Daeyalt shards are magical shards that can be mined from daeyalt essence rocks at the daeyalt essence mine beneath Darkmeyer. Requiring level 60 Mining and completion of Sins of the Fatherquest to access, players can only mine the active daeyalt essence, which can be recognised as the one surrounded by sparkles. The number of shards received per action varies between 2 and 3, averaging 2.5, and always granting 5 experience. Mining enhancersdo not increase the amount received.
Daeyalt shards can be converted to daeyalt essence by trading Noranna Tytanin in the mine for an equal amount. Any essence received is sent to the bank. To trade in the shards for daeyalt essence, players must be wearing vyre noble clothing.
The tier of pickaxe used affects the rate at which shards are mined, however mining level does not. With moderate concentration and a dragon pickaxe, around 4000 shards can be mined per hour. With high concentration and Tick manipulation players can reach up to 8000 shards mined per hour.