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Released 4 January 2001 (Update)
Also called HP
Members No
Type Combat
Players with
as of 1 November 2024 - update
Players with
200M XP
as of 7 October 2024 - update

Hitpoints (also known as "health" or "HP") represent a player's health. If they reach zero, the player will die. Hitpoints is the only skill for which players start at level ten on Tutorial Island, where the player starts out with exactly 1,154 experience points.

Hitpoints level up - levels 11-49
The music that plays when achieving levels 11-49.
File:Hitpoints level up (levels 2-49).ogg

Types of damage

Players can experience damage to their hitpoints through:

Hitpoints level up - levels 50-99
The music that plays when achieving levels 50-99.
File:Hitpoints level up (levels 50-99).ogg


While fighting, both the player and their opponent have a bar over them. This bar represents their Hitpoints.

Healthbar slider.gif

There are two colours on the bar; green and red. The green part of the bar represents how many Hitpoints a character has left and the red part represents how many Hitpoints they are missing, i.e. the net damage they have suffered. So if a player is low on Hitpoints, then the bar over them would be mostly red, meaning they are near death. Players often refer to "being redbarred" when barely surviving or only just getting a kill for this reason.

Recovering Hitpoints

A player can heal to restore their Hitpoints up to or occasionally even above their maximum. There are a number of ways to do this.


Players regenerate 1 Hitpoint per minute. This can be boosted with the following effects:

  • The Rapid Heal Prayer or the Hitpoints cape double the regeneration rate, healing an additional 1 Hitpoint per minute. These effects do not stack with each other.
    • The Regen bracelet also doubles the regeneration rate. This can stack with either of the above effects, resulting in a regeneration rate of 4 Hitpoints per minute.
  • The Lunar spell Dream incapacitates the player, ending only once the caster reaches full health, but increases the regeneration rate to 3 Hitpoints per minute.


  • Food is the most common and reliable method of restoring Hitpoints. Food can restore large amounts of Hitpoints quickly and cheaply.
    • Because of how important food is, unlocking access to stronger tiers of food is often considered a significant milestone.
  • Saradomin brews, when used carefully, can restore more Hitpoints per inventory slot than food, but have unique drawbacks to be considered. They are often used when inventory space or sustainability is a concern.


  • The monks at the Edgeville Monastery will heal players when asked. They heal 2 + 20% of the player's current Hitpoints, except Abbot Langley which heals 4 + 12% of the player's current Hitpoints.
  • The nurses at the Emir's Arena hospital will heal players when asked. They heal 2 + 20% of the player's current Hitpoints.
  • The Elidinis Statuette in Nardah fully restores a player's Prayer points, completely heals them, completely restores their run energy and special attack energy, cures poison, and gives a temporary Hitpoints boost depending on the player's Hitpoints level. Players who have completed the Elite Desert Diary can take advantage of the desert amulet 4, which provides unlimited Nardah teleports and teleports the player close to the statue. It is also directly south of a Fairy ring (DLQ). This statue can only be used after Spirits of the Elid is complete.
  • Drinking from an ornate rejuvenation pool in a player-owned house or a pool of refreshment at the Ferox Enclave restores all of a player's Hitpoints.
  • Entering the Free-for-all portal in the Ferox Enclave and then exiting will restore all of the player's Hitpoints and drained stats.


  • Phoenix necklaces automatically restore the wearer's Hitpoints by 30% of their maximum if their Hitpoints drop below 20% of their maximum.

Healing from others

Life Leech

The following methods can provide a percentage of damage dealt as Hitpoints restoration, commonly referred to as life leech.

Life leech can occur actively through some special attacks or more passively through chance on-hit effects.

Item Name Type Leech % Method
Passive 25% Equipping a full Guthan's set grants a 25% chance to heal for 100% of damage dealt.
Additionally, with an amulet of the damned equipped, the leech effect allows for over-healing Hitpoints up to 10 above the current maximum.
Passive 25% Blood spells heal for 25% of damage dealt. An ancient sceptre increases this by 2.5%. Each piece of Bloodbark armour increases it by 2% for a total of 10% with a full set. A blood ancient sceptre allows for over-healing Hitpoints up to 10% above the current maximum.
Passive 8.33% The built in spell has a 1/6 (~16.6%) chance to heal for 50% of damage dealt.
Passive 6% Melee attacks while wearing this amulet have a 20% chance to heal for 30% of the damage dealt.
File:Onyx bolts (e).png Passive 2.75% Hits with these bolts have a 11% chance (12.1% with completion of the Hard Kandarin Diary) to heal for 25% of damage dealt.
File:Onyx dragon bolts (e).png
Special 50% Heals for 50% of damage dealt.
Special 50% Heals for 50% of damage dealt, always restoring a minimum of 10 Hitpoints. (Also restores 25% of damage as prayer points)
Special 100% Marks a target. If the target fails to move far enough away within 8 ticks (4.8 seconds) then 25 damage is dealt, and the player is healed for 15% of the target's hitpoints level, up to a cap.

Self-inflicted damage

Players can damage themselves with some interactions with the following items. Non-lethal items cannot kill the player under normal circumstances. When using a non-lethal item which damage would result in taking lethal damage, either no damage will be dealt or the item cannot be used. However, lethal items can still be used to take lethal damage. Damage from non-lethal items may still result in death if it is taken at the same time as damage from another source.




Players can experience passive damage over time (and eventually die) through the environment at either the Kharidian Desert, whilst in the Wintertodt minigame, or inside greater fog whilst participating in Last Man Standing.

Kharidian Desert

Players who are in the Kharidian Desert will experience Desert heat, except for those who completed the Elite Desert Diary. Players will need to bring Waterskin and wear desert-friendly clothing to prevent the player from taking up to 10 damage every 30-90 seconds (depending on the type of armour worn).

Wintertodt (Outdated)

Players who participate in the Wintertodt minigame will experience intermittent passive damage as the cold will seep into their bones. This passive damage is scaled based on each player's levels, the formula takes into account Hitpoints and Firemaking levels as well as the number of braziers that are currently lit. Wearing warm or winter-themed equipment will reduce the damage taken. To receive the maximum damage reduction, players will need to wear four articles of warm or winter-themed equipment.

Last Man Standing

Players who participate in Last Man Standing will encounter fog markers; this will drive all of the remaining players onto the middle of the minigame. If players are less than 16 tiles into the fog, they will take 1-3 damage every other tick, ramping up over 6 ticks. Players 16 or more tiles into the fog will be subject to greater fog, which can deal up to 10 damage every other tick. To prevent this, it is important to strategise by moving to a place that provides cover and concealment from both the fog and other players.


When a player's Hitpoints reach zero, they die, dropping all the items in their inventory on the ground except their three most valuable items (based on Grand Exchange values). One more item can be saved if a player dies with the Protect Item Prayer activated. Outside of PvP areas, items dropped on death are only visible to the player who owned them and remain on the ground or in the gravestone for fifteen minutes, after which they will be transferred to Death's Office; within such areas, they remain on the ground for only two minutes and are visible only to the killer during the first minute.

If a player attacks another player in the Wilderness who hasn't engaged in combat with them first, or has entered the Abyss via the Mage of Zamorak, a skull appears over their head. If a player under any circumstances dies while "skulled," they drop all the items in their inventory - unless the Protect Item Prayer is used, allowing the player to keep a single item if they die (unless the player is in a high-risk world). A skull obtained by attacking another player will disappear if the player waits twenty minutes without performing any actions that would cause them to get another skull, while a skull caused by entering the Abyss will disappear after ten minutes, provided the same condition is fulfilled.

A ring of life can be used to automatically teleport the player safely back to their respawn point if they take a hit which causes them to fall to or below 10% of their maximum Hitpoints. Note that a ring of life will not activate if the player is hit with a blow that kills them from above 10% of their Hitpoints or if they are in level 30 Wilderness or deeper.

There are a few "safe" areas where if a player dies, they will not lose any of their items:


When a player dies, they will respawn in one of eight possible locations. The default location is Lumbridge, but members can unlock seven more locations by completing certain actions and have one active at a time:

Earning experience

To earn experience in Hitpoints, a player has to fight, complete quests which reward Hitpoints experience or rub experience lamps.

When fighting, be it Melee, Ranged, or Magic, a player will earn Hitpoints experience whenever damage is dealt. For every Hitpoint of damage dealt, 1.33 experience points are given to the player's Hitpoints. However, a few monsters give greatly reduced experience due to their ability to regenerate (an exception to this being Monkey Guards from Ape Atoll).

Temporary boosts

Boost Level
Visibility Other info
1 Visible When the Hitpoints cape is equipped, the player's natural Hitpoints regeneration rate is doubled to 2 Hitpoints per minute instead of the natural rate of 1 Hitpoint per minute.
Bloody bracer 2 Visible Prayer Prayer - (CurrentLevel * 0.04) - 2
File:Guthix rest.png Guthix rest 5 Visible Also restores 5% of run energy and reduces venom to poison or reduces poison damage by 1.
Elidinis Statuette 7 Visible Requires completion of Spirits of the Elid.
Any lost Hitpoints are restored prior to the boost.
Fully restores prayer points and special attack.
10 Visible When wearing the amulet with the Guthan's set, the player is able to heal for up to 10 points above their maximum health.
Abidor Crank 15 Visible Only found in the Temple Trekking minigame.
File:Saradomin brew.png 3-16 Visible Defence Defence 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.2)
Hitpoints Hitpoints 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Magic Magic - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Ranged Ranged - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.1) - 2
Hitpoints can rise above base level with this boost.
Nectar 4-17 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 3 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.15)
Attack Attack - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 5
Defence Defence - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 5
Magic Magic - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 5
Ranged Ranged - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 5
Strength Strength - floor(CurrentLevel * 0.05) - 5
Only usable within the Tombs of Amascut
20 Visible Prayer Prayer 7 + (StaticLevel * 0.25)
Only usable within the Tombs of Amascut
3-22 Visible For details see Anglerfish.
Ambrosia 4-26 Visible Hitpoints Hitpoints 2 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.25)
Prayer Prayer 5 + floor(StaticLevel * 0.2)
Any lost Hitpoints or prayer points are fully restored prior to the boosts.
Only usable within the Tombs of Amascut


Quests requiring Hitpoints

Quest Hitpoints
Other skill requirements
Dragon Slayer II Hitpoints 50 Magic 75 , Smithing 70 , Mining 68 , Crafting 62 , Agility 60 , Thieving 60 , Construction 50

Quests rewarding Hitpoints experience

Quest Experience
Other requirements
A Soul's Bane 500 - -
In Search of the Myreque 600 - Agility 25
Nature Spirit 2,000 - Crafting 18
The Fremennik Trials 2,812 - Fletching 25 , Woodcutting 40 , Crafting 40 if crafting a lyre
Heroes' Quest 3,075 - Quest points 55 , Cooking 53 , Fishing 53 , Herblore 25 , Mining 50
Recipe for Disaster
(Sir Amik Varze subquest)
4,000 - Quest points 107
Grim Tales 5,000 - Farming 45 , Herblore 52 , Thieving 58 , Agility 59 , Woodcutting 71
Royal Trouble 5,000 - Agility 40 , Slayer 40
Witch's House 6,325 - -
Dream Mentor 15,000 - Agility 32 (boostable), Combat level 85 , Crafting 61 , Defence 40 , Firemaking 49 , Herblore 5 , Magic 65 , Mining 60 , Woodcutting 55
Camelot training room
20,000 - Magic 45 , Defence 65
Mourning's End Part I 25,000 - Ranged 60 , Thieving 50
Total 89,312

In addition, there is a chance that the Observatory Quest may award 875 Hitpoints Hitpoints experience.

Skill choice

Upon completing any of the following quests, players may choose to allocate experience to Hitpoints. These rewards usually come in the form of items, such as lamps or books, and are independent of any experience rewards directly received for completing the quest.

Skills availableSkill requirements
X Marks the Spot300AnyNone
Client of Kourend500 twiceAnyNone
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen2,500Any skill above 30Farming 49 , Herblore 57
A Tail of Two Cats2,500 twiceAny skill above 30None
The Great Brain Robbery5,000Any skill above 30Crafting 16 , Construction 30 , Prayer 50
King's Ransom5,000Any skill above 50Defence 65
Darkness of Hallowvale2,000 three timesAny skill above 30Construction 5 , Mining 20 , Thieving 22 , Crafting 32 , Magic 33 , Strength 40
A Taste of Hope2,500 three timesAny skill above 35Crafting 48 , Herblore 40 , Attack 40 , Agility 45 , Slayer 38
A Kingdom Divided10,000 twiceAny skill above 40Agility 54 , Thieving 52 , Woodcutting 52 , Herblore 50 , Mining 42 ,
Crafting 38 , Magic 35
In Search of Knowledge
10,000Any skill above 40None
Curse of the Empty Lord
10,000Any skill above 50Some players will need Prayer 31
Shadow of the Storm10,000Attack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Crafting 30
Contact!7,000 twiceAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints None
Dream Mentor15,000Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Agility 32 , Combat level 85 , Crafting 61 , Defence 40 , Firemaking 49 ,
Herblore 5 , Magic 65 , Mining 60 , Woodcutting 55
The Fremennik Isles10,000 twiceAttack Strength Defence Hitpoints Construction 20 , Agility 40
A Night at the Theatre20,000 four timesAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Combat level 90 recommended
One Small Favour10,000 twiceAny skill above 30Agility 36 , Crafting 25 , Herblore 18 , Smithing 30
Recipe for Disaster
(The final battle)
20,000Any skill above 50Quest points 175 , Cooking 70 , Agility 48 , Mining 50 , Fishing 53 ,
Thieving 53 , Herblore 25 , Magic 59 , Smithing 40 , Firemaking 50 ,
Ranged 40 , Crafting 40 , Fletching 10 , Slayer 10 , Woodcutting 36
Legends' Quest30,000 four timesAttack Strength Defence Magic Hitpoints Prayer
Woodcutting Crafting Smithing Herblore Agility Thieving
Quest points 107 , Agility 50 , Crafting 50 , Herblore 45 , Magic 56 , Mining 52 ,
Prayer 42 , Smithing 50 , Strength 50 , Thieving 50 , Woodcutting 50
Monkey Madness I35,000 & 20,000[sc 1]Attack Strength Defence Hitpoints None
Sins of the Father15,000 six timesAny skill above 60Woodcutting 62 , Fletching 60 , Crafting 56 , Agility 52 , Slayer 50 , Attack 50 , Magic 49
Dragon Slayer II25,000 four timesAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Quest points 200 , Magic 75 , Smithing 70 , Mining 68 , Crafting 62 ,
Agility 60 , Thieving 60 , Construction 50 , Hitpoints 50
Into the Tombs
50,000Attack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Combat level 95 recommended
Monkey Madness II50,000 twiceAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Slayer 69 , Crafting 70 , Hunter 60 , Agility 55 , Thieving 55 , Firemaking 60
Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire100,000 three timesAttack Strength Defence Magic Ranged Hitpoints Prayer Firemaking 75 , Magic 75 , Thieving 70 , Herblore 62 , Runecraft 60 , Construction 60
  1. ^ 35,000 experience is granted to the chosen pair of skills, and 20,000 is granted to the pair of skills not chosen.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:2 June 2016| |0}} {{#explode:2 June 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:2 June 2016| |2}}]]

Corrected the capitalization in the hitpoints skill guide.

[[{{#explode:15 December 2015| |0}} {{#explode:15 December 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:15 December 2015| |2}}]]
  • Anchovy Pizzas now have the correct placement in the HP skill guide.
  • Sea turtles now state the correct healing amount in the HP skill guide.
[[{{#explode:10 December 2015| |0}} {{#explode:10 December 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 December 2015| |2}}]]

The Hitpoints skill guide now includes a list of food and how many Hitpoints each type of food heals.

[[{{#explode:15 January 2015| |0}} {{#explode:15 January 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:15 January 2015| |2}}]]

The Hitpoints skill guide now mentions venom.

[[{{#explode:17 December 2013| |0}} {{#explode:17 December 2013| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:17 December 2013| |2}}]]

The health-bars that appear during combat should now always show at least one pixel of green whenever the player or NPC has some health left; you should no longer see a completely red health-bar until their health reaches zero.


  • In RuneScape Classic, all players started with level ten Hits and 1,000 experience - slightly fewer experience than would be required for level ten in all other skills. When RuneScape 2 was released, accounts that had not gained the Hits experience needed to reach level ten or higher had their Hitpoints stat "corrected" to level nine. The only way to have level nine Hitpoints was to have created an account prior to the release of RuneScape 2 and not to have trained the Hitpoints skill since. The minimum combat level is still three for those players. However, since all accounts in Old School RuneScape start fresh, no player in Old School has nine Hitpoints.
  • Also in Classic, botters and rulebreakers were punished by having all their stats reset to one, resulting in a Hits level of one. This created level one accounts, which still exist in RuneScape today.

See also