomacy Magic 65 Crafting 61 , Defence 40 , Firemaking 49 , Herblore 5 , Mining 60 , Woodcutting 55
Swan Song Magic 66 Quest points 100 , Cooking 62 , Fishing 62 , Smithing 45 , Firemaking 42 , Crafting 40
While Guthix Sleeps Magic 67 Quest points 180 , Agility 66 , Farming 65 , Herblore 65 , Hunter 62 , Defence 40 , Thieving 72
Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire Magic 75 Firemaking 75 ,Thieving 70 ,Herblore 62 ,Runecraft 60 ,Construction 60
Dragon Slayer II Magic 75 Quest points 200 , Smithing 70 , Mining 68 , Crafting 62 , Agility 60 , Thieving 60 , Construction 50 , Hitpoints 50

Quests rewarding Magic experience

Quest Experience
Other requirements Members
Witch's Potion 325 - - 0
Imp Catcher 875 - - 0
Fairytale I - Growing Pains 1,000 - - 1
Spirits of the Elid 1,000 Magic 33 Thieving 37 , Ranged 37 , Mining 37 1
The Giant Dwarf 1,500 Magic 33 Thieving 14 , Crafting 12 , Firemaking 16 1
The Grand Tree 2,150 - Agility 25 1
Recipe for Disaster
(Lumbridge Guide subquest)
2,500 - Cooking 40 1
Horror from the Deep 4,662 - Agility 35 1
The Path of Glouphrie 5,000 - Strength 60 , Slayer 56 , Thieving 56 , Ranged 47 , Agility 45 1
King's Ransom 5,000 Magic 45 Defence 65 1
Lunar Diplomacy 5,000 Magic 65 Crafting 61 , Defence 40 , Firemaking 49 , Herblore 5 , Mining 60 , Woodcutting 55 1
Enakhra's Lament 7,000 Magic 39 Crafting 50 , Firemaking 45 , Prayer 43 , Mining 45 1
Dream Mentor 10,000 Magic 65 Agility 32 (boostable), Combat level 85 , Crafting 61 , Defence 40 , Firemaking 49 , Herblore 5 , Mining 60 , Woodcutting 55 1
The Eyes of Glouphrie 12,000 Magic 46 Construction 5 , Woodcutting 45 () 1
Swan Song 15,000 Magic 66 Quest points 100 , Cooking 62 , Fishing 62 , Smithing 45 , Firemaking 42 , Crafting 40 1
Watchtower 15,250 Magic 15 Thieving 15 , Agility 25 , Herblore 14 , Mining 40 1
Desert Treasure I 20,000 Magic 50 Thieving 53 , Firemaking 50 , Slayer 10 1
Total 103,262

Skill choice

Upon completing any of the following quests, players may choose to allocate experience to Magic. These rewards usually come in the form of items, such as lamps or books, and are independent of any experience rewards directly received for completing the quest.

Skills availableSkill requirements
X Marks the Spot300AnyNone
Client of Kourend500 twiceAnyNone
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen2,500Any skill above 30Farming 49 , Herblore 57
A Tail of Two Cats2,500 twiceAny skill above 30None
The Great Brain Robbery5,000Any skill above 30Crafting 16 , Construction 30 , Prayer 50
King's Ransom5,000Any skill above 50Defence 65
Darkness of Hallowvale2,000 three timesAny skill above 30Construction 5 , Mining 20 , Thieving 22 , Crafting 32 , Magic 33 , Strength 40
A Taste of Hope2,500 three timesAny skill above 35Crafting 48 , Herblore 40 , Attack 40 , Agility 45 , Slayer 38
A Kingdom Divided10,000 twiceAny skill above 40Agility 54 , Thieving 52 , Woodcutting 52 , Herblore 50 , Mining 42 ,
Crafting 38 , Magic 35
In Search of Knowledge
10,000Any skill above 40None
Curse of the Empty Lord
10,000Any skill above 50Some players will need Prayer 31
Shadow of the Storm10,000Attack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Crafting 30
Contact!7,000 twiceAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints None
Dream Mentor15,000Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Agility 32 , Combat level 85 , Crafting 61 , Defence 40 , Firemaking 49 ,
Herblore 5 , Magic 65 , Mining 60 , Woodcutting 55
A Night at the Theatre20,000 four timesAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Combat level 90 recommended
One Small Favour10,000 twiceAny skill above 30Agility 36 , Crafting 25 , Herblore 18 , Smithing 30
Recipe for Disaster
(The final battle)
20,000Any skill above 50Quest points 175 , Cooking 70 , Agility 48 , Mining 50 , Fishing 53 ,
Thieving 53 , Herblore 25 , Magic 59 , Smithing 40 , Firemaking 50 ,
Ranged 40 , Crafting 40 , Fletching 10 , Slayer 10 , Woodcutting 36
Legends' Quest30,000 four timesAttack Strength Defence Magic Hitpoints Prayer
Woodcutting Crafting Smithing Herblore Agility Thieving
Quest points 107 , Agility 50 , Crafting 50 , Herblore 45 , Magic 56 , Mining 52 ,
Prayer 42 , Smithing 50 , Strength 50 , Thieving 50 , Woodcutting 50
Sins of the Father15,000 six timesAny skill above 60Woodcutting 62 , Fletching 60 , Crafting 56 , Agility 52 , Slayer 50 , Attack 50 , Magic 49
Dragon Slayer II25,000 four timesAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Quest points 200 , Magic 75 , Smithing 70 , Mining 68 , Crafting 62 ,
Agility 60 , Thieving 60 , Construction 50 , Hitpoints 50
Into the Tombs
50,000Attack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Combat level 95 recommended
Monkey Madness II50,000 twiceAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Slayer 69 , Crafting 70 , Hunter 60 , Agility 55 , Thieving 55 , Firemaking 60
Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire100,000 three timesAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Prayer Firemaking 75 , Magic 75 , Thieving 70 , Herblore 62 , Runecraft 60 , Construction 60


  • In early 2001, there were two magic skills, Good Magic and Evil Magic. However, with the introduction of a new magic system, the lower skill was removed, and the higher skill changed to Magic. For example, if the player had level 50 Good Magic and level 40 Evil Magic, they would keep level 50 Magic, and the experience for the Evil Magic was discarded. Because of this, some players were upset that they lost money for training their lower magic skill, and that the experience was thrown away instead of carried over. There were also spells like Shock Bolt, Elemental Bolt, Camouflage, and Fear.
  • Prior to the introduction of RuneScape 2, combat spells were universally represented by a simple, flying blue star, which proved difficult to distinguish from arrows, which were green stars. Also, in RuneScape Classic, players were capable of casting magic spells while wearing full rune armour, leading to a massive imbalance in favour of high-level mages.
  • Prior to the advent of multicombat areas in RuneScape 2, mages and archers could attack enemies while a melee fighter engaged the monster in direct combat. This was the most common way for multiple players to attack the same creature, usually high level bosses like the King Black Dragon. The loot would go to whoever dealt the most damage, and the person who dealt the last hit would be the only one to receive experience, though less than if they had killed the monster themselves.
  • In RuneScape Classic, each spell gave the fixed experience using the formula 2 * spell level + 20. Magic was a much faster skill to train if you could get sufficient runes, though runes were much harder to obtain. With RuneScape 2 came the introduction of Runecraft and many monsters with much higher rune drop rates, so runes became much easier to obtain. Accordingly, experience rates were also reduced to where they are today. Now normal spells generally gives (spell level + 10) experience and combat spells generally give a base experience of (spell level + 10)/2.
  • A RuneScape Mythbusters episode aired on Twitch revealed that a player's Magic level plays a role in defending against magic attacks.

See also


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1
  2. ^
  3. ^ Bitterkoekje. "Combat Formulas." 10 March 2015. Old School RuneScape Forums.
  4. ^